


package optimization

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class GenericLossFunction(partialLossFunction: PartialLossFunction, predictionFunction: PredictionFunction) extends LossFunction with Product with Serializable


    Generic loss function which lets you build a loss function out of the PartialLossFunction and the PredictionFunction.

  2. class GradientDescent extends IterativeSolver


    Base class which performs Stochastic Gradient Descent optimization using mini batches.

    Base class which performs Stochastic Gradient Descent optimization using mini batches.

    For each labeled vector in a mini batch the gradient is computed and added to a partial gradient. The partial gradients are then summed and divided by the size of the batches. The average gradient is then used to updated the weight values, including regularization.

    At the moment, the whole partition is used for SGD, making it effectively a batch gradient descent. Once a sampling operator has been introduced, the algorithm can be optimized

    The parameters to tune the algorithm are: Solver.LossFunction for the loss function to be used, Solver.RegularizationPenaltyValue for the regularization penalty. Solver.RegularizationConstant for the regularization parameter, IterativeSolver.Iterations for the maximum number of iteration, IterativeSolver.LearningRate for the learning rate used. IterativeSolver.ConvergenceThreshold when provided the algorithm will stop the iterations if the relative change in the value of the objective function between successive iterations is is smaller than this value. IterativeSolver.LearningRateMethodValue determines functional form of effective learning rate.

  3. abstract class IterativeSolver extends Solver


    An abstract class for iterative optimization algorithms

    An abstract class for iterative optimization algorithms

    See Iterative Methods on Wikipedia for more info

  4. trait LossFunction extends Serializable


    Abstract class that implements some of the functionality for common loss functions

    Abstract class that implements some of the functionality for common loss functions

    A loss function determines the loss term L(w) of the objective function f(w) = L(w) + lambda*R(w) for prediction tasks, the other being regularization, R(w).

    The regularization is specific to the used optimization algorithm and, thus, implemented there.

    We currently only support differentiable loss functions, in the future this class could be changed to DiffLossFunction in order to support other types, such as absolute loss.

  5. trait PartialLossFunction extends Serializable


    Represents loss functions which can be used with the GenericLossFunction.

  6. abstract class PredictionFunction extends Serializable


    An abstract class for prediction functions to be used in optimization *

  7. trait RegularizationPenalty extends Serializable


    Represents a type of regularization penalty

    Represents a type of regularization penalty

    Regularization penalties are used to restrict the optimization problem to solutions with certain desirable characteristics, such as sparsity for the L1 penalty, or penalizing large weights for the L2 penalty.

    The regularization term, R(w) is added to the objective function, f(w) = L(w) + lambda*R(w) where lambda is the regularization parameter used to tune the amount of regularization applied.

  8. abstract class Solver extends Serializable with WithParameters


    Base class for optimization algorithms

Value Members

  1. object GradientDescent extends Serializable


    Implementation of a Gradient Descent solver.

  2. object HingeLoss extends PartialLossFunction


    Hinge loss function which can be used with the GenericLossFunction

    Hinge loss function which can be used with the GenericLossFunction

    The HingeLoss function implements max(0, 1 - prediction*label) for binary classification with label in {-1, 1}

  3. object IterativeSolver extends Serializable

  4. object L1Regularization extends RegularizationPenalty


    L_1 regularization penalty.

    L_1 regularization penalty.

    The regularization function is the L1 norm ||w||_1 with w being the weight vector. The L_1 penalty can be used to drive a number of the solution coefficients to 0, thereby producing sparse solutions.

  5. object L2Regularization extends RegularizationPenalty


    L_2 regularization penalty.

    L_2 regularization penalty.

    The regularization function is the square of the L2 norm 1/2*||w||_2^2 with w being the weight vector. The function penalizes large weights, favoring solutions with more small weights rather than few large ones.

  6. object LearningRateMethod

  7. object LinearPrediction extends PredictionFunction


    A linear prediction function *

  8. object LogisticLoss extends PartialLossFunction


    Logistic loss function which can be used with the GenericLossFunction

    Logistic loss function which can be used with the GenericLossFunction

    The LogisticLoss function implements log(1 + -exp(prediction*label)) for binary classification with label in {-1, 1}

  9. object NoRegularization extends RegularizationPenalty


    No regularization penalty.

  10. object Solver extends Serializable

  11. object SquaredLoss extends PartialLossFunction


    Squared loss function which can be used with the GenericLossFunction

    Squared loss function which can be used with the GenericLossFunction

    The SquaredLoss function implements 1/2 (prediction - label)^2
