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ActivatedException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
The operation can't be performed on already activated captures (-4).
ActivatedException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.ActivatedException
ADAPTER - pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type
ADAPTER_UNSYNCED - pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type
address() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Address
Interface address.
address() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketBuffer
Returns first byte address of this buffer.
address() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap.WinPcap.Handle
Returns memory address for this handle.
Address - Interface in pcap.spi
Representation of an interface address.
addresses() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Interface
Interface addresses.
allocate(Class<T>) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Create pointer to given type and automatically deallocate when this handler has been closed.


BreakException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
Loop terminated by pcap_breakloop (-2).
BreakException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.BreakException
breakLoop() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
broadcast() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Address
Brodcast address for interface address (Address.address()).
bufferSize() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get buffer size options.
bufferSize(int) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set buffer size options.


capacity() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketBuffer
Returns buffer capacity.
captureLength() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketHeader
Length of portion present.
close() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Dumper
Closes a capture file.
close() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Close PcapLive or PcapOffline.
create(String) - Static method in class pcap.spi.Service.Creator
Create Service provider inctance.
Creator() - Constructor for class pcap.spi.Service.Creator


description() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Interface
Textual description of interface, or null.
destination() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Address
P2P destination address for interface address (Address.address()).
dispatch(int, PacketHandler<T>, T) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
processes packets from a live capture or PcapLive until cnt packets are processed, the end of the current bufferful of packets is reached when doing a live capture, the end of the 'savefile' is reached when reading from a 'savefile', Pcap#breakLoop() is called, or an error occurs.
dropped() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Status
Number of packets dropped.
droppedByInterface() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Status
Number of packets dropped by interface (only supported on some platforms).
dump(PacketHeader, PacketBuffer) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Dumper
Write a packet to a capture file.
Dumper - Interface in pcap.spi
A handle for writing packet to a capture file.
dumpOpen(String) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Open Dumper handler.
dumpOpenAppend(String) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Append packet buffer on existing pcap file.


ErrorException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception
Error codes for the pcap API.
ErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.ErrorException
event() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap.WinPcap
Get the handle of the event associated with the pcap handle.


flags() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Interface
Interface flags.
flush() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Dumper
Flushes the output buffer to the capture file.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum pcap.spi.Pcap.Direction
Get pcap direction from string.


getNonBlock() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Returns blocking mode.
gotPacket(T, PacketHeader, PacketBuffer) - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketHandler


HOST - pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type
HOST_HIPREC - pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type
HOST_LOWPREC - pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type


immediate(boolean) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set immediate mode options.
Interface - Interface in pcap.spi
Item in a list of interfaces.
InterfaceNotSupportTimestampTypeException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
This device doesn't support setting the time stamp type (10).
InterfaceNotSupportTimestampTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.InterfaceNotSupportTimestampTypeException
InterfaceNotUpException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
Interface isn't up (-9).
InterfaceNotUpException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.InterfaceNotUpException
isImmediate() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get immediate mode options.
isPromiscuous() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get promiscuous mode options.
isRfmon() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get radio frequency monitor mode options.
isSwapped() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Find out out whether a 'savefile' has the native byte order.


length() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketHeader
Length this packet (off wire).
live(Interface, Service.LiveOptions) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Open live capture handle.
live(Interface, Service.LiveOptions) - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
lookupInet4Address(Interface) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Lookup Inet4Address from Interface.
lookupInet4Address(Interface) - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
lookupInet6Address(Interface) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Lookup Inet6Address from Interface.
lookupInet6Address(Interface) - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
lookupInterfaces() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Find all interfaces on your system.
lookupInterfaces() - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
lookupInterfaces(Predicate<Interface>) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Find interface by flags.
lookupInterfaces(Predicate<Interface>) - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
loop(int, PacketHandler<T>, T) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Process packets from a live PcapLive or PcapOffline.


majorVersion() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Get major version number of a 'savefile'.
MICRO - pcap.spi.Timestamp.Precision
microSecond() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Timestamp
This is the rest of the elapsed time (a fraction of a second), represented as the number of microseconds.
minorVersion() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Get minor version number of a 'savefile'.


name() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Interface
Name to hand to "pcap_open_live()".
name() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Get unique service name.
name() - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
NANO - pcap.spi.Timestamp.Precision
netmask() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Address
Netmask for interface address (Address.address()).
next() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Address
Next available address.
next() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Interface
Next available interface.
nextEx(PacketBuffer, PacketHeader) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Reads the next packet and returns a success/failure indication.
NoService() - Constructor for class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
NoSuchDeviceException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
No such device exists (-5).
NoSuchDeviceException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.NoSuchDeviceException
NotActivatedException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
The capture needs to be activated (-3).
NotActivatedException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.NotActivatedException
NotRadioFrequencyMonitorModeException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
Operation supported only in monitor mode (-7).
NotRadioFrequencyMonitorModeException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.NotRadioFrequencyMonitorModeException


offline(String, Service.OfflineOptions) - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
offline(String, Service.OfflineOptions) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Open offline handle.


PacketBuffer - Interface in pcap.spi
A ByteBuffer wrapper.
PacketHandler<T> - Interface in pcap.spi
A callback function used to handle pcap_loop(..).
PacketHeader - Interface in pcap.spi
Generic per-packet information, as supplied by libpcap.
Pcap - Interface in pcap.spi
A handle for pcap api.
PCAP_D_IN - pcap.spi.Pcap.Direction
PCAP_D_INOUT - pcap.spi.Pcap.Direction
PCAP_D_OUT - pcap.spi.Pcap.Direction
Pcap.Direction - Enum in pcap.spi
Used to specify a direction that packets will be captured.
pcap.spi - package pcap.spi
pcap.spi.exception - package pcap.spi.exception
pcap.spi.exception.error - package pcap.spi.exception.error
pcap.spi.exception.warn - package pcap.spi.exception.warn
Pcap.UnixPcap - Interface in pcap.spi
Unix pcap api extension.
Pcap.WinPcap - Interface in pcap.spi
Windows pcap api extension.
Pcap.WinPcap.Handle - Interface in pcap.spi
PermissionDeniedException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
No permission to open the device (-8).
PermissionDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.PermissionDeniedException
position() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Dumper
Capture file position.
promiscuous(boolean) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set promiscuous mode options.
PromiscuousModeNotSupported - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.warn
This device doesn't support promiscuous mode (2).
PromiscuousModeNotSupported(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.warn.PromiscuousModeNotSupported
PromiscuousModePermissionDeniedException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
You don't have permission to capture in promiscuous mode (-11).
PromiscuousModePermissionDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.PromiscuousModePermissionDeniedException


RadioFrequencyModeNotSupportedException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
This device doesn't support rfmon (monitor) mode (-6).
RadioFrequencyModeNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.RadioFrequencyModeNotSupportedException
readerIndex() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketBuffer
Returns buffer reader index.
readerIndex(long) - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketBuffer
Set buffer reader index.
received() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Status
Number of packets received.
release() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketBuffer
Release this buffer.
requiredSelectTimeout() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap.UnixPcap
Returns Timestamp containing a value that must be used as the minimum timeout in select(), poll(), epoll_wait(), and kevent() calls if selectableFd() returns -1.
rfmon(boolean) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set radio frequency monitor mode options.


second() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Timestamp
This represents the number of whole seconds of elapsed time.
selectableFd() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap.UnixPcap
Get a file descriptor on which a select() can be done for a live capture.
send(PacketBuffer) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Send a raw packet through the network interface.
send(PacketBuffer, int) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Sends a raw packet through the network interface.
Service - Interface in pcap.spi
Pcap service.
Service.Creator - Class in pcap.spi
Service.LiveOptions - Interface in pcap.spi
Service.NoService - Class in pcap.spi
Service.OfflineOptions - Interface in pcap.spi
setDirection(Pcap.Direction) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Used to specify a direction that packets will be captured.
setFilter(String, boolean) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
BPF packet filter.
setNonBlock(boolean) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Puts a this capture handle into `non-blocking` mode, or takes it out of `non-blocking` mode, depending on whether the nonblock argument is `true` or `false`.
snapshotLength() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get snapshot length options.
snapshotLength(int) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set snapshot length options.
status() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Pcap
Represent packet statistics from the start of the run to the time of the call.
Status - Interface in pcap.spi
As returned by the pcap_stats().


timeout() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get timeout options.
timeout(int) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set timeout options.
timestamp() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketHeader
Timestamp per-packet.
Timestamp - Interface in pcap.spi
Specify a time interval (elapsed time).
Timestamp.Precision - Enum in pcap.spi
Timestamp precision.
Timestamp.Type - Enum in pcap.spi
Timestamp type.
timestampPrecision() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get timestamp precision options.
timestampPrecision() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.OfflineOptions
Get timestamp precision options.
timestampPrecision(Timestamp.Precision) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set timestamp precision options.
timestampPrecision(Timestamp.Precision) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.OfflineOptions
Set timestamp precicion options.
TimestampPrecisionNotSupportedException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.error
The requested time stamp precision is not supported (-12).
TimestampPrecisionNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.error.TimestampPrecisionNotSupportedException
timestampType() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Get timestamp type options.
timestampType(Timestamp.Type) - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service.LiveOptions
Set tiomestamp type options.
TimestampTypeNotSupportedException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception.warn
The requested time stamp type is not supported (3).
TimestampTypeNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.warn.TimestampTypeNotSupportedException


value() - Method in enum pcap.spi.Timestamp.Precision
value() - Method in enum pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum pcap.spi.Pcap.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum pcap.spi.Timestamp.Precision
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum pcap.spi.Pcap.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum pcap.spi.Timestamp.Precision
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum pcap.spi.Timestamp.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in class pcap.spi.Service.NoService
version() - Method in interface pcap.spi.Service
Get native pcap library version.


WarningException - Exception in pcap.spi.exception
Warning codes for the pcap API.
WarningException(String) - Constructor for exception pcap.spi.exception.WarningException
writerIndex() - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketBuffer
Returns buffer writer index.
writerIndex(long) - Method in interface pcap.spi.PacketBuffer
Set writer index.
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