Class AspectranNodeParser

  • public class AspectranNodeParser
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Class AspectranNodeParser.

    Created: 2008. 06. 14 AM 4:39:24

    • Constructor Detail

      • AspectranNodeParser

        public AspectranNodeParser​(ContextRuleAssistant assistant)
        Instantiates a new AspectranNodeParser.
        assistant - the assistant for Context Builder
      • AspectranNodeParser

        public AspectranNodeParser​(ContextRuleAssistant assistant,
                                   boolean validating,
                                   boolean trackingLocation)
        Instantiates a new AspectranNodeParser.
        assistant - the context builder assistant
        validating - true if the parser produced will validate documents as they are parsed; false otherwise
        trackingLocation - true if tracing the location of the node being parsed; false otherwise
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public void parse​(RuleAppender ruleAppender)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
        Parses the aspectran configuration.
        ruleAppender - the rule appender
        java.lang.Exception - the exception