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AbstractBytes - Class in com.avast.bytes
AbstractBytes() - Constructor for class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytes
AbstractBytesComparator - Class in com.avast.bytes
AbstractBytesComparator() - Constructor for class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytesComparator
AbstractBytesComparator(boolean) - Constructor for class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytesComparator


BuilderStream() - Constructor for class com.avast.bytes.Bytes.BuilderStream
ByteArrayBytes - Class in com.avast.bytes.jdk
Implementation of Bytes based on an array of bytes.
byteAt(int) - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Returns byte at the specified index.
byteAt(int) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
byteAt(int) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
byteAt(int) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
ByteBufferBytes - Class in com.avast.bytes.jdk
Implementation of Bytes backed by ByteBuffer.
Bytes - Interface in com.avast.bytes
Represents an immutable sequence (or string) of bytes.
Bytes.BuilderStream - Class in com.avast.bytes
Allows creating new Bytes by writing to an OutputStream.
BytesComparator - Class in com.avast.bytes
Bytes comparator that orders Bytes as array of signed bytes.
BytesComparator() - Constructor for class com.avast.bytes.BytesComparator


com.avast.bytes - package com.avast.bytes
com.avast.bytes.internal - package com.avast.bytes.internal
com.avast.bytes.jdk - package com.avast.bytes.jdk
compare(byte, byte) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytesComparator
compare(byte, byte) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.BytesComparator
compare(byte, byte) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.UnsignedBytesComparator
compare(Bytes, Bytes) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytesComparator
concat(Bytes) - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Concatenates this and another instance of Bytes.
ConcatBytes - Class in com.avast.bytes
Implementation of Bytes backed by a list of Bytes instances.
copyFrom(byte[]) - Static method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Convenience method for creating Bytes from byte array.
copyFrom(byte[]) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
copyFrom(byte[], int, int) - Static method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Convenience method for creating Bytes from byte array.
copyFrom(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
copyFrom(String, Charset) - Static method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Convenience method for creating Bytes from String in given Charset.
copyFrom(String, Charset) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
copyFrom(ByteBuffer) - Static method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Convenience method for creating Bytes from ByteBuffer.
copyFrom(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
copyFrom(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
copyFrom(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
copyFromHex(String) - Static method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Convenience method for creating Bytes from HEX String.
copyFromUtf8(String) - Static method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Convenience method for creating Bytes from UTF-8 String.
copyFromUtf8(String) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
copyTo(byte[], int) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
copyTo(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes


empty() - Static method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Empty Bytes.
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
equals(Object) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytes
equals(Object) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes


hashCode() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytes


isEmpty() - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Returns true if this Bytes is empty.


newBuilder() - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
newBuilder(int) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
Creates new builder with the specified initial capacity (more bytes than this capacity can be written however).
newBuilder(int) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
Creates new builder with the specified initial capacity (more bytes than this capacity can be written however).
newInputStream() - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Returns new InputStream that reads data contained in this Bytes.
newInputStream() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
newInputStream() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
newInputStream() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes


readFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
Completely reads the given stream's bytes into a Bytes, blocking if necessary until all bytes are read through to the end of the stream.
readFrom(InputStream) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
Completely reads the given stream's bytes into a Bytes, blocking if necessary until all bytes are read through to the end of the stream.
readFrom(InputStream, int, int) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
Copies all or a subset of bytes from InputStream to a Bytes, blocking if necessary until all required bytes are read through.
readFrom(InputStream, int, int) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
Copies all or a subset of bytes from InputStream to a Bytes, blocking if necessary until all required bytes are read through.
readFrom(InputStream, int, int, IntFunction<Bytes.BuilderStream>) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.internal.StreamReader
readFrom(InputStream, IntFunction<Bytes.BuilderStream>) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.internal.StreamReader
readSliceFrom(InputStream, int, int, IntFunction<Bytes.BuilderStream>) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.internal.StreamReader


size() - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Returns number of bytes in this Bytes.
size() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
size() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
size() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
StreamReader - Class in com.avast.bytes.internal
This is a utility class that is not part of the public API of the Bytes library.
StreamReader() - Constructor for class com.avast.bytes.internal.StreamReader


toByteArray() - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Converts this Bytes to array of bytes.
toByteArray() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
toByteArray() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
toByteArray() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
toBytes() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.Bytes.BuilderStream
Returns new Bytes containing the data written to this OutputStream.
toHexString() - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Converts content of this Bytes to hex string.
toReadOnlyByteBuffer() - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Converts this Bytes to read-only.
toReadOnlyByteBuffer() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
toReadOnlyByteBuffer() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
toReadOnlyByteBuffer() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
toString() - Method in class com.avast.bytes.AbstractBytes
toString(Charset) - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Converts this Bytes to String in the specified charset.
toString(Charset) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
toString(Charset) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
toString(Charset) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes
toStringUtf8() - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Convenience method.


UnsignedBytesComparator - Class in com.avast.bytes
Bytes comparator that orders Bytes as array of unsigned bytes.
UnsignedBytesComparator() - Constructor for class com.avast.bytes.UnsignedBytesComparator


view(int, int) - Method in interface com.avast.bytes.Bytes
Returns Bytes that is a view into this one.
view(int, int) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
view(int, int) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteArrayBytes
view(int, int) - Method in class com.avast.bytes.jdk.ByteBufferBytes


wrap(Bytes, Bytes, Bytes...) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
Wraps existing instances of Bytes and concatenates them.
wrap(List<Bytes>) - Static method in class com.avast.bytes.ConcatBytes
Wraps existing instances of Bytes and concatenates them.
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