Interface AerospikeRepository<T,ID>

All Superinterfaces:
CrudRepository<T,ID>, PagingAndSortingRepository<T,ID>, Repository<T,ID>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AerospikeRepository<T,ID> extends PagingAndSortingRepository<T,ID>, CrudRepository<T,ID>
Aerospike specific Repository.
Oliver Gierke, Peter Milne, Jean Mercier
  • Method Details

    • createIndex

      <E> void createIndex(Class<E> domainType, String indexName, String binName, com.aerospike.client.query.IndexType indexType)
      Create an index with the specified name.
      domainType - The class to extract the Aerospike set from. Must not be null
      indexName - The index name. Must not be null
      binName - The bin name to create the index on. Must not be null
      indexType - The type of the index. Must not be null
    • deleteIndex

      <E> void deleteIndex(Class<E> domainType, String indexName)
      Delete an index with the specified name.
      domainType - The class to extract the Aerospike set from. Must not be null.
      indexName - The index name. Must not be null.
    • indexExists

      boolean indexExists(String indexName)
      Checks whether an index with the specified name exists in Aerospike.
      indexName - The Aerospike index name.
      true if exists