Class InstantActivity

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Activity, BeanRegistry

    public class InstantActivity
    extends DefaultActivity
    The activity that handles the temporary request.

    Note that this is an activity that has nothing to do with advice. This does not execute any advice at all, and if you attempt to register the advice dynamically, you will get an exception of the advice constraint violation.

    • Constructor Detail

      • InstantActivity

        public InstantActivity​(ActivityContext context)
        Instantiates a new InstantActivity.
        context - the activity context
      • InstantActivity

        public InstantActivity​(ActivityContext context,
                               ParameterMap parameterMap,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> attributeMap)
        Instantiates a new InstantActivity.
        context - the activity context
        parameterMap - the parameter map
        attributeMap - the attribute map