Package com.atlassian.connect.spring

Provides classes for building Atlassian Connect add-ons using Spring Boot and atlassian-connect-spring-boot.

To use the Spring Boot starter for Atlassian Connect in your application, include the following dependency in your Maven POM:


Add-on Descriptor

To enable the functionality provided by this Spring Boot starter, an Atlassian Connect add-on descriptor, atlassian-connect.json must be present at the root of the class path.

Add-on Lifecycle

The Spring Data repository AtlassianHostRepository stores information about Atlassian hosts in which the add-on is or has been installed. A component implementing this interface is required for your application to start.

Upon successful completion of add-on installation or uninstallation, A Spring application event will be fired: AddonInstalledEvent or AddonUninstalledEvent.

Authentication of Incoming Requests

During processing of a request from an Atlassian host, the details of the host and of the user at the browser can be obtained from the AtlassianHostUser.

By default, all Spring Web MVC controllers require authentication by a JSON Web Token issued by an Atlassian host with the add-on installed. The IgnoreJwt annotation can be used to bypass that requirement.

Authentication of Outgoing Requests

AtlassianHostRestClients provides RestTemplates for making authenticated requests to Atlassian hosts as the add-on or as a user.

Deprecated: A RestTemplate for JSON Web Token authentication is provided as a @Component and can be @Autowired.

See Also:
Atlassian Developers