Interface IAeroMapper

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public interface IAeroMapper
extends IBaseAeroMapper
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    <T> VirtualList<T> asBackedList​(@NotNull Class<?> owningClazz, @NotNull Object key, @NotNull String binName, Class<T> elementClazz)
    Create a virtual list against an attribute on a class.
    <T> VirtualList<T> asBackedList​(@NotNull Object object, @NotNull String binName, Class<T> elementClazz)
    Create a virtual list against an attribute on a class.
    <T> boolean delete​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object userKey)
    Delete a record by specifying a class and a user key.
    boolean delete​(@NotNull Object object)
    Delete a record by specifying an object.
    <T> boolean delete​(com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy writePolicy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object userKey)
    Delete a record by specifying a write policy, a class and a user key.
    boolean delete​(com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy writePolicy, @NotNull Object object)
    Delete a record by specifying a write policy and an object.
    <T> void find​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, Function<T,​Boolean> function)
    Find a record by specifying a class and a Boolean function.
    com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient getClient()  
    <T> void query​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Processor<T> processor, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
    Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy.
    <T> List<T> query​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
    Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.
    <T> void query​(com.aerospike.client.policy.QueryPolicy policy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Processor<T> processor, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
    Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy.
    <T> List<T> query​(com.aerospike.client.policy.QueryPolicy policy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
    Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.
    <T> T read​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object userKey)
    Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class.
    <T> T[] read​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object[] userKeys)
    Read a batch of records from the repository and map them to an instance of the passed class.
    <T> T[] read​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object[] userKeys, com.aerospike.client.Operation... operations)
    Read a batch of records from the repository using read operations in one batch call and map them to an instance of the passed class.
    <T> T read​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object userKey, boolean resolveDependencies)
    This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    <T> T[] read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.BatchPolicy batchPolicy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object[] userKeys)
    Read a batch of records from the repository and map them to an instance of the passed class.
    <T> T[] read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.BatchPolicy batchPolicy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object[] userKeys, com.aerospike.client.Operation... operations)
    Read a batch of records from the repository using read operations in one batch call and map them to an instance of the passed class.
    <T> T read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object userKey)
    Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class.
    <T> T read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Object userKey, boolean resolveDependencies)
    This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    <T> T readFromDigest​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest)
    Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class, by providing a digest.
    <T> T readFromDigest​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest, boolean resolveDependencies)
    This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    <T> T readFromDigest​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest)
    Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class, by providing a digest.
    <T> T readFromDigest​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest, boolean resolveDependencies)
    This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    void save​(@NotNull com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy writePolicy, @NotNull Object object, String... binNames)
    Save an object in the database with the given WritePolicy.
    void save​(@NotNull Object... objects)
    Save each object in the database.
    void save​(@NotNull Object object, String... binNames)
    Save an object in the database.
    <T> List<T> scan​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz)
    Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.
    <T> void scan​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Processor<T> processor)
    Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class.
    <T> void scan​(@NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Processor<T> processor, int recordsPerSecond)
    Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class, limiting the throughput to the specified recordsPerSecond.
    <T> List<T> scan​(com.aerospike.client.policy.ScanPolicy policy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz)
    Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class using a provided ScanPolicy and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.
    <T> void scan​(com.aerospike.client.policy.ScanPolicy policy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Processor<T> processor)
    Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class.
    <T> void scan​(com.aerospike.client.policy.ScanPolicy policy, @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull Processor<T> processor, int recordsPerSecond)
    Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class.
    void update​(@NotNull Object object, String... binNames)
    Updates the object in the database, merging the record with the existing record.

    Methods inherited from interface

    asMapper, getBatchPolicy, getMappingConverter, getQueryPolicy, getReadPolicy, getScanPolicy, getWritePolicy
  • Method Details

    • save

      void save​(@NotNull @NotNull Object... objects)
      Save each object in the database. This method will perform a REPLACE on the existing record so any existing data will be overwritten by the data in the passed object. This is a convenience method for
      Not that no transactionality is implied by this method -- if any of the save methods fail, the exception will be thrown without trying the other objects, nor attempting to roll back previously saved objects
      objects - One or two objects to save.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • save

      void save​(@NotNull @NotNull Object object, String... binNames)
      Save an object in the database. This method will perform a REPLACE on the existing record so any existing data will be overwritten by the data in the passed object
      object - The object to save.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • save

      void save​(@NotNull @NotNull com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy writePolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Object object, String... binNames)
      Save an object in the database with the given WritePolicy. This write policy will override any other set writePolicy so is effectively an upsert operation
      writePolicy - The write policy for the save operation.
      object - The object to save.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • update

      void update​(@NotNull @NotNull Object object, String... binNames)
      Updates the object in the database, merging the record with the existing record. This uses the RecordExistsAction of UPDATE. If bins are specified, only bins with the passed names will be updated (or all of them if null is passed)
      object - The object to update.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • readFromDigest

      <T> T readFromDigest​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest)
      Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class, by providing a digest.
      clazz - - The type of the record.
      digest - - The Aerospike digest (Unique server hash value generated from set name and user key).
      The returned mapped record.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • readFromDigest

      <T> T readFromDigest​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest, boolean resolveDependencies)
      This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    • readFromDigest

      <T> T readFromDigest​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest)
      Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class, by providing a digest.
      readPolicy - - The read policy for the read operation.
      clazz - - The type of the record.
      digest - - The Aerospike digest (Unique server hash value generated from set name and user key).
      The returned mapped record.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • readFromDigest

      <T> T readFromDigest​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull byte[] digest, boolean resolveDependencies)
      This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    • read

      <T> T read​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object userKey)
      Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class.
      clazz - - The type of be returned.
      userKey - - The key of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      The returned mapped record.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • read

      <T> T read​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object userKey, boolean resolveDependencies)
      This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    • read

      <T> T read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object userKey)
      Read a record from the repository and map it to an instance of the passed class.
      readPolicy - - The read policy for the read operation.
      clazz - - The type of be returned.
      userKey - - The key of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      The returned mapped record.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • read

      <T> T read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.Policy readPolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object userKey, boolean resolveDependencies)
      This method should not be used: It is used by mappers to correctly resolved dependencies.
    • read

      <T> T[] read​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object[] userKeys)
      Read a batch of records from the repository and map them to an instance of the passed class.
      clazz - - The type of be returned.
      userKeys - - The keys of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      The returned mapped records.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • read

      <T> T[] read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.BatchPolicy batchPolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object[] userKeys)
      Read a batch of records from the repository and map them to an instance of the passed class.
      batchPolicy - A given batch policy.
      clazz - - The type of be returned.
      userKeys - - The keys of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      The returned mapped records.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • read

      <T> T[] read​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object[] userKeys, com.aerospike.client.Operation... operations)
      Read a batch of records from the repository using read operations in one batch call and map them to an instance of the passed class.
      clazz - - The type of be returned.
      userKeys - - The keys of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      operations - - array of read operations on record.
      The returned mapped records.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • read

      <T> T[] read​(com.aerospike.client.policy.BatchPolicy batchPolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object[] userKeys, com.aerospike.client.Operation... operations)
      Read a batch of records from the repository using read operations in one batch call and map them to an instance of the passed class.
      batchPolicy - A given batch policy.
      clazz - - The type of be returned.
      userKeys - - The keys of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      operations - - array of read operations on record.
      The returned mapped records.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • delete

      <T> boolean delete​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object userKey)
      Delete a record by specifying a class and a user key.
      clazz - - The type of the record.
      userKey - - The key of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      whether record existed on server before deletion
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • delete

      <T> boolean delete​(com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy writePolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object userKey)
      Delete a record by specifying a write policy, a class and a user key.
      writePolicy - - The write policy for the delete operation.
      clazz - - The type of the record.
      userKey - - The key of the record. The namespace and set will be derived from the values specified on the passed class.
      whether record existed on server before deletion
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • delete

      boolean delete​(@NotNull @NotNull Object object)
      Delete a record by specifying an object.
      object - The object to delete.
      whether record existed on server before deletion
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • delete

      boolean delete​(com.aerospike.client.policy.WritePolicy writePolicy, @NotNull @NotNull Object object)
      Delete a record by specifying a write policy and an object.
      writePolicy - - The write policy for the delete operation.
      object - The object to delete.
      whether record existed on server before deletion
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • find

      <T> void find​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, Function<T,​Boolean> function)
      Find a record by specifying a class and a Boolean function.
      clazz - - The type of the record.
      function - a Boolean function.
      com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException - an AerospikeException will be thrown in case of an error.
    • scan

      <T> void scan​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Processor<T> processor)
      Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class. Each record will be converted to the appropriate class then passed to the processor. If the processor returns true, more records will be processed and if the processor returns false, the scan is aborted.

      Depending on the ScanPolicy set up for this class, it is possible for the processor to be called by multiple different threads concurrently, so the processor should be thread-safe

      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      processor - - the Processor used to process each record
    • scan

      <T> void scan​(com.aerospike.client.policy.ScanPolicy policy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Processor<T> processor)
      Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class. Each record will be converted to the appropriate class then passed to the processor. If the processor returns true, more records will be processed and if the processor returns false, the scan is aborted.

      Depending on the policy passed or set as the ScanPolicy for this class, it is possible for the processor to be called by multiple different threads concurrently, so the processor should be thread-safe. Note that as a consequence of this, if the processor returns false to abort the scan there is a chance that records are being concurrently processed in other threads and this processing will not be interrupted.

      policy - - the scan policy to use. If this is null, the default scan policy of the passed class will be used.
      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      processor - - the Processor used to process each record
    • scan

      <T> void scan​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Processor<T> processor, int recordsPerSecond)
      Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class, limiting the throughput to the specified recordsPerSecond. Each record will be converted to the appropriate class then passed to the processor. If the processor returns true, more records will be processed and if the processor returns false, the scan is aborted.

      Depending on the ScanPolicy set up for this class, it is possible for the processor to be called by multiple different threads concurrently, so the processor should be thread-safe

      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      processor - - the Processor used to process each record
      recordsPerSecond - - the maximum number of records to be processed every second.
    • scan

      <T> void scan​(com.aerospike.client.policy.ScanPolicy policy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Processor<T> processor, int recordsPerSecond)
      Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class. Each record will be converted to the appropriate class then passed to the processor. If the processor returns true, more records will be processed and if the processor returns false, the scan is aborted.

      Depending on the policy passed or set as the ScanPolicy for this class, it is possible for the processor to be called by multiple different threads concurrently, so the processor should be thread-safe. Note that as a consequence of this, if the processor returns false to abort the scan there is a chance that records are being concurrently processed in other threads and this processing will not be interrupted.

      policy - - the scan policy to use. If this is null, the default scan policy of the passed class will be used.
      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      processor - - the Processor used to process each record
      recordsPerSecond - - the number of records to process per second. Set to 0 for unlimited, > 0 for a finite rate, < 0 for no change (use the value from the passed policy)
    • scan

      <T> List<T> scan​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz)
      Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.
      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
    • scan

      <T> List<T> scan​(com.aerospike.client.policy.ScanPolicy policy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz)
      Scan every record in the set associated with the passed class using a provided ScanPolicy and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.
      policy - - the scan policy to use. If this is null, the default scan policy of the passed class will be used.
      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
    • query

      <T> void query​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Processor<T> processor, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
      Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy. Each record will be converted to the appropriate class then passed to the processor. If the processor returns false the query is aborted whereas if the processor returns true subsequent records (if any) are processed.

      The query policy used will be the one associated with the passed classtype.

      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      processor - - the Processor used to process each record
      filter - - the filter used to determine which secondary index to use. If this filter is null, every record in the set associated with the passed classtype will be scanned, effectively turning the query into a scan
    • query

      <T> void query​(com.aerospike.client.policy.QueryPolicy policy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, @NotNull @NotNull Processor<T> processor, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
      Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy. Each record will be converted to the appropriate class then passed to the processor. If the processor returns false the query is aborted whereas if the processor returns true subsequent records (if any) are processed.
      policy - - The query policy to use. If this parameter is not passed, the query policy associated with the passed classtype will be used
      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      processor - - the Processor used to process each record
      filter - - the filter used to determine which secondary index to use. If this filter is null, every record in the set associated with the passed classtype will be scanned, effectively turning the query into a scan
    • query

      <T> List<T> query​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
      Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.

      The query policy used will be the one associated with the passed classtype.

      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      filter - - the filter used to determine which secondary index to use. If this filter is null, every record in the set associated with the passed classtype will be scanned, effectively turning the query into a scan
      List of records converted to the appropriate class
    • query

      <T> List<T> query​(com.aerospike.client.policy.QueryPolicy policy, @NotNull @NotNull Class<T> clazz, com.aerospike.client.query.Filter filter)
      Perform a secondary index query with the specified query policy and returns the list of records converted to the appropriate class.
      policy - - The query policy to use. If this parameter is not passed, the query policy associated with the passed classtype will be used
      clazz - - the class used to determine which set to scan and to convert the returned records to.
      filter - - the filter used to determine which secondary index to use. If this filter is null, every record in the set associated with the passed classtype will be scanned, effectively turning the query into a scan
      List of records converted to the appropriate class
    • asBackedList

      <T> VirtualList<T> asBackedList​(@NotNull @NotNull Object object, @NotNull @NotNull String binName, Class<T> elementClazz)
      Create a virtual list against an attribute on a class. The list does all operations to the database and does not affect the underlying class, and is useful for situation when operations are needed to affect the database without having to return all the elements on the list each time.

      For example, consider a set of transactions associated with a credit card. Common operations might be

      • Return the last N transactions
      • insert a new transaction into the list
      These operation can all be done without having the full set of transactions
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the elements in the list.
      object - The object that will use as a base for the virtual list.
      binName - The Aerospike bin name.
      elementClazz - The class of the elements in the list.
      A virtual list.
    • asBackedList

      <T> VirtualList<T> asBackedList​(@NotNull @NotNull Class<?> owningClazz, @NotNull @NotNull Object key, @NotNull @NotNull String binName, Class<T> elementClazz)
      Create a virtual list against an attribute on a class. The list does all operations to the database and does not affect the underlying class, and is useful for situation when operations are needed to affect the database without having to return all the elements on the list each time.

      Note that the object being mapped does not need to actually exist in this case. The owning class is used purely for the definitions of how to map the list elements (are they to be mapped in the database as a list or a map, is each element a list or a map, etc), as well as using the namespace / set definition for the location to map into the database. The passed key is used to map the object to the database.

      For example, consider a set of transactions associated with a credit card. Common operations might be

      • Return the last N transactions
      • insert a new transaction into the list
      These operation can all be done without having the full set of transactions
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the elements in the list.
      owningClazz - Used for the definitions of how to map the list elements.
      key - The key to map the object to the database.
      binName - The Aerospike bin name.
      elementClazz - The class of the elements in the list.
      A virtual list.
    • getClient

      com.aerospike.client.IAerospikeClient getClient()