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AbstractAsyncCallback<T> - Class in com.applitools.connectivity.api
AbstractAsyncCallback(Logger, TaskListener<T>) - Constructor for class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AbstractAsyncCallback
abstractProxySettings - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
AbstractProxySettings - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Encapsulates settings for sending Eyes communication via proxy.
AbstractProxySettings() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
Defines proxy settings with the url in the environment variable
AbstractProxySettings(String) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
Defines proxy settings with empty username/password.
AbstractProxySettings(String, Integer) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
AbstractProxySettings(String, Integer, String, String) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
AbstractProxySettings(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
addEvent(ClientEvent) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.LogSessionsClientEvents
addLogHandler(LogHandler) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.MultiLogHandler
addPadding(Padding) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
ALLOW - com.applitools.eyes.AutProxyMode
ANDROID - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames
ArgumentGuard - Class in com.applitools.utils
Argument validation utilities.
asyncRequest(String...) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.ConnectivityTarget
Creates an async request for sending to the server
AsyncRequest - Class in com.applitools.connectivity.api
Wrapper for the asynchronous request api of the connectivity packages
AsyncRequest(Logger) - Constructor for class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequest
AsyncRequestCallback - Interface in com.applitools.connectivity.api
autProxyMode - Variable in class com.applitools.eyes.AutProxySettings
AutProxyMode - Enum in com.applitools.eyes
AutProxySettings - Class in com.applitools.eyes
AutProxySettings(AbstractProxySettings) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AutProxySettings
Setting a separated proxy for requests made to non-eyes domains.
AutProxySettings(AbstractProxySettings, String[]) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AutProxySettings
Setting a separated proxy for requests made to non-eyes domains.
AutProxySettings(AbstractProxySettings, String[], AutProxyMode) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.AutProxySettings
Setting a separated proxy for requests sent to the given domains (if mode is AutProxyMode.ALLOW or for requests sent to domains other than the given domains (if mode is AutProxyMode.BLOCK.


BLOCK - com.applitools.eyes.AutProxyMode
body - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
Borders - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Borders() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
Borders(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
BrowserNames - Class in com.applitools.eyes
BrowserNames() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
BrowserType - Enum in com.applitools.eyes.selenium
BrowserType - Enum in com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid


CALLED - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
CAPTURE_SCREENSHOT - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
CHECK - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
CHECK_RESOURCE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
CHROME - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
CHROME - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
CHROME - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
CHROME_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
CHROME_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
CHROME_OS - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames
CHROME_TWO_VERSIONS_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
CHROME_TWO_VERSIONS_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
CHROMIUM - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
clear() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.LogSessionsClientEvents
clear() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.MultiLogHandler
ClientEvent - Class in com.applitools.eyes.logging
ClientEvent(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.logging.ClientEvent
ClientEvent(String, Object, TraceLevel) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.logging.ClientEvent
clone() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
close() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
close() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
close() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
Close the log file for writing.
close() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.LogHandler
close() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.MultiLogHandler
close() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.NullLogHandler
close() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
Does nothing.
CLOSE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
CLOSE_BATCH - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
com.applitools.connectivity.api - package com.applitools.connectivity.api
com.applitools.eyes - package com.applitools.eyes
com.applitools.eyes.exceptions - package com.applitools.eyes.exceptions
com.applitools.eyes.logging - package com.applitools.eyes.logging
com.applitools.eyes.selenium - package com.applitools.eyes.selenium
com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid - package com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid
com.applitools.utils - package com.applitools.utils
ConnectivityTarget - Class in com.applitools.connectivity.api
ConnectivityTarget(Logger) - Constructor for class com.applitools.connectivity.api.ConnectivityTarget
contains(Location) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Check if a specified location is contained within this region.
contains(Region) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Check if a region is contained within the current region.
CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER - Static variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER - Static variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
CONTEXT_AS_IS - com.applitools.eyes.CoordinatesType
The coordinates should be used "as is" within the current context.
CONTEXT_RELATIVE - com.applitools.eyes.CoordinatesType
Coordinates are relative to the context.
CoordinatesType - Enum in com.applitools.eyes
Encapsulates the type of coordinates used by the region provider.
createErrorMessageFromExceptionWithText(Exception, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
createEyesMessageWithLevel(String, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
createMessageFromLog(Set<String>, Stage, Type, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger


Debug - com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Detailed implementation specific messages helpful for debugging (e.g., enter / exit function, etc.)
DOM_SCRIPT - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
domains - Variable in class com.applitools.eyes.AutProxySettings
DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type


EDGE - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
The 'EDGE' option that is being used in your browsers' configuration will soon be deprecated. Please change it to either "EDGE_LEGACY" for the legacy version or to "EDGE_CHROMIUM" for the new Chromium-based version.
EDGE - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
The 'EDGE' option that is being used in your browsers' configuration will soon be deprecated. Please change it to either "EDGE_LEGACY" for the legacy version or to "EDGE_CHROMIUM" for the new Chromium-based version.
EDGE - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
EDGE_CHROMIUM - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
EDGE_CHROMIUM - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
EDGE_CHROMIUM - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
EDGE_CHROMIUM_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
EDGE_CHROMIUM_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
EDGE_CHROMIUM_TWO_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
EDGE_CHROMIUM_TWO_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
EDGE_LEGACY - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
EDGE_LEGACY - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
The constant EMPTY.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.NullLogHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
equals(Object) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
Error - com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Indicate an unexpected error conditions that result with a failure to complete an operation.
expandToContain(Region) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Expand to contain region.
EyesException - Exception in com.applitools.eyes
Applitools Eyes Exception.
EyesException(String) - Constructor for exception com.applitools.eyes.EyesException
Creates an EyesException instance.
EyesException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.applitools.eyes.EyesException
Creates an EyesException instance.
EyesRunnable - Interface in com.applitools.eyes
EyesSyncObject - Class in com.applitools.utils
EyesSyncObject(Logger, String) - Constructor for class com.applitools.utils.EyesSyncObject


FileLogger - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Writes log messages to a file.
FileLogger(boolean) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
FileLogger(TraceLevel) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
FileLogger(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
FileLogger(String, boolean, TraceLevel) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
FIREFOX - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
FIREFOX - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
FIREFOX - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
FIREFOX_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
FIREFOX_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
FIREFOX_TWO_VERSIONS_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
FIREFOX_TWO_VERSIONS_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
fromISO8601DateTime(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Creates Calendar instance from an ISO 8601 formatted string.
fromName(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
fromName(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType


GENERAL - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
GeneralUtils - Class in com.applitools.utils
General purpose utilities.
get() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SyncTaskListener
Waits for the task to be completed and then returns the result
getAgentId() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
getArea() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getArea() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
getAutProxyMode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AutProxySettings
getBody() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
getBodyString() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
getBottom() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
getBottom() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
getBottom() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
getBrowser() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
getBrowserMajorVersion() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
getBrowserMinorVersion() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
getBrowserName(BrowserType) - Static method in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
getCoordinatesType() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getCoordinatesType() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets coordinates type.
getData() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
getDate(DateFormat, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Gets date.
getDisabledSSLContext() - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.NetworkUtils
getDomains() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AutProxySettings
getDontCloseBatches() - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
getEnvString(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
getEvent() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.ClientEvent
getEvents() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.LogSessionsClientEvents
getFullSecondsElapsedTimeMillis(long, long) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Gets full seconds elapsed time millis.
getGzipByteArrayOutputStream(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Get gzip byte array output stream byte [ ].
getHeader(String, boolean) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
Get a response header
getHeaders() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
getHeight() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getHeight() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
getHeight() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets height.
getHorizontal() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
getIntersected(Region) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
getLastWordOfStringWithRegex(String, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
getLeft() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
getLeft() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getLeft() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
getLeft() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets left.
getLevel() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.ClientEvent
getLocalIp() - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.NetworkUtils
getLocation() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getLocation() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets location.
getLogger() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
getLogHandler() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
getLogicalCropArea() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
getMiddleOffset() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets middle offset.
getName() - Method in enum com.applitools.eyes.AutProxyMode
getName() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.EyesRunnable
getName() - Method in enum com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
getName() - Method in enum com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
getNegativeLocation() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets negative location.
getOriginalUserAgentString() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
getOS() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
getOSMajorVersion() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
getOSMinorVersion() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
getPassword() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
getPastePhysicalLocation() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
getPhysicalCropArea() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
getPort() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
getPropertyString(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
getProxySettings() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
getRegionId() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
getRight() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
getRight() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
getRight() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
getScrollTo() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
getServerUrl() - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Gets default server url.
getSha256hash(byte[]) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Gets sha 256 hash.
getSha256hash(Byte[]) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Gets sha 256 hash.
getSize() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getSize() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets size.
getStackTrace() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
getStage() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
getStatusPhrase() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
getSubRegions(RectangleSize) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets sub regions.
getSubRegions(RectangleSize, boolean) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Returns a list of sub-regions which compose the current region.
getSubRegions(RectangleSize, int, double, Rectangle, Logger) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
getTestId() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
getThreadId() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
getTimeout() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.ClientEvent
getTop() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
getTop() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getTop() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
getTop() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets top.
getType() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
getUnGzipByteArrayOutputStream(byte[]) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Get un gzip byte array output stream byte [ ].
getUri() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
getUri(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.NetworkUtils
getUrl(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.NetworkUtils
getUsername() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
getVertical() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Borders
getWidth() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
getWidth() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
getWidth() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Gets width.
getX() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
getY() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
greaterThanOrEqualToZero(long, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input integer parameter is negative.
greaterThanZero(double, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input integer parameter is below or equal to 0.
greaterThanZero(long, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input integer parameter is smaller than 1.


hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
hashCode() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
header(String, String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequest
Add a new http header to the request
header(String, String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
Add a new http header to the request
HttpClient - Class in com.applitools.connectivity.api
HttpClient(Logger, int, AbstractProxySettings) - Constructor for class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient


IE - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
IE_10 - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
IE_10 - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
IE_11 - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
IE_11 - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
Info - com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Verbose log messages that are normally not logged
instance - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.NullLogHandler
intersect(Region) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Replaces this region with the intersection of itself and other
IOS - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames
IRegion - Interface in com.applitools.eyes
isClosed - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
isClosed() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
isEmpty() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
isEmpty() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Is empty boolean.
isHigherThan(TraceLevel) - Method in enum com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Checks if this level is high enough for logging.
isInternetExplorer() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
isIntersected(Region) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Check if a region is intersected with the current region.
isNotified() - Method in class com.applitools.utils.EyesSyncObject
isNull(Object, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input parameter is not null.
isOpen() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
isOpen() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.LogHandler
isOpen() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.MultiLogHandler
isOpen() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.NullLogHandler
isOpen() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
isSizeEmpty() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Is size empty boolean.
isValidState(boolean, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if isValid is false.


JOB_INFO - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type


LINUX - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames
LOCATE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
Location - Class in com.applitools.eyes
A location in a two-dimensional plane.
Location() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Location
Location(int, int) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Location
Creates a Location instance.
Location(Location) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Location
Creates a location from another location instance.
log(TraceLevel, Stage, Type, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(TraceLevel, Stage, String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(TraceLevel, Stage, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(TraceLevel, String, Stage, Type, String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(TraceLevel, String, Stage, String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(TraceLevel, String, Stage, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(TraceLevel, Set<String>, Stage, Type, String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(TraceLevel, Set<String>, Stage, Type, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(String, Stage, Type, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(String, Stage, String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(String, Stage, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(Set<String>, Stage, Type, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
log(Set<String>, Stage, Pair<String, ?>...) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
logExceptionStackTrace(Logger, Stage, Type, Throwable, String...) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
logExceptionStackTrace(Logger, Stage, Throwable, String...) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
logger - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequest
logger - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.ConnectivityTarget
logger - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
logger - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
logger - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
Logger - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Logs trace messages.
Logger() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
Logger(LogHandler) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
LogHandler - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Handles log messages produces by the Eyes API.
LogHandler(TraceLevel) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.LogHandler
logIfError() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
LogSessionsClientEvents - Class in com.applitools.eyes.logging
LogSessionsClientEvents() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.logging.LogSessionsClientEvents


MAC_OS_X - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames
MACINTOSH - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames
makeEmpty() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Make empty.
MATCH_COMPLETE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
MATCH_START - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
Message - Class in com.applitools.eyes.logging
Message() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
Message(String, Stage, Type, Set<String>, long, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.logging.Message
method(String, AsyncRequestCallback, Object, String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequest
method(String, AsyncRequestCallback, Object, String, boolean) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequest
method(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
methodInner(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
minLevel - Variable in class com.applitools.eyes.LogHandler
MultiLogHandler - Class in com.applitools.eyes
MultiLogHandler(LogHandler...) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.MultiLogHandler


NetworkUtils - Class in com.applitools.utils
Network-related utilities.
notContainsNull(Iterable<T>, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input iterable contains null elements.
notContainsNull(T[], String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input array has contains elements.
notEqual(Object, Object, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input parameter equals the input value.
Notice - com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Log messages indicating key steps in a workflow (use as sparsely as possible).
notifyObject() - Method in class com.applitools.utils.EyesSyncObject
notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input parameter is null.
notNullOrEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input parameter string is null or empty.
notOfType(Object, Class, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if param is not of the expected type.
NotSupportedException - Exception in com.applitools.eyes.exceptions
Encapsulates an error when a type or action is not supported.
NotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.applitools.eyes.exceptions.NotSupportedException
NotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.applitools.eyes.exceptions.NotSupportedException
notZero(long, String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.ArgumentGuard
Fails if the input integer parameter is equal to 0.
NullLogHandler - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Ignores all log messages.
NullLogHandler() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.NullLogHandler


OCR - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
offset(int, int) - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.IRegion
offset(int, int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
Get a location translated by the specified amount.
offset(int, int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Get an offset region.
offset(Location) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
Get a location translated by the specified amount.
offset(Location) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Get an offset region.
onComplete(Response) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AbstractAsyncCallback
onComplete(Response) - Method in interface com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequestCallback
onComplete(T) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SyncTaskListener
onComplete(T) - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.TaskListener
onCompleteInner(Response) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AbstractAsyncCallback
onFail() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SyncTaskListener
onFail() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.TaskListener
onFail(Throwable) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AbstractAsyncCallback
onFail(Throwable) - Method in interface com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequestCallback
onMessage(ClientEvent) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.LogHandler
onMessageInner(ClientEvent) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
onMessageInner(ClientEvent) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.LogHandler
onMessageInner(ClientEvent) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.MultiLogHandler
onMessageInner(ClientEvent) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.NullLogHandler
onMessageInner(ClientEvent) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
open() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.FileLogger
Open the log file for writing.
open() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.LogHandler
open() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.MultiLogHandler
open() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.NullLogHandler
open() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
Does nothing.
OPEN - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
OSNames - Class in com.applitools.eyes
OSNames() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames


Padding - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Padding() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
Padding(int) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
Padding(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
parse(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
Parses a string into a {link RectangleSize} instance.
PARSE_RESOURCE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
parseJsonToObject(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Parse json to object t.
parseUserAgentString(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
parseUserAgentString(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
password - Variable in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
path(String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.ConnectivityTarget
port - Variable in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
PROXY_ENV_VAR_NAME - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings


queryParam(String, String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.ConnectivityTarget
Configures a query parameter on the URI


readEntity() - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
readInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
readInputStreamAsString(InputStream) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
readTextFromResource(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Creates a String from a file specified by resource.
RectangleSize - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Represents a 2D size.
RectangleSize(int, int) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
Creates a new RectangleSize instance.
RectangleSize(RectangleSize) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
Region - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Represents a region.
Region(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Instantiates a new Region.
Region(int, int, int, int, CoordinatesType) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Instantiates a new Region.
Region(IRegion) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Instantiates a new Region.
Region(Location, RectangleSize) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Instantiates a new Region.
Region(Location, RectangleSize, CoordinatesType) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Instantiates a new Region.
Region(Rectangle) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.Region
regionId(String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
RENDER - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
RENDER_STATUS - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
request(String...) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.ConnectivityTarget
Creates a request for sending to the server
Request - Class in com.applitools.connectivity.api
Request(Logger) - Constructor for class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
REQUEST_COMPLETED - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
REQUEST_FAILED - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
REQUEST_SENT - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
requestId - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.AsyncRequest
requestId - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Request
RESOURCE_COLLECTION - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
Response - Class in com.applitools.connectivity.api
Response(Logger) - Constructor for class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
RETRY - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
run() - Method in interface com.applitools.eyes.EyesRunnable


SAFARI - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
SAFARI - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
SAFARI - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.BrowserNames
SAFARI_EARLY_ACCESS - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
SAFARI_EARLY_ACCESS - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
SAFARI_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
SAFARI_ONE_VERSION_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
SAFARI_TWO_VERSIONS_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
SAFARI_TWO_VERSIONS_BACK - com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
sanitizeURL(String) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
scale(double) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
Get a scaled location.
scale(double) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
Get a scaled version of the current size.
scale(double) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Get a region which is a scaled version of the current region.
SCREENSHOT_AS_IS - com.applitools.eyes.CoordinatesType
The coordinates should be used "as is" on the screenshot image.
SCREENSHOT_RETRIEVER - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
setAgentId(String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
setBottom(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
setCoordinatesType(CoordinatesType) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Sets coordinates type.
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Sets height.
setId(String) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SyncTaskListener
setId(String) - Method in class com.applitools.utils.EyesSyncObject
setLeft(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
setLeft(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Sets left.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Set the (top,left) position of the current region
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
setLogHandler(LogHandler) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Logger
Sets the log handler.
setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.Response
setRight(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
setSize(RectangleSize) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Sets size.
setTop(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Padding
setTop(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Sets top.
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
Sets width.
setX(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
setY(int) - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
size() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.logging.LogSessionsClientEvents
sleep(long) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Sleeps the input amount of milliseconds.
SPEC_DRIVER - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
Stage - Enum in com.applitools.eyes.logging
StdoutLogHandler - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Writes log messages to the standard output stream.
StdoutLogHandler() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
Creates a new StdoutLogHandler that ignores verbose log messages.
StdoutLogHandler(boolean) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
Creates a new StdoutLogHandler instance.
StdoutLogHandler(TraceLevel) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.StdoutLogHandler
SubregionForStitching - Class in com.applitools.eyes
SubregionForStitching(Point, Point, Rectangle, Rectangle) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
SyncTaskListener<T> - Class in com.applitools.eyes
SyncTaskListener(Logger) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.SyncTaskListener
SyncTaskListener(Logger, String) - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.SyncTaskListener


target(String) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
Creates a new web resource target.
target(URI) - Method in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
Creates a new web resource target.
TaskListener<T> - Interface in com.applitools.eyes
TEST_RESULTS - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
timeout - Variable in class com.applitools.connectivity.api.HttpClient
TIMEOUT - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
toISO8601DateTime(Calendar) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Formats date and time as represented by a calendar instance to an ISO 8601 string.
toRfc1123(Calendar) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Formats date and time as represented by a calendar instance to an TFC 1123 string.
toString() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
toString() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
toString() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.RectangleSize
toString() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Region
toString() - Method in enum com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
toString() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.SubregionForStitching
toString() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
toString() - Method in enum com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
toStringForFilename() - Method in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
TraceLevel - Enum in com.applitools.eyes.logging
tryRunTaskWithRetry(EyesRunnable, long, long, String, Logger) - Static method in class com.applitools.utils.GeneralUtils
Type - Enum in com.applitools.eyes.logging


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames
UPLOAD_COMPLETE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
UPLOAD_RESOURCE - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
UPLOAD_START - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
uri - Variable in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings
UserAgent - Class in com.applitools.eyes
Handles parsing of a user agent string
UserAgent() - Constructor for class com.applitools.eyes.UserAgent
username - Variable in class com.applitools.eyes.AbstractProxySettings


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.AutProxyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.CoordinatesType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.AutProxyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.CoordinatesType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.logging.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.selenium.BrowserType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.applitools.eyes.visualgrid.BrowserType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VCR - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage
VHS_RECORDER - com.applitools.eyes.logging.Stage


waitForNotify() - Method in class com.applitools.utils.EyesSyncObject
Warn - com.applitools.eyes.logging.TraceLevel
Indicate failures that can be overcome, are expected or are transient (e.g., bad user input, missing user input that can be replaced with a fallback, etc.)
WINDOWS - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.OSNames


ZERO - Static variable in class com.applitools.eyes.Location
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