Class APIException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class APIException extends Auth0Exception
Represents an Auth0 Server error captured from an HTTP response. Provides different methods to determine why the request failed. i.e.:
      statusCode: 400,
      description: "Query validation error: 'String 'users' does not match pattern. Must be a comma separated list of the following values: name,strategy,options,enabled_clients,id,provisioning_ticket_url' on property fields (A comma separated list of fields to include or exclude (depending on include_fields) from the result, empty to retrieve all fields).",
      error: "invalid_query_string"
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • APIException

      public APIException(String payload, int statusCode, Throwable cause)
    • APIException

      public APIException(Map<String,Object> values, int statusCode)
  • Method Details

    • getStatusCode

      public int getStatusCode()
      Getter for the Http Status Code received in the response. i.e. a status_code=403 would mean that the token has an insufficient scope.
      the status code.
    • getError

      public String getError()
      Getter for the exception error code. i.e. a error=invalid_query_string would mean that the query parameters sent in the request were invalid.
      the error code.
    • getValue

      public Object getValue(String key)
      Returns a value from the error map, if any.
      key - key of the value to return
      the value if found or null
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Getter for the exception user friendly description of why the request failed. i.e. the description may say which query parameters are valid for that endpoint.
      the description.
    • isMultifactorRequired

      public boolean isMultifactorRequired()
      true when an MFA code is required to authenticate, false otherwise.
    • isInvalidCredentials

      public boolean isInvalidCredentials()
      true when the username and/or password used for authentication are invalid, false otherwise.
    • isMultifactorEnrollRequired

      public boolean isMultifactorEnrollRequired()
      true when MFA is required and the user is not enrolled, false otherwise.
    • isVerificationRequired

      public boolean isVerificationRequired()
      true when Bot Protection flags the request as suspicious, false otherwise.
    • isMultifactorTokenInvalid

      public boolean isMultifactorTokenInvalid()
      true when the MFA Token used on the login request is malformed or has expired, false otherwise.
    • isAccessDenied

      public boolean isAccessDenied()
      true when authenticating with web-based authentiction and the resource server denied access per the OAuth 2 spec, false otherwise.