Interface ShellService

    • Method Detail

      • newSessionAdapter

        SessionAdapter newSessionAdapter()
        Create and return a new session adapter from the shell service.
        the session adapter
      • isVerbose

        boolean isVerbose()
        Tests if the verbose mode is enabled. If verbose mode is on, a detailed description is printed each time the command is executed. Returns a flag indicating whether to show the description or not.
        true if the verbose mode is enabled
      • setVerbose

        void setVerbose​(boolean verbose)
        Enables or disables the verbose mode. If verbose mode is on, a detailed description is printed each time the command is executed. Sets a flag indicating whether to show the description or not.
        verbose - true to enable the verbose mode; false to disable
      • getGreetings

        java.lang.String getGreetings()
      • setGreetings

        void setGreetings​(java.lang.String greetings)
      • printGreetings

        void printGreetings()
        Prints welcome message.
      • printHelp

        void printHelp()
        Prints help information.
      • isExposable

        boolean isExposable​(java.lang.String transletName)
        Checks whether the Translet can be exposed.
        transletName - the name of the Translet to check
        true if the Translet can be exposed; false otherwise
      • translate

        Translet translate​(TransletCommandLine transletCommandLine,
                           Console console)
        Executes the translet.
        transletCommandLine - the translet command line
        console - the Console instance
        the Translet instance