



package serialization

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class ApplyUnapplyCodec[T] extends ErrorReportingCodec[T] with OOOFieldsObjectCodec[T]

  2. final class DefaultCaseObjectInput extends ObjectInput

  3. abstract class ErrorReportingCodec[T] extends GenCodec[T]

  4. trait FieldInput extends Input


    An Input representing an object field.

    An Input representing an object field. The same as Input but also provides field name.

  5. final class FieldValues extends AnyRef

  6. abstract class FlatSealedHierarchyCodec[T] extends SealedHierarchyCodec[T]

  7. case class GenCaseInfo[T](flags: TypeFlags, sourceName: String, annotName: commons.Opt[name], transparent: Boolean, defaultCase: Boolean) extends GenCodecStructure[T] with Product with Serializable

    @positioned( )
  8. trait GenCodec[T] extends AnyRef


    Type class for types that can be serialized to Output (format-agnostic "output stream") and deserialized from Input (format-agnostic "input stream").

    Type class for types that can be serialized to Output (format-agnostic "output stream") and deserialized from Input (format-agnostic "input stream"). GenCodec is supposed to capture generic structure of serialized objects, without being bound to particular format like JSON. The actual format is determined by implementation of Input and Output.

    There are convenient macros for automatic derivation of GenCodec instances (materialize and materializeRecursively). However, GenCodec instances still need to be explicitly declared and won't be derived "automagically".

    @implicitNotFound( "No GenCodec found for ${T}" )
  9. sealed trait GenCodecStructure[T] extends GenInfo[T]

  10. sealed trait GenInfo[T] extends TypedMetadata[T]

  11. trait GenKeyCodec[T] extends AnyRef


    Typeclass which implements two-directional conversion between values of some type and field names used in ObjectOutput.writeField and ObjectInput.nextField (FieldInput.fieldName).

    Typeclass which implements two-directional conversion between values of some type and field names used in ObjectOutput.writeField and ObjectInput.nextField (FieldInput.fieldName). Every type which has a natural, unambiguous string representation should have a GenKeyCodec.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  12. trait GenObjectCodec[T] extends GenCodec[T]


    Subtype of GenCodec which captures serialization to an "object", i.e.

    Subtype of GenCodec which captures serialization to an "object", i.e. through ObjectOutput and ObjectInput.

    @implicitNotFound( "No GenObjectCodec found for ${T}" )
  13. case class GenParamInfo[T](sourceName: String, annotName: commons.Opt[name], hasWhenAbsent: Boolean, transientDefault: Boolean, outOfOrder: Boolean, flags: ParamFlags) extends GenInfo[T] with Product with Serializable

  14. case class GenRef[-S, +T](fun: (S) ⇒ T, rawRef: RawRef) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class GenUnionInfo[T](flags: TypeFlags, sourceName: String, annotName: commons.Opt[name], flatten: commons.Opt[flatten]) extends GenCodecStructure[T] with Product with Serializable

    @positioned( )
  16. abstract class HasApplyUnapplyCodec[T] extends AnyRef

  17. abstract class HasApplyUnapplyCodecWithDeps[D, T] extends AnyRef

  18. abstract class HasGenCodec[T] extends AnyRef


    Convenience abstract class for companion objects of types that have a GenCodec.

  19. abstract class HasGenCodecWithDeps[D, T] extends AnyRef

  20. abstract class HasGenObjectCodec[T] extends AnyRef

  21. abstract class HasGenObjectCodecWithDeps[D, T] extends AnyRef

  22. abstract class HasPolyGenCodec[C[_]] extends AnyRef

  23. abstract class HasPolyGenCodecWithDeps[D, C[_]] extends AnyRef

  24. abstract class HasPolyGenObjectCodec[C[_]] extends AnyRef

  25. abstract class HasPolyGenObjectCodecWithDeps[D, C[_]] extends AnyRef

  26. trait Input extends Any


    Represents an abstract source from which a value may be deserialized (read).

    Represents an abstract source from which a value may be deserialized (read). Each of the read methods tries to read a value of specified type and may throw an exception (usually ReadFailure) when reading is not successful.

    An Input value should be assumed to be stateful. If any of the readX methods have already been called, the Input instance can no longer be used and MUST be discarded.

    In order to ignore the value kept in this Input, skip() MUST be called.

    In summary: every Input MUST be fully exhausted by either calling one of the read methods which returns successful value or by calling skip(). Also, ListInput and ObjectInput instances returned from this Input must also be fully exhausted on their own.

  27. trait InputAndSimpleInput extends Input with SimpleInput

  28. trait InputMetadata[T] extends AnyRef


    Base trait for metadata markers identifying custom native metadata information that particular Input and Output implementations might want to support.

    Base trait for metadata markers identifying custom native metadata information that particular Input and Output implementations might want to support. Example: JsonType

  29. abstract class InputWrapper extends Input

  30. trait ListInput extends SequentialInput


    Represents an abstract source of sequence of values that can be deserialized.

    Represents an abstract source of sequence of values that can be deserialized. ListInput instance is stateful and MUST be read strictly sequentially. This means, you MUST fully exhaust an Input instance returned by nextElement() before calling nextElement() again. For this reason, ListInput is not an Iterator despite having similar interface (Iterator would easily allow e.g. conversion to List[Input] which would be illegal).

    ListInput MUST always be fully exhausted. In order to ignore any remaining elements, skipRemaining() may be used.

  31. trait ListOutput extends SequentialOutput


    Represents an abstract sink for serialization of sequences of values.

    Represents an abstract sink for serialization of sequences of values. Any ListOutput instance must be assumed to be stateful and used in strictly sequential manner. After all elements have been written, finish() must be called to explicitly mark that the list is complete.

  32. abstract class NestedSealedHierarchyCodec[T] extends SealedHierarchyCodec[T]

  33. trait ObjectInput extends SequentialInput


    Represents an abstract source of key-value mappings that can be deserialized.

    Represents an abstract source of key-value mappings that can be deserialized. ObjectInput instance is stateful and MUST be read strictly sequentially. This means, you MUST fully exhaust any Input instance returned by nextField() before calling nextField() again. For this reason, ObjectInput is not an Iterator despite having similar interface (Iterator would easily allow e.g. conversion to List[(String, Input)] which would be illegal).

    ObjectInput MUST always be fully exhausted. In order to ignore any remaining key-value mappings, skipRemaining() may be used.

  34. trait ObjectOutput extends SequentialOutput


    Represents an abstract sink for serialization of string-to-value mappings.

    Represents an abstract sink for serialization of string-to-value mappings. Any ObjectOutput instance must be assumed to be stateful and used in strictly sequential manner. After all key-value pairs have been written, finish() must be called to explicitly mark that the object is complete.

    ObjectOutput MUST preserve information about the order in which fields are written. ObjectInput is required to read fields in exactly the same order as ObjectOutput writes them.

  35. trait Output extends Any


    Represents an abstract sink to which a value may be serialized (written).

    Represents an abstract sink to which a value may be serialized (written). An Output instance should be assumed to be stateful. After calling any of the write methods, it MUST NOT be reused. This means that Output instance can be used only to write a single value. However, if the value to write is complex, one can use writeList/writeSet or writeObject/writeMap.

  36. trait OutputAndSimpleOutput extends Output with SimpleOutput

  37. abstract class OutputWrapper extends Output

  38. final class PeekingObjectInput extends ObjectInput


    Wrapper over ObjectInput that lets you peek next field name without advancing the input.

  39. trait PolyCodec[C[_]] extends AnyRef

  40. trait PolyObjectCodec[C[_]] extends AnyRef

  41. abstract class ProductCodec[T <: Product] extends ApplyUnapplyCodec[T]

  42. sealed trait RawRef extends AnyRef

  43. trait RecursiveAutoCodecs extends AnyRef

  44. abstract class SealedHierarchyCodec[T] extends ErrorReportingCodec[T] with ObjectCodec[T]

  45. trait SequentialInput extends Any

  46. trait SequentialOutput extends Any


    Base trait for outputs which allow writing of multiple values in sequence, i.e.

    Base trait for outputs which allow writing of multiple values in sequence, i.e. ListOutput and ObjectOutput.

  47. trait SimpleInput extends Any


    Represents an abstract source of primitive (or "simple") values.

    Represents an abstract source of primitive (or "simple") values. May be obtained from Input.

  48. abstract class SimpleInputWrapper extends SimpleInput

  49. trait SimpleOutput extends Any


    Represent an abstract sink for "primitive" values, i.e.

    Represent an abstract sink for "primitive" values, i.e. ones that can be written as a whole with a simple method call (as opposed to lists and objects). Simple values must NEVER be null. Output.writeNull must be used instead to handle null values.

  50. abstract class SimpleOutputWrapper extends SimpleOutput

  51. sealed trait SimpleRawRef extends RawRef

  52. class SimpleValueFieldInput extends SimpleValueInput with FieldInput

  53. class SimpleValueInput extends InputAndSimpleInput


    An Input for GenCodec complementary to SimpleValueOutput.

  54. class SimpleValueOutput extends OutputAndSimpleOutput


    An Output for GenCodec which serializes data into plain Scala objects.

    An Output for GenCodec which serializes data into plain Scala objects.

    - "lists" are represented as Scala Lists - "objects" are represented as String-keyed Scala Maps - simple values (strings, numbers, booleans, byte arrays) are represented as themselves, unchanged

    In other words, serialized value yield by SimpleValueOutput is a Scala object guaranteed to be one of: - null - Int - Long - Double - BigInt - BigDecimal - Boolean - String - Array[Byte] - scala.collection.Seq[Any] where every element is also one of the listed types - scala.collection.Map[String,Any] where every value is also one of the listed types

    Such format is often useful as an intermediate representation. For example, it can be later safely passed to standard Java serialization. However, for performance reasons it's recommended to implement dedicated Input and Output for the final format (e.g. binary or JSON).

  55. class SingletonCodec[T <: Singleton] extends ErrorReportingCodec[T] with OOOFieldsObjectCodec[T]

  56. class StreamFieldInput extends StreamInput with FieldInput

  57. class StreamInput extends InputAndSimpleInput

  58. class StreamOutput extends OutputAndSimpleOutput

  59. abstract class StringWrapperCompanion[T] extends TransparentWrapperCompanion[String, T]

  60. abstract class TransparentWrapperCompanion[R, T] extends AnyRef

  61. trait TupleGenCodecs extends AnyRef

  62. trait TypeMarker[T] extends AnyRef


    Base trait for type markers identifying custom native types that particular Input and Output implementations might want to support.
