Package com.amazonaws.encryptionsdk.kms
Contains logic necessary to create
s backed by AWS
KMS keys.-
Interface Summary Interface Description KmsMasterKeyProvider.RegionalClientSupplier KmsMethods Methods common to all classes which interact with KMS. -
Class Summary Class Description AwsKmsMrkAwareMasterKey Represents a single Aws KMS key and is used to encrypt/decrypt data withAwsCrypto
.AwsKmsMrkAwareMasterKeyProvider Represents a list Aws KMS keys and is used to encrypt/decrypt data withAwsCrypto
.AwsKmsMrkAwareMasterKeyProvider.Builder DiscoveryFilter This class stores the configuration for filtering AWS KMS CMK ARNs by AWS account ID and partition.KmsMasterKey Represents a single Customer Master Key (CMK) and is used to encrypt/decrypt data withAwsCrypto
.KmsMasterKeyProvider ProvidesMasterKey
s backed by the AWS Key Management Service.KmsMasterKeyProvider.Builder