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AbstractByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
AbstractByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
AbstractMemory<B> - Class in pcap.common.memory
AbstractMemory(B, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
AbstractMemoryAllocator - Class in pcap.common.memory
AbstractMemoryAllocator() - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator
AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator - Class in pcap.common.memory
AbstractPooledByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator() - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
add(String, Object) - Method in class pcap.common.util.Strings.ToStringBuilder
address() - Method in interface
Get raw byte array address.
address() - Method in class
Returns the raw IPv4 address of this Inet4Address object.
address() - Method in class
Returns the raw IPv6 address of this Inet6Address object.
address() - Method in class
Returns bytes Mac Address.
address() - Method in class
Address - Interface in
Used to wrap raw byte array address.
allocate(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
allocate(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.DirectMemoryAllocator
allocate(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.HeapMemoryAllocator
allocate(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.DirectMemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.HeapMemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.DirectMemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.HeapMemoryAllocator
allocate(long, long, long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator
allocatePooledMemory(long, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
allocatePooledMemory(long, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.PooledDirectByteBufferAllocator
allocatePooledMemory(long, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.PooledHeapByteBufferAllocator
Arrays - Class in pcap.common.util
assemble(Memory...) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator
assemble(Memory...) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator


baseIndex - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
BIG_ENDIAN - pcap.common.memory.Memory.ByteOrder
blank(CharSequence) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Ensure given string isn't blank.
blank(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
blocking() - Method in annotation type pcap.common.annotation.Immutable
Blocking when changing value of specific field.
BROADCAST - Static variable in class
Broadcast MAC Address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).
buffer - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
buffer(Class<T>) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
buffer(Class<T>) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
buffer(Class<T>) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
build() - Method in interface pcap.common.util.Builder
Build object.
build(V) - Method in interface pcap.common.util.Builder
Build object with given argument.
Builder<T,​V> - Interface in pcap.common.util
byteOrder() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
byteOrder() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Retrieves this buffer's byte order.
byteOrder(Memory.ByteOrder) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
byteOrder(Memory.ByteOrder) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Change this buffer's byte order.
Bytes - Class in pcap.common.util


capacity - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
capacity() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
capacity() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
capacity(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
capacity(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
capacity(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Adjusts the capacity of this buffer.
checkNewCapacity(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
CISCO_00000C - Static variable in class
Cisco: 0x00000C
clear() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
clear() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the readerIndex and writerIndex of this buffer to 0.
compareTo(MacAddress.Oui) - Method in class
concatenate(byte[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
concatenate(char[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
concatenate(double[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
concatenate(float[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
concatenate(int[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
concatenate(long[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
concatenate(short[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
concatenate(T[]...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Concatenate array.
copy() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
copy() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Returns a copy of this buffer's readable bytes.
copy(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer
copy(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.HeapByteBuffer
copy(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer
copy(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer.SlicedPooledDirectByteBuffer
copy(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer
copy(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer.SlicedPooledHeapByteBuffer
copy(long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Returns a copy of this buffer's sub-region.
create(int, int, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
create(String) - Static method in class pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator.Creator
create(String, int, int, long) - Static method in class pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator.Creator
createHashSet(int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Sets
Create an HashSet with its initialCapacity calculated to minimize rehash operations
createLinkedHashSet(int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Sets
Create an LinkedHashSet with its initialCapacity calculated to minimize rehash operations
Creator() - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator.Creator


debug(String) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
debug(String, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
debug(String, Object...) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
debug(Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
DEBUG - pcap.common.logging.LogLevel
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Default charset (UTF-8).
DirectByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
DirectByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer
DirectByteBuffer.SlicedDirectByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
DirectMemoryAllocator - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator
DirectMemoryAllocator() - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.DirectMemoryAllocator
DUMMY - Static variable in class
Dummy MAC Address (de:ad:be:ef:c0:fe).
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer.SlicedDirectByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.HeapByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.HeapByteBuffer.SlicedHeapByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer.SlicedPooledDirectByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer.SlicedPooledHeapByteBuffer
duplicate() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Duplicate the this Memory buffer.


empty(CharSequence) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Ensure given string is not empty.
empty(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
ensureWritable(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
ensureWritable(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Makes sure the number of the writable bytes is equal to or greater than the specified value.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class pcap.common.util.MultipleObject
equals(Object) - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedMultipleObject
equals(Object) - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedNumber
error(String) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
error(String, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
error(String, Object...) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
error(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
error(Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
ERROR - pcap.common.logging.LogLevel
except() - Method in annotation type pcap.common.annotation.Immutable
Mark un-immutable fields.


Factory<T,​V> - Interface in pcap.common.util


getBoolean(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getBoolean(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a boolean at the specified absolute (@code index) in this buffer.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Properties
Returns the value of the Java system property with the specified key, while falling back to the specified default value if the property access fails.
getByte(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getByte(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getByte(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a byte at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the specified absolute index.
getBytes(long, byte[], long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getBytes(long, byte[], long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getBytes(long, byte[], long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the specified absolute index.
getBytes(long, Memory) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getBytes(long, Memory) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the specified absolute index until the destination becomes non-writable.
getBytes(long, Memory, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getBytes(long, Memory, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the specified absolute index.
getBytes(long, Memory, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getBytes(long, Memory, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getBytes(long, Memory, long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the specified absolute index.
getCharSequence(long, long, Memory.Charset) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getCharSequence(long, long, Memory.Charset) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a CharSequence with the given length at the given index.
getDouble(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getDouble(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit floating point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getDoubleLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getDoubleLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit floating point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
getFloat(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getFloat(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit floating point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getFloatLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getFloatLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit floating point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
getInt(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getInt(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getInt(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getInt(String, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Properties
Returns the value of the Java system property with the specified key, while falling back to the specified default value if the property access fails.
getIntLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getIntLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getIntLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer with Little Endian Byte Order.
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class pcap.common.logging.LoggerFactory
getLogger(Object) - Static method in class pcap.common.logging.LoggerFactory
getLogger(String) - Static method in class pcap.common.logging.LoggerFactory
getLong(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getLong(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getLong(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit long integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getLong(String, long) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Properties
Returns the value of the Java system property with the specified key, while falling back to the specified default value if the property access fails.
getLongLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getLongLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getLongLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit long integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
getProperty(String) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Properties
Returns the value of the Java system property with the specified key, while falling back to the specified default value if the property access fails.
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Properties
Returns the value of the Java system property with the specified key, while falling back to the specified default value if the property access fails.
getShort(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getShort(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getShort(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 16-bit short integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getShortLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
getShortLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
getShortLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 16-bit short integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
getUnsignedByte(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getUnsignedByte(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned byte at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getUnsignedInt(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getUnsignedInt(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getUnsignedIntLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getUnsignedIntLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
getUnsignedShort(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getUnsignedShort(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 16-bit short integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
getUnsignedShortLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
getUnsignedShortLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 16-bit short integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.


hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class pcap.common.util.MultipleObject
hashCode() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedMultipleObject
hashCode() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedNumber
HeapByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
HeapByteBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.HeapByteBuffer
HeapByteBuffer.SlicedHeapByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
HeapMemoryAllocator - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator
HeapMemoryAllocator() - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.HeapMemoryAllocator
hex(byte) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Byte to hex value.
hex(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Byte array to hex stream.
hex(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Byte array to hex stream.
hex(double) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Double to hex stream.
hex(double[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Double array to hex stream.
hex(double[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Double array to hex stream.
hex(float) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Float to hex stream.
hex(float[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Float array to hex stream.
hex(float[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Float array to hex stream.
hex(int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Int to hex stream.
hex(int[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Int array to hex stream.
hex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Int array to hex stream.
hex(long) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Long to hex stream.
hex(long[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Long array to hex stream.
hex(long[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Long array to hex stream.
hex(short) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Short to hex stream.
hex(short[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Short array to hex stream.
hex(short[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
Short array to hex stream.
hex(String) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
String to hex string.
hex(String, Charset) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
String hex string.
Hexs - Class in pcap.common.util


IBM_08005A - Static variable in class
IBM: 0x08005A
id - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
id() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
id() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Pooled
Memory id.
ID_GERERATOR_UPDATER - Static variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
Immutable - Annotation Type in pcap.common.annotation
Annotate immutable object.
Inclubating - Annotation Type in pcap.common.annotation
Indicates that a feature is incubating (Unstable).
Inet4Address - Class in
Inet6Address - Class in
InetAddress - Class in
InetAddress() - Constructor for class
info(String) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
info(String, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
info(String, Object...) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
info(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
info(Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
INFO - pcap.common.logging.LogLevel
Integers - Class in pcap.common.util
IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH - Static variable in class
IPv4 Address Length.
IPV4_MULTICAST - Static variable in class
Multicast Address.
IPV4_MULTICAST_MASK - Static variable in class
Multicast mask.
IPV6_ADDRESS_LENGTH - Static variable in class
IPv6 Address Length.
isAnyLocalAddress() - Method in class
Check whether ip is any local address (
isAnyLocalAddress() - Method in class
isAnyLocalAddress() - Method in class
isBroadcast() - Method in class
Return true if Broadcast MAC Address.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
isEnabled(LogLevel) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
Check the given level is enabled or not.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
isGloballyUnique() - Method in class
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
isLinkLocalAddress() - Method in class
isLinkLocalAddress() - Method in class
isLinkLocalAddress() - Method in class
isLoopbackAddress() - Method in class
Returns true if address is 127.x.x.x, false otherwise.
isLoopbackAddress() - Method in class
isLoopbackAddress() - Method in class
isMcGlobal() - Method in class to
isMcGlobal() - Method in class
isMcGlobal() - Method in class
isMcLinkLocal() - Method in class
224.0.0/24 prefix and ttl == 1
isMcLinkLocal() - Method in class
isMcLinkLocal() - Method in class
isMcNodeLocal() - Method in class
Unless ttl == 0
isMcNodeLocal() - Method in class
isMcNodeLocal() - Method in class
isMcOrgLocal() - Method in class
239.192 - 239.195
isMcOrgLocal() - Method in class
isMcOrgLocal() - Method in class
isMcSiteLocal() - Method in class
239.255/16 prefix or ttl < 32
isMcSiteLocal() - Method in class
isMcSiteLocal() - Method in class
isMulticast() - Method in class
Return true if Multicast MAC Address.
isMulticastAddress() - Method in class
Check whether ip is multicast address.
isMulticastAddress() - Method in class
isMulticastAddress() - Method in class
isReadable() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
isReadable() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
isReadable(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
isReadable(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
isSiteLocalAddress() - Method in class
refer to RFC 1918 10/8 prefix 172.16/12 prefix 192.168/16 prefix
isSiteLocalAddress() - Method in class
isSiteLocalAddress() - Method in class
isUnicast() - Method in class
isValidAddress(String) - Static method in class
Validate given ip string address.
isValidAddress(String) - Static method in class
Validate given mac string address.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
isWritable() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
isWritable() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
isWritable(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
isWritable(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory


length() - Method in class
Returns length of MAC Address.
LITTLE_ENDIAN - pcap.common.memory.Memory.ByteOrder
LOCALHOST - Static variable in class
IPv4 Loopback address (
LOCALHOST - Static variable in class
IPv6 Loopback Address (::1).
log(LogLevel, String) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
log(LogLevel, String, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
log(LogLevel, String, Object...) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
log(LogLevel, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
log(LogLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
log(LogLevel, Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
Logger - Interface in pcap.common.logging
Logger api specification.
LOGGER - Static variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
LoggerFactory - Class in pcap.common.logging
LoggerFactory() - Constructor for class pcap.common.logging.LoggerFactory
LogLevel - Enum in pcap.common.logging
Longs - Class in pcap.common.util


MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH - Static variable in class
MAC Address Length.
MacAddress - Class in
Wrapper for raw mac address.
MacAddress.Oui - Class in
markReaderIndex() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
markReaderIndex() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Marks the current readerIndex in this buffer.
markWriterIndex() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
markWriterIndex() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Marks the current writerIndex in this buffer.
maxCapacity - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
maxCapacity() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
maxCapacity() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
If a user attempts to increase the capacity of this buffer beyond the maximum capacity using Memory.capacity(long) or Memory.ensureWritable(long), those methods will raise an IllegalArgumentException.
maxMemoryCapacity - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
maxPoolSize - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
maxWritableBytes() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
maxWritableBytes() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Memory - Interface in pcap.common.memory
Used to wrap low-level memory address.
Memory.ByteOrder - Enum in pcap.common.memory
Byte order.
Memory.Charset - Interface in pcap.common.memory
Memory.Direct<A> - Interface in pcap.common.memory
Indicate the buffer is direct buffer (off-heap buffer).
Memory.Heap - Interface in pcap.common.memory
Indicate the buffer is heap buffer.
Memory.Pooled - Interface in pcap.common.memory
Indicate the buffer is pooled buffer.
Memory.Sliced - Interface in pcap.common.memory
Indicate the buffer is sliced.
memoryAddress() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer
memoryAddress() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Direct
MemoryAllocator - Interface in pcap.common.memory
MemoryAllocator.Creator - Class in pcap.common.memory
MICROSOFT_CORPORATION - Static variable in class
Microsoft Corporation: 0x485073
MultipleObject<K> - Class in pcap.common.util
MultipleObject(Set<K>) - Constructor for class pcap.common.util.MultipleObject


name() - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
Logger holder name.
name() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.DirectMemoryAllocator
name() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.HeapMemoryAllocator
name() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.PooledDirectByteBufferAllocator
name() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.PooledHeapByteBufferAllocator
name() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Charset
name() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator
name() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedMultipleObject
Returns the name of this NamedMultiKey object.
name() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedNumber
Returns the name of this NamedNumber object.
name() - Method in interface pcap.common.util.ObjectName
NamedMultipleObject<T extends MultipleObject> - Class in pcap.common.util
NamedMultipleObject(T, String) - Constructor for class pcap.common.util.NamedMultipleObject
NamedNumber<T extends Number,​U extends NamedNumber<T,​?>> - Class in pcap.common.util
NamedNumber(T, String) - Constructor for class pcap.common.util.NamedNumber
NATIVE - Static variable in enum pcap.common.memory.Memory.ByteOrder
newInstance(V) - Method in interface pcap.common.util.Factory
Build object.
nonNull(Object) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Objects
notIllegalArgument(boolean) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
notIllegalArgument(boolean, String) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
notIllegalArgumentThenReturns(boolean, T, T) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
notIllegalState(boolean) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
notIllegalState(boolean, String) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
notIllegaStateThenReturns(boolean, T, T) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
notInBounds(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
notInBounds(char[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
notInBounds(double[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
notInBounds(float[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
notInBounds(int[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
notInBounds(int, int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound.
notInBounds(long[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
notInBounds(short[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
notInBounds(T[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given parameter is valid bound in an array.
nullPointer(T) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given object $reference is not null.
nullPointer(T, String) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given object $reference is not null.
nullPointerThenReturns(T, T) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Validate
Ensures that given object $reference is not null.


ObjectName - Interface in pcap.common.util
Objects - Class in pcap.common.util
of(K...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.MultipleObject
Create MultiKey object.
offer(Memory.Pooled) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
oui() - Method in class
Oui(Integer, String) - Constructor for class


parseHex(String) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Hexs
Hex stream to byte array.
pcap.common.annotation - package pcap.common.annotation
pcap.common.logging - package pcap.common.logging
pcap.common.memory - package pcap.common.memory
pcap.common.memory.internal.nio - package pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator - package pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator - package
pcap.common.util - package pcap.common.util
pool - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
PooledDirectByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
PooledDirectByteBuffer(int, AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer
PooledDirectByteBuffer.SlicedPooledDirectByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
PooledDirectByteBufferAllocator - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator
PooledDirectByteBufferAllocator() - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.PooledDirectByteBufferAllocator
PooledHeapByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
PooledHeapByteBuffer(int, AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator, int, ByteBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer
PooledHeapByteBuffer.SlicedPooledHeapByteBuffer - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio
PooledHeapByteBufferAllocator - Class in pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator
PooledHeapByteBufferAllocator() - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.allocator.PooledHeapByteBufferAllocator
poolSize - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator.AbstractPooledMemoryAllocator
Properties - Class in pcap.common.util


RawAddress - Class in
Default implementation of raw byte array address.
readableBytes() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readableBytes() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
readBoolean() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readBoolean() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a boolean at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 1 in this buffer.
readByte() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readByte() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a byte at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 1 in this buffer.
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= dst.length).
readBytes(byte[], long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readBytes(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= length).
readBytes(Memory) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readBytes(Memory) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the current readerIndex until the destination becomes non-writable, and increases the readerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes.
readBytes(Memory, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readBytes(Memory, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= length).
readBytes(Memory, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readBytes(Memory, long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers this buffer's data to the specified destination starting at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= length).
readCharSequence(long, Memory.Charset) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readCharSequence(long, Memory.Charset) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a CharSequence with the given length at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by the given length.
readDouble() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readDouble() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit floating point number at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
readDoubleLE() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readDoubleLE() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit floating point number at the current readerIndex in Little Endian Byte Order and increases the readerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
readerIndex() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readerIndex() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
readerIndex(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readerIndex(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the readerIndex of this buffer.
readFloat() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readFloat() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit floating point number at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
readFloatLE() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readFloatLE() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit floating point number at the current readerIndex in Little Endian Byte Order and increases the readerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
readInt() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readInt() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit integer at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
readIntLE() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readIntLE() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 32-bit integer at the current readerIndex in the Little Endian Byte Order and increases the readerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
readLong() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readLong() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit integer at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
readLongLE() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readLongLE() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 64-bit integer at the current readerIndex in the Little Endian Byte Order and increases the readerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
readShort() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readShort() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 16-bit short integer at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 2 in this buffer.
readShortLE() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readShortLE() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets a 16-bit short integer at the current readerIndex in the Little Endian Byte Order and increases the readerIndex by 2 in this buffer.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readUnsignedByte() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned byte at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 1 in this buffer.
readUnsignedInt() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readUnsignedInt() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
readUnsignedIntLE() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readUnsignedIntLE() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer at the current readerIndex in the Little Endian Byte Order and increases the readerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readUnsignedShort() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 16-bit short integer at the current readerIndex and increases the readerIndex by 2 in this buffer.
readUnsignedShortLE() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
readUnsignedShortLE() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Gets an unsigned 16-bit short integer at the current readerIndex in the Little Endian Byte Order and increases the readerIndex by 2 in this buffer.
REF_CNT_UPDATER - Static variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
refCnt - Variable in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
refCnt() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
refCnt() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Pooled
Reference counter.
refCnt(int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
refCnt(int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Pooled
Decrement reference counter by spesific delta.
register(MacAddress.Oui) - Static method in class
Register new OUI.
release() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
release() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
release() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Release this Memory buffer
resetReaderIndex() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
resetReaderIndex() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Repositions the current readerIndex to the marked readerIndex in this buffer.
resetWriterIndex() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
resetWriterIndex() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Repositions the current writerIndex to the marked writerIndex in this buffer.
retain() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
retain() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Pooled
Increment reference counter.
retain(int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
retain(int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Pooled
Increment reference counter by spesific delta.
reverse(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.
reverse(char[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.
reverse(double[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.
reverse(float[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.
reverse(int[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.
reverse(long[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.
reverse(short[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.
reverse(T[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
Reverse order.


setBoolean(long, boolean) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setBoolean(long, boolean) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified boolean at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
setByte(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setByte(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setByte(long, int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified byte at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
setBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at the specified absolute index.
setBytes(long, byte[], long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setBytes(long, byte[], long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setBytes(long, byte[], long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at the specified absolute index.
setBytes(long, Memory) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setBytes(long, Memory) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at the specified absolute index until the source buffer becomes unreadable.
setBytes(long, Memory, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setBytes(long, Memory, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at the specified absolute index.
setBytes(long, Memory, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setBytes(long, Memory, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setBytes(long, Memory, long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at the specified absolute index.
setCharSequence(long, CharSequence, Memory.Charset) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setCharSequence(long, CharSequence, Memory.Charset) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Writes the specified CharSequence at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by the written bytes.
setDouble(long, double) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setDouble(long, double) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit floating-point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
setDoubleLE(long, double) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setDoubleLE(long, double) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit floating-point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
setFloat(long, float) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setFloat(long, float) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit floating-point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
setFloatLE(long, float) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setFloatLE(long, float) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit floating-point number at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
setIndex(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
setIndex(long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Combination of writerIndex(...) and readerIndex(...).
setInt(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setInt(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setInt(long, int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
setIntLE(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setIntLE(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setIntLE(long, int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer with Little Endian byte order .
setLong(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setLong(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setLong(long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit long integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
setLongLE(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setLongLE(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setLongLE(long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit long integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer in Little Endian Byte Order.
Sets - Class in pcap.common.util
setShort(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setShort(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setShort(long, int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 16-bit short integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer.
setShortLE(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractByteBuffer
setShortLE(long, int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.AbstractPooledByteBuffer
setShortLE(long, int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 16-bit short integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer with the Little Endian Byte Order.
Shorts - Class in pcap.common.util
skipBytes(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
skipBytes(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Increases the current readerIndex by the specified length in this buffer.
slice() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
slice() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Returns a slice of this buffer's readable bytes.
slice(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer
slice(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.HeapByteBuffer
slice(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer
slice(long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer
slice(long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Returns a slice of this buffer's sub-region.
SlicedDirectByteBuffer(int, int, AbstractByteBuffer) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer.SlicedDirectByteBuffer
SlicedHeapByteBuffer(int, int, AbstractByteBuffer) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.HeapByteBuffer.SlicedHeapByteBuffer
SlicedPooledDirectByteBuffer(int, int, PooledDirectByteBuffer) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer.SlicedPooledDirectByteBuffer
SlicedPooledHeapByteBuffer(int, int, PooledHeapByteBuffer) - Constructor for class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer.SlicedPooledHeapByteBuffer
Strings - Class in pcap.common.util
Strings.ToStringBuilder - Class in pcap.common.util
synchronize() - Method in annotation type pcap.common.annotation.Immutable
Synchronize when changing value of specific field.


toByteArray(byte) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Byte to byte array.
toByteArray(int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Int to byte array.
toByteArray(int[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Int array to byte array.
toByteArray(int[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
toByteArray(long) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Long to byte array.
toByteArray(long[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Long array to byte array.
toByteArray(long[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
toByteArray(short) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Short to byte array.
toByteArray(short[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Short array to byte array.
toByteArray(short[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
toByteArrayLE(int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Int to byte array.
toByteArrayLE(int[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Int array to byte array.
toByteArrayLE(int[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
toByteArrayLE(long) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Long to byte array.
toByteArrayLE(long[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Long array to byte array.
toByteArrayLE(long[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
toByteArrayLE(short) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Short to byte array.
toByteArrayLE(short[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
Short array to byte array.
toByteArrayLE(short[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Bytes
toHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Hexs
byte[] to hex string.
toHexString(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Hexs
byte[] to hex string.
toInt() - Method in class
Returns the int IPv4 address of this Inet4Address object.
toInteger(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Integers
toInteger(byte[], int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Integers
toIntegerLE(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Integers
toIntegerLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Integers
toLong() - Method in class
Returns long address.
toLong() - Method in class
Returning long MAC Address.
toLong(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Longs
toLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Longs
toLongLE(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Longs
toLongLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Longs
toPrettyHexDump(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Hexs
Byte array to hex dump format.
toPrettyHexDump(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Hexs
Byte array to hex dump format.
toShort(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Shorts
toShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Shorts
toShortLE(byte[]) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Shorts
toShortLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Shorts
toString() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
returns ipv6 string.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class pcap.common.util.MultipleObject
toString() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedMultipleObject
toString() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedNumber
toString() - Method in class pcap.common.util.Strings.ToStringBuilder
toString(Object...) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Arrays
To string objects.
toStringBuilder(Object) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
toStringBuilder(Object, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
toStringBuilder(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings
toStringJsonBuilder() - Static method in class pcap.common.util.Strings


UNKNOWN - pcap.common.logging.LogLevel
unSlice() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.DirectByteBuffer.SlicedDirectByteBuffer
unSlice() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.HeapByteBuffer.SlicedHeapByteBuffer
unSlice() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledDirectByteBuffer.SlicedPooledDirectByteBuffer
unSlice() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.internal.nio.PooledHeapByteBuffer.SlicedPooledHeapByteBuffer
unSlice() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory.Sliced
Unslice buffer.


Validate - Class in pcap.common.util
value() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedMultipleObject
Returns the number of this NamedMultiKey object.
value() - Method in class pcap.common.util.NamedNumber
Returns the number of this NamedNumber object.
valueOf(byte[]) - Static method in class
Determines the IPv4 address.
valueOf(byte[]) - Static method in class
Determines the IPv6 address.
valueOf(byte[]) - Static method in class
Determines the MacAddress address.
valueOf(byte[]) - Static method in class
Create instance of RawAddress.
valueOf(int) - Static method in class
Determines the IPv4 address.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class
Determines the MacAddress address.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum pcap.common.logging.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum pcap.common.memory.Memory.ByteOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Determines the IPv4 address.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Determines the IPv6 address.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Determines the IPv4 or IPv6 address.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class
Determines the MacAddress address.
valueOf(MacAddress) - Static method in class
values() - Static method in enum pcap.common.logging.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum pcap.common.memory.Memory.ByteOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
volatiles() - Method in annotation type pcap.common.annotation.Immutable
Mark field(s) as volatile.


warn(String) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
warn(String, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
warn(String, Object...) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
warn(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
warn(Throwable) - Method in interface pcap.common.logging.Logger
WARN - pcap.common.logging.LogLevel
wrap(byte[]) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator
wrap(byte[]) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator
wrap(ByteBuffer) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemoryAllocator
wrap(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.MemoryAllocator
writableBytes() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writableBytes() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified boolean at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 1 in this buffer.
writeByte(int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeByte(int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified byte at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 1 in this buffer.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= src.length).
writeBytes(byte[], long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeBytes(byte[], long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source array's data to this buffer starting at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= length).
writeBytes(Memory) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeBytes(Memory) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at the current writerIndex until the source buffer becomes unreadable, and increases the writerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes.
writeBytes(Memory, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeBytes(Memory, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= length).
writeBytes(Memory, long, long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeBytes(Memory, long, long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Transfers the specified source buffer's data to this buffer starting at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by the number of the transferred bytes (= length).
writeCharSequence(CharSequence, Memory.Charset) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeCharSequence(CharSequence, Memory.Charset) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Writes the specified CharSequence at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by the written bytes.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeDouble(double) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit floating point number at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
writeDoubleLE(double) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeDoubleLE(double) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit floating point number at the current writerIndex in Little Endian Byte Order and increases the writerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeFloat(float) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit floating point number at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
writeFloatLE(float) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeFloatLE(float) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit floating point number at the current writerIndex in Little Endian Byte Order and increases the writerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
writeInt(int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeInt(int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit integer at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
writeIntLE(int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeIntLE(int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 32-bit integer at the current writerIndex in the Little Endian Byte Order and increases the writerIndex by 4 in this buffer.
writeLong(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeLong(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit long integer at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
writeLongLE(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeLongLE(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 64-bit long integer at the current writerIndex in the Little Endian Byte Order and increases the writerIndex by 8 in this buffer.
writerIndex() - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writerIndex() - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
writerIndex(long) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writerIndex(long) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the writerIndex of this buffer.
writeShort(int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeShort(int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 16-bit short integer at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 2 in this buffer.
writeShortLE(int) - Method in class pcap.common.memory.AbstractMemory
writeShortLE(int) - Method in interface pcap.common.memory.Memory
Sets the specified 16-bit short integer in the Little Endian Byte Order at the current writerIndex and increases the writerIndex by 2 in this buffer.


ZERO - Static variable in class
IPv4 Any local address (
ZERO - Static variable in class
Zero IPv6 Address.
ZERO - Static variable in class
Zero MAC Address (00:00:00:00:00:00).
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