Package-level declarations


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class ByteStringHttpBody(val contentType: String, byteString: ByteString) : HttpBody
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interface HttpBody
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data class HttpHeader(val name: String, val value: String)

a HTTP header

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a HTTP request to be sent

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HttpRequestComposer transforms a GraphQL request in a HttpRequest. Typically, this involves building a Json with "query" and "variables" fields but implementations can decide to customize this behaviour. For an example:

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an HTTP Response.

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class UploadsHttpBody(uploads: Map<String, Upload>, operationByteString: ByteString) : HttpBody
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interface WebSocketPayloadComposer

WebSocketPayloadComposer transforms a GraphQL request in a payload to be sent in a WebSocket message


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fun List<HttpHeader>.get(name: String): String?

Get the value for header name or null if this header doesn't exist or is defined multiple times

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Get the value of the "name" header. HTTP header names are case insensitive, see