Package com.auth0.jwt

Class JWT


public class JWT extends Object
Exposes all the JWT functionalities.
  • Constructor Details

    • JWT

      public JWT()
      Constructs a new instance of the JWT library. Use this if you need to decode many JWT tokens on the fly and do not wish to instantiate a new parser for each invocation.
  • Method Details

    • decodeJwt

      public DecodedJWT decodeJwt(String token) throws JWTDecodeException
      Decode a given Json Web Token.

      Note that this method doesn't verify the token's signature! Use it only if you trust the token or if you have already verified it.

      token - with jwt format as string.
      a decoded JWT.
      JWTDecodeException - if any part of the token contained an invalid jwt or JSON format of each of the jwt parts.
    • decode

      public static DecodedJWT decode(String token) throws JWTDecodeException
      Decode a given Json Web Token.

      Note that this method doesn't verify the token's signature! Use it only if you trust the token or if you have already verified it.

      token - with jwt format as string.
      a decoded JWT.
      JWTDecodeException - if any part of the token contained an invalid jwt or JSON format of each of the jwt parts.
    • require

      public static Verification require(Algorithm algorithm)
      Returns a Verification builder with the algorithm to be used to validate token signature.
      algorithm - that will be used to verify the token's signature.
      Verification builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the provided algorithm is null.
    • create

      public static JWTCreator.Builder create()
      Returns a Json Web Token builder used to create and sign tokens.
      a token builder.