Interface PublicKeyProvider

public interface PublicKeyProvider
The interface to obtain a public key. This is used to configure signature verification for tokens signed with the RS256 asymmetric signing algorithm. Developers should provide an implementation of this interface when verifying a RS256 ID token.

The following example demonstrates using the JwkProviderBuilder from the jwks-rsa-java library to fetch the public key.

 JwkProvider provider = new JwkProviderBuilder("").build();
 SignatureVerifier sigVerifier = SignatureVerifier.forRS256(new PublicKeyProvider() {
     public RSAPublicKey getPublicKeyById(String keyId) throws PublicKeyProviderException {
         try {
             return (RSAPublicKey) provider.get(keyId).getPublicKey();
         } catch (JwkException jwke) {
             throw new PublicKeyProviderException("Error obtaining public key", jwke);
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get a RSAPublicKey given the key ID.