Class LocalLifecycleManagerImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LocalLifecycleManagerImpl
    extends GenericLifecycleManager
    This class implements a JEAF lifecycle manager. This implementation does not contain any environment specific operations and therefore can be used in multiple situations. During initialization all components and services will be created / loaded.
    JEAF Development Team
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalLifecycleManagerImpl

        public LocalLifecycleManagerImpl()
        Initialize object.
    • Method Detail

      • createServiceChannel

        protected com.anaptecs.jeaf.core.servicechannel.api.ServiceChannel createServiceChannel()
        Method creates a new instance of the service channel that should be used in the specific runtime environment for which a concrete life cycle manager implementation is designed for. In this case a local service channel implementation will be returned.
        Specified by:
        createServiceChannel in class GenericLifecycleManager
        ServiceChannel Service channel implementation that should be used in this specific environment. The method never returns null.
      • getUserTransaction

        protected javax.transaction.UserTransaction getUserTransaction()
        Method returns a UserTransaction object that can be used by the lifecycle manager for internal use only.
        Specified by:
        getUserTransaction in class GenericLifecycleManager
        UserTransaction UserTransaction that can be used by the lifecycle manager. The method never returns null.
      • performStartup

        public void performStartup()
        Method overrides implementation of base class in order to provide platform specific triggering mechanism. This means for JSE environments that JEAF that a timer task will be used.
        performStartup in class GenericLifecycleManager
        See Also:
      • performShutdown

        public void performShutdown()
        Method overrides implementation of base class in order to stop the started timer again.
        performShutdown in class GenericLifecycleManager
        See Also: