
Class Credentials

    public class Credentials

    Holds the user's credentials returned by Auth0.

    • idToken: Identity Token with user information

    • accessToken: Access Token for Auth0 API

    • refreshToken: Refresh Token that can be used to request new tokens without signing in again

    • type: The type of the received Access Token.

    • expiresAt: The token expiration date.

    • scope: The token's granted scope.

    • Method Detail

      • getRecoveryCode

         final String getRecoveryCode()

        Getter for the new multi-factor authentication recovery code. Only available if these credentials are the result of logging in using an MFA recovery code.

      • getIdToken

         final String getIdToken()

        Getter for the Identity Token with user information.

      • getType

         final String getType()

        Getter for the type of the received Token.

      • getRefreshToken

         final String getRefreshToken()

        Getter for the Refresh Token that can be used to request new tokens without signing in again.

      • getExpiresAt

         final Date getExpiresAt()

        Getter for the expiration date of the Access Token. Once expired, the Access Token can no longer be used to access an API and a new Access Token needs to be obtained.

      • getScope

         final String getScope()

        Getter for the access token's granted scope. Only available if the requested scope differs from the granted one.