com.aspectran |
Provides core interfaces and classes for the Aspectran infrastructure.
com.aspectran.core |
This package contains the Aspectran core implementation
and is the basis for other sub-implementations.
com.aspectran.core.activity |
A package for handling an activity that perform requests, business logic, and responses.
com.aspectran.core.activity.aspect |
com.aspectran.core.activity.process |
com.aspectran.core.activity.process.action |
com.aspectran.core.activity.process.result |
com.aspectran.core.activity.request |
com.aspectran.core.activity.response |
com.aspectran.core.activity.response.dispatch |
com.aspectran.core.activity.response.transform |
com.aspectran.core.activity.response.transform.apon |
com.aspectran.core.activity.response.transform.json |
com.aspectran.core.activity.response.transform.xml |
com.aspectran.core.adapter |
A package for providing basic adapters for integration with a core activity.
com.aspectran.core.component |
Contains the core components of Aspectran.
com.aspectran.core.component.aspect |
com.aspectran.core.component.aspect.pointcut |
com.aspectran.core.component.bean |
com.aspectran.core.component.bean.ablility |
com.aspectran.core.component.bean.annotation |
com.aspectran.core.component.bean.aware |
com.aspectran.core.component.bean.proxy |
com.aspectran.core.component.bean.scan |
com.aspectran.core.component.bean.scope |
com.aspectran.core.component.schedule |
com.aspectran.core.component.session |
Session Management Implementations
com.aspectran.core.component.template |
com.aspectran.core.component.template.engine |
com.aspectran.core.component.translet |
com.aspectran.core.component.translet.scan |
com.aspectran.core.context |
A Package for providing core components and configuring an execution environment.
com.aspectran.core.context.builder |
com.aspectran.core.context.builder.reload |
com.aspectran.core.context.config |
com.aspectran.core.context.env |
com.aspectran.core.context.expr |
com.aspectran.core.context.expr.ognl |
com.aspectran.core.context.expr.token |
com.aspectran.core.context.resource |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.ability |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.appender |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.assistant |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.converter |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.params |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.parser |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.parser.xml |
com.aspectran.core.context.rule.type |
com.aspectran.core.lang |
This class is a clone of org.springframework.lang.package-info
com.aspectran.core.service |
A Package for providing core components and configuring an execution environment.
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com.aspectran.core.util |
com.aspectran.core.util.apon |
com.aspectran.core.util.json |
com.aspectran.core.util.logging |
Base package for logging.
com.aspectran.core.util.logging.commons |
Logger using Commons Logging feature.
com.aspectran.core.util.logging.jdk14 |
Logger using JDK logging feature.
com.aspectran.core.util.logging.log4j |
Logger using Log4J feature.
com.aspectran.core.util.logging.log4j2 |
Logger using Log4J 2 feature.
com.aspectran.core.util.logging.nologging |
Logger for no operation.
com.aspectran.core.util.logging.slf4j |
Logger using standard out.
com.aspectran.core.util.logging.stdout |
Logger using SLF4J feature.
com.aspectran.core.util.nodelet |
com.aspectran.core.util.statistic |
com.aspectran.core.util.thread |
com.aspectran.core.util.timer |
com.aspectran.core.util.wildcard |
com.aspectran.daemon |
Provides a daemon that runs Aspectran as a service in the
background on Unix-based or Windows operating systems.
com.aspectran.daemon.activity |
Contains a variant of the activity interface for Aspectran Daemon.
com.aspectran.daemon.adapter |
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for Aspectran Daemon.
com.aspectran.daemon.command |
com.aspectran.daemon.command.builtins |
com.aspectran.daemon.command.polling |
com.aspectran.daemon.service |
Contains a variant of the service interface for Aspectran Daemon.
com.aspectran.embed |
Provides an interface for embedding Aspectran
in Java applications.
com.aspectran.embed.activity |
Contains a variant of the activity interface for embedded Aspectran.
com.aspectran.embed.adapter |
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for embedded Aspectran.
com.aspectran.embed.service |
Contains a variant of the service interface for embedded Aspectran.
com.aspectran.freemarker |
Add-on package for integrating Freemarker.
com.aspectran.freemarker.directive |
com.aspectran.freemarker.view |
com.aspectran.jetty |
Add-on package for integrating Embedded Jetty.
com.aspectran.mybatis |
Add-on package for integrating MyBatis.
com.aspectran.pebble |
Add-on package for integrating Pebble.
com.aspectran.pebble.view |
com.aspectran.scheduler |
Aspectran Scheduler provides low-level job scheduling capabilities.
com.aspectran.scheduler.activity |
Contains a variant of the activity interface for Aspectran Scheduler.
com.aspectran.scheduler.adapter |
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for Aspectran Scheduler.
com.aspectran.scheduler.service |
Contains a variant of the service interface for Aspectran Scheduler.
| |
A package to support external modules for Aspectran Scheduler.
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Provides the ability to easily build interactive
shell applications.
| |
Contains a variant of the activity interface for command-line application.
| |
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for command-line application.
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| |
Built-in commands provided by Aspectran Shell.
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A simple API for presenting, processing and validating a command line interface.
| |
A package for enhanced shell input and output.
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Provides the ability to easily build interactive shell
applications using feature-rich JLine 3.
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| |
Contains a variant of the service interface for command-line application.
com.aspectran.undertow |
Add-on package for integrating Undertow.
com.aspectran.undertow.activity |
com.aspectran.undertow.adapter |
com.aspectran.undertow.server |
com.aspectran.undertow.server.accesslog |
com.aspectran.undertow.server.encoding |
com.aspectran.undertow.server.http |
com.aspectran.undertow.server.resource |
com.aspectran.undertow.server.servlet |
com.aspectran.undertow.server.session |
com.aspectran.undertow.service |
com.aspectran.web |
Provides overall functionality for building web applications.
com.aspectran.web.activity |
Contains a variant of the activity interface for web application.
com.aspectran.web.activity.request |
com.aspectran.web.activity.response |
com.aspectran.web.adapter |
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for web application.
com.aspectran.web.service |
Contains a variant of the service interface for web application.
com.aspectran.web.startup |
Provides servlets and listeners for integration with web application.
com.aspectran.web.startup.filter |
com.aspectran.web.startup.listener |
com.aspectran.web.startup.servlet |
| |
A package to support external modules for web application integration.
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Support for parsing Multi-part form data that use Apache Commons FileUpload 1.3 or above.
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Support for parsing Multi-part form data that use Apache Commons FileUpload 1.3 or above.
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