
package reader

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class GeoTiffCSParameters(model: Int = ..., pcs: Int = ..., gcs: Int = ..., length: Int = ..., lengthInMeters: Double = 1.0, angle: Int = ..., angleInDegrees: Double = 1.0, datum: Int = ..., ellipsoid: Int = ..., semiMajor: Double = 0.0, semiMinor: Double = 0.0, pm: Int = ..., pmLongToGreenwich: Double = 0.0, projCode: Int = ..., projection: Int = ..., ctProjection: Int = ..., mapSystem: Int = ..., zone: Int = 0, projectionParameters: Array[(Int, Double)] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

  2. class GeoTiffCSParser extends AnyRef

    This class is indirectly ported from the GDAL github repository.

  3. class GeoTiffReaderLimitationException extends RuntimeException

  4. class MalformedGeoTiffException extends RuntimeException

Value Members

  1. object GeoTiffCSParser

  2. object GeoTiffReader

  3. object TiffTagsReader
