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accept(UnaryOperator<YamlMappingBuilder>) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat.Yamler
apply(Function<Ruby, T>) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.SharedRuntime
Apply shared runtime and interpreted to function async.
authenticate(Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>>, String) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.GemApiKeyAuth


build() - Method in class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat.Yamler
Build yaml from curren state.


com.artipie.gem - package com.artipie.gem
Gem adapter.
com.artipie.gem.http - package com.artipie.gem.http
Gem repository HTTP layer.
com.artipie.gem.ruby - package com.artipie.gem.ruby
JRuby implementation of API interfaces.


dependencies(Set<? extends String>) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.Gem
Retreive and merge dependencies for gems specified.
dependencies(Set<? extends Path>) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemDependencies
Find dependencies for gems provided.
dependencies(Set<? extends Path>) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemDependencies


Gem - Class in com.artipie.gem
An SDK, which servers gem packages.
Gem(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.Gem
New Gem SDK with default indexer.
GemApiKeyAuth - Class in com.artipie.gem
AuthScheme implementation for gem api key decoding.
GemApiKeyAuth(Authentication) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.GemApiKeyAuth
GemDependencies - Interface in com.artipie.gem
Gem repository provides dependencies info in custom binary format.
GemIndex - Interface in com.artipie.gem
Gem repository index.
GemMeta - Interface in com.artipie.gem
Gem metadata parser.
GemMeta.MetaFormat - Interface in com.artipie.gem
Gem info metadata format.
GemMeta.MetaInfo - Interface in com.artipie.gem
Metadata info.
GemSlice - Class in com.artipie.gem.http
A slice, which servers gem packages.
GemSlice(Storage) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.http.GemSlice
GemSlice(Storage, Policy<?>, Authentication, String) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.http.GemSlice
GemSlice(Storage, Policy<?>, Authentication, String, Optional<Queue<ArtifactEvent>>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.http.GemSlice
GemSlice(Storage, Optional<Queue<ArtifactEvent>>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.http.GemSlice


identifier() - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemDependencies
identifier() - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemIndex
identifier() - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemMeta
identifier() - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.ruby.SharedRuntime.RubyPlugin
Plugin unique identifier.
info(String) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.Gem
Gem info data.
info(Path) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemMeta
Extract Gem info.
info(Path) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemMeta
initialize() - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemDependencies
initialize() - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemIndex
initialize() - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemMeta
initialize() - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.ruby.SharedRuntime.RubyPlugin
Initialize once.


JsonMetaFormat - Class in com.artipie.gem
New JSON format for Gem meta info.
JsonMetaFormat(JsonObjectBuilder) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.JsonMetaFormat
New JSON format.


print(GemMeta.MetaFormat) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemMeta.MetaInfo
Print meta info using format.
print(String, GemMeta.MetaInfo) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemMeta.MetaFormat
Print info child.
print(String, GemMeta.MetaInfo) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.JsonMetaFormat
print(String, GemMeta.MetaInfo) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat
print(String, String) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemMeta.MetaFormat
Print info string.
print(String, String) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.JsonMetaFormat
print(String, String) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat
print(String, String[]) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemMeta.MetaFormat
Print array of strings.
print(String, String[]) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.JsonMetaFormat
print(String, String[]) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat


RubyGemDependencies - Class in com.artipie.gem.ruby
Gem dependencies JRuby implementation.
RubyGemDependencies(Ruby) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemDependencies
New dependencies provider.
RubyGemIndex - Class in com.artipie.gem.ruby
Ruby runtime gem index implementation.
RubyGemIndex(Ruby) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemIndex
New gem indexer.
RubyGemMeta - Class in com.artipie.gem.ruby
JRuby implementation of GemInfo metadata parser.
RubyGemMeta(Ruby) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemMeta


SharedRuntime - Class in com.artipie.gem.ruby
Share ruby runtime and interpreter.
SharedRuntime() - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.ruby.SharedRuntime
New default shared ruby runtime.
SharedRuntime(Supplier<Ruby>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.ruby.SharedRuntime
New shared ruby runtime with specified factory.
SharedRuntime.RubyPlugin - Interface in com.artipie.gem.ruby
Ruby plugin.


toString(GemMeta.MetaFormat) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemMeta.MetaInfo
Print info to string using format provided.


update(Key) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.Gem
Batch update Ruby gems for repository.
update(Path) - Method in interface com.artipie.gem.GemIndex
Update index.
update(Path) - Method in class com.artipie.gem.ruby.RubyGemIndex


Yamler() - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat.Yamler
New yaml transformation consumer.
Yamler(YamlMappingBuilder) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat.Yamler
New Yaml tranfsormation consumer with initial state.
YamlMetaFormat - Class in com.artipie.gem
New JSON format for Gem meta info.
YamlMetaFormat(Consumer<UnaryOperator<YamlMappingBuilder>>) - Constructor for class com.artipie.gem.YamlMetaFormat
New yaml format.
YamlMetaFormat.Yamler - Class in com.artipie.gem
Yaml tranformation consumer with volatile in-memory state.
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