Interface Public.ActualOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Public.Actual, Public.Actual.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Public.ActualOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean containsTags​(String key)
      tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals for a given model_id and model_version.
      Public.Label getLabel()
      .public.Label label = 2;
      Public.LabelOrBuilder getLabelOrBuilder()
      .public.Label label = 2;
      Map<String,​Public.Value> getTags()
      int getTagsCount()
      tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals for a given model_id and model_version.
      Map<String,​Public.Value> getTagsMap()
      tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals for a given model_id and model_version.
      Public.Value getTagsOrDefault​(String key, Public.Value defaultValue)
      tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals for a given model_id and model_version.
      Public.Value getTagsOrThrow​(String key)
      tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals for a given model_id and model_version. getTimestamp()
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1; getTimestampOrBuilder()
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
      boolean hasLabel()
      .public.Label label = 2;
      boolean hasTimestamp()
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasTimestamp

        boolean hasTimestamp()
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
        Whether the timestamp field is set.
      • getTimestamp getTimestamp()
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
        The timestamp.
      • getTimestampOrBuilder getTimestampOrBuilder()
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
      • hasLabel

        boolean hasLabel()
        .public.Label label = 2;
        Whether the label field is set.
      • getLabel

        Public.Label getLabel()
        .public.Label label = 2;
        The label.
      • getTagsCount

        int getTagsCount()
         tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals
         for a given model_id and model_version. Separated from features in the UI and is normally used for model metadata.
         For an Actual with a tag, if its corresponding Prediction also has a tag,
         we save the Prediction's tag in the Conclusion record and this tag is discarded. Otherwise this tag is saved.
        map<string, .public.Value> tags = 3;
      • containsTags

        boolean containsTags​(String key)
         tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals
         for a given model_id and model_version. Separated from features in the UI and is normally used for model metadata.
         For an Actual with a tag, if its corresponding Prediction also has a tag,
         we save the Prediction's tag in the Conclusion record and this tag is discarded. Otherwise this tag is saved.
        map<string, .public.Value> tags = 3;
      • getTagsMap

        Map<String,​Public.Value> getTagsMap()
         tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals
         for a given model_id and model_version. Separated from features in the UI and is normally used for model metadata.
         For an Actual with a tag, if its corresponding Prediction also has a tag,
         we save the Prediction's tag in the Conclusion record and this tag is discarded. Otherwise this tag is saved.
        map<string, .public.Value> tags = 3;
      • getTagsOrDefault

        Public.Value getTagsOrDefault​(String key,
                                      Public.Value defaultValue)
         tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals
         for a given model_id and model_version. Separated from features in the UI and is normally used for model metadata.
         For an Actual with a tag, if its corresponding Prediction also has a tag,
         we save the Prediction's tag in the Conclusion record and this tag is discarded. Otherwise this tag is saved.
        map<string, .public.Value> tags = 3;
      • getTagsOrThrow

        Public.Value getTagsOrThrow​(String key)
         tags is a map of human readable model input field that will be used to group together a subset of Actuals
         for a given model_id and model_version. Separated from features in the UI and is normally used for model metadata.
         For an Actual with a tag, if its corresponding Prediction also has a tag,
         we save the Prediction's tag in the Conclusion record and this tag is discarded. Otherwise this tag is saved.
        map<string, .public.Value> tags = 3;