Class AtlassianHostMapping


public class AtlassianHostMapping extends Object
An Atlassian host mapping in which an installation id is mapped to its associated clientKey. Mappings are stored in AtlassianHostMappingRepository.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AtlassianHostMapping

      public AtlassianHostMapping()
      Creates a new empty installation client key (used by persistence mechanism).
  • Method Details

    • getInstallationId

      public String getInstallationId()
      The string (in ARI format, e.g. ari:cloud:ecosystem::installation/c3658f0f-8380-41e5-bb1e-68903f8efdca) identifying the installation of the app on Forge. Stable across upgrades but not uninstallation and reinstallation. This value should be used to key Forge-related tenant details in your add-on.
      the installation ID
    • setInstallationId

      public void setInstallationId(String installationId)
      Used by persistence mechanism.
      installationId - the installation ID
    • getClientKey

      public String getClientKey()
      The identifying Connect key for the Atlassian product instance that the add-on was installed into. This will never change for a given instance, and is unique across all Atlassian product tenants. This value should be used to key Connect-related tenant details in your add-on.
      the client key of the host
    • setClientKey

      public void setClientKey(String clientKey)
      Used by persistence mechanism.
      clientKey - the client key of the host
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object