


package recommendation

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ALS extends Predictor[ALS]


    Alternating least squares algorithm to calculate a matrix factorization.

    Alternating least squares algorithm to calculate a matrix factorization.

    Given a matrix R, ALS calculates two matrices U and V such that R ~~ U^TV. The unknown row dimension is given by the number of latent factors. Since matrix factorization is often used in the context of recommendation, we'll call the first matrix the user and the second matrix the item matrix. The ith column of the user matrix is u_i and the ith column of the item matrix is v_i. The matrix R is called the ratings matrix and (R)_{i,j} = r_{i,j}.

    In order to find the user and item matrix, the following problem is solved:

    argmin_{U,V} sum_(i,j\ with\ r_{i,j} != 0) (r_{i,j} - u_{i}Tv_{j})2 + lambda (sum_(i) n_{u_i} ||u_i||2 + sum_(j) n_{v_j} ||v_j||2)

    with \lambda being the regularization factor, n_{u_i} being the number of items the user i has rated and n_{v_j} being the number of times the item j has been rated. This regularization scheme to avoid overfitting is called weighted-lambda-regularization. Details can be found in the work of Zhou et al..

    By fixing one of the matrices U or V one obtains a quadratic form which can be solved. The solution of the modified problem is guaranteed to decrease the overall cost function. By applying this step alternately to the matrices U and V, we can iteratively improve the matrix factorization.

    The matrix R is given in its sparse representation as a tuple of (i, j, r) where i is the row index, j is the column index and r is the matrix value at position (i,j).

    1. val inputDS: DataSet[(Int, Int, Double)] = env.readCsvFile[(Int, Int, Double)](
      val als = ALS()
      val data2Predict: DataSet[(Int, Int)] = env.readCsvFile[(Int, Int)](pathToData)


Value Members

  1. object ALS

