Interface Command

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static interface  Command.Descriptor
      An interface that can be used to describe the the functionality of the command implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • isIsolated

        boolean isIsolated()
        Returns whether it is a command that must be guaranteed not to be executed at the same time as another command.
        true if the command should ensure that it is not executed at the same time as another command; false otherwise
      • execute

        CommandResult execute​(CommandParameters parameters)
        This method will be called as the starting point to execute the logic for the action mapped to this command.
        parameters - the command parameters
        the message output to the console as a result of an executed command
      • getDescriptor

        Command.Descriptor getDescriptor()
        This method returns an instance of Command.Descriptor. The descriptor is meta information about the command.
        a Descriptor that is meta information about the command