All Classes and Interfaces

Static methods for translating Base64 encoded strings to byte arrays and vice-versa.
类URLParameter.java的实现描述:JDBC 参数类
这个类主要是负责两个事情, 解密, 和下载远程的配置文件 [解密] DruidDataSource dataSource = new DruidDataSource(); //dataSource.setXXX 其他设置 //下面两步很重要 //启用config filter dataSource.setFilters("config"); //使用RSA解密(使用默认密钥) dataSource.setConnectionPropertise("config.decrypt=true"); dataSource.setPassword("加密的密文"); [远程配置文件] DruidDataSource dataSource = new DruidDataSource(); //下面两步很重要 //启用config filter dataSource.setFilters("config"); //使用RSA解密(使用默认密钥) dataSource.setConnectionPropertise("config.file=http://localhost:8080/remote.propreties;"); [Spring的配置解密] <bean id="dataSource" class="" init-method="init" destroy-method="close"> <property name="password" value="加密的密文" /> <!
Created by wenshao on 20/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 26/05/2017.
An utility class to create DruidDataSource dynamically.
Interface for those selector to implement.
An enum holding the names and classes of DataSourceSelector.
A Factory pattern for DataSourceSelector.
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019/9/5 10:48
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-16 21:45
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-07-22 17:01
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-07-22 10:09
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-07-22 10:06
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-16 22:02
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-18 23:41
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-18 23:37
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-16 21:37
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019/10/8 20:06
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019/10/8 20:08
An interface to allow for exception evaluation.
A NodeList that monitors the change of a file.
format validation This class encodes/decodes hexadecimal data
DataSource class which contains multiple DataSource objects.
This class represents an IP Range, which are represented by an IP address and and a subnet mask.
Common ValidConnectionChecker for JDBC4 to use Connection.isValid.
A MSSQLValidConnectionChecker.
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-03 15:43
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-03 15:50
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-03 15:59
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-03 16:22
case when statement
Created by wenshao on 16/08/2017.
Created by wenshao on 27/07/2017.
for ttdl5
Use the given name in ThreadLocal variable to choose DataSource.
Created by wenshao on 26/07/2017.
Define the detail of a node update event.
Enum that specifies the type of a NodeEvent.
This abstract class defines a listener to monitor the change of DataSource nodes.
Created by wenshao on 23/05/2017.
Implementation of ExceptionSorter for Oracle.
Created by wenshao on 21/05/2017.
Created by wenshao on 21/05/2017.
Created by wenshao on 20/05/2017.
Created by wenshao on 20/05/2017.
Created by wenshao on 16/07/2017.
Created by wenshao on 27/07/2017.
Interface for components that can match source strings against a specified pattern string.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/14.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/14.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/14.
Update the DataSource Connection Pool when notified.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
presto 的输出的视图信息
presto的 选择解析器
presto 的 select语句
Created by wenshao on 16/9/13.
Utilities for Properties.
A Thread trying to test if DataSource in blacklist has been recovered.
A selector which uses java.util.Random to choose DataSource.
A Druid Filter that records the last success execute time.
A Thread trying to test all DataSource provided by HADataSource.
A class to simplify access to resources through the classloader.
Created by wenshao on 03/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 21/07/2017.
Created by wenshao on 03/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 08/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 03/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 03/08/2017.
Created by wenshao on 29/05/2017.
MySql cursor close statement
Created by wenshao on 23/05/2017.
Created by wenshao on 30/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 16/9/14.
Created by wenshao on 14/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 09/07/2017.
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-04 11:27
version 1.0 Author zzy Date 2019-06-04 11:48
Created by wenshao on 16/9/25.
Created by wenshao on 06/06/2017.
Created by wenshao on 16/07/2017.
Created by wenshao on 23/02/2017.
A class holding DataSource reference and retrieving time.
An extend selector based on RandomDataSourceSelector which can stick a DataSource to a Thread in a while.
扩展calcite,支持select 中的hints
SQL Token
Created by wenshao on 13/08/2017.
Created by wenshao on 14/08/2017.
The information that will be added to an ephemeral node.
A NodeListener that watches a Zookeeper Path.
A register which is used to register a node to an ephemeral node.