Interface Scope

    • Method Detail

      • getScopeLock

        java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock getScopeLock()
        Returns the scope lock.
        the scope lock
      • getInstantiatedBean

        InstantiatedBean getInstantiatedBean​(BeanRule beanRule)
        Returns an instance of the bean that matches the given bean rule.
        beanRule - the bean rule of the bean to retrieve
        an instance of the bean
      • putInstantiatedBean

        void putInstantiatedBean​(BeanRule beanRule,
                                 InstantiatedBean instantiatedBean)
        Saves an instantiated bean with the given bean rule into the scope.
        beanRule - the bean rule of the bean to save
        instantiatedBean - an instance of the bean
      • destroy

        void destroy()
        Destroy all scoped beans in this scope.