Package-level declarations


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The base class for all exceptions

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class ApolloHttpException(val statusCode: Int, val headers: List<HttpHeader>, val body: BufferedSource?, message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : ApolloException

The response was received but the response code was not 200

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class ApolloNetworkException(message: String? = null, val platformCause: Any? = null) : ApolloException

A network error happened: socket closed, DNS issue, TLS problem, etc...

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class ApolloParseException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : ApolloException

The response could not be parsed either because of another issue than JsonDataException or JsonEncodingException

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class ApolloWebSocketClosedException(val code: Int, val reason: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : ApolloException

A WebSocket connection could not be established: e.g., expired token

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class CacheMissException constructor(val key: String, val fieldName: String? = null, stale: Boolean = false) : ApolloException

An object/field was missing in the cache If fieldName is null, it means a reference to an object could not be resolved

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class DefaultApolloException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : ApolloException

A generic exception when no additional context exists

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class HttpCacheMissException(message: String, cause: Exception? = null) : ApolloException

A HTTP cache miss happened

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Thrown when the data in a JSON document doesn't match the data expected by the caller.

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Thrown when the data being parsed is not encoded as valid JSON.

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class SubscriptionOperationException(operationName: String, val payload: Any? = null) : ApolloException

The server could not process a subscription and sent an error.


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var apolloExceptionHandler: (Throwable) -> Unit

A handler that can be set to intercept certain exceptions occurring in the library that are not normally surfaced. This can be used to investigate issues. The default is to log the exception.

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