Aspectran API Reference (7.4.3)

This is the public API documentation for the Aspectran.

Package containing the core features of Aspectran.
A package for handling an activity that perform requests, business logic, and responses.
A package for providing adapters for integration with a core activity.
Contains the core components of Aspectran.
Support for AOP-based scoping of target objects.
Session Management Implementations
Package containing a Redis session store implementation using Lettuce as a client.
A Package for providing core components and configuring an execution environment.
This class is a clone of org.springframework.lang.package-info
Aspectran Scheduler provides low-level job scheduling capabilities.
Contains a variant of the activity interface for Aspectran Scheduler.
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for Aspectran Scheduler.
Contains a variant of the service interface for Aspectran Scheduler.
A package to support external modules for Aspectran Scheduler.
A Package for providing core components and configuring an execution environment.
Locale support classes for Aspectran.
Base package for logging.
Logger using Commons Logging feature.
Logger using JDK logging feature.
Logger using Log4J 2 feature.
Logger for no operation.
logger using SLF4J feature.
Logger using standard out.
Package for running Aspectran-based Java applications as background processes on Unix-based or Windows operating systems.
Contains a variant of the activity interface for Aspectran Daemon.
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for Aspectran Daemon.
Contains a variant of the service interface for Aspectran Daemon.
Package for embedding Aspectran in non-Aspectran-based Java applications.
Contains a variant of the activity interface for embedded Aspectran.
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for embedded Aspectran.
Contains a variant of the service interface for embedded Aspectran.
Add-on package for using Freemarker as the templating engine.
Add-on package for using Jetty as the embedded servlet container.
Add-on package for using the MyBatis SQL mapper framework that makes using relational databases easy.
Add-on package for using Pebble as the templating engine.
Package for building interactive shell (aka command line) applications based on Aspectran.
Contains a variant of the activity interface for command-line application.
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for command-line application.
Built-in commands provided by Aspectran Shell.
A simple API for presenting, processing and validating a command line interface.
A package for enhanced shell input and output.
Package for building feature-rich Aspectran-based interactive shell applications with JLine 3.
Contains a variant of the service interface for command-line application.
Add-on package for using Undertow as the embedded servlet container.
Package for building web applications using Jakarta EE.
Contains a variant of the activity interface for web application.
Contains a variant of the adapter interface for web application.
Contains a variant of the service interface for web application.
Provides servlets and listeners for integration with web application.
A package to support external modules for web application integration.
Support for parsing Multi-part form data that use Apache Commons FileUpload 1.3 or above.
Support for parsing Multi-part form data that use Apache Commons FileUpload 1.3 or above.
Package required to configure websockets in Aspectran-based web applications.