Interface Header

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Header
The Header class represents the 1st part of the JWT, where the Header value is held.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Getter for the Algorithm "alg" claim defined in the JWT's Header.
    Getter for the Content Type "cty" claim defined in the JWT's Header.
    Get a Private Claim given it's name.
    Get the value of the "kid" claim, or null if it's not available.
    Getter for the Type "typ" claim defined in the JWT's Header.
  • Method Details

    • getAlgorithm

      String getAlgorithm()
      Getter for the Algorithm "alg" claim defined in the JWT's Header. If the claim is missing it will return null.
      the Algorithm defined or null.
    • getType

      String getType()
      Getter for the Type "typ" claim defined in the JWT's Header. If the claim is missing it will return null.
      the Type defined or null.
    • getContentType

      String getContentType()
      Getter for the Content Type "cty" claim defined in the JWT's Header. If the claim is missing it will return null.
      the Content Type defined or null.
    • getKeyId

      String getKeyId()
      Get the value of the "kid" claim, or null if it's not available.
      the Key ID value or null.
    • getHeaderClaim

      Claim getHeaderClaim(String name)
      Get a Private Claim given it's name. If the Claim wasn't specified in the Header, a 'null claim' will be returned. All the methods of that claim will return null.
      name - the name of the Claim to retrieve.
      a non-null Claim.