A function to trigger async I/O operations.
Internal wrapper class to map a Flink's Java API ResultFuture to a Scala ResultFuture.
Internal wrapper class to map a Flink's Java API ResultFuture to a Scala ResultFuture.
type of the output elements
The result future collects data/errors from the user code while processing asynchronous I/O operations.
The result future collects data/errors from the user code while processing asynchronous I/O operations.
type of the output element
A function to trigger async I/O operations.
For each asyncInvoke an async io operation can be triggered, and once it has been done, the result can be collected by calling ResultFuture.complete. For each async operation, its context is stored in the operator immediately after invoking asyncInvoke, avoiding blocking for each stream input as long as the internal buffer is not full.
ResultFuture can be passed into callbacks or futures to collect the result data. An error can also be propagate to the async IO operator by ResultFuture.completeExceptionally(Throwable).
The type of the input element
The type of the output elements