Interface IonReader

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable,, Faceted
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface IonReader
    extends, Faceted
    Provides stream-based access to Ion data independent of its underlying representation (text, binary, or IonValue tree).

    WARNING: This interface should not be implemented or extended by code outside of this library. We still have some work to do before this interface is stable. See issue amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/11

    An IonReader has a "cursor" tracking the current value on which the reader is positioned. Generally, newly created readers are not positioned on any value. To begin traversing the Ion data, one would use next() to advance the cursor onto the first value (or learn there isn't one). Once positioned, the current value's data can be accessed with the *Value() methods.

    When the current value is a container, calling next() moves the cursor to the next sibling of the container, at the same depth, skipping over any children the container may have. To read the children, call stepIn(), then next() to position onto the first child value (or learn there isn't one). Calling stepOut() skips over any remaining children and moves the cursor just beyond the container; call next() to move the cursor to the following value.

    In general, method names are intended to parallel similar methods in the IonValue hierarchy. For example, to get the text of a symbol one would use stringValue(), mirroring IonSymbol.stringValue().

    Exception Handling

    IonReader is a generic interface for traversing Ion data, and it's not possible to fully specify the set of exceptions that could be thrown from the underlying data source. Thus all failures are thrown as instances of IonException, wrapping the original cause. If an application wants to handle (say) IOExceptions specially, then it needs to extract that from the wrappers; the documentation of IonException explains how to do that.

    Reader Facets

    Readers are Faceted and implementations may provide additional functionality accessible via the Faceted.asFacet(Class) method.

    The SpanProvider Facet

    This facet is available on all readers that directly consume an Ion source. It provides access to the "current span" covering the reader's current value. There is not a current span at the start of the source, immediately after a call to stepIn() or stepOut(), or when the prior call to next() returned null (meaning: end of container or end of stream). In such states, SpanProvider.currentSpan() will fail.

    The SeekableReader Facet

    This facet is available on all readers except those created from an InputStream. (See issue amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/17.) It allows the user to reposition the reader to a Span over the same reader instance or another reader with the same source.

    Span Facets

    Readers that support the SpanProvider facet vend Spans that are also faceted.

    The OffsetSpan Facet

    This facet is support by all readers of Ion binary and text data.

    The TextSpan Facet

    This facet is supported by all readers of Ion text data.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.math.BigDecimal bigDecimalValue()
      Returns the current value as a BigDecimal.
      java.math.BigInteger bigIntegerValue()
      Returns the current value as a BigInteger.
      boolean booleanValue()
      Returns the current value as an boolean.
      int byteSize()
      Gets the size in bytes of the current lob value.
      java.util.Date dateValue()
      Returns the current value as a Date.
      Decimal decimalValue()
      Returns the current value as a Decimal, which extends BigDecimal with support for negative zeros.
      double doubleValue()
      Returns the current value as a double.
      int getBytes​(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len)
      Copies the current value into the passed in a byte array.
      int getDepth()
      Returns the depth into the Ion value that this reader has traversed.
      int getFieldId()
      java.lang.String getFieldName()
      Return the field name of the current value.
      SymbolToken getFieldNameSymbol()
      Gets the current value's field name as a symbol token (text + ID).
      IntegerSize getIntegerSize()
      Returns an IntegerSize representing the smallest-possible Java type of the Ion int at the current value.
      SymbolTable getSymbolTable()
      Returns the symbol table that is applicable to the current value.
      IonType getType()
      Returns the type of the current value, or null if there is no current value.
      java.lang.String[] getTypeAnnotations()
      Return the annotations of the current value as an array of strings.
      SymbolToken[] getTypeAnnotationSymbols()
      Gets the current value's annotations as symbol tokens (text + ID).
      boolean hasNext()
      Applications should detect the end of the current level by checking for a null response from next().
      int intValue()
      Returns the current value as an int.
      boolean isInStruct()
      Determines whether this reader is currently traversing the fields of an Ion struct.
      boolean isNullValue()
      Determines whether the current value is a null Ion value of any type (for example, null or
      java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String> iterateTypeAnnotations()
      Return the annotations on the curent value as an iterator.
      long longValue()
      Returns the current value as a long.
      byte[] newBytes()
      Returns the current value as a newly-allocated byte array.
      IonType next()
      Positions this reader on the next sibling after the current value, returning the type of that value.
      void stepIn()
      Positions the reader just before the contents of the current value, which must be a container (list, sexp, or struct).
      void stepOut()
      Positions the iterator after the current parent's value, moving up one level in the data hierarchy.
      java.lang.String stringValue()
      Returns the current value as a Java String.
      SymbolToken symbolValue()
      Returns the current value as a symbol token (text + ID).
      Timestamp timestampValue()
      Returns the current value as a Timestamp.
      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Method Detail

      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext()
        Applications should detect the end of the current level by checking for a null response from next().
        Determines whether there is another value at the current depth; in other words whether there is a sibling value that may be reached using next(). This method may be called multiple times, which does not move the current position.

        WARNING: this method alters the internal state of the reader such that you cannot reliably get values from the "current" element. The only thing you should call after hasNext() is next()!

      • next

        IonType next()
        Positions this reader on the next sibling after the current value, returning the type of that value. Once so positioned the contents of this value can be accessed with the *Value() methods.

        A sequence of next() calls traverses the data at a constant depth, within the same container. Use stepIn() to traverse down into any containers, and stepOut() to traverse up to the parent container.

        the type of the next Ion value (never IonType.DATAGRAM), or null when there are no more elements at the current depth in the same container.
      • stepIn

        void stepIn()
        Positions the reader just before the contents of the current value, which must be a container (list, sexp, or struct). There's no current value immediately after stepping in, so the next thing you'll want to do is call next() to move onto the first child value (or learn that there's not one).

        Stepping into a null container (null.list, null.sexp, or null.struct) behaves as if the container were empty ([], (), or {}).

        At any time stepOut() may be called to move the cursor back to (just after) the parent value, even if there's more children remaining.

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the current value isn't an Ion container.
      • stepOut

        void stepOut()
        Positions the iterator after the current parent's value, moving up one level in the data hierarchy. There's no current value immediately after stepping out, so the next thing you'll want to do is call next() to move onto the following value.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the current value wasn't stepped into.
      • getDepth

        int getDepth()
        Returns the depth into the Ion value that this reader has traversed. At top level the depth is 0, and it increases by one on each call to stepIn().
      • getSymbolTable

        SymbolTable getSymbolTable()
        Returns the symbol table that is applicable to the current value. This may be either a system or local symbol table.
      • getType

        IonType getType()
        Returns the type of the current value, or null if there is no current value.
      • getIntegerSize

        IntegerSize getIntegerSize()
        Returns an IntegerSize representing the smallest-possible Java type of the Ion int at the current value. If the current value is or is not an Ion int, or if there is no current value, null will be returned.
        See Also:
      • getTypeAnnotations

        java.lang.String[] getTypeAnnotations()
        Return the annotations of the current value as an array of strings.
        the (ordered) annotations on the current value, or an empty array (not null) if there are none.
        UnknownSymbolException - if any annotation has unknown text.
      • getTypeAnnotationSymbols

        SymbolToken[] getTypeAnnotationSymbols()
        Gets the current value's annotations as symbol tokens (text + ID).
        the (ordered) annotations on the current value, or an empty array (not null) if there are none.
      • iterateTypeAnnotations

        java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String> iterateTypeAnnotations()
        Return the annotations on the curent value as an iterator. The iterator is empty (hasNext() returns false on the first call) if there are no annotations on the current value. Implementations *may* throw UnknownSymbolException from this method if any annotation contains unknown text. Alternatively, implementations may provide an Iterator that throws UnknownSymbolException only when the user navigates the iterator to an annotation with unknown text.
        not null.
      • getFieldId

        int getFieldId()
        /** Gets the symbol ID of the field name attached to the current value.

        This is an "expert method": correct use requires deep understanding of the Ion binary format. You almost certainly don't want to use it.

        the symbol ID of the field name, if the current value is a field within a struct. If the current value is not a field, or if the symbol ID cannot be determined, this method returns a value less than one.
      • getFieldName

        java.lang.String getFieldName()
        Return the field name of the current value. Or null if there is no valid current value or if the current value is not a field of a struct.
        UnknownSymbolException - if the field name has unknown text.
      • getFieldNameSymbol

        SymbolToken getFieldNameSymbol()
        Gets the current value's field name as a symbol token (text + ID). If the text of the token isn't known, the result's SymbolToken.getText() will be null. If the symbol ID of the token isn't known, the result's SymbolToken.getSid() will be SymbolTable.UNKNOWN_SYMBOL_ID. At least one of the two fields will be defined.
        null if there is no current value or if the current value is not a field of a struct.
      • isNullValue

        boolean isNullValue()
        Determines whether the current value is a null Ion value of any type (for example, null or It should be called before calling getters that return value types (int, long, boolean, double).
      • isInStruct

        boolean isInStruct()
        Determines whether this reader is currently traversing the fields of an Ion struct. It returns false if the iteration is in a list, a sexp, or a datagram.
      • booleanValue

        boolean booleanValue()
        Returns the current value as an boolean. This is only valid when getType() returns IonType.BOOL.
      • intValue

        int intValue()
        Returns the current value as an int. This is only valid if there is an underlying value and the value is of a numeric type (int, float, or decimal).
      • longValue

        long longValue()
        Returns the current value as a long. This is only valid if there is an underlying value and the value is of a numeric type (int, float, or decimal).
      • bigIntegerValue

        java.math.BigInteger bigIntegerValue()
        Returns the current value as a BigInteger. This is only valid if there is an underlying value and the value is of type int or float.
      • doubleValue

        double doubleValue()
        Returns the current value as a double. This is only valid if there is an underlying value and the value is either float, or decimal.
      • bigDecimalValue

        java.math.BigDecimal bigDecimalValue()
        Returns the current value as a BigDecimal. This method should not return a Decimal, so it lacks support for negative zeros.

        This method is only valid when getType() returns IonType.DECIMAL.

        the current value as a BigDecimal, or null if the current value is null.decimal.
      • decimalValue

        Decimal decimalValue()
        Returns the current value as a Decimal, which extends BigDecimal with support for negative zeros. This is only valid when getType() returns IonType.DECIMAL.
        the current value as a Decimal, or null if the current value is null.decimal.
      • dateValue

        java.util.Date dateValue()
        Returns the current value as a Date. This is only valid when getType() returns IonType.TIMESTAMP.
        the current value as a Date, or null if the current value is null.timestamp.
      • byteSize

        int byteSize()
        Gets the size in bytes of the current lob value. This is only valid when getType() returns IonType.BLOB or IonType.CLOB.
        the lob's size in bytes.
      • getBytes

        int getBytes​(byte[] buffer,
                     int offset,
                     int len)
        Copies the current value into the passed in a byte array. This is only valid when getType() returns IonType.BLOB or IonType.CLOB.
        buffer - destination to copy the value into, this must not be null.
        offset - the first position to copy into, this must be non null and less than the length of buffer.
        len - the number of bytes available in the buffer to copy into, this must be long enough to hold the whole value and not extend outside of buffer.