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ABTest - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
ABTest() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
ABTestConfiguration - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
A/B test configuration.
ABTestConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
AbtestingClient - Class in com.algolia.api
AbtestingClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
AbtestingClient(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
AbtestingClient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
AbtestingClient(String, String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
ABTestResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
ABTestResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
AbTestsVariant - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
AbTestsVariant() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
AbTestsVariantSearchParams - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
AbTestsVariantSearchParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
Acl - Enum Class in
Access control list permissions.
ACL_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
Action - Enum Class in
Type of indexing operation.
ACTION - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
ActionType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Action to perform on the Algolia index.
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
ADD_API_KEY_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
ADD_ENTRY - Enum constant in enum class
ADD_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
ADD_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
ADD_RECORD_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
ADD_TO_CART - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.AddToCartEvent
ADD_TO_CART_RATE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
ADD_UNIQUE - Enum constant in enum class
addAbtests(ABTest) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
addABTests(AddABTestsRequest) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Creates a new A/B test.
addABTests(AddABTestsRequest, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Creates a new A/B test.
addABTestsAsync(AddABTestsRequest) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new A/B test.
addABTestsAsync(AddABTestsRequest, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new A/B test.
AddABTestsRequest - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
AddABTestsRequest() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
AddABTestsVariant - Interface in com.algolia.model.abtesting
AddABTestsVariant.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
addAcl(Acl) - Method in class
addAcl(Acl) - Method in class
addActions(MappingKitAction) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class
addAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(AdvancedSyntaxFeatures) - Method in class
addAlgoliaAgentSegment(AlgoliaAgent.Segment) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
addAlgoliaAgentSegment(String) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
addAlgoliaAgentSegment(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
addAlgoliaAgentSegments(List<AlgoliaAgent.Segment>) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class
addAlternativesAsExact(AlternativesAsExact) - Method in class
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class
addAnalyticsTags(String) - Method in class
addApiKey(ApiKey) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Creates a new API key with specific permissions and restrictions.
addApiKey(ApiKey, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Creates a new API key with specific permissions and restrictions.
addApiKeyAsync(ApiKey) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new API key with specific permissions and restrictions.
addApiKeyAsync(ApiKey, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new API key with specific permissions and restrictions.
AddApiKeyResponse - Class in
AddApiKeyResponse() - Constructor for class
addAttributes(GetTopFilterAttribute) - Method in class
addAttributesForFaceting(String) - Method in class
addAttributesForFaceting(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToExclude(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToHighlight(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToRetrieve(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToSnippet(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToTransliterate(String) - Method in class
addAttributesToTransliterate(String) - Method in class
addAuthenticationIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSearch
addAuthentications(Authentication) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
addAutomaticFacetFilters(AutoFacetFilter) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
addCamelCaseAttributes(String) - Method in class
addCamelCaseAttributes(String) - Method in class
addCategory(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
addClickPositions(ClickPositionsInner) - Method in class
addClickPositions(ClickPositionsInner) - Method in class
addConditions(Condition) - Method in class
addCorrections(String) - Method in class
addCountries(TopCountry) - Method in class
addCountries(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
addCurrencies(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
addCurrencies(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
addCustomFields(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class
addCustomRanking(String) - Method in class
addDates(DailyAddToCartRates) - Method in class
addDates(DailyAverageClicks) - Method in class
addDates(DailyClickThroughRates) - Method in class
addDates(DailyConversionRates) - Method in class
addDates(DailyNoClickRates) - Method in class
addDates(DailyNoResultsRates) - Method in class
addDates(DailyPurchaseRates) - Method in class
addDates(DailyRevenue) - Method in class
addDates(DailySearches) - Method in class
addDates(DailyUsers) - Method in class
addDecomposition(String) - Method in class
addDefaultHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
addDestinationIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSearch
addDestinations(Destination) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableExactOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisablePrefixOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisablePrefixOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnWords(String) - Method in class
addDisableTypoToleranceOnWords(String) - Method in class
addEdits(Edit) - Method in class
AddedToCartObjectIDs - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users add items to their shopping cart unrelated to a previous Algolia request.
AddedToCartObjectIDs() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users add items to their shopping cart after a previous Algolia request.
AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
addErrors(GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
addEvents(Event) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
addEvents(EventsItems) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.InsightsEvents
addEventScoring(EventScoring) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
addEventSources(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SemanticSearch
addEventSources(String) - Method in class
addExclude(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
addExclude(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
addExclude(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
addExternal(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
addExtraHeader(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
addExtraQueryParameters(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
addFacetHits(FacetHits) - Method in class
addFacets(Facet) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
addFacets(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
addFacets(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
addFacets(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addFacets(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addFacets(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addFacets(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
addFacets(String) - Method in class
addFacets(String) - Method in class
addFacets(String) - Method in class
addFacets(String) - Method in class
addFacets(String) - Method in class
addFacets(String) - Method in class
addFacets(String) - Method in class
addFacetScoring(FacetScoring) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
addFieldDirectives(MappingFieldDirective) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
addFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
addFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
addFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
addGenerate(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
addHeader(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
addHeaders(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
addHide(HideConsequenceObject) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
addHide(ConsequenceHide) - Method in class
addHits(TopHit) - Method in class
addHits(TopHitWithAnalytics) - Method in class
addHits(TopHitWithRevenueAnalytics) - Method in class
addHits(RecommendationsHit) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHits
addHits(RecommendationsHit) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
addHits(RecommendRule) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
addHits(DictionaryEntry) - Method in class
addHits(Rule) - Method in class
addHits(SynonymHit) - Method in class
addHits(UserHit) - Method in class
addHits(T) - Method in class
addHits(T) - Method in class
addHits(T) - Method in class
addIndex(RedirectRuleIndexMetadata) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Redirect
addIndex(RedirectRuleIndexMetadata) - Method in class
addIndexes(String) - Method in class
addIndexes(String) - Method in class
addIndexLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addIndexLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addInnerQueries(LogQuery) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsideBoundingBox(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInsidePolygon(List<Double>) - Method in class
addInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester.Builder
Adds an interceptor to the OkHttp client.
addInventory(Server) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InventoryResponse
addInventory(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
addItems(FetchedIndex) - Method in class
addKeys(GetApiKeyResponse) - Method in class
addLocales(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
addLocales(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
addLocales(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
addLogs(Log) - Method in class
addMatchedWords(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
addMatchedWords(String) - Method in class
addMetafields(ShopifyMetafield) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addNaturalLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addNetworkInterceptor(Interceptor) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester.Builder
Adds a network interceptor to the OkHttp client.
addNumericAttributesForFiltering(String) - Method in class
addNumericAttributesForFiltering(String) - Method in class
addObjectData(ObjectData) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
addObjectData(ObjectData) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
addObjectData(ObjectDataAfterSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
addObjectData(ObjectDataAfterSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class
addObjectIDs(String) - Method in class
addOptionalFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class
addOptionalWords(String) - Method in class
addOrder(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Facets
addOrder(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
addOrder(String) - Method in class
addOrder(String) - Method in class
addOrUpdateObject(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a record with the specified object ID exists, the existing record is replaced.
addOrUpdateObject(String, String, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a record with the specified object ID exists, the existing record is replaced.
addOrUpdateObjectAsync(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a record with the specified object ID exists, the existing record is replaced.
addOrUpdateObjectAsync(String, String, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a record with the specified object ID exists, the existing record is replaced.
addPosition(Integer) - Method in class
addPositions(ClickPositionsInner) - Method in class
addPositions(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
addPrice(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
addProductMetafields(BigCommerceMetafield) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
addPromote(PromoteConsequenceObject) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
addPromote(Promote) - Method in class
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addQueryLanguages(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
addQueryParameter(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
addQueryParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
addRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addRanking(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addRanking(String) - Method in class
addRanking(String) - Method in class
addRanking(String) - Method in class
addRanking(String) - Method in class
addRanking(String) - Method in class
addRanking(String) - Method in class
addRanking(String) - Method in class
addReferers(String) - Method in class
addReferers(String) - Method in class
addRemove(String) - Method in class
addReplacements(String) - Method in class
addReplicas(String) - Method in class
addReplicas(String) - Method in class
addReplicas(String) - Method in class
addRequests(RecommendationsRequest) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsParams
addRequests(BatchDictionaryEntriesRequest) - Method in class
addRequests(BatchRequest) - Method in class
addRequests(GetObjectsRequest) - Method in class
addRequests(MultipleBatchRequest) - Method in class
addRequests(SearchQuery) - Method in class
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class
addResponseFields(String) - Method in class
addRestrictIndices(String) - Method in class
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addRestrictSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addResults(RecommendationsResults) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsResponse
addResults(SearchResult<T>) - Method in class
addResults(T) - Method in class
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class
addRuleContexts(String) - Method in class
addRuns(Run) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
addScope(ScopeType) - Method in class
addSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addSearchableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addSearches(DailySearchesNoClicks) - Method in class
addSearches(DailySearchesNoResults) - Method in class
addSearches(TopSearch) - Method in class
addSearches(TopSearchWithAnalytics) - Method in class
addSearches(TopSearchWithRevenueAnalytics) - Method in class
addSegment(AlgoliaAgent.Segment) - Method in class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent
addSegments(List<AlgoliaAgent.Segment>) - Method in class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent
addSourceIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSearch
addSourceIndices(SourceIndex) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
addSourceIndices(SourceIndex) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
addSourceIndices(SourceIndex) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
addSources(Source) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
addStatistics(GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200Response
addStoreKeys(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
addStoreKeys(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
addStreams(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceStreams
addSynonyms(String) - Method in class
addTaskIDs(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSearch
addTasks(Task) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
AddToCartEvent - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Gets or Sets AddToCartEvent
addTopUsers(String) - Method in class
addTopUsers(Map<String, List<UserId>>) - Method in class
addUnretrievableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addUnretrievableAttributes(String) - Method in class
addUserIDs(UserId) - Method in class
addUsers(String) - Method in class
addValidity(TimeRange) - Method in class
addValues(GetTopFilterForAttribute) - Method in class
addValues(GetTopFiltersNoResultsValue) - Method in class
addValues(GetTopFiltersNoResultsValues) - Method in class
addVariantMetafields(BigCommerceMetafield) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
addVariants(AddABTestsVariant) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
addVariants(Variant) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
addWords(String) - Method in class
AdvancedSyntaxFeatures - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Gets or Sets advancedSyntaxFeatures
AdvancedSyntaxFeatures - Enum Class in
Gets or Sets advancedSyntaxFeatures
AF - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
AF - Enum constant in enum class
AIRBYTE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
ALGOLIA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
ALGOLIA_INSIGHTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
AlgoliaAgent - Class in com.algolia.config
AlgoliaAgent(String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent
AlgoliaAgent.Segment - Class in com.algolia.config
AlgoliaApiException - Exception in com.algolia.exceptions
Exception thrown in case of API failure such as 4XX, 5XX error.
AlgoliaApiException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaApiException
AlgoliaApiException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaApiException
AlgoliaApiException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaApiException
AlgoliaClientException - Exception in com.algolia.exceptions
Exception thrown when an error occurs during API requests.
AlgoliaClientException(String) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaClientException
AlgoliaClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaClientException
AlgoliaClientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaClientException
AlgoliaIterableHelper - Class in com.algolia.utils
AlgoliaRequestException - Exception in com.algolia.exceptions
Represents a retryable exception (4XX).
AlgoliaRequestException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRequestException
AlgoliaRequestException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRequestException
AlgoliaRequestException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRequestException
AlgoliaResponseException - Exception in com.algolia.exceptions
Exception thrown in case of API failure such as 4XX, 5XX error.
AlgoliaResponseException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaResponseException
AlgoliaResponseException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaResponseException
AlgoliaResponseException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaResponseException
AlgoliaRetriesExceededException - Exception in com.algolia.exceptions
Exception thrown when an error occurs during the waitForTask strategy.
AlgoliaRetriesExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRetriesExceededException
AlgoliaRetriesExceededException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRetriesExceededException
AlgoliaRetriesExceededException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRetriesExceededException
AlgoliaRetryException - Exception in com.algolia.exceptions
Exception thrown when an error occurs during the retry strategy.
AlgoliaRetryException(List<Throwable>) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRetryException
AlgoliaRuntimeException - Exception in com.algolia.exceptions
Exception thrown when an error occurs during the Serialization/Deserialization process
AlgoliaRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRuntimeException
AlgoliaRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRuntimeException
AlgoliaRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRuntimeException
ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadiusAll
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
ALL_OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
ALL_OPTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class
ALTCORRECTION_1 - Enum constant in enum class
ALTCORRECTION_2 - Enum constant in enum class
AlternativesAsExact - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Gets or Sets alternativesAsExact
AlternativesAsExact - Enum Class in
Gets or Sets alternativesAsExact
ANALYTICS - Enum constant in enum class
AnalyticsClient - Class in com.algolia.api
AnalyticsClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
AnalyticsClient(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
AnalyticsClient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
AnalyticsClient(String, String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Anchoring - Enum Class in
Which part of the search query the pattern should match: - `startsWith`.
API_KEY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
ApiClient - Class in com.algolia
Represents a base client for making API requests.
ApiClient(String, String, String, ClientOptions, List<Host>) - Constructor for class com.algolia.ApiClient
Constructs a new instance of the ApiClient.
ApiKey - Class in
API key object.
ApiKey() - Constructor for class
ApiKeyOperation - Enum Class in
Gets or Sets apiKeyOperation
APPEND - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
appendSource(Source) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds a source to the list of allowed sources.
appendSource(Source, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds a source to the list of allowed sources.
appendSourceAsync(Source) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds a source to the list of allowed sources.
appendSourceAsync(Source, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds a source to the list of allowed sources.
AppID - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
AppID() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.AppID
APPLY - Enum constant in enum class
AR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
AR - Enum constant in enum class
AroundPrecision - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Precision of a coordinate-based search in meters to group results with similar distances.
AroundPrecision - Interface in
Precision of a coordinate-based search in meters to group results with similar distances.
AroundPrecision.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
AroundPrecision.Deserializer - Class in
AroundPrecision.IntegerWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
AroundPrecision.IntegerWrapper - Class in
AroundPrecision.ListOfAroundPrecisionFromValueInnerWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
AroundPrecision.ListOfAroundPrecisionFromValueInnerWrapper - Class in
AroundPrecisionFromValueInner - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Range object with lower and upper values in meters to define custom ranges.
AroundPrecisionFromValueInner - Class in
Range object with lower and upper values in meters to define custom ranges.
AroundPrecisionFromValueInner() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
AroundPrecisionFromValueInner() - Constructor for class
AroundRadius - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Maximum radius for a search around a central location.
AroundRadius - Interface in
Maximum radius for a search around a central location.
AroundRadius.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
AroundRadius.Deserializer - Class in
AroundRadius.IntegerWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
AroundRadius.IntegerWrapper - Class in
AroundRadiusAll - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Return all records with a valid `_geoloc` attribute.
AroundRadiusAll - Enum Class in
Return all records with a valid `_geoloc` attribute.
ASC - Enum constant in enum class
ASC - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OrderKeys
assignUserId(String, AssignUserIdParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Assigns or moves a user ID to a cluster.
assignUserId(String, AssignUserIdParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Assigns or moves a user ID to a cluster.
assignUserIdAsync(String, AssignUserIdParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Assigns or moves a user ID to a cluster.
assignUserIdAsync(String, AssignUserIdParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Assigns or moves a user ID to a cluster.
AssignUserIdParams - Class in
Assign userID parameters.
AssignUserIdParams() - Constructor for class
ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class
AttributeToUpdate - Interface in
AttributeToUpdate.Deserializer - Class in
AttributeToUpdate.StringWrapper - Class in
AU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
AUTH_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
AuthAlgolia - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with Algolia.
AuthAlgolia() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
AuthAlgoliaInsights - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with the Algolia Insights API.
AuthAlgoliaInsights() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with the Algolia Insights API.
AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
AuthAlgoliaPartial - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with Algolia.
AuthAlgoliaPartial() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
AuthAPIKey - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with an API key.
AuthAPIKey() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKey
AuthAPIKeyPartial - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with an API key.
AuthAPIKeyPartial() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKeyPartial
AuthBasic - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with user name and password.
AuthBasic() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
AuthBasicPartial - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with user name and password.
AuthBasicPartial() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
Authentication - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Resource representing the information required to authenticate with a source or a destination.
Authentication() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
AuthenticationCreate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Request body for creating a new authentication resource.
AuthenticationCreate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
AuthenticationCreateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API response for the successful creation of an authentication resource.
AuthenticationCreateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
AuthenticationSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Request body for searching for authentication resources.
AuthenticationSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSearch
AuthenticationSortKeys - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Property by which to sort the list of authentication resources.
AuthenticationType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Type of authentication.
AuthenticationUpdate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Request body for updating an authentication resource.
AuthenticationUpdate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
AuthenticationUpdateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API response for a successful update of an authentication resource.
AuthenticationUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
AuthGoogleServiceAccount - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with a Google service account, such as BigQuery.
AuthGoogleServiceAccount() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with a Google service account, such as BigQuery.
AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
AuthInput - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
AuthInput.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
AuthInputPartial - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
AuthInputPartial.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
AuthInterceptor - Class in com.algolia.internal.interceptors
AuthInterceptor(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.AuthInterceptor
AuthOAuth - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with OAuth 2.0.
AuthOAuth() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
AuthOAuthPartial - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Credentials for authenticating with OAuth 2.0.
AuthOAuthPartial() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
AutoFacetFilter - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Facet attribute.
AutoFacetFilter() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
AutomaticFacetFilter - Class in
Filter or optional filter to be applied to the search.
AutomaticFacetFilter() - Constructor for class
AutomaticFacetFilters - Interface in
Filter to be applied to the search.
AutomaticFacetFilters.Deserializer - Class in
AutomaticFacetFilters.ListOfAutomaticFacetFilterWrapper - Class in
AutomaticFacetFilters.ListOfStringWrapper - Class in
AVERAGE_CLICK_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class
AVG_BUILD_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
AVG_PROCESSING_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
AVG_USED_SEARCH_CAPACITY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
await(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class com.algolia.exceptions.LaunderThrowable
Performs a get() on the asynchronous method.
AZ - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
AZ - Enum constant in enum class


BaseGetApiKeyResponse - Class in
BaseGetApiKeyResponse() - Constructor for class
BaseIndexSettings - Class in
BaseIndexSettings() - Constructor for class
BaseRecommendRequest - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
BaseRecommendRequest() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
BaseResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
BaseResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
BaseSearchParams - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
BaseSearchParams - Class in
BaseSearchParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
BaseSearchParams() - Constructor for class
BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery - Class in
BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery() - Constructor for class
BaseSearchResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
BaseSearchResponse - Class in
BaseSearchResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
BaseSearchResponse() - Constructor for class
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.LogLevel
Logs request and response lines.
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
batch(String, BatchWriteParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds, updates, or deletes records in one index with a single API request.
batch(String, BatchWriteParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds, updates, or deletes records in one index with a single API request.
BATCH_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
BATCH_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
BATCH_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
batchAssignUserIds(String, BatchAssignUserIdsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Assigns multiple user IDs to a cluster.
batchAssignUserIds(String, BatchAssignUserIdsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Assigns multiple user IDs to a cluster.
batchAssignUserIdsAsync(String, BatchAssignUserIdsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Assigns multiple user IDs to a cluster.
batchAssignUserIdsAsync(String, BatchAssignUserIdsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Assigns multiple user IDs to a cluster.
BatchAssignUserIdsParams - Class in
Assign userID parameters.
BatchAssignUserIdsParams() - Constructor for class
batchAsync(String, BatchWriteParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds, updates, or deletes records in one index with a single API request.
batchAsync(String, BatchWriteParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds, updates, or deletes records in one index with a single API request.
batchDictionaryEntries(DictionaryType, BatchDictionaryEntriesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds or deletes multiple entries from your plurals, segmentation, or stop word dictionaries.
batchDictionaryEntries(DictionaryType, BatchDictionaryEntriesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds or deletes multiple entries from your plurals, segmentation, or stop word dictionaries.
batchDictionaryEntriesAsync(DictionaryType, BatchDictionaryEntriesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds or deletes multiple entries from your plurals, segmentation, or stop word dictionaries.
batchDictionaryEntriesAsync(DictionaryType, BatchDictionaryEntriesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds or deletes multiple entries from your plurals, segmentation, or stop word dictionaries.
BatchDictionaryEntriesParams - Class in
Request body for updating dictionary entries.
BatchDictionaryEntriesParams() - Constructor for class
BatchDictionaryEntriesRequest - Class in
BatchDictionaryEntriesRequest() - Constructor for class
BatchParams - Class in
Batch parameters.
BatchParams() - Constructor for class
BatchRequest - Class in
BatchRequest() - Constructor for class
BatchResponse - Class in
BatchResponse() - Constructor for class
BatchWriteParams - Class in
Batch parameters.
BatchWriteParams() - Constructor for class
BG - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
BG - Enum constant in enum class
BIGCOMMERCE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
BIGCOMMERCE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
BigCommerceChannel - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
BigCommerceChannel() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
BigCommerceMetafield - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
BigCommerceMetafield() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
BIGQUERY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
BigQueryDataType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Gets or Sets BigQueryDataType
BLOCKING - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
BN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
BN - Enum constant in enum class
BODY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.LogLevel
Logs request and response lines and their respective headers and bodies (if present).
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
BOUGHT_TOGETHER - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.FbtModel
BOUGHT_TOGETHER - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
BoughtTogetherQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
BoughtTogetherQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
BR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
browse(String, BrowseParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
browse(String, BrowseParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
browse(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
browse(String, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
BROWSE - Enum constant in enum class
BROWSE_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
browseAsync(String, BrowseParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
browseAsync(String, BrowseParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
browseAsync(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
browseAsync(String, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves records from an index, up to 1,000 per request.
browseObjects(String, BrowseParamsObject, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `browse` method.
browseObjects(String, BrowseParamsObject, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `browse` method.
BrowseParams - Interface in
BrowseParams.Deserializer - Class in
BrowseParamsObject - Class in
BrowseParamsObject() - Constructor for class
BrowseResponse<T> - Class in
BrowseResponse() - Constructor for class
browseRules(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `searchRules` method.
browseRules(String, SearchRulesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `searchRules` method.
browseRules(String, SearchRulesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `searchRules` method.
browseSynonyms(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `searchSynonyms` method.
browseSynonyms(String, SearchSynonymsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `searchSynonyms` method.
browseSynonyms(String, SearchSynonymsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Returns an iterator on top of the `searchSynonyms` method.
build() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
build() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer.Builder
Builds JsonSerializer instance.
build(ClientConfig) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester.Builder
Builds and returns a HttpRequester instance.
BUILD - Enum constant in enum class
builder() - Static method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
builder() - Static method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
builder() - Static method in class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer
Builder() - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer.Builder
Builder(HttpRequest) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
Builder(JsonSerializer) - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester.Builder
BuiltInOperation - Class in
Update to perform on the attribute.
BuiltInOperation() - Constructor for class
BuiltInOperationType - Enum Class in
How to change the attribute.


CA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
CA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
CA - Enum constant in enum class
CallType - Enum Class in com.algolia.config
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class
CLEAR_INDEX_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
CLEAR_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
CLEAR_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
clearObjects(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes only the records from an index while keeping settings, synonyms, and rules.
clearObjects(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes only the records from an index while keeping settings, synonyms, and rules.
clearObjectsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes only the records from an index while keeping settings, synonyms, and rules.
clearObjectsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes only the records from an index while keeping settings, synonyms, and rules.
clearRules(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all rules from the index.
clearRules(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all rules from the index.
clearRules(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all rules from the index.
clearRules(String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all rules from the index.
clearRulesAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all rules from the index.
clearRulesAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all rules from the index.
clearRulesAsync(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all rules from the index.
clearRulesAsync(String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all rules from the index.
clearSynonyms(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all synonyms from the index.
clearSynonyms(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all synonyms from the index.
clearSynonyms(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all synonyms from the index.
clearSynonyms(String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes all synonyms from the index.
clearSynonymsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all synonyms from the index.
clearSynonymsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all synonyms from the index.
clearSynonymsAsync(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all synonyms from the index.
clearSynonymsAsync(String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all synonyms from the index.
CLICK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickEvent
CLICK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
CLICK_THROUGH_RATE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
CLICK_THROUGH_RATE - Enum constant in enum class
ClickedFilters - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users click facet filters in your user interface.
ClickedFilters() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
ClickedObjectIDs - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users click items unrelated to a previous Algolia request.
ClickedObjectIDs() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Click event after an Algolia request.
ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
ClickEvent - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Gets or Sets ClickEvent
ClickPositionsInner - Class in
Click position.
ClickPositionsInner() - Constructor for class
ClientConfig - Interface in com.algolia.config
ClientOptions - Class in com.algolia.config
ClientOptions() - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
ClientOptions.Builder - Class in com.algolia.config
close() - Method in class com.algolia.ApiClient
close() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester
CLUSTER - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Type
com.algolia - package com.algolia
com.algolia.api - package com.algolia.api
com.algolia.config - package com.algolia.config
com.algolia.exceptions - package com.algolia.exceptions
com.algolia.internal - package com.algolia.internal
com.algolia.internal.interceptors - package com.algolia.internal.interceptors
com.algolia.model.abtesting - package com.algolia.model.abtesting - package
com.algolia.model.ingestion - package com.algolia.model.ingestion
com.algolia.model.insights - package com.algolia.model.insights
com.algolia.model.monitoring - package com.algolia.model.monitoring
com.algolia.model.personalization - package com.algolia.model.personalization
com.algolia.model.querysuggestions - package com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
com.algolia.model.recommend - package com.algolia.model.recommend - package
com.algolia.model.usage - package com.algolia.model.usage
com.algolia.utils - package com.algolia.utils
COMMERCETOOLS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
COMMERCETOOLS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
CommercetoolsCustomFields - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Custom fields from commercetools to add to the records.
CommercetoolsCustomFields() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
COMPOUNDS - Enum constant in enum class
CompoundType<T> - Interface in com.algolia.utils
CompressionType - Enum Class in com.algolia.config
Condition - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Condition that triggers the rule.
Condition - Class in
Condition() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
Condition() - Constructor for class
Consequence - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Effect of the rule.
Consequence - Class in
Effect of the rule.
Consequence() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
Consequence() - Constructor for class
ConsequenceHide - Class in
Object ID of the record to hide.
ConsequenceHide() - Constructor for class
ConsequenceParams - Class in
ConsequenceParams() - Constructor for class
ConsequenceQuery - Interface in
Replace or edit the search query.
ConsequenceQuery.Deserializer - Class in
ConsequenceQuery.StringWrapper - Class in
ConsequenceQueryObject - Class in
ConsequenceQueryObject() - Constructor for class
CONTAINS - Enum constant in enum class
CONVERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ConversionEvent
CONVERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
CONVERSION_RATE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
CONVERSION_RATE - Enum constant in enum class
ConversionEvent - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Gets or Sets ConversionEvent
ConvertedFilters - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
ConvertedFilters() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
ConvertedObjectIDs - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users convert on items unrelated to a previous Algolia request.
ConvertedObjectIDs() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users convert after a previous Algolia request.
ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
COPY - Enum constant in enum class
COPY_MOVE_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
COUNT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
COUNT - Enum constant in enum class
CPU_USAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
createAuthentication(AuthenticationCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new authentication resource.
createAuthentication(AuthenticationCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new authentication resource.
createAuthenticationAsync(AuthenticationCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new authentication resource.
createAuthenticationAsync(AuthenticationCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new authentication resource.
createConfig(QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Creates a new Query Suggestions configuration.
createConfig(QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Creates a new Query Suggestions configuration.
createConfigAsync(QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new Query Suggestions configuration.
createConfigAsync(QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new Query Suggestions configuration.
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
CREATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
CREATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
CREATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
CREATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
CREATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
CreatedAtResponse - Class in
Response and creation timestamp.
CreatedAtResponse() - Constructor for class
createDestination(DestinationCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new destination.
createDestination(DestinationCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new destination.
createDestinationAsync(DestinationCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new destination.
createDestinationAsync(DestinationCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new destination.
createIterable(Supplier<Iterator<T>>, BooleanSupplier) - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.AlgoliaIterableHelper
createSource(SourceCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new source.
createSource(SourceCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new source.
createSourceAsync(SourceCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new source.
createSourceAsync(SourceCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new source.
createTask(TaskCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new task.
createTask(TaskCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Creates a new task.
createTaskAsync(TaskCreate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new task.
createTaskAsync(TaskCreate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new task.
CRITICAL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
CRITICAL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
CS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
CS - Enum constant in enum class
CSV - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
CurrenciesValue - Class in
Currency code.
CurrenciesValue() - Constructor for class
Currency - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Currency() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
Cursor - Class in
Cursor() - Constructor for class
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDelete(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customDeleteAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGet(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customGetAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPost(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPostAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPut(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
customPutAsync(String, Map<String, Object>, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) This method allow you to send requests to the Algolia REST API.
CustomSearchParams - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Search parameters to add to the test variant.
CustomSearchParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.CustomSearchParams
CY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
CY - Enum constant in enum class


DA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
DA - Enum constant in enum class
DAILY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Granularity
DailyAddToCartRates - Class in
DailyAddToCartRates() - Constructor for class
DailyAverageClicks - Class in
DailyAverageClicks() - Constructor for class
DailyClickThroughRates - Class in
DailyClickThroughRates() - Constructor for class
DailyConversionRates - Class in
DailyConversionRates() - Constructor for class
DailyNoClickRates - Class in
DailyNoClickRates() - Constructor for class
DailyNoResultsRates - Class in
DailyNoResultsRates() - Constructor for class
DailyPurchaseRates - Class in
DailyPurchaseRates() - Constructor for class
DailyRevenue - Class in
DailyRevenue() - Constructor for class
DailySearches - Class in
DailySearches() - Constructor for class
DailySearchesNoClicks - Class in
DailySearchesNoClicks() - Constructor for class
DailySearchesNoResults - Class in
DailySearchesNoResults() - Constructor for class
DailyUsers - Class in
DailyUsers() - Constructor for class
DATA_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DateTimeUtils - Class in com.algolia.utils
DAY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
DE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
DE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
DE - Enum constant in enum class
DECREMENT - Enum constant in enum class
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class
DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES - Static variable in class com.algolia.utils.TaskUtils
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.algolia.utils.TaskUtils
DEGRADED_PERFORMANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
DEGRADED_QUERIES_MAX_CAPACITY_QUERIES_IMPACTED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DEGRADED_QUERIES_MAX_CAPACITY_SECONDS_IMPACTED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DEGRADED_QUERIES_SSD_USED_QUERIES_IMPACTED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DEGRADED_QUERIES_SSD_USED_SECONDS_IMPACTED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
DELETE_API_KEY_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DELETE_BY_QUERY_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DELETE_ENTRY - Enum constant in enum class
DELETE_INDEX - Enum constant in enum class
DELETE_INDEX_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DELETE_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
DELETE_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
DELETE_RECORD_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DELETE_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
DELETE_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
deleteABTest(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Deletes an A/B test by its ID.
deleteABTest(Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Deletes an A/B test by its ID.
deleteABTestAsync(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Deletes an A/B test by its ID.
deleteABTestAsync(Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Deletes an A/B test by its ID.
deleteApiKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes the API key.
deleteApiKey(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes the API key.
deleteApiKeyAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes the API key.
deleteApiKeyAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes the API key.
DeleteApiKeyResponse - Class in
DeleteApiKeyResponse() - Constructor for class
deleteAuthentication(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes an authentication resource.
deleteAuthentication(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes an authentication resource.
deleteAuthenticationAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes an authentication resource.
deleteAuthenticationAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes an authentication resource.
deleteBy(String, DeleteByParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This operation doesn't accept empty queries or filters.
deleteBy(String, DeleteByParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
This operation doesn't accept empty queries or filters.
deleteByAsync(String, DeleteByParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This operation doesn't accept empty queries or filters.
deleteByAsync(String, DeleteByParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) This operation doesn't accept empty queries or filters.
DeleteByParams - Class in
DeleteByParams() - Constructor for class
deleteConfig(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Deletes a Query Suggestions configuration.
deleteConfig(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Deletes a Query Suggestions configuration.
deleteConfigAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a Query Suggestions configuration.
deleteConfigAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a Query Suggestions configuration.
DeletedAtResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Response, taskID, and deletion timestamp.
DeletedAtResponse - Class in
Response, taskID, and deletion timestamp.
DeletedAtResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
DeletedAtResponse() - Constructor for class
deleteDestination(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes a destination by its ID.
deleteDestination(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes a destination by its ID.
deleteDestinationAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a destination by its ID.
deleteDestinationAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a destination by its ID.
deleteIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes an index and all its settings.
deleteIndex(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes an index and all its settings.
deleteIndexAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes an index and all its settings.
deleteIndexAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes an index and all its settings.
deleteObject(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a record by its object ID.
deleteObject(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a record by its object ID.
deleteObjectAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a record by its object ID.
deleteObjectAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a record by its object ID.
deleteRecommendRule(String, RecommendModels, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Deletes a Recommend rule from a recommendation scenario.
deleteRecommendRule(String, RecommendModels, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Deletes a Recommend rule from a recommendation scenario.
deleteRecommendRuleAsync(String, RecommendModels, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a Recommend rule from a recommendation scenario.
deleteRecommendRuleAsync(String, RecommendModels, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a Recommend rule from a recommendation scenario.
DeleteResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
DeleteResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DeleteResponse
deleteRule(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteRule(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteRule(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteRule(String, String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteRuleAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteRuleAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteRuleAsync(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteRuleAsync(String, String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a rule by its ID.
deleteSource(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes a source by its ID.
deleteSource(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a source from the list of allowed sources.
deleteSource(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes a source by its ID.
deleteSource(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a source from the list of allowed sources.
deleteSourceAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a source by its ID.
deleteSourceAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a source from the list of allowed sources.
deleteSourceAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a source by its ID.
deleteSourceAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a source from the list of allowed sources.
DeleteSourceResponse - Class in
DeleteSourceResponse() - Constructor for class
deleteSynonym(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteSynonym(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteSynonym(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteSynonym(String, String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteSynonymAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteSynonymAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteSynonymAsync(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteSynonymAsync(String, String, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a synonym by its ID.
deleteTask(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes a task by its ID.
deleteTask(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Deletes a task by its ID.
deleteTaskAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a task by its ID.
deleteTaskAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a task by its ID.
deleteUserProfile(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Deletes a user profile.
deleteUserProfile(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Deletes a user profile.
deleteUserProfileAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a user profile.
deleteUserProfileAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a user profile.
DeleteUserProfileResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
DeleteUserProfileResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
deleteUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
Deletes all events related to the specified user token from events metrics and analytics.
deleteUserToken(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
Deletes all events related to the specified user token from events metrics and analytics.
deleteUserTokenAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all events related to the specified user token from events metrics and analytics.
deleteUserTokenAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) Deletes all events related to the specified user token from events metrics and analytics.
DESC - Enum constant in enum class
DESC - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OrderKeys
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsVariant.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthInput.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthInputPartial.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationInput.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformWithNone.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceInput.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateInput.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateTrigger.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskInput.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Trigger.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Discount.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsItems.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Price.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Value.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Languages.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecision.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadius.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Distinct.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetFilters.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResult.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IgnorePlurals.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MixedSearchFilters.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.NumericFilters.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.OptionalFilters.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHit.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsRequest.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveStopWords.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ReRankingApplyFilter.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResult.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TagFilters.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoTolerance.Deserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.StatisticValue.Deserializer
deserialize(InputStream, JavaType) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer
Deserializes a JSON ResponseBody into a Java object of a given type.
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsVariant.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthInput.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthInputPartial.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationInput.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformWithNone.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceInput.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateInput.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateTrigger.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskInput.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Trigger.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.Discount.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsItems.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.Price.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.Value.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Languages.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecision.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadius.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Distinct.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetFilters.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResult.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.IgnorePlurals.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.MixedSearchFilters.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.NumericFilters.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.OptionalFilters.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHit.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsRequest.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveStopWords.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.ReRankingApplyFilter.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResult.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.TagFilters.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoTolerance.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class
Deserializer() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.usage.StatisticValue.Deserializer
Destination - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Destinations are Algolia resources like indices or event streams.
Destination() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
DestinationCreate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API request body for creating a new destination.
DestinationCreate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
DestinationCreateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API response for creating a new destination.
DestinationCreateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
DestinationIndexName - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
DestinationIndexName() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
DestinationIndexPrefix - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
DestinationIndexPrefix() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexPrefix
DestinationInput - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
DestinationInput.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
DestinationSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API request body for searching destinations.
DestinationSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSearch
DestinationSortKeys - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Property by which to sort the destinations.
DestinationType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Destination type.
DestinationUpdate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API request body for updating a destination.
DestinationUpdate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
DestinationUpdateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API response for updating a destination.
DestinationUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
DictionaryAction - Enum Class in
Actions to perform.
DictionaryEntry - Class in
Dictionary entry.
DictionaryEntry() - Constructor for class
DictionaryEntryState - Enum Class in
Whether a dictionary entry is active.
DictionaryLanguage - Class in
Dictionary type.
DictionaryLanguage() - Constructor for class
DictionarySettingsParams - Class in
Turn on or off the built-in Algolia stop words for a specific language.
DictionarySettingsParams() - Constructor for class
DictionaryType - Enum Class in
Gets or Sets dictionaryType
Direction - Enum Class in
Gets or Sets direction
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class
disableTask(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Disables a task.
disableTask(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Disables a task.
disableTaskAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Disables a task.
disableTaskAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Disables a task.
DISCARDED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
Discount - Interface in com.algolia.model.insights
Absolute value of the discount for this product, in units of `currency`.
Discount.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Discount.DoubleWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Discount.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
DISCOVER - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
Distinct - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Determines how many records of a group are included in the search results.
Distinct - Interface in
Determines how many records of a group are included in the search results.
Distinct.BooleanWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Distinct.BooleanWrapper - Class in
Distinct.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Distinct.Deserializer - Class in
Distinct.IntegerWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Distinct.IntegerWrapper - Class in
DOCKER - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
DOCKERHUB - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerRegistry
DockerImageType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Image type.
DockerRegistry - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Container registry name from where to pull the image.
DockerSourceDiscover - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
DockerSourceDiscover() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
DockerSourceStreams - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
DockerSourceStreams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceStreams


Edit - Class in
Edit() - Constructor for class
EDIT_SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum class
EditType - Enum Class in
Type of edit.
Effect - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Metric for which you want to detect the smallest relative difference.
EL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
EL - Enum constant in enum class
EmptySearch - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Configuration for handling empty searches.
EmptySearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.EmptySearch
EN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
EN - Enum constant in enum class
ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class
enableTask(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Enables a task.
enableTask(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Enables a task.
enableTaskAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Enables a task.
enableTaskAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Enables a task.
ENDS_WITH - Enum constant in enum class
EO - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
EO - Enum constant in enum class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.config.Host
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.CustomSearchParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.EmptySearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Outliers
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKey
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKeyPartial
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DeleteResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexPrefix
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceStreams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopifyBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTrigger
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingUtilsInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTrigger
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerUpdateInput
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.InsightsEvents
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.GetServers403Response
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponseMetrics
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InventoryResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponseMetrics
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.StatusResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.AppID
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Facets
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendTaskResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HideConsequenceObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHits
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRuleMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Redirect
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RenderingContent
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SemanticSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200Response
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400Response
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
equals(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
ErrorBase - Class in
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
ErrorBase - Class in
ErrorBase - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class
ErrorBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
ES - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
ES - Enum constant in enum class
escape(String) - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.StringUtils
Escape the given string to be used as URL query value.
ET - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
ET - Enum constant in enum class
EU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
EU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
EU - Enum constant in enum class
Event - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
An event describe a step of the task execution flow..
Event() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
EventScoring - Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
EventScoring() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
EventsItems - Interface in com.algolia.model.insights
EventsItems.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
EventSortKeys - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Property by which to sort the list of task run events.
EventsResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
The response of the Insights API.
EventsResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
EventStatus - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Gets or Sets EventStatus
EventType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Gets or Sets EventType
EventType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
Event type.
EXACT_PHRASE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AdvancedSyntaxFeatures
EXACT_PHRASE - Enum constant in enum class
ExactOnSingleWordQuery - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Determines how the [Exact ranking criterion]( is computed when the search query has only one word.
ExactOnSingleWordQuery - Enum Class in
Determines how the [Exact ranking criterion]( is computed when the search query has only one word.
EXCLUDE_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AdvancedSyntaxFeatures
EXCLUDE_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class
execute(HttpRequest, RequestOptions, TypeReference<?>) - Method in interface com.algolia.config.Requester
Executes an HTTP request and deserializes the response into a specified type reference.
execute(HttpRequest, RequestOptions, TypeReference<?>) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester
execute(HttpRequest, RequestOptions, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.algolia.config.Requester
Executes an HTTP request and deserializes the response into a specified Java type.
execute(HttpRequest, RequestOptions, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester
executeAsync(HttpRequest, RequestOptions, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.ApiClient
Executes an HTTP request asynchronously and returns a CompletableFuture of the response deserialized into a specified type.
executeAsync(HttpRequest, RequestOptions, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class com.algolia.ApiClient
Executes an HTTP request asynchronously and returns a CompletableFuture of the response deserialized into a specified type.
executor - Variable in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
ExecutorUtils - Class in com.algolia.utils
Exhaustive - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Whether certain properties of the search response are calculated exhaustive (exact) or approximated.
Exhaustive - Class in
Whether certain properties of the search response are calculated exhaustive (exact) or approximated.
Exhaustive() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
Exhaustive() - Constructor for class
EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status


FA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
FA - Enum constant in enum class
Facet - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Facet to use as category.
Facet() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
FACET - Enum constant in enum class
FacetFilters - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Filter the search by facet values, so that only records with the same facet values are retrieved.
FacetFilters - Interface in
Filter the search by facet values, so that only records with the same facet values are retrieved.
FacetFilters.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
FacetFilters.Deserializer - Class in
FacetFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
FacetFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in
FacetFilters.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
FacetFilters.StringWrapper - Class in
FacetHits - Class in
FacetHits() - Constructor for class
FacetOrdering - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Order of facet names and facet values in your UI.
FacetOrdering - Class in
Order of facet names and facet values in your UI.
FacetOrdering() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
FacetOrdering() - Constructor for class
Facets - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Order of facet names.
Facets - Class in
Order of facet names.
Facets() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Facets
Facets() - Constructor for class
FacetScoring - Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
FacetScoring() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
FacetsStats - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
FacetsStats - Class in
FacetsStats() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
FacetsStats() - Constructor for class
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
FallbackParams - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
FallbackParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
FbtModel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Frequently bought together model.
FETCH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
FetchedIndex - Class in
FetchedIndex() - Constructor for class
FI - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
FI - Enum constant in enum class
FILE_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
FilterEffects - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
A/B test filter effects resulting from configuration settings.
FilterEffects() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
FilterEffectsEmptySearch - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Empty searches removed from the A/B test as a result of configuration settings.
FilterEffectsEmptySearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
FilterEffectsOutliers - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Outliers removed from the A/B test as a result of configuration settings.
FilterEffectsOutliers() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
FIRST_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
FIRST_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
FO - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
FO - Enum constant in enum class
FR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
FR - Enum constant in enum class
FrequentlyBoughtTogether - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
FrequentlyBoughtTogether() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigQueryDataType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerRegistry
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFormatSchema
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MethodType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OrderKeys
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformNone
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RecordType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTriggerType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTriggerType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.AddToCartEvent
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickEvent
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ConversionEvent
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchaseEvent
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewEvent
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ServerStatus
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Type
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AdvancedSyntaxFeatures
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadiusAll
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.FbtModel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarModel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.Mode
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouModel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedModel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TaskStatus
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsModel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsModel
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoToleranceEnum
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Granularity
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
FULL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
FULL - Enum constant in enum class


GA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
GA - Enum constant in enum class
GA_36_0 - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigQueryDataType
GA_4 - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigQueryDataType
GA_4BIGQUERY_EXPORT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
get() - Method in interface com.algolia.utils.CompoundType
GET - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MethodType
GET_API_KEY_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
GET_API_KEYS_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
GET_LOG_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
GET_RECORD_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
GET_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
GET_SETTINGS_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
GET_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
getABTest(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Retrieves the details for an A/B test by its ID.
getABTest(Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Retrieves the details for an A/B test by its ID.
getABTestAsync(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the details for an A/B test by its ID.
getABTestAsync(Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the details for an A/B test by its ID.
getAbTestID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Unique A/B test identifier.
getAbTestID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
Unique A/B test identifier.
getAbTestID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
A/B test ID.
getAbTestID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
A/B test ID.
getAbTestID() - Method in class
A/B test ID.
getAbTestID() - Method in class
A/B test ID.
getAbTestID() - Method in class
A/B test ID.
getAbtests() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
A/B tests.
getAbTestVariantID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Variant ID.
getAbTestVariantID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Variant ID.
getAbTestVariantID() - Method in class
Variant ID.
getAbTestVariantID() - Method in class
Variant ID.
getAbTestVariantID() - Method in class
Variant ID.
getAccept() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
getAcl() - Method in class
Permissions that determine the type of API requests this key can make.
getAcl() - Method in class
Permissions that determine the type of API requests this key can make.
getAction() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Get action
getAction() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
Get action
getAction() - Method in class
Get action
getAction() - Method in class
Get action
getAction() - Method in class
Get action
getActions() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
Get actions
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class
getAdditionalProperties() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
getAddToCartCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of add-to-cart events for this variant.
getAddToCartCount() - Method in class
Number of add-to-cart events from this search.
getAddToCartCount() - Method in class
Number of add-to-cart events from this search.
getAddToCartCount() - Method in class
Number of add-to-cart events from this search.
getAddToCartCount() - Method in class
Number of add-to-cart events from this search.
getAddToCartRate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
[Add-to-cart rate]( for this variant.
getAddToCartRate() - Method in class
Add-to-cart rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one add-to-cart event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getAddToCartRate() - Method in class
Add-to-cart rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one add-to-cart event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getAddToCartRate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
getAddToCartRate(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
getAddToCartRate(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
getAddToCartRate(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
getAddToCartRateAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
getAddToCartRateAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
getAddToCartRateAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
getAddToCartRateAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the add-to-cart rate for all of your searches with at least one add-to-cart event, including a daily breakdown.
GetAddToCartRateResponse - Class in
GetAddToCartRateResponse() - Constructor for class
getAddToCartSignificance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Get addToCartSignificance
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntax() - Method in class
Whether to support phrase matching and excluding words from search queries.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAdvancedSyntaxFeatures() - Method in class
Advanced search syntax features you want to support.
getAlgoliaAgentSegments() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getAllConfigs() - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Retrieves all Query Suggestions configurations of your Algolia application.
getAllConfigs(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Retrieves all Query Suggestions configurations of your Algolia application.
getAllConfigsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves all Query Suggestions configurations of your Algolia application.
getAllConfigsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves all Query Suggestions configurations of your Algolia application.
getAllowCompressionOfIntegerArray() - Method in class
Whether arrays with exclusively non-negative integers should be compressed for better performance.
getAllowCompressionOfIntegerArray() - Method in class
Whether arrays with exclusively non-negative integers should be compressed for better performance.
getAllowSpecialCharacters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
Whether to include suggestions with special characters.
getAllowSpecialCharacters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
Whether to include suggestions with special characters.
getAllowSpecialCharacters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
Whether to include suggestions with special characters.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAllowTyposOnNumericTokens() - Method in class
Whether to allow typos on numbers in the search query.
getAlternatives() - Method in class
Whether the pattern should match plurals, synonyms, and typos.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAlternativesAsExact() - Method in class
Alternatives of query words that should be considered as exact matches by the Exact ranking criterion.
getAmount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
Number of suggestions.
getAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
Get analyticsTags
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnalyticsTags() - Method in class
Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](
getAnchoring() - Method in class
Get anchoring
getAnchoring() - Method in class
Get anchoring
getAnswer() - Method in class
Response body.
getAnswerCode() - Method in class
HTTP status code of the response.
getApiKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
Algolia API key with the ACL: `addObject`, `deleteObject`, `settings`, `editSettings`, `listIndexes`, `deleteIndex`.
getApiKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
Algolia API key with the ACL: `search`.
getApiKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
Algolia API key with the ACL: `search`.
getApiKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
Algolia API key with the ACL: `addObject`, `deleteObject`, `settings`, `editSettings`, `listIndexes`, `deleteIndex`.
getApiKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Gets the permissions and restrictions of an API key.
getApiKey(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Gets the permissions and restrictions of an API key.
getApiKeyAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Gets the permissions and restrictions of an API key.
getApiKeyAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Gets the permissions and restrictions of an API key.
GetApiKeyResponse - Class in
GetApiKeyResponse() - Constructor for class
getAppID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
Algolia application ID.
getAppID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
Algolia application ID.
getAppID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
Algolia application ID.
getAppID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
Algolia application ID.
getAppID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Get appID
getAppID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.AppID
Algolia application ID to which this Query Suggestions configuration belongs.
getAppID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
Algolia application ID to which this Query Suggestions configuration belongs.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Computed geographical location.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Computed geographical location.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Computed geographical location.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Computed geographical location.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude.
getAroundLatLng() - Method in class
Computed geographical location.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundLatLngViaIP() - Method in class
Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundPrecision() - Method in class
Get aroundPrecision
getAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAroundRadius() - Method in class
Get aroundRadius
getAttribute() - Method in class
Attribute name.
getAttribute() - Method in class
Attribute name.
getAttribute() - Method in class
Attribute name.
getAttribute() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
Facet name.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity() - Method in class
Whether the best matching attribute should be determined by minimum proximity.
getAttributeForDistinct() - Method in class
Attribute that should be used to establish groups of results.
getAttributeForDistinct() - Method in class
Attribute that should be used to establish groups of results.
getAttributes() - Method in class
Most frequent filters.
getAttributesForFaceting() - Method in class
Attributes used for [faceting](
getAttributesForFaceting() - Method in class
Attributes used for [faceting](
getAttributesToExclude() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
Attributes from your source to exclude from Algolia records.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToHighlight() - Method in class
Attributes to highlight.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to retrieve.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToRetrieve() - Method in class
Attributes to include in the API response.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToSnippet() - Method in class
Attributes for which to enable snippets.
getAttributesToTransliterate() - Method in class
Attributes, for which you want to support [Japanese transliteration](
getAttributesToTransliterate() - Method in class
Attributes, for which you want to support [Japanese transliteration](
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthenticatedUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
Identifier for authenticated users.
getAuthentication(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves an authentication resource by its ID.
getAuthentication(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves an authentication resource by its ID.
getAuthenticationAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves an authentication resource by its ID.
getAuthenticationAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves an authentication resource by its ID.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an authentication resource.
getAuthenticationIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSearch
Get authenticationIDs
getAuthentications() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAuthentications() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
Get authentications
getAuthentications(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAuthentications(Integer, Integer, List<AuthenticationType>, List<PlatformWithNone>, AuthenticationSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAuthentications(Integer, Integer, List<AuthenticationType>, List<PlatformWithNone>, AuthenticationSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAuthenticationsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAuthenticationsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAuthenticationsAsync(Integer, Integer, List<AuthenticationType>, List<PlatformWithNone>, AuthenticationSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAuthenticationsAsync(Integer, Integer, List<AuthenticationType>, List<PlatformWithNone>, AuthenticationSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of all authentication resources.
getAutomaticFacetFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
Filter recommendations that match or don't match the same `facet:facet_value` combination as the viewed item.
getAutomaticFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get automaticFacetFilters
getAutomaticFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get automaticFacetFilters
getAutomaticOptionalFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get automaticOptionalFacetFilters
getAutomaticOptionalFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get automaticOptionalFacetFilters
getAutomaticRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Distance from a central coordinate provided by `aroundLatLng`.
getAutomaticRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Distance from a central coordinate provided by `aroundLatLng`.
getAutomaticRadius() - Method in class
Distance from a central coordinate provided by `aroundLatLng`.
getAutomaticRadius() - Method in class
Distance from a central coordinate provided by `aroundLatLng`.
getAutomaticRadius() - Method in class
Distance from a central coordinate provided by `aroundLatLng`.
getAverage() - Method in class
Average position of a clicked search result in the list of search results.
getAverage() - Method in class
Average position of a clicked search result in the list of search results.
getAverageClickPosition() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
[Average click position]( for this variant.
getAverageClickPosition() - Method in class
Average position of a clicked search result in the list of search results.
getAverageClickPosition() - Method in class
Average position of a clicked search result in the list of search results.
getAverageClickPosition(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
getAverageClickPosition(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
getAverageClickPosition(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
getAverageClickPosition(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
getAverageClickPositionAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
getAverageClickPositionAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
getAverageClickPositionAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
getAverageClickPositionAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the average click position of your search results, including a daily breakdown.
GetAverageClickPositionResponse - Class in
GetAverageClickPositionResponse() - Constructor for class
getAvg() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
Average facet value in the results.
getAvg() - Method in class
Average facet value in the results.
getAvgBuildTime() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
Average build time of the indices in seconds.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
The extracted record batch size.
getBody() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
getBody() - Method in class
Get body
getBody() - Method in class
Operation arguments (varies with specified `action`).
getBody() - Method in class
Operation arguments (varies with specified `action`).
getCallTypes() - Method in class com.algolia.config.Host
getCamelCaseAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which to split [camel case]( words.
getCamelCaseAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which to split [camel case]( words.
getCategory() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
Category custom fields.
getChannel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
Get channel
getClearExistingDictionaryEntries() - Method in class
Whether to replace all custom entries in the dictionary with the ones sent with this request.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickAnalytics() - Method in class
Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response.
getClickCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of click events for this variant.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of times this search has been clicked at that position.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickCount() - Method in class
Number of clicks associated with this search.
getClickPositions() - Method in class
List of positions in the search results and clicks associated with this search.
getClickPositions() - Method in class
List of positions in the search results and clicks associated with this search.
getClickPositions(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
getClickPositions(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
getClickPositions(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
getClickPositions(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
getClickPositionsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
getClickPositionsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
getClickPositionsAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
getClickPositionsAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the positions in the search results and their associated number of clicks.
GetClickPositionsResponse - Class in
GetClickPositionsResponse() - Constructor for class
getClickSignificance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Get clickSignificance
getClickThroughRate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
[Click-through rate]( for this variant.
getClickThroughRate() - Method in class
Click-through rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one click event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getClickThroughRate() - Method in class
Click-through rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one click event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getClickThroughRate() - Method in class
Click-through rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one click event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getClickThroughRate() - Method in class
Click-through rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one click event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getClickThroughRate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
getClickThroughRate(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
getClickThroughRate(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
getClickThroughRate(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
getClickThroughRateAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
getClickThroughRateAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
getClickThroughRateAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
getClickThroughRateAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the click-through rate for all of your searches with at least one click event, including a daily breakdown By default, the analyzed period includes the last eight days including the current day.
GetClickThroughRateResponse - Class in
GetClickThroughRateResponse() - Constructor for class
getClientEmail() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
Email address of the Google service account.
getClientEmail() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
Email address of the Google service account.
getClientId() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
Client ID.
getClientId() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
Client ID.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
Client secret.
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
Client secret.
getCluster() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
Name of the cluster to which this server belongs.
getCluster() - Method in class
Cluster name.
getCluster() - Method in class
Cluster name.
getClusterIncidents(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves known incidents for the selected clusters.
getClusterIncidents(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves known incidents for the selected clusters.
getClusterIncidentsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves known incidents for the selected clusters.
getClusterIncidentsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves known incidents for the selected clusters.
getClusterName() - Method in class
Cluster name.
getClusterName() - Method in class
Get clusterName
getClusterName() - Method in class
Cluster name.
getClusterName() - Method in class
Cluster to which the user is assigned.
getClusters() - Method in class
Cluster pending mapping state: migrating, creating, deleting.
getClusterStatus(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the status of selected clusters.
getClusterStatus(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the status of selected clusters.
getClusterStatusAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the status of selected clusters.
getClusterStatusAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the status of selected clusters.
getCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
Get code
getCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
Get code
getCollectionIDIndexing() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
Whether to index collection IDs.
getCollectionIDIndexing() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
Whether to index collection IDs.
getCompounds() - Method in class
Get compounds
getCompounds() - Method in class
Key-value pair of a language ISO code and a boolean value.
getCompressionType() - Method in interface com.algolia.config.ClientConfig
getCompressionType() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getCondition() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
Get condition
getConditions() - Method in class
Conditions that trigger a rule.
getConfig(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Retrieves a single Query Suggestions configuration by its index name.
getConfig(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Retrieves a single Query Suggestions configuration by its index name.
getConfigAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a single Query Suggestions configuration by its index name.
getConfigAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a single Query Suggestions configuration by its index name.
getConfigStatus(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Reports the status of a Query Suggestions index.
getConfigStatus(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Reports the status of a Query Suggestions index.
GetConfigStatus200Response - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
GetConfigStatus200Response() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
getConfigStatusAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Reports the status of a Query Suggestions index.
getConfigStatusAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Reports the status of a Query Suggestions index.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Get _configuration
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
Configuration of the spec.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
Configuration of the spec.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in interface com.algolia.config.ClientConfig
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getConsequence() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
Get consequence
getConsequence() - Method in class
Get consequence
getContext() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
An additional restriction that only triggers the rule, when the search has the same value as `ruleContexts` parameter.
getContext() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Only search for rules with matching context.
getContext() - Method in class
An additional restriction that only triggers the rule, when the search has the same value as `ruleContexts` parameter.
getContext() - Method in class
Only return rules that match the context (exact match).
getContextLevel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
Level indicating the position of a suggestion in a hierarchy of records.
getConversionCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of click events for this variant.
getConversionCount() - Method in class
Number of conversions from this search.
getConversionCount() - Method in class
Number of conversions from this search.
getConversionCount() - Method in class
Number of conversions from this search.
getConversionCount() - Method in class
Number of conversions from this search.
getConversionCount() - Method in class
Number of conversions from this search.
getConversionCount() - Method in class
Number of conversions from this search.
getConversionRate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
[Conversion rate]( for this variant.
getConversionRate() - Method in class
Conversion rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one conversion event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getConversionRate() - Method in class
Conversion rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one conversion event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getConversionRate() - Method in class
Conversion rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one conversion event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getConversionRate() - Method in class
Conversion rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one conversion event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getConversionRate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
getConversionRate(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
getConversionRate(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
getConversionRate(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
getConversionRateAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
getConversionRateAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
getConversionRateAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
getConversionRateAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the conversion rate for all of your searches with at least one conversion event, including a daily breakdown.
GetConversionRateResponse - Class in
GetConversionRateResponse() - Constructor for class
getConversionSignificance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Get conversionSignificance
getCorrections() - Method in class
Words to be matched in records.
getCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
Number of A/B tests.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of unique users.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of unique users.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of occurrences.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of searches.
getCount() - Method in class
Number of records with this facet value.
getCountries() - Method in class
Countries and number of searches.
getCountries() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
Get countries
getCountry() - Method in class
Country code.
getCpuUsage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
CPU idleness in %.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Date and time when the A/B test was created, in RFC 3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
Date of creation in RFC3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was created, in RFC 3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
Timestamp when the object was created, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was created, in RFC 3339 format.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
Index creation date.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
Timestamp when the object was created, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was created, in RFC 3339 format.
getCron() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
Cron expression for the task's schedule.
getCron() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
Cron expression for the task's schedule.
getCron() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerUpdateInput
Cron expression for the task's schedule.
getCurrencies() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
A/B test currencies.
getCurrencies() - Method in class
Revenue associated with this search, broken-down by currencies.
getCurrencies() - Method in class
Revenue associated with this search, broken-down by currencies.
getCurrencies() - Method in class
Revenue associated with this search, broken-down by currencies.
getCurrencies() - Method in class
Revenue associated with this search, broken-down by currencies.
getCurrencies() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
Currencies for the given channel.
getCurrencies() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
Get currencies
getCurrency() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
Currency code.
getCurrency() - Method in class
Currency code.
getCurrency() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Three-letter [currency code](
getCurrency() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Three-letter [currency code](
getCurrency() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Three-letter [currency code](
getCurrency() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Three-letter [currency code](
getCursor() - Method in class
Cursor to get the next page of the response.
getCursor() - Method in class
Cursor to get the next page of the response.
getCursor() - Method in class
Cursor to get the next page of the response.
getCustomFields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
Get customFields
getCustomFields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
Get customFields
getCustomFields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
Get customFields
getCustomNormalization() - Method in class
Characters and their normalized replacements.
getCustomNormalization() - Method in class
Characters and their normalized replacements.
getCustomRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRanking() - Method in class
Attributes to use as [custom ranking](
getCustomRequester() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getCustomSearchParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
Get customSearchParameters
getCustomSearchParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.CustomSearchParams
Get customSearchParameters
getCustomSQLRequest() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
Custom SQL request to extract data from the BigQuery table.
getData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
Get data
getData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
Get data
getData() - Method in class
Get data
getDatasetID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
Dataset ID of the BigQuery source.
getDatasetID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
BigQuery dataset ID that the BigQuery export writes to.
getDataSize() - Method in class
Number of bytes of the index in minified format.
getDataSize() - Method in class
Data size taken by all the users assigned to the cluster.
getDataSize() - Method in class
Data size used by the user.
getDataType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
Get dataType
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDate() - Method in class
Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily add-to-cart rates.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily average click positions.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily click-through rates.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily conversion rates.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily no click rates.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily no results rates.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily purchase rates.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily revenue.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily number of searches.
getDates() - Method in class
Daily number of unique users.
getDecomposition() - Method in class
Invividual components of a compound word in the `compounds` dictionary.
getDecompoundedAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes to which Algolia should apply [word segmentation]( (decompounding).
getDecompoundedAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes to which Algolia should apply [word segmentation]( (decompounding).
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDecompoundQuery() - Method in class
Whether to split compound words into their building blocks.
getDefaultHeaders() - Method in interface com.algolia.config.ClientConfig
getDefaultHeaders() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getDefaultPriceRatioAsOne() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
Whether to set the default price ratio to 1 if no sale price is present.
getDefaultPriceRatioAsOne() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
Whether to set the default price ratio to 1 if no sale price is present.
getDelete() - Method in class
Text or patterns to remove from the query string.
getDeletedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DeleteResponse
Date of deletion in RFC3339 format.
getDeletedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
Date and time when the object was deleted, in RFC 3339 format.
getDeletedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was deleted, in RFC 3339 format.
getDeletedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was deleted, in RFC 3339 format.
getDeletedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was deleted, in RFC 3339 format.
getDeletedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was deleted, in RFC 3339 format.
getDeletedUntil() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
Date and time when the user profile can be safely considered to be deleted.
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
The character used to split the value on each line, default to a comma (\\r, \\n, 0xFFFD, and space are forbidden).
getDescription() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
Description for this variant.
getDescription() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
Description for this variant.
getDescription() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Description for this variant.
getDescription() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
Description of the rule's purpose.
getDescription() - Method in class
Description of an API key to help you identify this API key.
getDescription() - Method in class
Description of an API key to help you identify this API key.
getDescription() - Method in class
Description of the rule's purpose to help you distinguish between different rules.
getDescription() - Method in class
Source description.
getDest() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
Destination index for the redirect rule.
getDest() - Method in class
Destination index for the redirect rule.
getDestination() - Method in class
Index name (case-sensitive).
getDestination(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a destination by its ID.
getDestination(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a destination by its ID.
getDestinationAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a destination by its ID.
getDestinationAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a destination by its ID.
getDestinationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a destination resource.
getDestinationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a destination resource.
getDestinationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a destination resource.
getDestinationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a destination resource.
getDestinationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a destination resource.
getDestinationID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a destination resource.
getDestinationIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSearch
Get destinationIDs
getDestinations() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDestinations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
Get destinations
getDestinations(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDestinations(Integer, Integer, List<DestinationType>, List<String>, DestinationSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDestinations(Integer, Integer, List<DestinationType>, List<String>, DestinationSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDestinationsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDestinationsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDestinationsAsync(Integer, Integer, List<DestinationType>, List<String>, DestinationSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDestinationsAsync(Integer, Integer, List<DestinationType>, List<String>, DestinationSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of destinations.
getDictionaryLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists supported languages with their supported dictionary types and number of custom entries.
getDictionaryLanguages(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists supported languages with their supported dictionary types and number of custom entries.
getDictionaryLanguagesAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists supported languages with their supported dictionary types and number of custom entries.
getDictionaryLanguagesAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists supported languages with their supported dictionary types and number of custom entries.
getDictionarySettings() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves the languages for which standard dictionary entries are turned off.
getDictionarySettings(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves the languages for which standard dictionary entries are turned off.
getDictionarySettingsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the languages for which standard dictionary entries are turned off.
getDictionarySettingsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the languages for which standard dictionary entries are turned off.
GetDictionarySettingsResponse - Class in
GetDictionarySettingsResponse() - Constructor for class
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisableExactOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to [turn off the Exact ranking criterion](
getDisablePrefixOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to turn off [prefix matching](
getDisablePrefixOnAttributes() - Method in class
Searchable attributes for which you want to turn off [prefix matching](
getDisableStandardEntries() - Method in class
Get disableStandardEntries
getDisableStandardEntries() - Method in class
Get disableStandardEntries
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnWords() - Method in class
Words for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDisableTypoToleranceOnWords() - Method in class
Words for which you want to turn off [typo tolerance](
getDiscount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
Get discount
getDiscount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
Get discount
getDisjunctive() - Method in class
Whether the filter is disjunctive or conjunctive.
getDistance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
Distance between the matched location and the search location (in meters).
getDistance() - Method in class
Distance between the matched location and the search location (in meters).
getDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class
Get distinct
getDistinct() - Method in class
Get distinct
getDistinctSeqID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
Get distinctSeqID
getDistinctSeqID() - Method in class
Get distinctSeqID
getDockerSourceStreams(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a stream listing for a source.
getDockerSourceStreams(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a stream listing for a source.
getDockerSourceStreamsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a stream listing for a source.
getDockerSourceStreamsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a stream listing for a source.
getEdits() - Method in class
Changes to make to the search query.
getEffect() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
Get effect
getEmptySearch() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
Get emptySearch
getEmptySearch() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
Get emptySearch
getEnableABTest() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnableABTest() - Method in class
Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
getEnabled() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
Whether this action has any effect.
getEnabled() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Whether the task is enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
Whether the task is enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
Whether the task is enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
Indicates whether to enable the rule.
getEnabled() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Whether to only show rules where the value of their `enabled` property matches this parameter.
getEnabled() - Method in class
Whether the rule is active.
getEnabled() - Method in class
If `true`, return only enabled rules.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
Whether to turn on personalized query suggestions.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
Whether to turn on personalized query suggestions.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
Whether to turn on personalized query suggestions.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnablePersonalization() - Method in class
Whether to enable Personalization.
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableReRanking() - Method in class
Whether this search will use [Dynamic Re-Ranking](
getEnableRules() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class
Whether to enable rules.
getEnableRules() - Method in class
Whether to enable rules.
getEndAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
End date and time of the A/B test, in RFC 3339 format.
getEndAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
End date and time of the A/B test, in RFC 3339 format.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
Latest date in RFC3339 format of the extracted data from Big Query.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
Date in RFC3339 format representing the newest data in the time window.
getEntries() - Method in class
Number of records contained in the index.
getError() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400Response
Get error
getErrors() - Method in exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRetryException
getErrors() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
Get errors
getEstimatedSampleSize() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Estimated number of searches required to achieve the desired statistical significance.
getEvent(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a single task run event by its ID.
getEvent(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a single task run event by its ID.
getEventAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a single task run event by its ID.
getEventAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a single task run event by its ID.
getEventID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of an event.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
Event name, up to 64 ASCII characters.
getEventName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
Event name.
getEvents() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
Get events
getEvents() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.InsightsEvents
Click and conversion events.
getEvents(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEvents(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEvents(String, Integer, Integer, List<EventStatus>, List<EventType>, EventSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEvents(String, Integer, Integer, List<EventStatus>, List<EventType>, EventSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEventsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEventsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEventsAsync(String, Integer, Integer, List<EventStatus>, List<EventType>, EventSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEventsAsync(String, Integer, Integer, List<EventStatus>, List<EventType>, EventSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of events for a task run, identified by it's ID.
getEventScoring() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
Scores associated with each event.
getEventSources() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SemanticSearch
Indices from which to collect click and conversion events.
getEventSources() - Method in class
Indices from which to collect click and conversion events.
getEventSubtype() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Get eventSubtype
getEventSubtype() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get eventSubtype
getEventSubtype() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Get eventSubtype
getEventSubtype() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get eventSubtype
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
Get eventType
getEventType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
Get eventType
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExactOnSingleWordQuery() - Method in class
Get exactOnSingleWordQuery
getExclude() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.EmptySearch
Whether to exclude empty searches when calculating A/B test results.
getExclude() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Outliers
Whether to exclude outliers when calculating A/B test results.
getExclude() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
Get exclude
getExclude() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
Get exclude
getExclude() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
Get exclude
getExcludeOOSVariantsForPriceAtTRS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
Whether to exclude out-of-stock variants when determining the `max_variant_price` and `min_variant_price` attributes.
getExcludeOOSVariantsForPriceAtTRS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
Whether to exclude out-of-stock variants when determining the `max_variant_price` and `min_variant_price` attributes.
getExecutor() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getExhaustive() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Get exhaustive
getExhaustive() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Get exhaustive
getExhaustive() - Method in class
Get exhaustive
getExhaustive() - Method in class
Get exhaustive
getExhaustive() - Method in class
Get exhaustive
getExhaustiveFacetsCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
getExhaustiveFacetsCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
getExhaustiveFacetsCount() - Method in class
getExhaustiveFacetsCount() - Method in class
getExhaustiveFacetsCount() - Method in class
getExhaustiveFacetsCount() - Method in class
getExhaustiveNbHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
getExhaustiveNbHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
getExhaustiveNbHits() - Method in class
getExhaustiveNbHits() - Method in class
getExhaustiveNbHits() - Method in class
getExhaustiveTypo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
getExhaustiveTypo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
getExhaustiveTypo() - Method in class
getExhaustiveTypo() - Method in class
getExhaustiveTypo() - Method in class
getExpectedNbOfEvents() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
Get expectedNbOfEvents
getExternal() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
Get external
getExtraHeaders() - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
getExtraQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
getFacet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
Facet attribute.
getFacet() - Method in class
Facet name to be applied as filter.
getFacet() - Method in class
Facet name.
getFacet() - Method in class
Facet name.
getFacetFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetFilters() - Method in class
Get facetFilters
getFacetHits() - Method in class
Matching facet values.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetingAfterDistinct() - Method in class
Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`.
getFacetName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
Facet attribute name.
getFacetName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
Facet attribute.
getFacetName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
Facet attribute for which to retrieve trending facet values.
getFacetName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
Facet attribute for which to retrieve trending facet values.
getFacetName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
Facet attribute.
getFacetName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Facet attribute.
getFacetOrdering() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RenderingContent
Get facetOrdering
getFacetOrdering() - Method in class
Get facetOrdering
getFacetQuery() - Method in class
Text to search inside the facet's values.
getFacetQuery() - Method in class
Text to search inside the facet's values.
getFacetQuery() - Method in class
Text to search inside the facet's values.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
Get facets
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Facet counts.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
Get facets
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Facet counts.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Include facets and facet values in the response.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facet counts.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facet counts.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class
Get facets
getFacets() - Method in class
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values.
getFacets() - Method in class
Facet counts.
getFacetScoring() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
Scores associated with each facet.
getFacetsCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
Whether the facet count is exhaustive (`true`) or approximate (`false`).
getFacetsCount() - Method in class
Whether the facet count is exhaustive (`true`) or approximate (`false`).
getFacetsStats() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Statistics for numerical facets.
getFacetsStats() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Statistics for numerical facets.
getFacetsStats() - Method in class
Statistics for numerical facets.
getFacetsStats() - Method in class
Statistics for numerical facets.
getFacetsStats() - Method in class
Statistics for numerical facets.
getFacetValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
Facet value.
getFacetValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
Facet value.
getFacetValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Facet value.
getFacetValues() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
The value is `false` if not all facet values are retrieved.
getFacetValues() - Method in class
The value is `false` if not all facet values are retrieved.
getFailureThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Maximum accepted percentage of failures for a task run to finish successfully.
getFailureThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Maximum accepted percentage of failures for a task run to finish successfully.
getFailureThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
Maximum accepted percentage of failures for a task run to finish successfully.
getFailureThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
Maximum accepted percentage of failures for a task run to finish successfully.
getFallbackIsInStockValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
Whether a fallback value is stored in the Algolia record if there's no inventory information about the product.
getFallbackIsInStockValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
Whether a fallback value is stored in the Algolia record if there's no inventory information about the product.
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
Get fallbackParameters
getFallbackParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Get fallbackParameters
getFieldDirectives() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
Get fieldDirectives
getFieldKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
Destination field key.
getFileSize() - Method in class
Number of bytes of the index binary file.
getFilterEffects() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Get filterEffects
getFilterPromotes() - Method in class
Whether promoted records must match an active filter for the consequence to be applied.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
Applied facet filters.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
Applied facet filters.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
Applied facet filters.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Whether a filter matched the query.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Filter expression.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filters that trigger the rule.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Whether a filter matched the query.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response.
getFilters() - Method in class
Filters that apply to every search made with the secured API key.
getFiltersScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
The score of the filters.
getFiltersScore() - Method in class
The score of the filters.
getFinishedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Date of finish in RFC3339 format.
getFirstMatchedWord() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Position of the first matched word in the best matching attribute of the record.
getFirstMatchedWord() - Method in class
Position of the first matched word in the best matching attribute of the record.
getFormat() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
Get format
getFrom() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
Lower boundary of a range in meters.
getFrom() - Method in class
Lower boundary of a range in meters.
getFrom() - Method in class
When the rule should start to be active, in Unix epoch time.
getFullyHighlighted() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
Whether the entire attribute value is highlighted.
getFullyHighlighted() - Method in class
Whether the entire attribute value is highlighted.
getGenerate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
Get generate
getGeoDistance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Distance between the geo location in the search query and the best matching geo location in the record, divided by the geo precision (in meters).
getGeoDistance() - Method in class
Distance between the geo location in the search query and the best matching geo location in the record, divided by the geo precision (in meters).
getGeoPrecision() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Precision used when computing the geo distance, in meters.
getGeoPrecision() - Method in class
Precision used when computing the geo distance, in meters.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getGetRankingInfo() - Method in class
Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
getHasCollectionSearchPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
Whether to include collection IDs and handles in the product records.
getHasCollectionSearchPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
Whether to include collection IDs and handles in the product records.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
getHeaders() - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
getHide() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
Exclude items from recommendations.
getHide() - Method in class
Records you want to hide from the search results.
getHighlighted() - Method in class
Highlighted attribute value, including HTML tags.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPostTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert after the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightPreTag() - Method in class
HTML tag to insert before the highlighted parts in all highlighted results and snippets.
getHighlightResult() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
Surround words that match the query with HTML tags for highlighting.
getHighlightResult() - Method in class
Surround words that match the query with HTML tags for highlighting.
getHighlightResult() - Method in class
Get highlightResult
getHit() - Method in class
Object ID of a record that's returned as a search result.
getHit() - Method in class
Object ID of a record that's returned as a search result.
getHit() - Method in class
Object ID of a record that's returned as a search result.
getHits() - Method in class
Most frequent search results.
getHits() - Method in class
Most frequent search results with click and conversion metrics.
getHits() - Method in class
Most frequent search results with click, conversion, and revenue metrics.
getHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHits
Get hits
getHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Get hits
getHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
Recommend rules that match the search criteria.
getHits() - Method in class
Search results (hits).
getHits() - Method in class
Dictionary entries matching the search criteria.
getHits() - Method in class
Search results (hits).
getHits() - Method in class
Search results (hits).
getHits() - Method in class
Rules that matched the search criteria.
getHits() - Method in class
Matching synonyms.
getHits() - Method in class
User objects that match the query.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Maximum number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Maximum number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Number of hits per page.
getHitsPerPage() - Method in class
Maximum number of hits per page.
getHost() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
getHosts() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getHttpErrorCode() - Method in exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaResponseException
getId() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
ID of the BigCommerce channel.
getId() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
ID to uniquely identify this action.
getId() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a synonym object.
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class
Get ignorePlurals
getIgnorePlurals() - Method in class
Get ignorePlurals
getImage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
Docker image name.
getImage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
Docker image name.
getImageType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
Get imageType
getIncidents() - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves known incidents for all clusters.
getIncidents() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsResponse
Get incidents
getIncidents(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves known incidents for all clusters.
getIncidentsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves known incidents for all clusters.
getIncidentsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves known incidents for all clusters.
getIncludeVariantsInventory() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
Whether to include an inventory with every variant for every product record.
getIncludeVariantsInventory() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
Whether to include an inventory with every variant for every product record.
getIncreaseProductCollectionLimit() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
Whether to increase the number of indexed collections per product.
getIncreaseProductCollectionLimit() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
Whether to increase the number of indexed collections per product.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Index name of the A/B test variant (case-sensitive).
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
Index name (case-sensitive) to which the event's items belong.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Index name used for the query.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Index name used for the query.
getIndex() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Redirect
Get index
getIndex() - Method in class
Index name used for the query.
getIndex() - Method in class
Index name used for the query.
getIndex() - Method in class
Index targeted by the query.
getIndex() - Method in class
Get index
getIndex() - Method in class
Index name used for the query.
getIndexes() - Method in class
Index names or patterns that this API key can access.
getIndexes() - Method in class
Index names or patterns that this API key can access.
getIndexing() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponseMetrics
Get indexing
getIndexingTime(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves average times for indexing operations for selected clusters.
getIndexingTime(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves average times for indexing operations for selected clusters.
getIndexingTimeAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves average times for indexing operations for selected clusters.
getIndexingTimeAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves average times for indexing operations for selected clusters.
getIndexLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific processing steps, such as word detection and dictionary settings.
getIndexLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific processing steps, such as word detection and dictionary settings.
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
Algolia index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
Name of the Query Suggestions index (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
Name of the Query Suggestions index (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
Name of the Query Suggestions index (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
Name of the Algolia index (case-sensitive) to use as source for query suggestions.
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class
Index from which to retrieve the records.
getIndexName() - Method in class
Index targeted by the query.
getIndexName() - Method in class
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexName() - Method in class
Index name (case-sensitive).
getIndexPrefix() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexPrefix
String added to the beginning of all indices created by this destination.
getIndexUsage(Statistic, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsage(Statistic, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsage(Statistic, String, String, String, Granularity) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsage(Statistic, String, String, String, Granularity, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String, String, Granularity) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String, String, Granularity, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the selected usage statistics for one index.
getIndexUsed() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Index name used for the query.
getIndexUsed() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Index name used for the query.
getIndexUsed() - Method in class
Index name used for the query.
getIndexUsed() - Method in class
Index name used for the query.
getIndexUsed() - Method in class
Index name used for the query.
getInnerQueries() - Method in class
Queries performed for the given request.
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
Get input
getInput() - Method in class
Word or phrase to appear in query strings (for [`onewaysynonym`s](
getInsert() - Method in class
Text to be added in place of the deleted text inside the query string.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsideBoundingBox() - Method in class
Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInsidePolygon() - Method in class
Coordinates of a polygon in which to search.
getInventory() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
Inventory custom fields.
getInventory() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InventoryResponse
Get inventory
getIp() - Method in class
IP address of the client that performed the request.
getIsReplica() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
Whether this server is a replica of another server.
getIsRunning() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
Whether the creation or update of the Query Suggestions index is in progress.
getIsSlave() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
getItems() - Method in class
All indices in your Algolia application.
getItemsPerPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
Number of items per page.
getJavaType(TypeReference<?>) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer
Constructs a JavaType representation for a class.
getJavaType(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer
Constructs a JavaType representation for a class with parameterized types.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters() - Method in class
Characters for which diacritics should be preserved.
getKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKey
API key.
getKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKeyPartial
API key.
getKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
Key identifier of the metafield.
getKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
Get key
getKey() - Method in class
API key.
getKey() - Method in class
API key.
getKeys() - Method in class
API keys.
getLanguage() - Method in class
Get language
getLanguage() - Method in class
Get language
getLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
Get languages
getLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
Get languages
getLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
Get languages
getLastBuildTimeS() - Method in class
Last build time.
getLastBuiltAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
Date and time when the Query Suggestions index was last built, in RFC 3339 format.
getLastEventAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
Date and time of the last event from this user, in RFC 3339 format.
getLastRun() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
The last time the scheduled task ran in RFC3339 format.
getLastRun() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
The last time the scheduled task ran in RFC3339 format.
getLastSuccessfulBuildDuration() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
Duration of the last successful build in seconds.
getLastSuccessfulBuiltAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
Date and time when the Query Suggestions index was last updated successfully.
getLastUpdate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRuleMetadata
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getLastUse() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
getLat() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
Latitude of the matched location.
getLat() - Method in class
Latitude of the matched location.
getLatency() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponseMetrics
Get latency
getLatency(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the average latency for search requests for selected clusters.
getLatency(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the average latency for search requests for selected clusters.
getLatencyAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the average latency for search requests for selected clusters.
getLatencyAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the average latency for search requests for selected clusters.
getLength() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLength() - Method in class
Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
getLevel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
Get level
getLine() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
Get line
getLng() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
Longitude of the matched location.
getLng() - Method in class
Longitude of the matched location.
getLocales() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
Get locales
getLocales() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
Locales for your commercetools stores.
getLocales() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
Locales for your commercetools stores.
getLogFile(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Retrieves the logs for a single Query Suggestions index.
getLogFile(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Retrieves the logs for a single Query Suggestions index.
GetLogFile200Response - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
GetLogFile200Response() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
getLogFileAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the logs for a single Query Suggestions index.
getLogFileAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the logs for a single Query Suggestions index.
getLogger() - Method in interface com.algolia.config.ClientConfig
getLogger() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getLogLevel() - Method in interface com.algolia.config.ClientConfig
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getLogs() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
getLogs() - Method in class
Get logs
getLogs(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
getLogs(Integer, Integer, String, LogType) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
getLogs(Integer, Integer, String, LogType, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
getLogsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
getLogsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
getLogsAsync(Integer, Integer, String, LogType) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
getLogsAsync(Integer, Integer, String, LogType, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) The request must be authenticated by an API key with the [`logs` ACL](
GetLogsResponse - Class in
GetLogsResponse() - Constructor for class
getMapperConfig() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getMapping() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
Get mapping
getMapping() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
Get mapping
getMapping() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
Key-value pairs of column names and their expected types.
getMapping() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingUtilsInput
Get mapping
getMarket() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
Get market
getMatchedGeoLocation() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Get matchedGeoLocation
getMatchedGeoLocation() - Method in class
Get matchedGeoLocation
getMatchedWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
List of matched words from the search query.
getMatchedWords() - Method in class
List of matched words from the search query.
getMatchLevel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
Get matchLevel
getMatchLevel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
Get matchLevel
getMatchLevel() - Method in class
Get matchLevel
getMatchLevel() - Method in class
Get matchLevel
getMax() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
Maximum value in the results.
getMax() - Method in class
Maximum value in the results.
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxFacetHits() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return when [searching for facet values](
getMaxHitsPerQuery() - Method in class
Maximum number of results this API key can retrieve in one query.
getMaxHitsPerQuery() - Method in class
Maximum number of results this API key can retrieve in one query.
getMaxQueriesPerIPPerHour() - Method in class
Maximum number of API requests allowed per IP address or [user token]( per hour.
getMaxQueriesPerIPPerHour() - Method in class
Maximum number of API requests allowed per IP address or [user token]( per hour.
getMaxRecommendations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
Maximum number of recommendations to retrieve.
getMaxRecommendations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
Maximum number of recommendations to retrieve.
getMaxRecommendations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
Maximum number of recommendations to retrieve.
getMaxRecommendations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
Maximum number of recommendations to retrieve.
getMaxRecommendations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
Maximum number of recommendations to retrieve.
getMaxRecommendations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
Maximum number of recommendations to retrieve.
getMaxRecommendations() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Maximum number of recommendations to retrieve.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Maximum number of values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMaxValuesPerFacet() - Method in class
Maximum number of facet values to return for each facet.
getMean() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
Mean for this currency.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaApiException
getMessage() - Method in exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRetryException
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
Details about the response, such as error messages.
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse
A message confirming the strategy update.
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
Details about the response, such as error messages.
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
Details about this log entry.
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Warnings about the query.
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Warnings about the query.
getMessage() - Method in class
Warnings about the query.
getMessage() - Method in class
Warnings about the query.
getMessage() - Method in class
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class
Warnings about the query.
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
Get message
getMessage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
Get message
getMetadata() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
Get metadata
getMetafields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
Get metafields
getMethod() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
getMethod() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
Get method
getMethod() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
Get method
getMethod() - Method in class
HTTP method of the request.
getMetrics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponse
Get metrics
getMetrics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponse
Get metrics
getMetrics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponse
Get metrics
getMetrics(Metric, Period) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves metrics related to your Algolia infrastructure, aggregated over a selected time window.
getMetrics(Metric, Period, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves metrics related to your Algolia infrastructure, aggregated over a selected time window.
getMetricsAsync(Metric, Period) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves metrics related to your Algolia infrastructure, aggregated over a selected time window.
getMetricsAsync(Metric, Period, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves metrics related to your Algolia infrastructure, aggregated over a selected time window.
getMin() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
Minimum value in the results.
getMin() - Method in class
Minimum value in the results.
getMinHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
Minimum number of hits required to be included as a suggestion.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumAroundRadius() - Method in class
Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
getMinimumDetectableEffect() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
Get minimumDetectableEffect
getMinLetters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
Minimum letters required to be included as a suggestion.
getMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinProximity() - Method in class
Minimum proximity score for two matching words.
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor1Typo() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [one typo](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMinWordSizefor2Typos() - Method in class
Minimum number of characters a word in the search query must contain to accept matches with [two typos](
getMode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class
Get mode
getMode() - Method in class
Get mode
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
Get model
getModel() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Get model
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
A/B test name.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
A/B test name.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
Descriptive name for the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Get name
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
Descriptive name of the source.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
Descriptive name of the source.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
Descriptive name of the source.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
Descriptive name of the source.
getName() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
Server name.
getName() - Method in class
Index name.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
Namespace of the metafield.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
Get namespace
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNaturalLanguages() - Method in class
ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages.
getNbApiCalls() - Method in class
Number of API requests.
getNbCustomEntries() - Method in class
Number of custom dictionary entries.
getNbExactWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Number of exactly matched words.
getNbExactWords() - Method in class
Number of exactly matched words.
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
Whether the `nbHits` is exhaustive (`true`) or approximate (`false`).
getNbHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Whether the `nbHits` is exhaustive (`true`) or approximate (`false`).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of rules that matched the search criteria.
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbHits() - Method in class
Number of results (hits).
getNbItems() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
Number of items in the API response.
getNbPages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
Number of pages in the API response.
getNbPages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Number of pages of results.
getNbPages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Number of pages of results.
getNbPages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
Number of pages of results.
getNbPages() - Method in class
Number of pages of results.
getNbPages() - Method in class
Number of pages of results.
getNbPages() - Method in class
Number of pages.
getNbPages() - Method in class
Number of pages of results.
getNbPages() - Method in class
Number of pages of results.
getNbPages() - Method in class
Number of pages.
getNbRecords() - Method in class
Number of records in the cluster.
getNbRecords() - Method in class
Number of records belonging to the user.
getNbSortedHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Number of hits selected and sorted by the relevant sort algorithm.
getNbSortedHits() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Number of hits selected and sorted by the relevant sort algorithm.
getNbSortedHits() - Method in class
Number of hits selected and sorted by the relevant sort algorithm.
getNbSortedHits() - Method in class
Number of hits selected and sorted by the relevant sort algorithm.
getNbSortedHits() - Method in class
Number of hits selected and sorted by the relevant sort algorithm.
getNbTypos() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Number of typos encountered when matching the record.
getNbTypos() - Method in class
Number of typos encountered when matching the record.
getNegative() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
Whether the filter is negative.
getNextRun() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
The next scheduled run of the task in RFC3339 format.
getNoClickCount() - Method in class
Number of times this search was returned as a result without any click.
getNoClickCount() - Method in class
Number of times this search was returned as a result without any click.
getNoClickRate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoClickRate(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoClickRate(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoClickRate(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoClickRateAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoClickRateAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoClickRateAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoClickRateAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't lead to any click within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
GetNoClickRateResponse - Class in
GetNoClickRateResponse() - Constructor for class
getNoResultCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of [searches without results]( for this variant.
getNoResultCount() - Method in class
Number of searches without any results.
getNoResultCount() - Method in class
Number of searches without any results.
getNoResultsRate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoResultsRate(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoResultsRate(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoResultsRate(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoResultsRateAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoResultsRateAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoResultsRateAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getNoResultsRateAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the fraction of searches that didn't return any results within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
GetNoResultsRateResponse - Class in
GetNoResultsRateResponse() - Constructor for class
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsVariant.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthInput.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthInputPartial.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationInput.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformWithNone.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceInput.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateInput.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateTrigger.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskInput.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Trigger.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Discount.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsItems.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Price.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Value.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Languages.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecision.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadius.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Distinct.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetFilters.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResult.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IgnorePlurals.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MixedSearchFilters.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.NumericFilters.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.OptionalFilters.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHit.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsRequest.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveStopWords.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ReRankingApplyFilter.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResult.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TagFilters.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoTolerance.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNullValue(DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.StatisticValue.Deserializer
Handle deserialization of the 'null' value.
getNumberOfPendingTasks() - Method in class
Number of pending indexing operations.
getNumericAttributesForFiltering() - Method in class
Numeric attributes that can be used as [numerical filters](
getNumericAttributesForFiltering() - Method in class
Numeric attributes that can be used as [numerical filters](
getNumericFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getNumericFilters() - Method in class
Get numericFilters
getObject(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObject(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObject(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObject(String, String, List<String>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObjectAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObjectAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObjectAsync(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObjectAsync(String, String, List<String>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves one record by its object ID.
getObjectData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Extra information about the records involved in a purchase or add-to-cart event.
getObjectData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Extra information about the records involved in a purchase or add-to-cart events.
getObjectData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Extra information about the records involved in a purchase or add-to-cart event.
getObjectData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Extra information about the records involved in a purchase or add-to-cart events.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HideConsequenceObject
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
Unique identifier of a rule object.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique identifier for the dictionary entry.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Object ID for the record to retrieve.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a rule object.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a synonym object.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique record identifier.
getObjectID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a rule object.
getObjectID() - Method in class
userID of the requested user.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
Object IDs of the records that are part of the event.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class
Unique record identifiers.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class
Unique record identifiers.
getObjectIDs() - Method in class
Object IDs of the records you want to promote.
getObjects(GetObjectsParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves one or more records, potentially from different indices.
getObjects(GetObjectsParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves one or more records, potentially from different indices.
getObjectsAsync(GetObjectsParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves one or more records, potentially from different indices.
getObjectsAsync(GetObjectsParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves one or more records, potentially from different indices.
GetObjectsParams - Class in
Request parameters.
GetObjectsParams() - Constructor for class
GetObjectsRequest - Class in
Request body for retrieving records.
GetObjectsRequest() - Constructor for class
GetObjectsResponse<T> - Class in
GetObjectsResponse() - Constructor for class
getOffset() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOffset() - Method in class
Position of the first hit to retrieve.
getOperation() - Method in class
Get operation
getOperation() - Method in class
Get operation
getOperator() - Method in class
Get operator
getOperator() - Method in class
Get operator
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
Filters to promote or demote records in the search results.
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalFilters() - Method in class
Get optionalFilters
getOptionalWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOptionalWords() - Method in class
Words that should be considered optional when found in the query.
getOrder() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Facets
Explicit order of facets or facet values.
getOrder() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
Explicit order of facets or facet values.
getOrder() - Method in class
Explicit order of facets or facet values.
getOrder() - Method in class
Explicit order of facets or facet values.
getOutcome() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Get outcome
getOutliers() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
Get outliers
getOutliers() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
Get outliers
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
Page of the API response to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Requested page of the API response.
getPage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Requested page of the API response.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Requested page of the API response.
getPage() - Method in class
Current page.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPage() - Method in class
Page of search results to retrieve.
getPagination() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
Get pagination
getPagination() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
Get pagination
getPagination() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
Get pagination
getPagination() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
Get pagination
getPagination() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
Get pagination
getPagination() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
Get pagination
getPaginationLimitedTo() - Method in class
Maximum number of search results that can be obtained through pagination.
getPaginationLimitedTo() - Method in class
Maximum number of search results that can be obtained through pagination.
getParams() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
Get params
getParams() - Method in class
URL-encoded string of all search parameters.
getParams() - Method in class
Get params
getParams() - Method in class
Search parameters as a URL-encoded query string.
getParams() - Method in class
Search parameters as a URL-encoded query string.
getParams() - Method in class
Search parameters as a URL-encoded query string.
getParams() - Method in class
URL-encoded string of all search parameters.
getParams() - Method in class
Search parameters as a URL-encoded query string.
getParams() - Method in class
URL-encoded string of all search parameters.
getParentID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
The parent event, the cause of this event.
getParsedQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Post-[normalization]( query string that will be searched.
getParsedQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Post-[normalization]( query string that will be searched.
getParsedQuery() - Method in class
Post-[normalization]( query string that will be searched.
getParsedQuery() - Method in class
Post-[normalization]( query string that will be searched.
getParsedQuery() - Method in class
Post-[normalization]( query string that will be searched.
getPassword() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
getPassword() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
getPath() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
getPattern() - Method in class
Query pattern that triggers the rule.
getPending() - Method in class
Whether there are clusters undergoing migration, creation, or deletion.
getPendingTask() - Method in class
A boolean which says whether the index has pending tasks.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPercentileComputation() - Method in class
Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
getPersonalization() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Get personalization
getPersonalization() - Method in class
Get personalization
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
Impact of personalization on the search results.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationImpact() - Method in class
Impact that Personalization should have on this search.
getPersonalizationStrategy() - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Retrieves the current personalization strategy.
getPersonalizationStrategy(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Retrieves the current personalization strategy.
getPersonalizationStrategyAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the current personalization strategy.
getPersonalizationStrategyAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the current personalization strategy.
getPlaceholder() - Method in class
[Placeholder token]( to be put inside records.
getPlatform() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
Get platform
getPlatform() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
Get platform
getPlatform() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
Get platform
getPlurals() - Method in class
Get plurals
getPlurals() - Method in class
Key-value pair of a language ISO code and a boolean value.
getPort() - Method in class com.algolia.config.Host
getPort() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
getPosition() - Method in class
Range of positions in the search results, using the pattern `[start,end]`.
getPosition() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
Index in the list of recommendations where to place this item.
getPosition() - Method in class
Position in the search results where you want to show the promoted records.
getPosition() - Method in class
Position in the search results where you want to show the promoted records.
getPosition() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
Get position
getPositions() - Method in class
List of positions in the search results and clicks associated with this search.
getPositions() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Position of the clicked item the search results.
getPrice() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
Price custom fields.
getPrice() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
Get price
getPrice() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
Get price
getPrimary() - Method in class
Only present if the index is a replica.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
Private key of the Google service account.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
Private key of the Google service account.
getProcessingTimeMs() - Method in class
Processing time for the query in milliseconds.
getProcessingTimeMS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getProcessingTimeMS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getProcessingTimeMS() - Method in class
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getProcessingTimeMS() - Method in class
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getProcessingTimeMS() - Method in class
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getProcessingTimeMS() - Method in class
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getProcessingTimingsMS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
getProcessingTimingsMS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
getProcessingTimingsMS() - Method in class
getProcessingTimingsMS() - Method in class
getProcessingTimingsMS() - Method in class
getProductMetafields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
Get productMetafields
getProductNamedTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
Whether to convert tags on products to named tags.
getProductNamedTags() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
Whether to convert tags on products to named tags.
getProgress() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Get progress
getProjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
Project ID of the BigQuery source.
getProjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
GCP project ID that the BigQuery export writes to.
getProjectKey() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
Get projectKey
getPromote() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
Place items at specific positions in the list of recommendations.
getPromote() - Method in class
Records you want to pin to a specific position in the search results.
getPromoted() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Whether the record was promoted by a rule.
getPromoted() - Method in class
Whether the record was promoted by a rule.
getPromotedByReRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Whether the record is re-ranked.
getPromotedByReRanking() - Method in class
Whether the record is re-ranked.
getProximityDistance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Number of words between multiple matches in the query plus 1.
getProximityDistance() - Method in class
Number of words between multiple matches in the query plus 1.
getPublishedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
Date of publish RFC3339 format.
getPurchaseCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of purchase events for this variant.
getPurchaseCount() - Method in class
Number of purchase events from this search.
getPurchaseCount() - Method in class
Number of purchase events from this search.
getPurchaseCount() - Method in class
Number of purchase events from this search.
getPurchaseCount() - Method in class
Number of purchase events from this search.
getPurchaseRate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
[Purchase rate]( for this variant.
getPurchaseRate() - Method in class
Purchase rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one purchase event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getPurchaseRate() - Method in class
Purchase rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one purchase event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getPurchaseRate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
getPurchaseRate(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
getPurchaseRate(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
getPurchaseRate(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
getPurchaseRateAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
getPurchaseRateAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
getPurchaseRateAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
getPurchaseRateAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the purchase rate for all of your searches with at least one purchase event, including a daily breakdown.
GetPurchaseRateResponse - Class in
GetPurchaseRateResponse() - Constructor for class
getPurchaseSignificance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Get purchaseSignificance
getQuantity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
Quantity of a product that has been purchased or added to the cart.
getQuantity() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
Quantity of a product that has been purchased or added to the cart.
getQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsQuery
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Get query
getQuery() - Method in class
Get query
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query for rules.
getQuery() - Method in class
Search query.
getQuery() - Method in class
Query to search.
getQueryAfterRemoval() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Markup text indicating which parts of the original query have been removed to retrieve a non-empty result set.
getQueryAfterRemoval() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Markup text indicating which parts of the original query have been removed to retrieve a non-empty result set.
getQueryAfterRemoval() - Method in class
Markup text indicating which parts of the original query have been removed to retrieve a non-empty result set.
getQueryAfterRemoval() - Method in class
Markup text indicating which parts of the original query have been removed to retrieve a non-empty result set.
getQueryAfterRemoval() - Method in class
Markup text indicating which parts of the original query have been removed to retrieve a non-empty result set.
getQueryBody() - Method in class
Request body.
getQueryHeaders() - Method in class
Request headers (API keys are obfuscated).
getQueryId() - Method in class
Unique query identifier.
getQueryID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Unique identifier for a search query.
getQueryID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Unique identifier for a search query.
getQueryID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Unique identifier for a search query.
getQueryID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
Unique identifier for a search query, used to track purchase events with multiple records that originate from different searches.
getQueryID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Unique identifier for the query.
getQueryID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Unique identifier for the query.
getQueryID() - Method in class
Unique identifier for the query.
getQueryID() - Method in class
Unique identifier for the query.
getQueryID() - Method in class
Unique identifier for the query.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryLanguages() - Method in class
Languages for language-specific query processing steps such as plurals, stop-word removal, and word-detection dictionaries.
getQueryNbHits() - Method in class
Number of search results (hits) returned for the query.
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
Get queryParameters
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
Get queryParameters
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
Get queryParameters
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
Get queryParameters
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
Get queryParameters
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
Get queryParameters
getQueryParameters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Get queryParameters
getQueryParameters() - Method in class
Query parameters to add when making API requests with this API key.
getQueryParameters() - Method in class
Query parameters to add when making API requests with this API key.
getQueryParams() - Method in class
Query parameters sent with the request.
getQueryType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class
Get queryType
getQueryType() - Method in class
Get queryType
getRamIndexingUsage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
RAM used for indexing in MB.
getRamSearchUsage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
RAM used for search in MB.
getRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRanking() - Method in class
Determines the order in which Algolia returns your results.
getRankingInfo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
Get rankingInfo
getRankingInfo() - Method in class
Get rankingInfo
getRankingScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
The score of the ranking.
getRankingScore() - Method in class
The score of the ranking.
getRate() - Method in class
Add-to-cart rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one add-to-cart event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
Click-through rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one click event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
Conversion rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one conversion event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
No click rate, calculated as number of tracked searches without any click divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
No results rate, calculated as number of searches with zero results divided by the total number of searches.
getRate() - Method in class
Purchase rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one purchase event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
Add-to-cart rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one add-to-cart event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
Click-through rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one click event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
Conversion rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one conversion event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
No click rate, calculated as number of tracked searches without any click divided by the number of tracked searches.
getRate() - Method in class
No results rate, calculated as number of searches with zero results divided by the total number of searches.
getRate() - Method in class
Purchase rate, calculated as number of tracked searches with at least one purchase event divided by the number of tracked searches.
getReachability(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Test whether clusters are reachable or not.
getReachability(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Test whether clusters are reachable or not.
getReachabilityAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Test whether clusters are reachable or not.
getReachabilityAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Test whether clusters are reachable or not.
getReadTimeout() - Method in interface com.algolia.config.ClientConfig
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
getReason() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
More information about the task run's outcome.
getReason() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.GetServers403Response
Get reason
getReason() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
Reason for the redirect rule.
getReason() - Method in class
Reason for the redirect rule.
getReasonCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Get reasonCode
getReceivedNbOfEvents() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
Get receivedNbOfEvents
getRecommendations(GetRecommendationsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Retrieves recommendations from selected AI models.
getRecommendations(GetRecommendationsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Retrieves recommendations from selected AI models.
getRecommendationsAsync(GetRecommendationsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves recommendations from selected AI models.
getRecommendationsAsync(GetRecommendationsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves recommendations from selected AI models.
GetRecommendationsParams - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Recommend request body.
GetRecommendationsParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsParams
GetRecommendationsResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
GetRecommendationsResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsResponse
getRecommendRule(String, RecommendModels, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Retrieves a Recommend rule that you previously created in the Algolia dashboard.
getRecommendRule(String, RecommendModels, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Retrieves a Recommend rule that you previously created in the Algolia dashboard.
getRecommendRuleAsync(String, RecommendModels, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a Recommend rule that you previously created in the Algolia dashboard.
getRecommendRuleAsync(String, RecommendModels, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a Recommend rule that you previously created in the Algolia dashboard.
getRecommendStatus(String, RecommendModels, Long) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Checks the status of a given task.
getRecommendStatus(String, RecommendModels, Long, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Checks the status of a given task.
getRecommendStatusAsync(String, RecommendModels, Long) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Checks the status of a given task.
getRecommendStatusAsync(String, RecommendModels, Long, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Checks the status of a given task.
GetRecommendTaskResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
GetRecommendTaskResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendTaskResponse
getRecordType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
Get recordType
getRedirect() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Get redirect
getRedirect() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Get redirect
getRedirect() - Method in class
Get redirect
getRedirect() - Method in class
Get redirect
getRedirect() - Method in class
Get redirect
getReferers() - Method in class
Allowed HTTP referrers for this API key.
getReferers() - Method in class
Allowed HTTP referrers for this API key.
getRegion() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
Get region
getRegistry() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
Get registry
getRegistry() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
Get registry
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRelevancyStrictness() - Method in class
Relevancy threshold below which less relevant results aren't included in the results.
getRemove() - Method in class
Words to remove from the search query.
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveStopWords() - Method in class
Get removeStopWords
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRemoveWordsIfNoResults() - Method in class
Get removeWordsIfNoResults
getRenderingContent() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getRenderingContent() - Method in class
Get renderingContent
getReplacements() - Method in class
Query words that will match the [placeholder token](
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplaceSynonymsInHighlight() - Method in class
Whether to replace a highlighted word with the matched synonym.
getReplicas() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
If true, Query Suggestions uses all replica indices to find popular searches.
getReplicas() - Method in class
Creates [replica indices](
getReplicas() - Method in class
Only present if the index is a primary index with replicas.
getReplicas() - Method in class
Creates [replica indices](
getRequesterConfig() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getRequests() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsParams
Recommendation request with parameters depending on the requested model.
getRequests() - Method in class
List of additions and deletions to your dictionaries.
getRequests() - Method in class
Get requests
getRequests() - Method in class
Get requests
getRequests() - Method in class
Get requests
getRequests() - Method in class
Get requests
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getReRankingApplyFilter() - Method in class
Get reRankingApplyFilter
getResponseFields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getResponseFields() - Method in class
Properties to include in the API response of `search` and `browse` requests.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays() - Method in class
Whether to restrict highlighting and snippeting to items that at least partially matched the search query.
getRestrictIndices() - Method in class
Index names or patterns that this API key can access.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes.
getRestrictSources() - Method in class
IP network that are allowed to use this key.
getResults() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsResponse
Get results
getResults() - Method in class
Retrieved records.
getResults() - Method in class
Get results
getRetryCount() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
getRevenue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
Revenue for this currency.
getRevenue() - Method in class
Revenue associated with this search in this currency.
getRevenue(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
getRevenue(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
getRevenue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
getRevenue(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
GetRevenue - Class in
GetRevenue() - Constructor for class
getRevenueAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
getRevenueAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
getRevenueAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
getRevenueAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves revenue-related metrics, such as the total revenue or the average order value.
getRevenueSignificance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Get revenueSignificance
getRule(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves a rule by its ID.
getRule(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves a rule by its ID.
getRuleAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a rule by its ID.
getRuleAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a rule by its ID.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleContexts() - Method in class
Assigns a rule context to the search query.
getRuleObjectID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData
Get ruleObjectID
getRuleObjectID() - Method in class
Get ruleObjectID
getRulesMatch() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
Rules matching exhaustivity.
getRulesMatch() - Method in class
Rules matching exhaustivity.
getRun(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a single task run by its ID.
getRun(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a single task run by its ID.
getRunAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a single task run by its ID.
getRunAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a single task run by its ID.
getRunID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task run.
getRunID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task run.
getRunID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task run.
getRunID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task run.
getRuns() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a list of task runs.
getRuns() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
Get runs
getRuns(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a list of task runs.
getRuns(Integer, Integer, List<RunStatus>, String, RunSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a list of task runs.
getRuns(Integer, Integer, List<RunStatus>, String, RunSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a list of task runs.
getRunsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a list of task runs.
getRunsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a list of task runs.
getRunsAsync(Integer, Integer, List<RunStatus>, String, RunSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a list of task runs.
getRunsAsync(Integer, Integer, List<RunStatus>, String, RunSortKeys, OrderKeys, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a list of task runs.
getScheme() - Method in class com.algolia.config.Host
getScheme() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
getScope() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
OAuth scope.
getScope() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
OAuth scope.
getScope() - Method in class
**Only for copying.** If you specify a scope, only the selected scopes are copied.
getScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
Event score.
getScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
Event score.
getScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
The score of the event.
getScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
Recommendation score.
getScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
Recommendation score.
getScore() - Method in class
Filter scores to give different weights to individual filters.
getScore() - Method in class
The score of the event.
getScores() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
Scores for different facet values.
getSearch() - Method in class
Search query.
getSearch() - Method in class
Search query.
getSearch() - Method in class
Search query.
getSearch() - Method in class
Search query.
getSearch() - Method in class
Search query.
getSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes used for searching.
getSearchableAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes used for searching.
getSearchCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of searches for this variant.
getSearches() - Method in class
Searches without any clicks.
getSearches() - Method in class
Searches without results.
getSearches() - Method in class
Most popular searches and their number of search results (hits).
getSearches() - Method in class
Most popular searches and their associated click and conversion metrics.
getSearches() - Method in class
Most popular searches, including their click and revenue metrics.
getSearchesCount(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getSearchesCount(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getSearchesCount(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getSearchesCount(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getSearchesCountAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getSearchesCountAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getSearchesCountAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getSearchesCountAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of searches within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
GetSearchesCountResponse - Class in
GetSearchesCountResponse() - Constructor for class
getSearchesNoClicks(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
getSearchesNoClicks(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
getSearchesNoClicks(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
getSearchesNoClicks(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
getSearchesNoClicksAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
getSearchesNoClicksAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
getSearchesNoClicksAsync(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
getSearchesNoClicksAsync(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't lead to any clicks, from the 1,000 most frequent searches.
GetSearchesNoClicksResponse - Class in
GetSearchesNoClicksResponse() - Constructor for class
getSearchesNoResults(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
getSearchesNoResults(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
getSearchesNoResults(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
getSearchesNoResults(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
getSearchesNoResultsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
getSearchesNoResultsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
getSearchesNoResultsAsync(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
getSearchesNoResultsAsync(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most popular searches that didn't return any results.
GetSearchesNoResultsResponse - Class in
GetSearchesNoResultsResponse() - Constructor for class
getSearchParams() - Method in class
Get searchParams
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class
Get semanticSearch
getSemanticSearch() - Method in class
Get semanticSearch
getSeparatorsToIndex() - Method in class
Controls which separators are indexed.
getSeparatorsToIndex() - Method in class
Controls which separators are indexed.
getServers() - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the servers that belong to clusters.
getServers(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the servers that belong to clusters.
GetServers403Response - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
GetServers403Response() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.GetServers403Response
getServersAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the servers that belong to clusters.
getServersAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the servers that belong to clusters.
getServerTimeMS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getServerTimeMS() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getServerTimeMS() - Method in class
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getServerTimeMS() - Method in class
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getServerTimeMS() - Method in class
Time the server took to process the request, in milliseconds.
getServerUsed() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
Host name of the server that processed the request.
getServerUsed() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
Host name of the server that processed the request.
getServerUsed() - Method in class
Host name of the server that processed the request.
getServerUsed() - Method in class
Host name of the server that processed the request.
getServerUsed() - Method in class
Host name of the server that processed the request.
getSettings(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves an object with non-null index settings.
getSettings(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves an object with non-null index settings.
getSettingsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves an object with non-null index settings.
getSettingsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves an object with non-null index settings.
getSha1() - Method in class
SHA1 signature of the log entry.
getShopURL() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
URL of the Shopify store.
getShopURL() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopifyBase
URL of the Shopify store.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSimilarQuery() - Method in class
Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search.
getSize() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
Smallest difference in an observable metric between variants.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetEllipsisText() - Method in class
String used as an ellipsis indicator when a snippet is truncated.
getSnippetResult() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
Snippets that show the context around a matching search query.
getSnippetResult() - Method in class
Snippets that show the context around a matching search query.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortFacetValuesBy() - Method in class
Order in which to retrieve facet values.
getSortRemainingBy() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
Get sortRemainingBy
getSortRemainingBy() - Method in class
Get sortRemainingBy
getSource() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
Source index for the redirect rule.
getSource() - Method in class
Source index for the redirect rule.
getSource() - Method in class
IP address range of the source.
getSource(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a source by its ID.
getSource(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieve a source by its ID.
getSourceAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a source by its ID.
getSourceAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieve a source by its ID.
getSourceID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Universally uniqud identifier (UUID) of a source.
getSourceID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
Universally uniqud identifier (UUID) of a source.
getSourceID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
Universally uniqud identifier (UUID) of a source.
getSourceID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Universally uniqud identifier (UUID) of a source.
getSourceID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
Universally uniqud identifier (UUID) of a source.
getSourceIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSearch
Get sourceIDs
getSourceIndices() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
Algolia indices from which to get the popular searches for query suggestions.
getSourceIndices() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
Algolia indices from which to get the popular searches for query suggestions.
getSourceIndices() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
Algolia indices from which to get the popular searches for query suggestions.
getSources() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of sources.
getSources() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves all allowed IP addresses with access to your application.
getSources() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
Get sources
getSources(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of sources.
getSources(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves all allowed IP addresses with access to your application.
getSources(Integer, Integer, List<SourceType>, List<String>, SourceSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of sources.
getSources(Integer, Integer, List<SourceType>, List<String>, SourceSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of sources.
getSourcesAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of sources.
getSourcesAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves all allowed IP addresses with access to your application.
getSourcesAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of sources.
getSourcesAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves all allowed IP addresses with access to your application.
getSourcesAsync(Integer, Integer, List<SourceType>, List<String>, SourceSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of sources.
getSourcesAsync(Integer, Integer, List<SourceType>, List<String>, SourceSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of sources.
getSsdUsage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
Solid-state disk (SSD) usage expressed as % of RAM.
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
Standard deviation for this currency.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
Earliest date in RFC3339 format of the extracted data from Big Query.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
Date in RFC3339 format representing the oldest data in the time window.
getStartedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Date of start in RFC3339 format.
getState() - Method in class
Get state
getStatistics() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200Response
Get statistics
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the status of all Algolia clusters and instances.
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Get status
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
Get status
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Get status
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
The HTTP status code of the response.
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
Get status
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
Get status
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.StatusResponse
Get status
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
HTTP status code.
getStatus() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendTaskResponse
Get status
getStatus() - Method in class
Get status
getStatus(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
Retrieves the status of all Algolia clusters and instances.
getStatus(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the time when the Analytics data for the specified index was last updated.
getStatus(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the time when the Analytics data for the specified index was last updated.
getStatusAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the status of all Algolia clusters and instances.
getStatusAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the status of all Algolia clusters and instances.
getStatusAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the time when the Analytics data for the specified index was last updated.
getStatusAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the time when the Analytics data for the specified index was last updated.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaApiException
GetStatusResponse - Class in
GetStatusResponse() - Constructor for class
getStopwords() - Method in class
Get stopwords
getStopwords() - Method in class
Key-value pair of a language ISO code and a boolean value.
getStoreHash() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
Store hash identifying your BigCommerce store.
getStoreKeys() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
Get storeKeys
getStoreKeys() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
Get storeKeys
getStrategy() - Method in class
Get strategy
getStreams() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceStreams
Get streams
getSucceed() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
Redirect rule status.
getSucceed() - Method in class
Redirect rule status.
getSum() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
Sum of all values in the results.
getSum() - Method in class
Sum of all values in the results.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSumOrFiltersScores() - Method in class
Whether to sum all filter scores.
getSynonym(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves a syonym by its ID.
getSynonym(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Retrieves a syonym by its ID.
getSynonymAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a syonym by its ID.
getSynonymAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a syonym by its ID.
getSynonyms() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
getSynonyms() - Method in class
Words or phrases considered equivalent.
getT() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
Timestamp, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getT() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
Timestamp, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getT() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
Timestamp, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getT() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
Timestamp, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTable() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
Table name for the BigQuery export.
getTablePrefix() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
Table prefix for a Google Analytics 4 data export to BigQuery.
getTablePrefix() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
Prefix of the tables that the BigQuery Export writes to.
getTagFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTagFilters() - Method in class
Get tagFilters
getTask(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a task by its ID.
getTask(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a task by its ID.
getTask(String, Long) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Checks the status of a given task.
getTask(String, Long, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Checks the status of a given task.
getTaskAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a task by its ID.
getTaskAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a task by its ID.
getTaskAsync(String, Long) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Checks the status of a given task.
getTaskAsync(String, Long, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Checks the status of a given task.
getTaskID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Task IDs.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of a task.
getTaskIDs() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSearch
Get taskIDs
GetTaskResponse - Class in
GetTaskResponse() - Constructor for class
getTasks() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of tasks.
getTasks() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
Get tasks
getTasks(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of tasks.
getTasks(Integer, Integer, List<ActionType>, Boolean, List<String>, List<String>, List<TriggerType>, TaskSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of tasks.
getTasks(Integer, Integer, List<ActionType>, Boolean, List<String>, List<String>, List<TriggerType>, TaskSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Retrieves a list of tasks.
getTasksAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of tasks.
getTasksAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of tasks.
getTasksAsync(Integer, Integer, List<ActionType>, Boolean, List<String>, List<String>, List<TriggerType>, TaskSortKeys, OrderKeys) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of tasks.
getTasksAsync(Integer, Integer, List<ActionType>, Boolean, List<String>, List<String>, List<TriggerType>, TaskSortKeys, OrderKeys, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a list of tasks.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
Minimum score a recommendation must have to be included in the response.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
Minimum score a recommendation must have to be included in the response.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
Minimum score a recommendation must have to be included in the response.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
Minimum score a recommendation must have to be included in the response.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
Minimum score a recommendation must have to be included in the response.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
Minimum score a recommendation must have to be included in the response.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Minimum score a recommendation must have to be included in the response.
getTimeframe() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
Number of days in the past until the current day for which to extract Big Query data.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
Timestamp of the event, measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
Date and time of the log entry, in RFC 3339 format.
getTimestamp() - Method in class
Date and time of the API request, in RFC 3339 format.
getTitle() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
Description of the incident.
getTopCountries(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
getTopCountries(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
getTopCountries(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
getTopCountries(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
getTopCountriesAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
getTopCountriesAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
getTopCountriesAsync(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
getTopCountriesAsync(String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the countries with the most searches to your index.
GetTopCountriesResponse - Class in
GetTopCountriesResponse() - Constructor for class
GetTopFilterAttribute - Class in
GetTopFilterAttribute() - Constructor for class
getTopFilterAttributes(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
getTopFilterAttributes(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
getTopFilterAttributes(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
getTopFilterAttributes(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
getTopFilterAttributesAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
getTopFilterAttributesAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
getTopFilterAttributesAsync(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
getTopFilterAttributesAsync(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filter attributes.
GetTopFilterAttributesResponse - Class in
GetTopFilterAttributesResponse() - Constructor for class
getTopFilterForAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
getTopFilterForAttribute(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
getTopFilterForAttribute(String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
getTopFilterForAttribute(String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
GetTopFilterForAttribute - Class in
GetTopFilterForAttribute() - Constructor for class
getTopFilterForAttributeAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
getTopFilterForAttributeAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
getTopFilterForAttributeAsync(String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
getTopFilterForAttributeAsync(String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequent filter (facet) values for a filter attribute.
GetTopFilterForAttributeResponse - Class in
GetTopFilterForAttributeResponse() - Constructor for class
getTopFiltersNoResults(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
getTopFiltersNoResults(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
getTopFiltersNoResults(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
getTopFiltersNoResults(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
getTopFiltersNoResultsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
getTopFiltersNoResultsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
getTopFiltersNoResultsAsync(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
getTopFiltersNoResultsAsync(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the most frequently used filters for a search that didn't return any results.
GetTopFiltersNoResultsResponse - Class in
GetTopFiltersNoResultsResponse() - Constructor for class
GetTopFiltersNoResultsValue - Class in
GetTopFiltersNoResultsValue() - Constructor for class
GetTopFiltersNoResultsValues - Class in
GetTopFiltersNoResultsValues() - Constructor for class
getTopHits(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
getTopHits(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
getTopHits(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
getTopHits(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
getTopHitsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
getTopHitsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
getTopHitsAsync(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
getTopHitsAsync(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the object IDs of the most frequent search results.
GetTopHitsResponse - Interface in
GetTopHitsResponse.Deserializer - Class in
getTopSearches(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Returns the most popular search terms.
getTopSearches(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Returns the most popular search terms.
getTopSearches(String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, OrderBy, Direction, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Returns the most popular search terms.
getTopSearches(String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, OrderBy, Direction, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Returns the most popular search terms.
getTopSearchesAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Returns the most popular search terms.
getTopSearchesAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Returns the most popular search terms.
getTopSearchesAsync(String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, OrderBy, Direction, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Returns the most popular search terms.
getTopSearchesAsync(String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, OrderBy, Direction, Integer, Integer, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Returns the most popular search terms.
GetTopSearchesResponse - Interface in
GetTopSearchesResponse.Deserializer - Class in
getTopUserIds() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Get the IDs of the 10 users with the highest number of records per cluster.
getTopUserIds(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Get the IDs of the 10 users with the highest number of records per cluster.
getTopUserIdsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Get the IDs of the 10 users with the highest number of records per cluster.
getTopUserIdsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Get the IDs of the 10 users with the highest number of records per cluster.
GetTopUserIdsResponse - Class in
User IDs and clusters.
GetTopUserIdsResponse() - Constructor for class
getTopUsers() - Method in class
Key-value pairs with cluster names as keys and lists of users with the highest number of records per cluster as values.
getTopUsers() - Method in class
Key-value pairs with cluster names as keys and lists of users with the highest number of records per cluster as values.
getTotal() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
Number of retrievable A/B tests.
getTrackedHitCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedHitCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchCount() - Method in class
Number of tracked searches.
getTrackedSearchesCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
Number of tracked searches removed from the A/B test.
getTrackedSearchesCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
Number of tracked searches removed from the A/B test.
getTrackedUserCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of users that made tracked searches to this variant.
getTrafficPercentage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
Percentage of search requests each variant receives.
getTrafficPercentage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
Percentage of search requests each variant receives.
getTrafficPercentage() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Percentage of search requests each variant receives.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
Condition which must be satisfied to apply the action.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Get trigger
getTrigger() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
Get trigger
getTrigger() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
Get trigger
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerInput
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTrigger
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTrigger
Get type
getType() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
Get type
getType() - Method in class
Get type
getType() - Method in class
Get type
getType() - Method in class
Get type
getType() - Method in class
Get type
getType() - Method in class
Get type
getType() - Method in class
Get type
getType() - Method in class
Get type
getTypo() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
Whether the typo search was exhaustive (`true`) or approximate (`false`).
getTypo() - Method in class
Whether the typo search was exhaustive (`true`) or approximate (`false`).
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class
Get typoTolerance
getTypoTolerance() - Method in class
Get typoTolerance
getUniqueIDColumn() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
Name of a column that contains a unique ID which will be used as `objectID` in Algolia.
getUniqueIDColumn() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
Name of a column that contains a unique ID which will be used as `objectID` in Algolia.
getUniqueIDColumn() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
Name of a column that contains a unique ID which will be used as `objectID` in Algolia.
getUnretrievableAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes that can't be retrieved at query time.
getUnretrievableAttributes() - Method in class
Attributes that can't be retrieved at query time.
getUntil() - Method in class
When the rule should stop to be active, in Unix epoch time.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
Date and time when the A/B test was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
Date of last update in RFC3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class
Date and time when the object was updated, in RFC 3339 format.
getUrl() - Method in class com.algolia.config.Host
getUrl() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
URL for the OAuth endpoint.
getUrl() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
URL for the OAuth endpoint.
getUrl() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
Get url
getUrl() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
URL of the file.
getUrl() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
URL of the file.
getUrl() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
Get url
getUrl() - Method in class
URL of the API endpoint.
getUsage(Statistic, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
getUsage(Statistic, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
getUsage(Statistic, String, String, Granularity) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
getUsage(Statistic, String, String, Granularity, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
GetUsage200Response - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
GetUsage200Response() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200Response
GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
GetUsage400Response - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
GetUsage400Response() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400Response
GetUsage400ResponseError - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
GetUsage400ResponseError() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
getUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
getUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
getUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String, Granularity) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
getUsageAsync(Statistic, String, String, Granularity, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves usage statistics evaluated over a specified period.
getUserCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
Number of users that made searches to this variant.
getUserData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
An object with custom data.
getUserData() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
An object with custom data.
getUserData() - Method in class
An object with custom data.
getUserData() - Method in class
An object with custom data.
getUserData() - Method in class
An object with custom data.
getUserData() - Method in class
A JSON object with custom data that will be appended to the `userData` array in the response.
getUserData() - Method in class
An object with custom data.
getUserData() - Method in class
An object with custom data.
getUserId(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Returns the user ID data stored in the mapping.
getUserId(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Returns the user ID data stored in the mapping.
getUserID() - Method in class
Get userID
getUserID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of the user who makes the search request.
getUserID() - Method in class
Unique identifier of the user who makes the search request.
getUserIdAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Returns the user ID data stored in the mapping.
getUserIdAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Returns the user ID data stored in the mapping.
getUserIDs() - Method in class
User IDs.
getUsername() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
getUsername() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
getUsers() - Method in class
User IDs to assign.
getUserScore() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Overall ranking of the record, expressed as a single integer.
getUserScore() - Method in class
Overall ranking of the record, expressed as a single integer.
getUsersCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
Number of users removed from the A/B test.
getUsersCount() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
Number of users removed from the A/B test.
getUsersCount(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getUsersCount(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getUsersCount(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getUsersCount(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getUsersCountAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getUsersCountAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getUsersCountAsync(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
getUsersCountAsync(String, String, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AnalyticsClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves the number of unique users within a time range, including a daily breakdown.
GetUsersCountResponse - Class in
GetUsersCountResponse() - Constructor for class
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
Anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
A user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier.
getUserToken() - Method in class
Pseudonymous user identifier to restrict usage of this API key to specific users.
getUserTokenProfile(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Retrieves a user profile and their affinities for different facets.
getUserTokenProfile(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Retrieves a user profile and their affinities for different facets.
getUserTokenProfileAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a user profile and their affinities for different facets.
getUserTokenProfileAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Retrieves a user profile and their affinities for different facets.
GetUserTokenResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
GetUserTokenResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
getV() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
Get v
getV() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
Value of the metric.
getV() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
Time in ms.
getV() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
Get v
getValidity() - Method in class
Duration (in seconds) after which the API key expires.
getValidity() - Method in class
Duration (in seconds) after which the API key expires.
getValidity() - Method in class
Time periods when the rule is active.
getValidUntil() - Method in class
Timestamp when the secured API key expires, measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
Attribute value.
getValue() - Method in class
Attribute value.
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigQueryDataType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerRegistry
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
How the destination field should be resolved from the source.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFormatSchema
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MethodType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OrderKeys
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformNone
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RecordType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerType
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
Get value
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTriggerType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTriggerType
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
Get value
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get value
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.AddToCartEvent
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickEvent
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ConversionEvent
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Discount.DoubleWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Discount.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Price.DoubleWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Price.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
Get value
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
Get value
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchaseEvent
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Value.DoubleWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.Value.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewEvent
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ServerStatus
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Type
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Languages.BooleanWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Languages.ListOfStringWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AdvancedSyntaxFeatures
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecision.IntegerWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecision.ListOfAroundPrecisionFromValueInnerWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
Upper boundary of a range in meters.
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadius.IntegerWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadiusAll
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Distinct.BooleanWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Distinct.IntegerWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetFilters.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.FbtModel
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResult.ListOfHighlightResultOptionWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResult.MapOfStringHighlightResultOptionWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
Highlighted attribute value, including HTML tags.
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IgnorePlurals.BooleanWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IgnorePlurals.ListOfSupportedLanguageWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarModel
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MixedSearchFilters.ListOfStringWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MixedSearchFilters.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.Mode
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.NumericFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.NumericFilters.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.OptionalFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.OptionalFilters.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHit.RecommendHitWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouModel
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedModel
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveStopWords.BooleanWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveStopWords.ListOfSupportedLanguageWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ReRankingApplyFilter.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ReRankingApplyFilter.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResult.ListOfSnippetResultOptionWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResult.MapOfStringSnippetResultOptionWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
Highlighted attribute value, including HTML tags.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TagFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TagFilters.StringWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TaskStatus
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsModel
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsModel
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoTolerance.BooleanWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoToleranceEnum
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
Upper boundary of a range in meters.
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
API key.
getValue() - Method in class
Value that corresponds to the operation, for example an `Increment` or `Decrement` step, or an `Add` or `Remove` value.
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
Facet value.
getValue() - Method in class
API key.
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
Highlighted attribute value, including HTML tags.
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
Highlighted attribute value, including HTML tags.
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in enum class
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Granularity
getValue() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.StatisticValue.IntegerWrapper
getValue() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.StatisticValue.MapOfStringIntegerWrapper
getValues() - Method in class
Filter values for an attribute.
getValues() - Method in class
Filters for searches without any results.
getValues() - Method in class
Filters with no results.
getValues() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
Order of facet values.
getValues() - Method in class
Order of facet values.
getVariantMetafields() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
Get variantMetafields
getVariants() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
A/B test variants.
getVariants() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
A/B test variants.
getVersion() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
Docker image version.
getVersion() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
Docker image version.
getWindow() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
Get window
getWindow() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
Get window
getWithFilterCount() - Method in class
Number of searches for this term with applied filters.
getWord() - Method in class
Matching dictionary word for `stopwords` and `compounds` dictionaries.
getWord() - Method in class
Word or phrase to appear in query strings (for [`altcorrection1` and `altcorrection2`](
getWords() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
Number of matched words.
getWords() - Method in class
Matching words in the `plurals` dictionary including declensions.
getWords() - Method in class
Number of matched words.
getWriteTimeout() - Method in interface com.algolia.config.ClientConfig
getWriteTimeout() - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions
getWriteTimeout() - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
GHCR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerRegistry
GL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
GL - Enum constant in enum class
GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
Granularity - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.usage
Gets or Sets granularity
GREATER_EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class
GREATER_THAN - Enum constant in enum class
GZIP - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.CompressionType
GzipRequestInterceptor - Class in com.algolia.internal.interceptors
This interceptor compresses the HTTP request body.
GzipRequestInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.GzipRequestInterceptor


hasFailed() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.config.Host
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.CustomSearchParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.EmptySearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Outliers
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKey
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKeyPartial
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DeleteResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexPrefix
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceStreams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopifyBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTrigger
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingUtilsInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTrigger
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerUpdateInput
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.InsightsEvents
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.GetServers403Response
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponseMetrics
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InventoryResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponseMetrics
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.StatusResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.AppID
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Facets
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendTaskResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HideConsequenceObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHits
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRuleMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Redirect
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RenderingContent
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SemanticSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200Response
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400Response
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
hashCode() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
hasPendingMappings() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
hasPendingMappings(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
hasPendingMappings(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
hasPendingMappings(Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
hasPendingMappingsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
hasPendingMappingsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
hasPendingMappingsAsync(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
hasPendingMappingsAsync(Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) To determine when the time-consuming process of creating a large batch of users or migrating users from one cluster to another is complete, this operation retrieves the status of the process.
HasPendingMappingsResponse - Class in
HasPendingMappingsResponse() - Constructor for class
hasTimedOut() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
HE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
HE - Enum constant in enum class
HeaderInterceptor - Class in com.algolia.internal.interceptors
HeaderInterceptor(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.HeaderInterceptor
HEADERS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.LogLevel
Logs request and response lines and their respective headers.
HI - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
HI - Enum constant in enum class
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class
HideConsequenceObject - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Object ID of the recommendation you want to exclude.
HideConsequenceObject() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.HideConsequenceObject
HighlightResult - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
HighlightResult - Interface in
HighlightResult.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
HighlightResult.Deserializer - Class in
HighlightResult.ListOfHighlightResultOptionWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
HighlightResult.ListOfHighlightResultOptionWrapper - Class in
HighlightResult.MapOfStringHighlightResultOptionWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
HighlightResult.MapOfStringHighlightResultOptionWrapper - Class in
HighlightResultOption - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Surround words that match the query with HTML tags for highlighting.
HighlightResultOption - Class in
Surround words that match the query with HTML tags for highlighting.
HighlightResultOption() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
HighlightResultOption() - Constructor for class
Hit - Class in
Search result.
Hit() - Constructor for class
HK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
Holder<T> - Class in com.algolia.utils
Holder() - Constructor for class com.algolia.utils.Holder
Holder(T) - Constructor for class com.algolia.utils.Holder
Host - Class in com.algolia.config
Host(String, Set<CallType>) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.Host
Host(String, Set<CallType>, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.Host
Host(String, Set<CallType>, String, int) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.Host
HOUR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
HOURLY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Granularity
HttpRequest - Class in com.algolia.config
HttpRequest(String, String, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, Object) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
HttpRequest.Builder - Class in com.algolia.config
HttpRequester - Class in com.algolia.internal
HttpRequester is responsible for making HTTP requests using the OkHttp client.
HttpRequester.Builder - Class in com.algolia.internal
The Builder class for HttpRequester.
HU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
HU - Enum constant in enum class
HY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
HY - Enum constant in enum class


ID - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
ID - Enum constant in enum class
IDLED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
IGNORE_PLURALS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
IGNORE_PLURALS - Enum constant in enum class
IgnorePlurals - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Treat singular, plurals, and other forms of declensions as equivalent.
IgnorePlurals - Interface in
Treat singular, plurals, and other forms of declensions as equivalent.
IgnorePlurals.BooleanWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
IgnorePlurals.BooleanWrapper - Class in
IgnorePlurals.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
IgnorePlurals.Deserializer - Class in
IgnorePlurals.ListOfSupportedLanguageWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
IgnorePlurals.ListOfSupportedLanguageWrapper - Class in
IN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
Incident - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Incident details.
Incident() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
IncidentsInner - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
IncidentsInner() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
IncidentsResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
IncidentsResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsResponse
INCREMENT - Enum constant in enum class
INCREMENT_FROM - Enum constant in enum class
INCREMENT_SET - Enum constant in enum class
incrementRetryCount() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
INDEXING_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
IndexingTimeResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
IndexingTimeResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponse
IndexingTimeResponseMetrics - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
IndexingTimeResponseMetrics() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponseMetrics
IndexSettings - Class in
Index settings.
IndexSettings() - Constructor for class
IndexSettingsAsSearchParams - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
IndexSettingsAsSearchParams - Class in
IndexSettingsAsSearchParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
IndexSettingsAsSearchParams() - Constructor for class
INFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class
INFO - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
InfrastructureResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
InfrastructureResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponse
InfrastructureResponseMetrics - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
InfrastructureResponseMetrics() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
IngestionClient - Class in com.algolia.api
IngestionClient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
IngestionClient(String, String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
INSIGHTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationType
InsightsClient - Class in com.algolia.api
InsightsClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
InsightsClient(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
InsightsClient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
InsightsClient(String, String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
InsightsEvents - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
InsightsEvents() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.InsightsEvents
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.AuthInterceptor
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.GzipRequestInterceptor
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.HeaderInterceptor
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.LogInterceptor
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.RetryStrategy
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.UserAgentInterceptor
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
InventoryResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
InventoryResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InventoryResponse
IS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
IS - Enum constant in enum class
IS - Enum constant in enum class
isRead() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
isUp() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
IT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
IT - Enum constant in enum class


JA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
JA - Enum constant in enum class
JP - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
JSON - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
JSON - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
JsonSerializer - Class in com.algolia.internal
Utility class for JSON serialization and deserialization using Jackson.
JsonSerializer.Builder - Class in com.algolia.internal


KA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
KA - Enum constant in enum class
KEYWORD_SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.Mode
KEYWORD_SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class
KK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
KK - Enum constant in enum class
KO - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
KO - Enum constant in enum class
KU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
KU - Enum constant in enum class
KY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
KY - Enum constant in enum class


Languages - Class in
Dictionary language.
Languages - Interface in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Languages for deduplicating singular and plural suggestions.
Languages() - Constructor for class
Languages.BooleanWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Languages.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Languages.ListOfStringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
LAST_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
LAST_WORDS - Enum constant in enum class
LatencyResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
LatencyResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponse
LatencyResponseMetrics - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
LatencyResponseMetrics() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponseMetrics
launder(Throwable) - Static method in class com.algolia.exceptions.LaunderThrowable
Launders both Interrupted and Execution exception into business exception
LaunderThrowable - Class in com.algolia.exceptions
LESS_EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class
LESS_THAN - Enum constant in enum class
LIST_API_KEY_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
LIST_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class
LIST_INDICES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
listABTests() - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
listABTests(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
listABTests(Integer, Integer, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
listABTests(Integer, Integer, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
listABTestsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
listABTestsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
listABTestsAsync(Integer, Integer, String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
listABTestsAsync(Integer, Integer, String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Lists all A/B tests you configured for this application.
ListABTestsResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
ListABTestsResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
listApiKeys() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists all API keys associated with your Algolia application, including their permissions and restrictions.
listApiKeys(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists all API keys associated with your Algolia application, including their permissions and restrictions.
listApiKeysAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists all API keys associated with your Algolia application, including their permissions and restrictions.
listApiKeysAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists all API keys associated with your Algolia application, including their permissions and restrictions.
ListApiKeysResponse - Class in
ListApiKeysResponse() - Constructor for class
ListAuthenticationsResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
ListAuthenticationsResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
listClusters() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists the available clusters in a multi-cluster setup.
listClusters(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists the available clusters in a multi-cluster setup.
listClustersAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists the available clusters in a multi-cluster setup.
listClustersAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists the available clusters in a multi-cluster setup.
ListClustersResponse - Class in
ListClustersResponse() - Constructor for class
ListDestinationsResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
ListDestinationsResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
ListEventsResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
ListEventsResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
listIndices() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
listIndices(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
listIndices(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
listIndices(Integer, Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
listIndicesAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
listIndicesAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
listIndicesAsync(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
listIndicesAsync(Integer, Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists all indices in the current Algolia application.
ListIndicesResponse - Class in
ListIndicesResponse() - Constructor for class
ListSourcesResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
ListSourcesResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
ListTasksResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Configured tasks and pagination information.
ListTasksResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
listUserIds() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
listUserIds(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
listUserIds(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
listUserIds(Integer, Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
listUserIdsAsync() - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
listUserIdsAsync(RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
listUserIdsAsync(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
listUserIdsAsync(Integer, Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Lists the userIDs assigned to a multi-cluster application.
ListUserIdsResponse - Class in
User ID data.
ListUserIdsResponse() - Constructor for class
log(String) - Method in interface com.algolia.config.Logger
Log - Class in
Log() - Constructor for class
LOG - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
Logger - Interface in com.algolia.config
LogInterceptor - Class in com.algolia.internal.interceptors
An interceptor that facilitates HTTP logging based on the provided logging level.
LogInterceptor(Logger, LogLevel) - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.LogInterceptor
LogLevel - Enum Class in com.algolia.config
LogLevel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Type of log entry.
LogQuery - Class in
LogQuery() - Constructor for class
LOGS - Enum constant in enum class
LogType - Enum Class in
Gets or Sets logType
LOOKING_SIMILAR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarModel
LookingSimilar - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
LookingSimilar() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
LookingSimilarModel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Looking similar model.
LookingSimilarQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
LookingSimilarQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
LT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
LT - Enum constant in enum class
LV - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
LV - Enum constant in enum class


MAJOR_OUTAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
MappingFieldDirective - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Describes how a field should be resolved by applying a set of directives.
MappingFieldDirective() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
MappingFormatSchema - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Mapping format schema.
MappingInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Transformations to apply to the source, serialized as a JSON string.
MappingInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
MAPPINGKIT_V1 - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFormatSchema
MappingKitAction - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Describes how a destination object should be resolved by means of applying a set of directives.
MappingKitAction() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
MappingTypeCSV - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Gets or Sets MappingTypeCSV
MatchedGeoLocation - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
MatchedGeoLocation - Class in
MatchedGeoLocation() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
MatchedGeoLocation() - Constructor for class
MatchLevel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Whether the whole query string matches or only a part.
MatchLevel - Enum Class in
Whether the whole query string matches or only a part.
MAX_QPS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
MethodType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
HTTP method to be used for retrieving your data.
Metric - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Gets or Sets Metric
MI - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
MI - Enum constant in enum class
MIN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoToleranceEnum
MIN - Enum constant in enum class
MinimumDetectableEffect - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Configuration for the smallest difference between test variants you want to detect.
MinimumDetectableEffect() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
MixedSearchFilters - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
MixedSearchFilters - Interface in
MixedSearchFilters.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
MixedSearchFilters.Deserializer - Class in
MixedSearchFilters.ListOfStringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
MixedSearchFilters.ListOfStringWrapper - Class in
MixedSearchFilters.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
MixedSearchFilters.StringWrapper - Class in
MN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
MN - Enum constant in enum class
Mode - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Search mode the index will use to query for results.
Mode - Enum Class in
Search mode the index will use to query for results.
MonitoringClient - Class in com.algolia.api
MonitoringClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
MonitoringClient(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.MonitoringClient
MONTH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
MOVE - Enum constant in enum class
MR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
MR - Enum constant in enum class
MS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
MS - Enum constant in enum class
MT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
MT - Enum constant in enum class
MULTI_QUERIES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
MULTI_WORDS_SYNONYM - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
MULTI_WORDS_SYNONYM - Enum constant in enum class
multipleBatch(BatchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds, updates, or deletes records in multiple indices with a single API request.
multipleBatch(BatchParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds, updates, or deletes records in multiple indices with a single API request.
multipleBatchAsync(BatchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds, updates, or deletes records in multiple indices with a single API request.
multipleBatchAsync(BatchParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds, updates, or deletes records in multiple indices with a single API request.
MultipleBatchRequest - Class in
MultipleBatchRequest() - Constructor for class
MultipleBatchResponse - Class in
MultipleBatchResponse() - Constructor for class


NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
NB - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
NB - Enum constant in enum class
NEURAL_SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.Mode
NEURAL_SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class
newThreadPool() - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.ExecutorUtils
NINETY_NINE_P_PROCESSING_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
NINETY_P_PROCESSING_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
NL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
NL - Enum constant in enum class
NO - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
NO - Enum constant in enum class
NO_EVENTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.CompressionType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.LogLevel
No logs.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformNone
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NOT_EQUALS - Enum constant in enum class
NOT_PUBLISHED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TaskStatus
NOT_PUBLISHED - Enum constant in enum class
nowUTC() - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.DateTimeUtils
Memory optimization for getZoneRules with the same ZoneOffset (UTC).
NS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
NS - Enum constant in enum class
NumericFilters - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Filter by numeric facets.
NumericFilters - Interface in
Filter by numeric facets.
NumericFilters.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
NumericFilters.Deserializer - Class in
NumericFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
NumericFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in
NumericFilters.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
NumericFilters.StringWrapper - Class in


OAUTH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
ObjectData - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
ObjectData() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
ObjectDataAfterSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
ObjectDataAfterSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
of(RecommendHit) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHit
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Languages
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.Distinct
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.IgnorePlurals
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveStopWords
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoTolerance
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface
of(Boolean) - Static method in interface
of(Double) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.insights.Discount
of(Double) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.insights.Price
of(Double) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.insights.Value
of(Integer) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecision
of(Integer) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadius
of(Integer) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.Distinct
of(Integer) - Static method in interface
of(Integer) - Static method in interface
of(Integer) - Static method in interface
of(Integer) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.usage.StatisticValue
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.insights.Discount
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.insights.Price
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.insights.Value
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetFilters
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.MixedSearchFilters
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.NumericFilters
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.OptionalFilters
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.ReRankingApplyFilter
of(String) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.TagFilters
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(String) - Static method in interface
of(List<AroundPrecisionFromValueInner>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecision
of(List<HighlightResultOption>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResult
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetFilters
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.NumericFilters
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.OptionalFilters
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.ReRankingApplyFilter
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.TagFilters
of(List<SnippetResultOption>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResult
of(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.IgnorePlurals
of(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveStopWords
of(List<AroundPrecisionFromValueInner>) - Static method in interface
of(List<HighlightResultOption>) - Static method in interface
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface
of(List<MixedSearchFilters>) - Static method in interface
of(List<SnippetResultOption>) - Static method in interface
of(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Static method in interface
of(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Static method in interface
of(List<String>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Languages
of(List<String>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.MixedSearchFilters
of(List<String>) - Static method in interface
of(Map<String, HighlightResultOption>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResult
of(Map<String, SnippetResultOption>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResult
of(Map<String, HighlightResultOption>) - Static method in interface
of(Map<String, SnippetResultOption>) - Static method in interface
of(Map<String, Integer>) - Static method in interface com.algolia.model.usage.StatisticValue
ofListOfAutomaticFacetFilter(List<AutomaticFacetFilter>) - Static method in interface
ofListOfString(List<String>) - Static method in interface
OK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
ON_DEMAND - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerType
ON_DEMAND - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
OnDemandDateUtilsInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Input for a manually-triggered task whose source is of type `bigquery` and for which extracted data spans a given time range.
OnDemandDateUtilsInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
OnDemandTrigger - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger information for manually-triggered tasks.
OnDemandTrigger() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
OnDemandTriggerInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger information for manually-triggered tasks.
OnDemandTriggerInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerInput
OnDemandTriggerType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task is run manually, with the `/run` endpoint.
ONEWAYSYNONYM - Enum constant in enum class
OPERATIONAL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
operationIndex(String, OperationIndexParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Copies or moves (renames) an index within the same Algolia application.
operationIndex(String, OperationIndexParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Copies or moves (renames) an index within the same Algolia application.
operationIndexAsync(String, OperationIndexParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Copies or moves (renames) an index within the same Algolia application.
operationIndexAsync(String, OperationIndexParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Copies or moves (renames) an index within the same Algolia application.
OperationIndexParams - Class in
OperationIndexParams() - Constructor for class
OperationType - Enum Class in
Operation to perform on the index.
Operator - Enum Class in
Character that characterizes how the filter is applied.
OptionalFilters - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Filters to promote or demote records in the search results.
OptionalFilters - Interface in
Filters to promote or demote records in the search results.
OptionalFilters.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
OptionalFilters.Deserializer - Class in
OptionalFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
OptionalFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in
OptionalFilters.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
OptionalFilters.StringWrapper - Class in
OrderBy - Enum Class in
Attribute by which to order the response items.
OrderKeys - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Ascending or descending sort order.
Outliers - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Configuration for handling outliers.
Outliers() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Outliers


Pagination - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Paginated API response.
Pagination() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
Parameters - Class in com.algolia.utils
Params - Class in
Parameters to apply to this search.
Params() - Constructor for class
ParamsConsequence - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Filter or boost recommendations matching a facet filter.
ParamsConsequence() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
paramToString(Object) - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.StringUtils
PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class
PARTIAL_OUTAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
PARTIAL_UPDATE_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
PARTIAL_UPDATE_OBJECT_NO_CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
PARTIAL_UPDATE_RECORD_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
partialUpdateObject(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
partialUpdateObject(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
partialUpdateObject(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
partialUpdateObject(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
partialUpdateObjectAsync(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
partialUpdateObjectAsync(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
partialUpdateObjectAsync(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
partialUpdateObjectAsync(String, String, Map<String, AttributeToUpdate>, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds new attributes to a record, or update existing ones.
pathFormat(String, boolean, Object...) - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.StringUtils
Period - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Gets or Sets Period
Personalization - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Personalization - Class in
Personalization() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
Personalization() - Constructor for class
PERSONALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class
PersonalizationClient - Class in com.algolia.api
PersonalizationClient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
PersonalizationClient(String, String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
PersonalizationStrategyParams - Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
PersonalizationStrategyParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
PL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
PL - Enum constant in enum class
PLACEHOLDER - Enum constant in enum class
Platform - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Name of an ecommerce platform with which to authenticate.
PLATFORM - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
PlatformNone - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Authentication resource not tied to any ecommerce platform, used for filtering.
PlatformWithNone - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
PlatformWithNone.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
PLURALS - Enum constant in enum class
POST - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MethodType
PREFIX_ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
PREFIX_ALL - Enum constant in enum class
PREFIX_LAST - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
PREFIX_LAST - Enum constant in enum class
PREFIX_NONE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
PREFIX_NONE - Enum constant in enum class
Price - Interface in com.algolia.model.insights
Total price of a product, including any discounts, in units of `currency`.
Price.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Price.DoubleWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Price.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
ProbesMetric - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
ProbesMetric() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
PROCESSING - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
PRODUCT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RecordType
PRODUCTION - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ServerStatus
Promote - Interface in
Promote.Deserializer - Class in
PromoteConsequenceObject - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Object ID and position of the recommendation you want to pin.
PromoteConsequenceObject() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
PromoteObjectID - Class in
Record to promote.
PromoteObjectID() - Constructor for class
PromoteObjectIDs - Class in
Records to promote.
PromoteObjectIDs() - Constructor for class
PS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
PS - Enum constant in enum class
PT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
PT - Enum constant in enum class
PT_BR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
PT_BR - Enum constant in enum class
PUBLISHED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TaskStatus
PUBLISHED - Enum constant in enum class
PUBLISHED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
PURCHASE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchaseEvent
PURCHASE_RATE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
PurchasedObjectIDs - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users make a purchase unrelated to a previous Algolia request.
PurchasedObjectIDs() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users make a purchase after a previous Algolia request.
PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
PurchaseEvent - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Gets or Sets PurchaseEvent
pushEvents(InsightsEvents) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
Sends a list of events to the Insights API.
pushEvents(InsightsEvents, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
Sends a list of events to the Insights API.
pushEventsAsync(InsightsEvents) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) Sends a list of events to the Insights API.
pushEventsAsync(InsightsEvents, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.InsightsClient
(asynchronously) Sends a list of events to the Insights API.
putAvgBuildTime(String, List<ProbesMetric>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
putClusters(String, List<String>) - Method in class
putCompounds(String, Boolean) - Method in class
putCpuUsage(String, List<ProbesMetric>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
putCurrencies(String, Currency) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
putCurrencies(String, CurrenciesValue) - Method in class
putCurrencies(String, CurrenciesValue) - Method in class
putCurrencies(String, CurrenciesValue) - Method in class
putCurrencies(String, CurrenciesValue) - Method in class
putCustomNormalization(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
putCustomNormalization(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
putData(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
putFacets(String, Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
putFacets(String, Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
putFacets(String, Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class
putFacets(String, Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class
putFacets(String, Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class
putFacetsStats(String, FacetsStats) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
putFacetsStats(String, FacetsStats) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
putFacetsStats(String, FacetsStats) - Method in class
putFacetsStats(String, FacetsStats) - Method in class
putFacetsStats(String, FacetsStats) - Method in class
putHighlightResult(String, HighlightResult) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
putHighlightResult(String, HighlightResult) - Method in class
putIncidents(String, List<IncidentsInner>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsResponse
putIndexing(String, List<TimeInner>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponseMetrics
putLatency(String, List<TimeInner>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponseMetrics
putMapping(String, MappingTypeCSV) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
putPlurals(String, Boolean) - Method in class
putRamIndexingUsage(String, List<ProbesMetric>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
putRamSearchUsage(String, List<ProbesMetric>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
putRevenueSignificance(String, Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
putSnippetResult(String, SnippetResult) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
putSnippetResult(String, SnippetResult) - Method in class
putSsdUsage(String, List<ProbesMetric>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
putStatus(String, Status) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.StatusResponse
putStopwords(String, Boolean) - Method in class
putTaskID(String, Long) - Method in class
putValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
putValues(String, Value) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
putValues(String, Value) - Method in class


QU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
QU - Enum constant in enum class
QUERIES_ABOVE_LAST_MS_PROCESSING_TIME - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERIES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERY - Enum constant in enum class
QUERY_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_ACL_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_INDEXING_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_READ_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_RECORDS_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_SEARCH_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_SEARCH_REQUESTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QUERYSUGGESTIONS_TOTAL_WRITE_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
QuerySuggestionsClient - Class in com.algolia.api
QuerySuggestionsClient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
QuerySuggestionsClient(String, String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
QuerySuggestionsConfiguration - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Query Suggestions configuration.
QuerySuggestionsConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
API response for retrieving Query Suggestions configurations.
QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Query Suggestions configuration.
QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
QueryType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Determines if and how query words are interpreted as prefixes.
QueryType - Enum Class in
Determines if and how query words are interpreted as prefixes.


RAM_INDEXING_USAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
RAM_SEARCH_USAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
RankingInfo - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Object with detailed information about the record's ranking.
RankingInfo - Class in
Object with detailed information about the record's ranking.
RankingInfo() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
RankingInfo() - Constructor for class
READ - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.CallType
RECOMMENDATION - Enum constant in enum class
RecommendationsHit - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendationsHit.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendationsHit.RecommendHitWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendationsHits - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendationsHits() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHits
RecommendationsRequest - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendationsRequest.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendationsResults - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendationsResults() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
RecommendClient - Class in com.algolia.api
RecommendClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
RecommendClient(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
RECOMMENDED_FOR_YOU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouModel
RecommendedForYou - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendedForYou() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
RecommendedForYouModel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
\"Recommened for you\" model.
RecommendedForYouQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RecommendedForYouQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
RecommendHit - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Recommend hit.
RecommendHit() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
RecommendModels - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Gets or Sets recommendModels
RecommendRule - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Recommend rule.
RecommendRule() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
RecommendRuleMetadata - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Rule metadata.
RecommendRuleMetadata() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRuleMetadata
RECORD - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
RECORD_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
RECORDS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
RecordType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Record type for ecommerce sources.
Redirect - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
[Redirect results to a URL](
Redirect - Class in
[Redirect results to a URL](
Redirect() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Redirect
Redirect() - Constructor for class
RedirectRuleIndexMetadata - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RedirectRuleIndexMetadata - Class in
RedirectRuleIndexMetadata() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
RedirectRuleIndexMetadata() - Constructor for class
RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Redirect rule data.
RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData - Class in
Redirect rule data.
RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData
RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData() - Constructor for class
Region - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Region where the cluster is located.
REGION_AVG_USED_SEARCH_CAPACITY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
REGION_MAX_QPS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
REGION_USED_SEARCH_CAPACITY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
REINDEX - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
RELATED_PRODUCTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
RELATED_PRODUCTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedModel
RelatedModel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Related products or similar content model.
RelatedProducts - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RelatedProducts() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
RelatedQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RelatedQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
removeSegment(AlgoliaAgent.Segment) - Method in class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent
RemoveStopWords - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Removes stop words from the search query.
RemoveStopWords - Interface in
Removes stop words from the search query.
RemoveStopWords.BooleanWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RemoveStopWords.BooleanWrapper - Class in
RemoveStopWords.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RemoveStopWords.Deserializer - Class in
RemoveStopWords.ListOfSupportedLanguageWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
RemoveStopWords.ListOfSupportedLanguageWrapper - Class in
removeUserId(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a user ID and its associated data from the clusters.
removeUserId(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Deletes a user ID and its associated data from the clusters.
removeUserIdAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a user ID and its associated data from the clusters.
removeUserIdAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Deletes a user ID and its associated data from the clusters.
RemoveUserIdResponse - Class in
RemoveUserIdResponse() - Constructor for class
RemoveWordsIfNoResults - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Strategy for removing words from the query when it doesn't return any results.
RemoveWordsIfNoResults - Enum Class in
Strategy for removing words from the query when it doesn't return any results.
RenderingContent - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Extra data that can be used in the search UI.
RenderingContent - Class in
Extra data that can be used in the search UI.
RenderingContent() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.RenderingContent
RenderingContent() - Constructor for class
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class
ReplaceSourceResponse - Class in
ReplaceSourceResponse() - Constructor for class
replaceSources(List<Source>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Replaces the list of allowed sources.
replaceSources(List<Source>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Replaces the list of allowed sources.
replaceSourcesAsync(List<Source>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Replaces the list of allowed sources.
replaceSourcesAsync(List<Source>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Replaces the list of allowed sources.
Requester - Interface in com.algolia.config
Represents a mechanism for executing HTTP requests and deserializing responses.
RequestOptions - Class in com.algolia.config
Request options are used to pass extra parameters, headers, timeout to the request.
RequestOptions() - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
requireNonNull(Object, String) - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.Parameters
ReRankingApplyFilter - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Restrict [Dynamic Re-Ranking]( to records that match these filters.
ReRankingApplyFilter - Interface in
Restrict [Dynamic Re-Ranking]( to records that match these filters.
ReRankingApplyFilter.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
ReRankingApplyFilter.Deserializer - Class in
ReRankingApplyFilter.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
ReRankingApplyFilter.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in
ReRankingApplyFilter.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
ReRankingApplyFilter.StringWrapper - Class in
reset() - Method in class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
restoreApiKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Restores a deleted API key.
restoreApiKey(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Restores a deleted API key.
restoreApiKeyAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Restores a deleted API key.
restoreApiKeyAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Restores a deleted API key.
RETRIED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
RetryStrategy - Class in com.algolia.internal.interceptors
A retry strategy that implements Interceptor, responsible for routing requests to hosts based on their state and call type.
RetryStrategy(List<StatefulHost>) - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.RetryStrategy
retryUntil(Supplier<T>, Predicate<T>, int, IntUnaryOperator) - Static method in class com.algolia.utils.TaskUtils
RO - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
RO - Enum constant in enum class
RU - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
RU - Enum constant in enum class
Rule - Class in
Rule object.
Rule() - Constructor for class
RULE_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
RULES - Enum constant in enum class
Run - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Run() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
RunListResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
RunListResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
RunOutcome - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task run outcome.
RunProgress - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
RunProgress() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
RunReasonCode - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
A code for the task run's outcome.
RunResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API response for running a task.
RunResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
RunSortKeys - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Property by which to sort the list of task runs.
RunStatus - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task run status.
runTask(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Runs a task.
runTask(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Runs a task.
runTaskAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Runs a task.
runTaskAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Runs a task.
RunType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task run type.


SAVE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
SAVE_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
saveObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds a record to an index or replace it.
saveObject(String, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Adds a record to an index or replace it.
saveObjectAsync(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds a record to an index or replace it.
saveObjectAsync(String, Object, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Adds a record to an index or replace it.
SaveObjectResponse - Class in
SaveObjectResponse() - Constructor for class
saveRule(String, String, Rule) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRule(String, String, Rule, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRule(String, String, Rule, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRule(String, String, Rule, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRuleAsync(String, String, Rule) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRuleAsync(String, String, Rule, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRuleAsync(String, String, Rule, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRuleAsync(String, String, Rule, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a rule with the specified object ID doesn't exist, it's created.
saveRules(String, List<Rule>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Create or update multiple rules.
saveRules(String, List<Rule>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Create or update multiple rules.
saveRules(String, List<Rule>, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Create or update multiple rules.
saveRules(String, List<Rule>, Boolean, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Create or update multiple rules.
saveRulesAsync(String, List<Rule>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Create or update multiple rules.
saveRulesAsync(String, List<Rule>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Create or update multiple rules.
saveRulesAsync(String, List<Rule>, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Create or update multiple rules.
saveRulesAsync(String, List<Rule>, Boolean, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Create or update multiple rules.
saveSynonym(String, String, SynonymHit) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonym(String, String, SynonymHit, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonym(String, String, SynonymHit, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonym(String, String, SynonymHit, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymAsync(String, String, SynonymHit) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymAsync(String, String, SynonymHit, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymAsync(String, String, SynonymHit, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymAsync(String, String, SynonymHit, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the specified object ID doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
SaveSynonymResponse - Class in
SaveSynonymResponse() - Constructor for class
saveSynonyms(String, List<SynonymHit>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonyms(String, List<SynonymHit>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonyms(String, List<SynonymHit>, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonyms(String, List<SynonymHit>, Boolean, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymsAsync(String, List<SynonymHit>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymsAsync(String, List<SynonymHit>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymsAsync(String, List<SynonymHit>, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
saveSynonymsAsync(String, List<SynonymHit>, Boolean, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) If a synonym with the `objectID` doesn't exist, Algolia adds a new one.
SCHEDULE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerType
SCHEDULE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
ScheduleDateUtilsInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Input for scheduled tasks whose source is of type `bigquery` and for which extracted data spans a fixed number of days.
ScheduleDateUtilsInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
ScheduleTrigger - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger information for scheduled tasks.
ScheduleTrigger() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
ScheduleTriggerInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger input for scheduled tasks.
ScheduleTriggerInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
ScheduleTriggerType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task runs on a schedule.
ScopeType - Enum Class in
Gets or Sets scopeType
search(SearchMethodParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Sends multiple search request to one or more indices.
search(SearchMethodParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Sends multiple search request to one or more indices.
SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationType
SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class
SEARCH_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class
SEARCH_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
SEARCH_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
searchAsync(SearchMethodParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Sends multiple search request to one or more indices.
searchAsync(SearchMethodParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Sends multiple search request to one or more indices.
searchAuthentications(AuthenticationSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for authentication resources.
searchAuthentications(AuthenticationSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for authentication resources.
searchAuthenticationsAsync(AuthenticationSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for authentication resources.
searchAuthenticationsAsync(AuthenticationSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for authentication resources.
SearchClient - Class in com.algolia.api
SearchClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
SearchClient(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
searchDestinations(DestinationSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for destinations.
searchDestinations(DestinationSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for destinations.
searchDestinationsAsync(DestinationSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for destinations.
searchDestinationsAsync(DestinationSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for destinations.
searchDictionaryEntries(DictionaryType, SearchDictionaryEntriesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for standard and custom dictionary entries.
searchDictionaryEntries(DictionaryType, SearchDictionaryEntriesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for standard and custom dictionary entries.
searchDictionaryEntriesAsync(DictionaryType, SearchDictionaryEntriesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for standard and custom dictionary entries.
searchDictionaryEntriesAsync(DictionaryType, SearchDictionaryEntriesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for standard and custom dictionary entries.
SearchDictionaryEntriesParams - Class in
Search parameter.
SearchDictionaryEntriesParams() - Constructor for class
SearchDictionaryEntriesResponse - Class in
SearchDictionaryEntriesResponse() - Constructor for class
searchForFacets(List<SearchForFacets>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes a synchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia facets.
searchForFacets(List<SearchForFacets>, SearchStrategy) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes a synchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia facets.
searchForFacets(List<SearchForFacets>, SearchStrategy, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes a synchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia facets.
SearchForFacets - Class in
SearchForFacets() - Constructor for class
searchForFacetsAsync(List<SearchForFacets>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes an asynchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia facets.
searchForFacetsAsync(List<SearchForFacets>, SearchStrategy) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes an asynchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia facets.
searchForFacetsAsync(List<SearchForFacets>, SearchStrategy, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes an asynchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia facets.
SearchForFacetsOptions - Class in
SearchForFacetsOptions() - Constructor for class
searchForFacetValues(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
searchForFacetValues(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
searchForFacetValues(String, String, SearchForFacetValuesRequest) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
searchForFacetValues(String, String, SearchForFacetValuesRequest, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
searchForFacetValuesAsync(String, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
searchForFacetValuesAsync(String, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
searchForFacetValuesAsync(String, String, SearchForFacetValuesRequest) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
searchForFacetValuesAsync(String, String, SearchForFacetValuesRequest, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for values of a specified facet attribute.
SearchForFacetValuesRequest - Class in
SearchForFacetValuesRequest() - Constructor for class
SearchForFacetValuesResponse - Class in
SearchForFacetValuesResponse() - Constructor for class
searchForHits(List<SearchForHits>, SearchStrategy, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes a synchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia records (hits).
searchForHits(List<SearchForHits>, SearchStrategy, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes a synchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia records (hits).
searchForHits(List<SearchForHits>, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes a synchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia records (hits).
SearchForHits - Class in
SearchForHits() - Constructor for class
searchForHitsAsync(List<SearchForHits>, SearchStrategy, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes an asynchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia records (hits).
searchForHitsAsync(List<SearchForHits>, SearchStrategy, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes an asynchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia records (hits).
searchForHitsAsync(List<SearchForHits>, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Executes an asynchronous search for the provided search requests, with certainty that we will only request Algolia records (hits).
SearchForHitsOptions - Class in
SearchForHitsOptions() - Constructor for class
SearchHits<T> - Class in
SearchHits() - Constructor for class
SearchMethodParams - Class in
SearchMethodParams() - Constructor for class
SearchParams - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
SearchParams - Interface in
SearchParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
SearchParams.Deserializer - Class in
SearchParamsObject - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Each parameter value, including the `query` must not be larger than 512 bytes.
SearchParamsObject - Class in
Each parameter value, including the `query` must not be larger than 512 bytes.
SearchParamsObject() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
SearchParamsObject() - Constructor for class
SearchParamsQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
SearchParamsQuery - Class in
SearchParamsQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsQuery
SearchParamsQuery() - Constructor for class
SearchParamsString - Class in
SearchParamsString() - Constructor for class
SearchQuery - Interface in
SearchQuery.Deserializer - Class in
searchRecommendRules(String, RecommendModels) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Searches for Recommend rules.
searchRecommendRules(String, RecommendModels, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Searches for Recommend rules.
searchRecommendRules(String, RecommendModels, SearchRecommendRulesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Searches for Recommend rules.
searchRecommendRules(String, RecommendModels, SearchRecommendRulesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
Searches for Recommend rules.
searchRecommendRulesAsync(String, RecommendModels) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Searches for Recommend rules.
searchRecommendRulesAsync(String, RecommendModels, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Searches for Recommend rules.
searchRecommendRulesAsync(String, RecommendModels, SearchRecommendRulesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Searches for Recommend rules.
searchRecommendRulesAsync(String, RecommendModels, SearchRecommendRulesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.RecommendClient
(asynchronously) Searches for Recommend rules.
SearchRecommendRulesParams - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Recommend rules parameters.
SearchRecommendRulesParams() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
SearchRecommendRulesResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
SearchRecommendRulesResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
SearchResponse<T> - Class in
SearchResponse() - Constructor for class
SearchResponses<T> - Class in
SearchResponses() - Constructor for class
SearchResult<T> - Interface in
SearchResult.Deserializer<T> - Class in
searchRules(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for rules in your index.
searchRules(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for rules in your index.
searchRules(String, SearchRulesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for rules in your index.
searchRules(String, SearchRulesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for rules in your index.
searchRulesAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for rules in your index.
searchRulesAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for rules in your index.
searchRulesAsync(String, SearchRulesParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for rules in your index.
searchRulesAsync(String, SearchRulesParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for rules in your index.
SearchRulesParams - Class in
Rules search parameters.
SearchRulesParams() - Constructor for class
SearchRulesResponse - Class in
SearchRulesResponse() - Constructor for class
searchSingleIndex(String, SearchParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSingleIndex(String, SearchParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSingleIndex(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSingleIndex(String, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSingleIndexAsync(String, SearchParams, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSingleIndexAsync(String, SearchParams, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSingleIndexAsync(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSingleIndexAsync(String, Class<T>, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches a single index and return matching search results (_hits_).
searchSources(SourceSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for sources.
searchSources(SourceSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for sources.
searchSourcesAsync(SourceSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for sources.
searchSourcesAsync(SourceSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for sources.
SearchStrategy - Enum Class in
Strategy for multiple search queries: - `none`.
searchSynonyms(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for synonyms in your index.
searchSynonyms(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for synonyms in your index.
searchSynonyms(String, SearchSynonymsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for synonyms in your index.
searchSynonyms(String, SearchSynonymsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Searches for synonyms in your index.
searchSynonymsAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for synonyms in your index.
searchSynonymsAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for synonyms in your index.
searchSynonymsAsync(String, SearchSynonymsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for synonyms in your index.
searchSynonymsAsync(String, SearchSynonymsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Searches for synonyms in your index.
SearchSynonymsParams - Class in
SearchSynonymsParams() - Constructor for class
SearchSynonymsResponse - Class in
SearchSynonymsResponse() - Constructor for class
searchTasks(TaskSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for tasks.
searchTasks(TaskSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Searches for tasks.
searchTasksAsync(TaskSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for tasks.
searchTasksAsync(TaskSearch, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Searches for tasks.
SearchTypeDefault - Enum Class in
- `default`: perform a search query - `facet` [searches for facet values](
SearchTypeFacet - Enum Class in
- `default`: perform a search query - `facet` [searches for facet values](
searchUserIds(SearchUserIdsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Since it can take a few seconds to get the data from the different clusters, the response isn't real-time.
searchUserIds(SearchUserIdsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Since it can take a few seconds to get the data from the different clusters, the response isn't real-time.
searchUserIdsAsync(SearchUserIdsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Since it can take a few seconds to get the data from the different clusters, the response isn't real-time.
searchUserIdsAsync(SearchUserIdsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Since it can take a few seconds to get the data from the different clusters, the response isn't real-time.
SearchUserIdsParams - Class in
SearchUserIdsParams() - Constructor for class
SearchUserIdsResponse - Class in
userIDs data.
SearchUserIdsResponse() - Constructor for class
SecuredAPIKeyRestrictions - Class in
SecuredAPIKeyRestrictions() - Constructor for class
SEE_UNRETRIEVABLE_ATTRIBUTES - Enum constant in enum class
Segment(String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent.Segment
Segment(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent.Segment
SemanticSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Settings for the semantic search part of NeuralSearch.
SemanticSearch - Class in
Settings for the semantic search part of NeuralSearch.
SemanticSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SemanticSearch
SemanticSearch() - Constructor for class
serialize(OutputStream, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer
Serializes a Java object into its JSON representation.
Server - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Server() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
ServerStatus - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Gets or Sets ServerStatus
SET_SETTINGS_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
setAbTestID(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setAbTestID(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
setAbTestID(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setAbTestID(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setAbTestID(Integer) - Method in class
setAbTestID(Integer) - Method in class
setAbTestID(Integer) - Method in class
setAbtests(List<ABTest>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
setAbTestVariantID(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setAbTestVariantID(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setAbTestVariantID(Integer) - Method in class
setAbTestVariantID(Integer) - Method in class
setAbTestVariantID(Integer) - Method in class
setAcl(List<Acl>) - Method in class
setAcl(List<Acl>) - Method in class
setAction(ActionType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setAction(ActionType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
setAction(Action) - Method in class
setAction(Action) - Method in class
setAction(DictionaryAction) - Method in class
setActions(List<MappingKitAction>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setAdditionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
setAddToCartCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setAddToCartCount(Integer) - Method in class
setAddToCartCount(Integer) - Method in class
setAddToCartCount(Integer) - Method in class
setAddToCartCount(Integer) - Method in class
setAddToCartRate(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setAddToCartRate(Double) - Method in class
setAddToCartRate(Double) - Method in class
setAddToCartSignificance(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntax(Boolean) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class
setAdvancedSyntaxFeatures(List<AdvancedSyntaxFeatures>) - Method in class
setAllowCompressionOfIntegerArray(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowCompressionOfIntegerArray(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowSpecialCharacters(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
setAllowSpecialCharacters(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
setAllowSpecialCharacters(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class
setAllowTyposOnNumericTokens(Boolean) - Method in class
setAlternatives(Boolean) - Method in class
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class
setAlternativesAsExact(List<AlternativesAsExact>) - Method in class
setAmount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class
setAnalyticsTags(List<String>) - Method in class
setAnchoring(Anchoring) - Method in class
setAnchoring(Anchoring) - Method in class
setAnswer(String) - Method in class
setAnswerCode(String) - Method in class
setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
setAppID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
setAppID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
setAppID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
setAppID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
setAppID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setAppID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.AppID
setAppID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLng(String) - Method in class
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class
setAroundLatLngViaIP(Boolean) - Method in class
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class
setAroundPrecision(AroundPrecision) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAroundRadius(AroundRadius) - Method in class
setAttribute(String) - Method in class
setAttribute(String) - Method in class
setAttribute(String) - Method in class
setAttribute(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class
setAttributeCriteriaComputedByMinProximity(Boolean) - Method in class
setAttributeForDistinct(String) - Method in class
setAttributeForDistinct(String) - Method in class
setAttributes(List<GetTopFilterAttribute>) - Method in class
setAttributesForFaceting(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesForFaceting(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToExclude(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToHighlight(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToRetrieve(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToSnippet(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToTransliterate(List<String>) - Method in class
setAttributesToTransliterate(List<String>) - Method in class
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
setAuthenticatedUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
setAuthenticationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
setAuthenticationIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSearch
setAuthentications(List<Authentication>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
setAutomaticFacetFilters(AutomaticFacetFilters) - Method in class
setAutomaticFacetFilters(AutomaticFacetFilters) - Method in class
setAutomaticFacetFilters(List<AutoFacetFilter>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
setAutomaticOptionalFacetFilters(AutomaticFacetFilters) - Method in class
setAutomaticOptionalFacetFilters(AutomaticFacetFilters) - Method in class
setAutomaticRadius(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setAutomaticRadius(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setAutomaticRadius(String) - Method in class
setAutomaticRadius(String) - Method in class
setAutomaticRadius(String) - Method in class
setAverage(Double) - Method in class
setAverage(Double) - Method in class
setAverageClickPosition(Double) - Method in class
setAverageClickPosition(Double) - Method in class
setAverageClickPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setAvg(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
setAvg(Double) - Method in class
setAvgBuildTime(Map<String, List<ProbesMetric>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setBody(DictionaryEntry) - Method in class
setBody(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
setBody(Object) - Method in class
setBody(Object) - Method in class
setCamelCaseAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setCamelCaseAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setCategory(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
setChannel(BigCommerceChannel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
setClearExistingDictionaryEntries(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickAnalytics(Boolean) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setClickPositions(List<ClickPositionsInner>) - Method in class
setClickPositions(List<ClickPositionsInner>) - Method in class
setClickSignificance(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setClickThroughRate(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setClickThroughRate(Double) - Method in class
setClickThroughRate(Double) - Method in class
setClickThroughRate(Double) - Method in class
setClickThroughRate(Double) - Method in class
setClientEmail(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
setClientEmail(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
setCluster(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
setCluster(String) - Method in class
setCluster(String) - Method in class
setClusterName(HighlightResult) - Method in class
setClusterName(String) - Method in class
setClusterName(String) - Method in class
setClusterName(String) - Method in class
setClusters(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class
setCode(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
setCode(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
setCollectionIDIndexing(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setCollectionIDIndexing(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
setCompounds(DictionaryLanguage) - Method in class
setCompounds(Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in class
setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
setConditions(List<Condition>) - Method in class
setConfiguration(ABTestConfiguration) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setConfiguration(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
setConfiguration(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
setConnectTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setConsequence(Consequence) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
setConsequence(Consequence) - Method in class
setContext(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
setContext(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setContext(String) - Method in class
setContext(String) - Method in class
setContextLevel(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
setConversionCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setConversionCount(Integer) - Method in class
setConversionCount(Integer) - Method in class
setConversionCount(Integer) - Method in class
setConversionCount(Integer) - Method in class
setConversionCount(Integer) - Method in class
setConversionCount(Integer) - Method in class
setConversionRate(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setConversionRate(Double) - Method in class
setConversionRate(Double) - Method in class
setConversionRate(Double) - Method in class
setConversionRate(Double) - Method in class
setConversionSignificance(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setCorrections(List<String>) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCount(Integer) - Method in class
setCountries(List<TopCountry>) - Method in class
setCountries(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
setCountry(String) - Method in class
setCpuUsage(Map<String, List<ProbesMetric>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
setCreatedAt(Long) - Method in class
setCreatedAt(Long) - Method in class
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class
setCron(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
setCron(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
setCron(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerUpdateInput
setCurrencies(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
setCurrencies(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
setCurrencies(Map<String, Currency>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setCurrencies(Map<String, CurrenciesValue>) - Method in class
setCurrencies(Map<String, CurrenciesValue>) - Method in class
setCurrencies(Map<String, CurrenciesValue>) - Method in class
setCurrencies(Map<String, CurrenciesValue>) - Method in class
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
setCurrency(String) - Method in class
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setCursor(String) - Method in class
setCursor(String) - Method in class
setCursor(String) - Method in class
setCustomConfig(Consumer<JsonMapper.Builder>) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.JsonSerializer.Builder
Sets a custom configuration to be applied to the JsonMapper builder.
setCustomFields(CommercetoolsCustomFields) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
setCustomFields(CommercetoolsCustomFields) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
setCustomFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
setCustomNormalization(Map<String, Map<String, String>>) - Method in class
setCustomNormalization(Map<String, Map<String, String>>) - Method in class
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setCustomRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setCustomRequester(Requester) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setCustomSearchParameters(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
setCustomSearchParameters(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.CustomSearchParams
setCustomSQLRequest(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
setData(RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
setData(RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData) - Method in class
setData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setDatasetID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
setDatasetID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
setDataSize(Integer) - Method in class
setDataSize(Integer) - Method in class
setDataSize(Integer) - Method in class
setDataType(BigQueryDataType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDate(String) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyAddToCartRates>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyAverageClicks>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyClickThroughRates>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyConversionRates>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyNoClickRates>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyNoResultsRates>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyPurchaseRates>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyRevenue>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailySearches>) - Method in class
setDates(List<DailyUsers>) - Method in class
setDecomposition(List<String>) - Method in class
setDecompoundedAttributes(Object) - Method in class
setDecompoundedAttributes(Object) - Method in class
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class
setDecompoundQuery(Boolean) - Method in class
setDefaultPriceRatioAsOne(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setDefaultPriceRatioAsOne(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
setDelete(String) - Method in class
setDeletedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DeleteResponse
setDeletedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
setDeletedAt(String) - Method in class
setDeletedAt(String) - Method in class
setDeletedAt(String) - Method in class
setDeletedAt(String) - Method in class
setDeletedUntil(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDest(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
setDest(String) - Method in class
setDestination(String) - Method in class
setDestinationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
setDestinationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
setDestinationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
setDestinationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setDestinationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
setDestinationID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
setDestinationIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSearch
setDestinations(List<Destination>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
setDictionarySettings(DictionarySettingsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Turns standard stop word dictionary entries on or off for a given language.
setDictionarySettings(DictionarySettingsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Turns standard stop word dictionary entries on or off for a given language.
setDictionarySettingsAsync(DictionarySettingsParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Turns standard stop word dictionary entries on or off for a given language.
setDictionarySettingsAsync(DictionarySettingsParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Turns standard stop word dictionary entries on or off for a given language.
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableExactOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisablePrefixOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisablePrefixOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableStandardEntries(StandardEntries) - Method in class
setDisableStandardEntries(StandardEntries) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setDisableTypoToleranceOnWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setDiscount(Discount) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
setDiscount(Discount) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
setDisjunctive(Boolean) - Method in class
setDistance(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
setDistance(Integer) - Method in class
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class
setDistinct(Distinct) - Method in class
setDistinctSeqID(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
setDistinctSeqID(Integer) - Method in class
setEdits(List<Edit>) - Method in class
setEffect(Effect) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
setEmptySearch(EmptySearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
setEmptySearch(FilterEffectsEmptySearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableABTest(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePersonalization(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class
setEnableRules(Boolean) - Method in class
setEndAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setEndAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
setEndDate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
setEndDate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
setEntries(Integer) - Method in class
setError(GetUsage400ResponseError) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400Response
setErrors(List<GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
setEstimatedSampleSize(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setEventID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
setEventName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
setEvents(List<Event>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
setEvents(List<EventsItems>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.InsightsEvents
setEventScoring(List<EventScoring>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
setEventSources(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SemanticSearch
setEventSources(List<String>) - Method in class
setEventSubtype(AddToCartEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setEventSubtype(AddToCartEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventSubtype(PurchaseEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setEventSubtype(PurchaseEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventType(ClickEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
setEventType(ClickEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
setEventType(ClickEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventType(ConversionEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setEventType(ConversionEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventType(ConversionEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
setEventType(ConversionEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
setEventType(ConversionEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventType(ConversionEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setEventType(ConversionEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setEventType(ViewEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
setEventType(ViewEvent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
setEventType(EventType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class
setExactOnSingleWordQuery(ExactOnSingleWordQuery) - Method in class
setExclude(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.EmptySearch
setExclude(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Outliers
setExclude(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
setExclude(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
setExclude(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
setExcludeOOSVariantsForPriceAtTRS(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setExcludeOOSVariantsForPriceAtTRS(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
setExecutor(ExecutorService) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setExhaustive(Exhaustive) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setExhaustive(Exhaustive) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setExhaustive(Exhaustive) - Method in class
setExhaustive(Exhaustive) - Method in class
setExhaustive(Exhaustive) - Method in class
setExhaustiveFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setExhaustiveFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setExhaustiveFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveNbHits(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setExhaustiveNbHits(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setExhaustiveNbHits(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveNbHits(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveNbHits(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveTypo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setExhaustiveTypo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setExhaustiveTypo(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveTypo(Boolean) - Method in class
setExhaustiveTypo(Boolean) - Method in class
setExpectedNbOfEvents(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
setExternal(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setFacet(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
setFacet(String) - Method in class
setFacet(String) - Method in class
setFacet(String) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetFilters(FacetFilters) - Method in class
setFacetHits(List<FacetHits>) - Method in class
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetingAfterDistinct(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetName(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
setFacetName(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
setFacetName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
setFacetName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
setFacetName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
setFacetName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setFacetOrdering(FacetOrdering) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RenderingContent
setFacetOrdering(FacetOrdering) - Method in class
setFacetQuery(String) - Method in class
setFacetQuery(String) - Method in class
setFacetQuery(String) - Method in class
setFacets(Facets) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
setFacets(Facets) - Method in class
setFacets(List<Facet>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class
setFacets(List<String>) - Method in class
setFacets(Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setFacets(Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setFacets(Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>) - Method in class
setFacets(Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>) - Method in class
setFacets(Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>) - Method in class
setFacetScoring(List<FacetScoring>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
setFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
setFacetsCount(Boolean) - Method in class
setFacetsStats(Map<String, FacetsStats>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setFacetsStats(Map<String, FacetsStats>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setFacetsStats(Map<String, FacetsStats>) - Method in class
setFacetsStats(Map<String, FacetsStats>) - Method in class
setFacetsStats(Map<String, FacetsStats>) - Method in class
setFacetValue(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
setFacetValue(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
setFacetValue(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setFacetValues(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
setFacetValues(Boolean) - Method in class
setFailureThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setFailureThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setFailureThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
setFailureThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
setFallbackIsInStockValue(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
setFallbackIsInStockValue(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
setFallbackParameters(FallbackParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
setFallbackParameters(SearchParamsObject) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
setFallbackParameters(SearchParamsObject) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setFieldDirectives(List<MappingFieldDirective>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
setFieldKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
setFileSize(Integer) - Method in class
setFilterEffects(FilterEffects) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setFilterPromotes(Boolean) - Method in class
setFilters(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setFilters(Integer) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setFilters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(String) - Method in class
setFilters(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
setFilters(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
setFilters(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
setFiltersScore(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
setFiltersScore(Integer) - Method in class
setFinishedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setFirstMatchedWord(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setFirstMatchedWord(Integer) - Method in class
setFormat(MappingFormatSchema) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
setFrom(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
setFrom(Integer) - Method in class
setFrom(Integer) - Method in class
setFullyHighlighted(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
setFullyHighlighted(Boolean) - Method in class
setGenerate(List<List<String>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setGeoDistance(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setGeoDistance(Integer) - Method in class
setGeoPrecision(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setGeoPrecision(Integer) - Method in class
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class
setGetRankingInfo(Boolean) - Method in class
setHasCollectionSearchPage(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setHasCollectionSearchPage(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
setHide(List<HideConsequenceObject>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
setHide(List<ConsequenceHide>) - Method in class
setHighlighted(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPostTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightPreTag(String) - Method in class
setHighlightResult(UserHighlightResult) - Method in class
setHighlightResult(Map<String, HighlightResult>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
setHighlightResult(Map<String, HighlightResult>) - Method in class
setHit(String) - Method in class
setHit(String) - Method in class
setHit(String) - Method in class
setHits(List<TopHit>) - Method in class
setHits(List<TopHitWithAnalytics>) - Method in class
setHits(List<TopHitWithRevenueAnalytics>) - Method in class
setHits(List<RecommendationsHit>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHits
setHits(List<RecommendationsHit>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setHits(List<RecommendRule>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
setHits(List<DictionaryEntry>) - Method in class
setHits(List<Rule>) - Method in class
setHits(List<SynonymHit>) - Method in class
setHits(List<UserHit>) - Method in class
setHits(List<T>) - Method in class
setHits(List<T>) - Method in class
setHits(List<T>) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHitsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class
setHosts(List<Host>) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setHttpClientConfig(Consumer<OkHttpClient.Builder>) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.HttpRequester.Builder
Sets the configuration for the OkHttp client.
setId(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
setId(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
setId(String) - Method in class
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class
setIgnorePlurals(IgnorePlurals) - Method in class
setImage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
setImage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
setImageType(DockerImageType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
setIncidents(Map<String, List<IncidentsInner>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsResponse
setIncludeVariantsInventory(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setIncludeVariantsInventory(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
setIncreaseProductCollectionLimit(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setIncreaseProductCollectionLimit(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setIndex(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setIndex(String) - Method in class
setIndex(String) - Method in class
setIndex(String) - Method in class
setIndex(String) - Method in class
setIndex(List<RedirectRuleIndexMetadata>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Redirect
setIndex(List<RedirectRuleIndexMetadata>) - Method in class
setIndexes(List<String>) - Method in class
setIndexes(List<String>) - Method in class
setIndexing(Map<String, List<TimeInner>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponseMetrics
setIndexLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setIndexLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
setIndexName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setIndexName(String) - Method in class
setIndexName(String) - Method in class
setIndexName(String) - Method in class
setIndexName(String) - Method in class
setIndexName(String) - Method in class
setIndexName(String) - Method in class
setIndexName(String) - Method in class
setIndexPrefix(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexPrefix
setIndexUsed(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setIndexUsed(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setIndexUsed(String) - Method in class
setIndexUsed(String) - Method in class
setIndexUsed(String) - Method in class
setInnerQueries(List<LogQuery>) - Method in class
setInput(AuthInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
setInput(AuthInputPartial) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
setInput(AuthInputPartial) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
setInput(DestinationInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
setInput(DestinationInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
setInput(DestinationInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
setInput(SourceInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
setInput(SourceInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
setInput(SourceUpdateInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
setInput(TaskInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setInput(TaskInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
setInput(TaskInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
setInput(String) - Method in class
setInsert(String) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsideBoundingBox(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInsidePolygon(List<List<Double>>) - Method in class
setInventory(List<Server>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InventoryResponse
setInventory(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
setIp(String) - Method in class
setIsReplica(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
setIsRunning(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
setIsSlave(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
setItems(List<FetchedIndex>) - Method in class
setItemsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class
setKeepDiacriticsOnCharacters(String) - Method in class
setKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKey
setKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKeyPartial
setKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
setKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
setKey(String) - Method in class
setKey(String) - Method in class
setKeys(List<GetApiKeyResponse>) - Method in class
setLanguage(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
setLanguage(SupportedLanguage) - Method in class
setLanguages(Languages) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
setLanguages(Languages) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
setLanguages(Languages) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
setLastBuildTimeS(Integer) - Method in class
setLastBuiltAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
setLastEventAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
setLastRun(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
setLastRun(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
setLastSuccessfulBuildDuration(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
setLastSuccessfulBuiltAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
setLastUpdate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRuleMetadata
setLat(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
setLat(Double) - Method in class
setLatency(Map<String, List<TimeInner>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponseMetrics
setLength(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setLength(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setLength(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setLength(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setLength(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setLength(Integer) - Method in class
setLength(Integer) - Method in class
setLength(Integer) - Method in class
setLength(Integer) - Method in class
setLength(Integer) - Method in class
setLength(Integer) - Method in class
setLength(Integer) - Method in class
setLevel(LogLevel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
setLine(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
setLng(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
setLng(Double) - Method in class
setLocales(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
setLocales(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
setLocales(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setLogLevel(LogLevel) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setLogs(List<Log>) - Method in class
setMapperConfig(Consumer<JsonMapper.Builder>) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setMapping(MappingInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
setMapping(MappingInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
setMapping(MappingInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingUtilsInput
setMapping(Map<String, MappingTypeCSV>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
setMarket(ShopifyMarket) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
setMatchedGeoLocation(MatchedGeoLocation) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setMatchedGeoLocation(MatchedGeoLocation) - Method in class
setMatchedWords(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
setMatchedWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setMatchLevel(MatchLevel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
setMatchLevel(MatchLevel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
setMatchLevel(MatchLevel) - Method in class
setMatchLevel(MatchLevel) - Method in class
setMax(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
setMax(Double) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxFacetHits(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxHitsPerQuery(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxHitsPerQuery(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxQueriesPerIPPerHour(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxQueriesPerIPPerHour(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxRecommendations(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
setMaxRecommendations(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
setMaxRecommendations(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
setMaxRecommendations(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
setMaxRecommendations(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
setMaxRecommendations(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
setMaxRecommendations(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxValuesPerFacet(Integer) - Method in class
setMean(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
setMetadata(RecommendRuleMetadata) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
setMetafields(List<ShopifyMetafield>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
setMethod(MethodType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
setMethod(MethodType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
setMethod(String) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
setMethod(String) - Method in class
setMetrics(IndexingTimeResponseMetrics) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponse
setMetrics(InfrastructureResponseMetrics) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponse
setMetrics(LatencyResponseMetrics) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponse
setMin(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
setMin(Double) - Method in class
setMinHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class
setMinimumAroundRadius(Integer) - Method in class
setMinimumDetectableEffect(MinimumDetectableEffect) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
setMinLetters(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class
setMinProximity(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor1Typo(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class
setMinWordSizefor2Typos(Integer) - Method in class
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setMode(Mode) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setMode(Mode) - Method in class
setMode(Mode) - Method in class
setMode(Mode) - Method in class
setMode(Mode) - Method in class
setMode(Mode) - Method in class
setMode(Mode) - Method in class
setMode(Mode) - Method in class
setModel(FbtModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
setModel(FbtModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
setModel(LookingSimilarModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
setModel(LookingSimilarModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
setModel(RecommendedForYouModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
setModel(RecommendedForYouModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
setModel(RelatedModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
setModel(RelatedModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
setModel(TrendingFacetsModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
setModel(TrendingFacetsModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
setModel(TrendingItemsModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
setModel(TrendingItemsModel) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
setName(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
setName(String) - Method in class
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setNaturalLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setNbApiCalls(String) - Method in class
setNbCustomEntries(Integer) - Method in class
setNbExactWords(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setNbExactWords(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
setNbHits(Boolean) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbItems(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class
setNbPages(Integer) - Method in class
setNbRecords(Integer) - Method in class
setNbRecords(Integer) - Method in class
setNbSortedHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setNbSortedHits(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setNbSortedHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbSortedHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbSortedHits(Integer) - Method in class
setNbTypos(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setNbTypos(Integer) - Method in class
setNegative(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
setNextRun(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
setNoClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setNoClickCount(Integer) - Method in class
setNoResultCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setNoResultCount(Integer) - Method in class
setNoResultCount(Integer) - Method in class
setNumberOfPendingTasks(Integer) - Method in class
setNumericAttributesForFiltering(List<String>) - Method in class
setNumericAttributesForFiltering(List<String>) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setNumericFilters(NumericFilters) - Method in class
setObjectData(List<ObjectData>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setObjectData(List<ObjectData>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setObjectData(List<ObjectDataAfterSearch>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setObjectData(List<ObjectDataAfterSearch>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HideConsequenceObject
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
setObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectID(String) - Method in class
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class
setObjectIDs(List<String>) - Method in class
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class
setOperation(BuiltInOperationType) - Method in class
setOperation(OperationType) - Method in class
setOperator(Operator) - Method in class
setOperator(Operator) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(OptionalFilters) - Method in class
setOptionalFilters(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setOptionalWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setOrder(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Facets
setOrder(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
setOrder(List<String>) - Method in class
setOrder(List<String>) - Method in class
setOutcome(RunOutcome) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setOutliers(FilterEffectsOutliers) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
setOutliers(Outliers) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setPage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPage(Integer) - Method in class
setPagination(Pagination) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
setPagination(Pagination) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
setPagination(Pagination) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
setPagination(Pagination) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
setPagination(Pagination) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
setPagination(Pagination) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
setPaginationLimitedTo(Integer) - Method in class
setPaginationLimitedTo(Integer) - Method in class
setParams(ParamsConsequence) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
setParams(ConsequenceParams) - Method in class
setParams(String) - Method in class
setParams(String) - Method in class
setParams(String) - Method in class
setParams(String) - Method in class
setParams(String) - Method in class
setParams(String) - Method in class
setParams(String) - Method in class
setParentID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setParsedQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setParsedQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setParsedQuery(String) - Method in class
setParsedQuery(String) - Method in class
setParsedQuery(String) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
setPath(String) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
setPath(String, Object...) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
setPathEncoded(String, Object...) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
setPattern(String) - Method in class
setPending(Boolean) - Method in class
setPendingTask(Boolean) - Method in class
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class
setPercentileComputation(Boolean) - Method in class
setPersonalization(Personalization) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setPersonalization(Personalization) - Method in class
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class
setPersonalizationImpact(Integer) - Method in class
setPersonalizationStrategy(PersonalizationStrategyParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Creates a new personalization strategy.
setPersonalizationStrategy(PersonalizationStrategyParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
Creates a new personalization strategy.
setPersonalizationStrategyAsync(PersonalizationStrategyParams) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new personalization strategy.
setPersonalizationStrategyAsync(PersonalizationStrategyParams, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.PersonalizationClient
(asynchronously) Creates a new personalization strategy.
SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.personalization
SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.personalization.SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse
setPlaceholder(String) - Method in class
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
setPlatform(Platform) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
setPlurals(DictionaryLanguage) - Method in class
setPlurals(Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in class
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
setPosition(List<Integer>) - Method in class
setPositions(List<ClickPositionsInner>) - Method in class
setPositions(List<Integer>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setPrice(Price) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
setPrice(Price) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
setPrice(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
setPrimary(String) - Method in class
setPrivateKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
setPrivateKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
setProcessingTimeMs(String) - Method in class
setProcessingTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setProcessingTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setProcessingTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class
setProcessingTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class
setProcessingTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class
setProcessingTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class
setProcessingTimingsMS(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setProcessingTimingsMS(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setProcessingTimingsMS(Object) - Method in class
setProcessingTimingsMS(Object) - Method in class
setProcessingTimingsMS(Object) - Method in class
setProductMetafields(List<BigCommerceMetafield>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
setProductNamedTags(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setProductNamedTags(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
setProgress(RunProgress) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setProjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
setProjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
setProjectKey(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
setPromote(List<PromoteConsequenceObject>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
setPromote(List<Promote>) - Method in class
setPromoted(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setPromoted(Boolean) - Method in class
setPromotedByReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setPromotedByReRanking(Boolean) - Method in class
setProximityDistance(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setProximityDistance(Integer) - Method in class
setPublishedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setPurchaseCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setPurchaseCount(Integer) - Method in class
setPurchaseCount(Integer) - Method in class
setPurchaseCount(Integer) - Method in class
setPurchaseCount(Integer) - Method in class
setPurchaseRate(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setPurchaseRate(Double) - Method in class
setPurchaseRate(Double) - Method in class
setPurchaseSignificance(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setQuantity(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
setQuantity(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
setQuery(ConsequenceQuery) - Method in class
setQuery(ConsequenceQuery) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsQuery
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class
setQueryAfterRemoval(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setQueryAfterRemoval(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setQueryAfterRemoval(String) - Method in class
setQueryAfterRemoval(String) - Method in class
setQueryAfterRemoval(String) - Method in class
setQueryBody(String) - Method in class
setQueryHeaders(String) - Method in class
setQueryId(String) - Method in class
setQueryID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setQueryID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setQueryID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setQueryID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
setQueryID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setQueryID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setQueryID(String) - Method in class
setQueryID(String) - Method in class
setQueryID(String) - Method in class
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setQueryLanguages(List<SupportedLanguage>) - Method in class
setQueryNbHits(String) - Method in class
setQueryParameters(SearchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
setQueryParameters(SearchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
setQueryParameters(SearchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
setQueryParameters(SearchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
setQueryParameters(SearchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
setQueryParameters(SearchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
setQueryParameters(SearchParams) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setQueryParameters(String) - Method in class
setQueryParameters(String) - Method in class
setQueryParams(String) - Method in class
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class
setQueryType(QueryType) - Method in class
setRamIndexingUsage(Map<String, List<ProbesMetric>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
setRamSearchUsage(Map<String, List<ProbesMetric>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setRanking(List<String>) - Method in class
setRankingInfo(RankingInfo) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
setRankingInfo(RankingInfo) - Method in class
setRankingScore(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
setRankingScore(Integer) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRate(Double) - Method in class
setRead(boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest.Builder
setReadTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setReadTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
setReason(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setReason(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.GetServers403Response
setReason(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
setReason(String) - Method in class
setReasonCode(RunReasonCode) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setReceivedNbOfEvents(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
setRecordType(RecordType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
setRedirect(Redirect) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setRedirect(Redirect) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setRedirect(Redirect) - Method in class
setRedirect(Redirect) - Method in class
setRedirect(Redirect) - Method in class
setReferers(List<String>) - Method in class
setReferers(List<String>) - Method in class
setRegion(Region) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
setRegistry(DockerRegistry) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
setRegistry(DockerRegistry) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class
setRelevancyStrictness(Integer) - Method in class
setRemove(List<String>) - Method in class
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class
setRemoveStopWords(RemoveStopWords) - Method in class
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class
setRemoveWordsIfNoResults(RemoveWordsIfNoResults) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setRenderingContent(RenderingContent) - Method in class
setReplacements(List<String>) - Method in class
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class
setReplaceSynonymsInHighlight(Boolean) - Method in class
setReplicas(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
setReplicas(List<String>) - Method in class
setReplicas(List<String>) - Method in class
setReplicas(List<String>) - Method in class
setRequester(Requester) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setRequesterConfig(Consumer<HttpRequester.Builder>) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setRequests(List<RecommendationsRequest>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsParams
setRequests(List<BatchDictionaryEntriesRequest>) - Method in class
setRequests(List<BatchRequest>) - Method in class
setRequests(List<GetObjectsRequest>) - Method in class
setRequests(List<MultipleBatchRequest>) - Method in class
setRequests(List<SearchQuery>) - Method in class
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class
setReRankingApplyFilter(ReRankingApplyFilter) - Method in class
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class
setResponseFields(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestrictHighlightAndSnippetArrays(Boolean) - Method in class
setRestrictIndices(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setRestrictSources(String) - Method in class
setResults(List<RecommendationsResults>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsResponse
setResults(List<SearchResult<T>>) - Method in class
setResults(List<T>) - Method in class
setRevenue(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
setRevenue(Float) - Method in class
setRevenueSignificance(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class
setRuleContexts(List<String>) - Method in class
setRuleObjectID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData
setRuleObjectID(String) - Method in class
setRulesMatch(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
setRulesMatch(Boolean) - Method in class
setRunID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
setRunID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setRunID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setRunID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
setRuns(List<Run>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
setScope(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
setScope(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
setScope(List<ScopeType>) - Method in class
setScore(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
setScore(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
setScore(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
setScore(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
setScore(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
setScore(Integer) - Method in class
setScore(Integer) - Method in class
setScores(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
setSearch(String) - Method in class
setSearch(String) - Method in class
setSearch(String) - Method in class
setSearch(String) - Method in class
setSearch(String) - Method in class
setSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setSearchableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setSearches(List<DailySearchesNoClicks>) - Method in class
setSearches(List<DailySearchesNoResults>) - Method in class
setSearches(List<TopSearch>) - Method in class
setSearches(List<TopSearchWithAnalytics>) - Method in class
setSearches(List<TopSearchWithRevenueAnalytics>) - Method in class
setSearchParams(SearchParamsObject) - Method in class
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class
setSemanticSearch(SemanticSearch) - Method in class
setSeparatorsToIndex(String) - Method in class
setSeparatorsToIndex(String) - Method in class
setServerTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setServerTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setServerTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class
setServerTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class
setServerTimeMS(Integer) - Method in class
setServerUsed(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setServerUsed(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setServerUsed(String) - Method in class
setServerUsed(String) - Method in class
setServerUsed(String) - Method in class
setSettings(String, IndexSettings) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Update the specified index settings.
setSettings(String, IndexSettings, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Update the specified index settings.
setSettings(String, IndexSettings, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Update the specified index settings.
setSettings(String, IndexSettings, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Update the specified index settings.
setSettingsAsync(String, IndexSettings) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Update the specified index settings.
setSettingsAsync(String, IndexSettings, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Update the specified index settings.
setSettingsAsync(String, IndexSettings, Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Update the specified index settings.
setSettingsAsync(String, IndexSettings, Boolean, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Update the specified index settings.
setSha1(String) - Method in class
setShopURL(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
setShopURL(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopifyBase
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class
setSimilarQuery(String) - Method in class
setSize(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class
setSnippetEllipsisText(String) - Method in class
setSnippetResult(Map<String, SnippetResult>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
setSnippetResult(Map<String, SnippetResult>) - Method in class
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class
setSortFacetValuesBy(String) - Method in class
setSortRemainingBy(SortRemainingBy) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
setSortRemainingBy(SortRemainingBy) - Method in class
setSource(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
setSource(String) - Method in class
setSource(String) - Method in class
setSourceID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
setSourceID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
setSourceID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
setSourceID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setSourceID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
setSourceIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSearch
setSourceIndices(List<SourceIndex>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
setSourceIndices(List<SourceIndex>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
setSourceIndices(List<SourceIndex>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
setSources(List<Source>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
setSsdUsage(Map<String, List<ProbesMetric>>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
setStandardDeviation(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
setStartDate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
setStartDate(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
setStartedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setState(DictionaryEntryState) - Method in class
setStatistics(List<GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200Response
setStatus(Status) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setStatus(EventStatus) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setStatus(RunStatus) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setStatus(ServerStatus) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
setStatus(Status) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
setStatus(TaskStatus) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendTaskResponse
setStatus(TaskStatus) - Method in class
setStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
setStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
setStatus(Map<String, Status>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.StatusResponse
setStopwords(DictionaryLanguage) - Method in class
setStopwords(Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in class
setStoreHash(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
setStoreKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
setStoreKeys(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
setStrategy(SearchStrategy) - Method in class
setStreams(List<Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceStreams
setSucceed(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
setSucceed(Boolean) - Method in class
setSum(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
setSum(Double) - Method in class
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class
setSumOrFiltersScores(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(Boolean) - Method in class
setSynonyms(List<String>) - Method in class
setT(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
setT(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
setT(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
setT(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
setTable(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
setTablePrefix(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
setTablePrefix(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTagFilters(TagFilters) - Method in class
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class
setTaskID(Long) - Method in class
setTaskID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setTaskID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setTaskID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
setTaskID(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
setTaskID(Map<String, Long>) - Method in class
setTaskIDs(List<String>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSearch
setTasks(List<Task>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
setThreshold(Double) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
setTimeframe(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class
SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum class
SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum class
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
setTopUsers(List<String>) - Method in class
setTopUsers(List<Map<String, List<UserId>>>) - Method in class
setTotal(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
setTrackedHitCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedHitCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchCount(Integer) - Method in class
setTrackedSearchesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
setTrackedSearchesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
setTrackedUserCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setTrafficPercentage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
setTrafficPercentage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
setTrafficPercentage(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setTrigger(TaskCreateTrigger) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
setTrigger(Trigger) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setTrigger(TriggerUpdateInput) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
setTrigger(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
setType(AuthenticationType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
setType(AuthenticationType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
setType(AuthenticationType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
setType(DestinationType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
setType(DestinationType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
setType(DestinationType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
setType(EventType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
setType(OnDemandTriggerType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
setType(OnDemandTriggerType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerInput
setType(RunType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
setType(ScheduleTriggerType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
setType(ScheduleTriggerType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
setType(SourceType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
setType(SourceType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
setType(StreamingTriggerType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTrigger
setType(SubscriptionTriggerType) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTrigger
setType(Type) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
setType(EditType) - Method in class
setType(SearchTypeDefault) - Method in class
setType(SearchTypeDefault) - Method in class
setType(SearchTypeFacet) - Method in class
setType(SearchTypeFacet) - Method in class
setType(SynonymType) - Method in class
setType(SynonymType) - Method in class
setTypo(Boolean) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
setTypo(Boolean) - Method in class
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class
setTypoTolerance(TypoTolerance) - Method in class
setUniqueIDColumn(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
setUniqueIDColumn(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
setUniqueIDColumn(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
setUnretrievableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setUnretrievableAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class
setUntil(Integer) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUpdatedAt(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
setUrl(URI) - Method in class
setUserCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
setUserData(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
setUserData(Object) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
setUserData(Object) - Method in class
setUserData(Object) - Method in class
setUserData(Object) - Method in class
setUserData(Object) - Method in class
setUserData(Object) - Method in class
setUserData(Object) - Method in class
setUserID(HighlightResult) - Method in class
setUserID(String) - Method in class
setUserID(String) - Method in class
setUserIDs(List<UserId>) - Method in class
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
setUsers(List<String>) - Method in class
setUserScore(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setUserScore(Integer) - Method in class
setUsersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
setUsersCount(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
setUserToken(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setUserToken(String) - Method in class
setV(Incident) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
setV(StatisticValue) - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
setV(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
setV(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
setValidity(Integer) - Method in class
setValidity(Integer) - Method in class
setValidity(List<TimeRange>) - Method in class
setValidUntil(Long) - Method in class
setValue(Value) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
setValue(Value) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
setValue(Value) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
setValue(Value) - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
setValue(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
setValue(Integer) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
setValue(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
setValue(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
setValues(List<GetTopFilterForAttribute>) - Method in class
setValues(List<GetTopFiltersNoResultsValue>) - Method in class
setValues(List<GetTopFiltersNoResultsValues>) - Method in class
setValues(Map<String, Value>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
setValues(Map<String, Value>) - Method in class
setVariantMetafields(List<BigCommerceMetafield>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
setVariants(List<AddABTestsVariant>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
setVariants(List<Variant>) - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
setWindow(Window) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
setWindow(Window) - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
setWithFilterCount(Integer) - Method in class
setWord(String) - Method in class
setWord(String) - Method in class
setWords(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
setWords(Integer) - Method in class
setWords(List<String>) - Method in class
setWriteTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.algolia.config.ClientOptions.Builder
setWriteTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
SFCC - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
SG - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
SHOPIFY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
SHOPIFY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
ShopifyInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Represents the required elements of the task input when using a `shopify` source.
ShopifyInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
ShopifyMarket - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Represents a market in Shopify.
ShopifyMarket() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
ShopifyMetafield - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Represents a metafield in Shopify.
ShopifyMetafield() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
SINGER - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
SINGLE_WORD_SYNONYM - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
SINGLE_WORD_SYNONYM - Enum constant in enum class
SK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
SK - Enum constant in enum class
SKIP - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
SKIPPED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
SnippetResult - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
SnippetResult - Interface in
SnippetResult.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
SnippetResult.Deserializer - Class in
SnippetResult.ListOfSnippetResultOptionWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
SnippetResult.ListOfSnippetResultOptionWrapper - Class in
SnippetResult.MapOfStringSnippetResultOptionWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
SnippetResult.MapOfStringSnippetResultOptionWrapper - Class in
SnippetResultOption - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Snippets that show the context around a matching search query.
SnippetResultOption - Class in
Snippets that show the context around a matching search query.
SnippetResultOption() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
SnippetResultOption() - Constructor for class
SortRemainingBy - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Order of facet values that aren't explicitly positioned with the `order` setting.
SortRemainingBy - Enum Class in
Order of facet values that aren't explicitly positioned with the `order` setting.
Source - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Source - Class in
Source() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
Source() - Constructor for class
SourceBigCommerce - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceBigCommerce() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
SourceBigQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceBigQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
SourceCommercetools - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceCommercetools() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
SourceCreate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceCreate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
SourceCreateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceCreateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
SourceCSV - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceCSV() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
SourceDocker - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceDocker() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
SourceGA4BigQueryExport - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceGA4BigQueryExport() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
SourceIndex - Class in com.algolia.model.querysuggestions
Configuration of an Algolia index for Query Suggestions.
SourceIndex() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
SourceInput - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceInput.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceJSON - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceJSON() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
SourceSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSearch
SourceShopify - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceShopify() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
SourceShopifyBase - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceShopifyBase() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopifyBase
SourceSortKeys - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Property by which to sort the list of sources.
SourceType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Gets or Sets SourceType
SourceUpdate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceUpdate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
SourceUpdateCommercetools - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceUpdateCommercetools() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
SourceUpdateDocker - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceUpdateDocker() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
SourceUpdateInput - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceUpdateInput.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceUpdateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
SourceUpdateShopify - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
SourceUpdateShopify() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
SQ - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
SQ - Enum constant in enum class
SSD_USAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
StandardEntries - Class in
Key-value pairs of [supported language ISO codes]( and boolean values.
StandardEntries() - Constructor for class
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
STARTS_WITH - Enum constant in enum class
StatefulHost - Class in com.algolia.internal
StatefulHost(Host) - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.StatefulHost
Statistic - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.usage
Gets or Sets Statistic
StatisticValue - Interface in com.algolia.model.usage
StatisticValue.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
StatisticValue.IntegerWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
StatisticValue.MapOfStringIntegerWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.usage
Status - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
A/B test status.
Status - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Status of the cluster.
STATUS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
STATUS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
StatusResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
StatusResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.StatusResponse
STOP_IF_ENOUGH_MATCHES - Enum constant in enum class
stopABTest(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Stops an A/B test by its ID.
stopABTest(Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
Stops an A/B test by its ID.
stopABTestAsync(Integer) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Stops an A/B test by its ID.
stopABTestAsync(Integer, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.AbtestingClient
(asynchronously) Stops an A/B test by its ID.
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
STOPWORDS - Enum constant in enum class
STREAMING - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTriggerType
STREAMING - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
StreamingTrigger - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger input for continuously running tasks.
StreamingTrigger() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTrigger
StreamingTriggerType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task runs continuously.
StreamingUtilsInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Input for a `streaming` task whose source is of type `ga4BigqueryExport` and for which extracted data is continuously streamed.
StreamingUtilsInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingUtilsInput
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoToleranceEnum
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class
STRING - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
StringUtils - Class in com.algolia.utils
SUBSCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTriggerType
SUBSCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
SubscriptionTrigger - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger input for subscription tasks.
SubscriptionTrigger() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTrigger
SubscriptionTriggerType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task runs after receiving subscribed event.
SUCCEEDED - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
SupportedLanguage - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
ISO code for a supported language.
SupportedLanguage - Enum Class in
ISO code for a supported language.
SV - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
SV - Enum constant in enum class
SW - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
SW - Enum constant in enum class
SYNONYM - Enum constant in enum class
SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
SynonymHit - Class in
Synonym object.
SynonymHit() - Constructor for class
SYNONYMS - Enum constant in enum class
SynonymType - Enum Class in
Synonym type.


TA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
TA - Enum constant in enum class
TagFilters - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Filter the search by values of the special `_tags` attribute.
TagFilters - Interface in
Filter the search by values of the special `_tags` attribute.
TagFilters.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TagFilters.Deserializer - Class in
TagFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TagFilters.ListOfMixedSearchFiltersWrapper - Class in
TagFilters.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TagFilters.StringWrapper - Class in
Task - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
TaskCreate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API request body for creating a task.
TaskCreate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
TaskCreateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API response for creating a task.
TaskCreateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
TaskCreateTrigger - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
TaskCreateTrigger.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
TaskInput - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Configuration of the task, depending on its type.
TaskInput.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
TaskSearch - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
TaskSearch() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSearch
TaskSortKeys - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Property by which to sort the list of tasks.
TaskStatus - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Task status, `published` if the task is completed, `notPublished` otherwise.
TaskStatus - Enum Class in
Task status, `published` if the task is completed, `notPublished` otherwise.
TaskUpdate - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API request body for updating a task.
TaskUpdate() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
TaskUpdateResponse - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
API response for updating a task.
TaskUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
TaskUtils - Class in com.algolia.utils
TE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
TE - Enum constant in enum class
TH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
TH - Enum constant in enum class
TimeInner - Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
TimeInner() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
TimeRange - Class in
TimeRange() - Constructor for class
TL - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
TL - Enum constant in enum class
TN - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
TN - Enum constant in enum class
toLevel(LogLevel) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.LogInterceptor
toLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.LogInterceptor
TOO_MANY_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
TopCountry - Class in
TopCountry() - Constructor for class
TopHit - Class in
TopHit() - Constructor for class
TopHitsResponse - Class in
TopHitsResponse() - Constructor for class
TopHitsResponseWithAnalytics - Class in
TopHitsResponseWithAnalytics() - Constructor for class
TopHitsResponseWithRevenueAnalytics - Class in
TopHitsResponseWithRevenueAnalytics() - Constructor for class
TopHitWithAnalytics - Class in
TopHitWithAnalytics() - Constructor for class
TopHitWithRevenueAnalytics - Class in
TopHitWithRevenueAnalytics() - Constructor for class
TopSearch - Class in
TopSearch() - Constructor for class
TopSearchesResponse - Class in
TopSearchesResponse() - Constructor for class
TopSearchesResponseWithAnalytics - Class in
TopSearchesResponseWithAnalytics() - Constructor for class
TopSearchesResponseWithRevenueAnalytics - Class in
TopSearchesResponseWithRevenueAnalytics() - Constructor for class
TopSearchWithAnalytics - Class in
TopSearchWithAnalytics() - Constructor for class
TopSearchWithRevenueAnalytics - Class in
TopSearchWithRevenueAnalytics() - Constructor for class
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent.Segment
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.config.AlgoliaAgent
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.config.HttpRequest
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.config.RequestOptions
toString() - Method in exception com.algolia.exceptions.AlgoliaRetryException
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTest
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ABTestResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariant
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AbTestsVariantSearchParams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.AddABTestsRequest
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Currency
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.CustomSearchParams
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.EmptySearch
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffects
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsEmptySearch
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.FilterEffectsOutliers
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.ListABTestsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.MinimumDetectableEffect
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Outliers
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgolia
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsights
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaInsightsPartial
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAlgoliaPartial
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKey
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthAPIKeyPartial
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasic
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthBasicPartial
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Authentication
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationCreateResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSearch
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationUpdateResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccount
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthGoogleServiceAccountPartial
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuth
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthOAuthPartial
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceChannel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigCommerceMetafield
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigQueryDataType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.CommercetoolsCustomFields
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DeleteResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Destination
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationCreateResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexName
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationIndexPrefix
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSearch
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationUpdateResponse
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerRegistry
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceDiscover
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerSourceStreams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Event
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListAuthenticationsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListDestinationsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListEventsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListSourcesResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ListTasksResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFieldDirective
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFormatSchema
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingInput
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingKitAction
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MethodType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandDateUtilsInput
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTrigger
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerInput
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerType
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OrderKeys
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Pagination
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformNone
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RecordType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Run
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunListResponse
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunProgress
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunResponse
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleDateUtilsInput
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTrigger
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerInput
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyInput
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMarket
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ShopifyMetafield
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Source
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigCommerce
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceBigQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCommercetools
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCreateResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceCSV
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceDocker
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceGA4BigQueryExport
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceJSON
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSearch
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopify
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceShopifyBase
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateCommercetools
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateDocker
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceUpdateShopify
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTrigger
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTriggerType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingUtilsInput
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTrigger
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTriggerType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Task
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskCreateResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSearch
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdate
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskUpdateResponse
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerUpdateInput
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDs
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.AddedToCartObjectIDsAfterSearch
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.AddToCartEvent
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedFilters
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDs
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickedObjectIDsAfterSearch
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickEvent
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ConversionEvent
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedFilters
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDs
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ConvertedObjectIDsAfterSearch
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.EventsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.InsightsEvents
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectData
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ObjectDataAfterSearch
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDs
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchasedObjectIDsAfterSearch
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchaseEvent
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewEvent
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.GetServers403Response
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Incident
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsInner
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IncidentsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.IndexingTimeResponseMetrics
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InfrastructureResponseMetrics
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.InventoryResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.LatencyResponseMetrics
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ProbesMetric
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Server
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ServerStatus
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.StatusResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.monitoring.TimeInner
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Type
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.DeleteUserProfileResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventScoring
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.FacetScoring
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.GetUserTokenResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.PersonalizationStrategyParams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.personalization.SetPersonalizationStrategyResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.AppID
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.BaseResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.Facet
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetConfigStatus200Response
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.GetLogFile200Response
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfiguration
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.QuerySuggestionsConfigurationWithIndex
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.SourceIndex
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AdvancedSyntaxFeatures
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundPrecisionFromValueInner
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadiusAll
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.AutoFacetFilter
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseRecommendRequest
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchParamsWithoutQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BaseSearchResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.BoughtTogetherQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Condition
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Consequence
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.DeletedAtResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Exhaustive
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetOrdering
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Facets
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FacetsStats
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FallbackParams
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.FbtModel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.FrequentlyBoughtTogether
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsParams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendationsResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.GetRecommendTaskResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HideConsequenceObject
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.HighlightResultOption
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.IndexSettingsAsSearchParams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilar
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarModel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchedGeoLocation
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.Mode
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.ParamsConsequence
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Personalization
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.PromoteConsequenceObject
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RankingInfo
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsHits
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendationsResults
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYou
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouModel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendHit
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRule
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendRuleMetadata
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Redirect
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadata
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RedirectRuleIndexMetadataData
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedModel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedProducts
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedQuery
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.RenderingContent
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsObject
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchParamsQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesParams
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SearchRecommendRulesResponse
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SemanticSearch
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.SnippetResultOption
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TaskStatus
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsModel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsModel
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoToleranceEnum
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
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toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
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toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
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toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
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toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
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toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
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toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
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toString() - Method in enum class
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toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.ErrorBase
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200Response
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage200ResponseStatisticsInner
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400Response
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseError
toString() - Method in class com.algolia.model.usage.GetUsage400ResponseErrorErrorsInner
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Granularity
toString() - Method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_ACL_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_AVG_USED_SEARCH_CAPACITY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_INDEXING_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_MAX_QPS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_READ_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_RECOMMEND_REQUESTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_RECORDS_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_RULES_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_SEARCH_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_SEARCH_REQUESTS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_USED_SEARCH_CAPACITY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TOTAL_WRITE_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
TR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
TR - Enum constant in enum class
TRANSFORM - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
TRENDING_FACETS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
TRENDING_FACETS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsModel
TRENDING_ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
TRENDING_ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsModel
TrendingFacetHit - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Trending facet hit.
TrendingFacetHit() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetHit
TrendingFacets - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TrendingFacets() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacets
TrendingFacetsModel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Trending facet values model.
TrendingFacetsQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TrendingFacetsQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsQuery
TrendingItems - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TrendingItems() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItems
TrendingItemsModel - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Trending items model.
TrendingItemsQuery - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TrendingItemsQuery() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsQuery
Trigger - Interface in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger that runs the task.
TRIGGER_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
Trigger.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
triggerDockerSourceDiscover(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Triggers a stream-listing request for a source.
triggerDockerSourceDiscover(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Triggers a stream-listing request for a source.
triggerDockerSourceDiscoverAsync(String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Triggers a stream-listing request for a source.
triggerDockerSourceDiscoverAsync(String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Triggers a stream-listing request for a source.
TriggerType - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Task trigger, describing when a task should run.
TriggerUpdateInput - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Trigger for a task update.
TriggerUpdateInput() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerUpdateInput
TT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
TT - Enum constant in enum class
Type - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.monitoring
Gets or Sets Type
TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
TYPE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
TypoTolerance - Interface in com.algolia.model.recommend
Whether [typo tolerance]( is enabled and how it is applied.
TypoTolerance - Interface in
Whether [typo tolerance]( is enabled and how it is applied.
TypoTolerance.BooleanWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TypoTolerance.BooleanWrapper - Class in
TypoTolerance.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
TypoTolerance.Deserializer - Class in
TypoToleranceEnum - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
- `min`.
TypoToleranceEnum - Enum Class in
- `min`.


UAE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
UK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
UK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
UK - Enum constant in enum class
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class
UPDATE_API_KEY_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
UPDATE_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class
UPDATE_RECORD_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
UPDATE_SYNONYM_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
updateApiKey(String, ApiKey) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Replaces the permissions of an existing API key.
updateApiKey(String, ApiKey, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Replaces the permissions of an existing API key.
updateApiKeyAsync(String, ApiKey) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Replaces the permissions of an existing API key.
updateApiKeyAsync(String, ApiKey, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
(asynchronously) Replaces the permissions of an existing API key.
UpdateApiKeyResponse - Class in
UpdateApiKeyResponse() - Constructor for class
updateAuthentication(String, AuthenticationUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates an authentication resource.
updateAuthentication(String, AuthenticationUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates an authentication resource.
updateAuthenticationAsync(String, AuthenticationUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates an authentication resource.
updateAuthenticationAsync(String, AuthenticationUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates an authentication resource.
updateConfig(String, QuerySuggestionsConfiguration) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Updates a QuerySuggestions configuration.
updateConfig(String, QuerySuggestionsConfiguration, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
Updates a QuerySuggestions configuration.
updateConfigAsync(String, QuerySuggestionsConfiguration) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Updates a QuerySuggestions configuration.
updateConfigAsync(String, QuerySuggestionsConfiguration, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.QuerySuggestionsClient
(asynchronously) Updates a QuerySuggestions configuration.
UPDATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
UPDATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
UPDATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
UPDATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
UPDATED_AT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
UpdatedAtResponse - Class in
Response, taskID, and update timestamp.
UpdatedAtResponse() - Constructor for class
UpdatedAtWithObjectIdResponse - Class in
Response, taskID, unique object identifier, and an update timestamp.
UpdatedAtWithObjectIdResponse() - Constructor for class
updateDestination(String, DestinationUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates the destination by its ID.
updateDestination(String, DestinationUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates the destination by its ID.
updateDestinationAsync(String, DestinationUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates the destination by its ID.
updateDestinationAsync(String, DestinationUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates the destination by its ID.
UpdatedRuleResponse - Class in
UpdatedRuleResponse() - Constructor for class
updateSource(String, SourceUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates a source by its ID.
updateSource(String, SourceUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates a source by its ID.
updateSourceAsync(String, SourceUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates a source by its ID.
updateSourceAsync(String, SourceUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates a source by its ID.
updateTask(String, TaskUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates a task by its ID.
updateTask(String, TaskUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
Updates a task by its ID.
updateTaskAsync(String, TaskUpdate) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates a task by its ID.
updateTaskAsync(String, TaskUpdate, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.IngestionClient
(asynchronously) Updates a task by its ID.
UR - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
UR - Enum constant in enum class
USAGE - Enum constant in enum class
UsageClient - Class in com.algolia.api
UsageClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
UsageClient(String, String, ClientOptions) - Constructor for class com.algolia.api.UsageClient
USC - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
USE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
USED_SEARCH_CAPACITY - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
UserAgentInterceptor - Class in com.algolia.internal.interceptors
UserAgentInterceptor(AlgoliaAgent) - Constructor for class com.algolia.internal.interceptors.UserAgentInterceptor
UseReadTransporter - Class in com.algolia.utils
UseReadTransporter() - Constructor for class com.algolia.utils.UseReadTransporter
UserHighlightResult - Class in
UserHighlightResult() - Constructor for class
UserHit - Class in
UserHit() - Constructor for class
UserId - Class in
Unique user ID.
UserId() - Constructor for class
USW - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
UZ - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
UZ - Enum constant in enum class


value - Variable in class com.algolia.utils.Holder
Value - Class in com.algolia.model.recommend
Value - Class in
Value - Interface in com.algolia.model.insights
Total monetary value of this event in units of `currency`.
Value() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.recommend.Value
Value() - Constructor for class
Value.Deserializer - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Value.DoubleWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Value.StringWrapper - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.config.CallType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.config.CompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.config.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigQueryDataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerRegistry
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFormatSchema
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MethodType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OrderKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformNone
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RecordType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTriggerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTriggerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.AddToCartEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ConversionEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchaseEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ServerStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AdvancedSyntaxFeatures
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadiusAll
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.FbtModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TaskStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoToleranceEnum
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Granularity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.config.CallType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.config.CompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.config.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Effect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationSortKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.AuthenticationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.BigQueryDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationSortKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DestinationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerImageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.DockerRegistry
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventSortKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingFormatSchema
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MappingTypeCSV
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.MethodType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OnDemandTriggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.OrderKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Platform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.PlatformNone
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RecordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunOutcome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunReasonCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunSortKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RunType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.ScheduleTriggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceSortKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.StreamingTriggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.SubscriptionTriggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TaskSortKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.TriggerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.AddToCartEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ClickEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ConversionEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.PurchaseEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Metric
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.ServerStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.querysuggestions.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AdvancedSyntaxFeatures
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AlternativesAsExact
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.AroundRadiusAll
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.FbtModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.LookingSimilarModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.MatchLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.QueryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendedForYouModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RecommendModels
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RelatedModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.RemoveWordsIfNoResults
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SortRemainingBy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TaskStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingFacetsModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TrendingItemsModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.TypoToleranceEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Granularity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Variant - Class in com.algolia.model.abtesting
Variant() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.abtesting.Variant
VARIANT - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.ingestion.RecordType
VIEW - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewEvent
VIEW - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.personalization.EventType
ViewedFilters - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this method to capture active filters.
ViewedFilters() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedFilters
ViewedObjectIDs - Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Use this event to track when users viewed items in the search results.
ViewedObjectIDs() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.insights.ViewedObjectIDs
ViewEvent - Enum Class in com.algolia.model.insights
Gets or Sets ViewEvent


WAIT_TASK_OPERATIONS - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.usage.Statistic
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String, int, IntUnaryOperator) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String, int, IntUnaryOperator, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String, ApiKey) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String, ApiKey, int, IntUnaryOperator) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String, ApiKey, int, IntUnaryOperator, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForApiKey(ApiKeyOperation, String, ApiKey, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for an API key to be added, updated or deleted based on a given `operation`.
waitForTask(String, Long) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for a task to complete with `indexName` and `taskID`.
waitForTask(String, Long, int, IntUnaryOperator) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for a task to complete with `indexName` and `taskID`.
waitForTask(String, Long, int, IntUnaryOperator, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for a task to complete with `indexName` and `taskID`.
waitForTask(String, Long, RequestOptions) - Method in class com.algolia.api.SearchClient
Helper: Wait for a task to complete with `indexName` and `taskID`.
WEEK - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Period
Window - Class in com.algolia.model.ingestion
Time window by which to filter the observability data.
Window() - Constructor for class com.algolia.model.ingestion.Window
WORD - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.ExactOnSingleWordQuery
WORD - Enum constant in enum class
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.config.CallType


ZA - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.monitoring.Region
ZH - Enum constant in enum class com.algolia.model.recommend.SupportedLanguage
ZH - Enum constant in enum class
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 
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