

implicit class withMultibandTileMethods extends MethodExtensions[MultibandTile] with MultibandTileCropMethods with MultibandTileMaskMethods with MultibandTileMergeMethods with MultibandTilePrototypeMethods with MultibandTileReprojectMethods with MultibandJpgRenderMethods with MultibandColorMethods with MultibandPngRenderMethods with MultibandTileResampleMethods with MultibandTileSplitMethods

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. withMultibandTileMethods
  2. MultibandTileSplitMethods
  3. SplitMethods
  4. MultibandTileResampleMethods
  5. TileResampleMethods
  6. MultibandPngRenderMethods
  7. MultibandColorMethods
  8. MultibandJpgRenderMethods
  9. MultibandTileReprojectMethods
  10. TileReprojectMethods
  11. MultibandTilePrototypeMethods
  12. TilePrototypeMethods
  13. MultibandTileMergeMethods
  14. TileMergeMethods
  15. MultibandTileMaskMethods
  16. TileMaskMethods
  17. MultibandTileCropMethods
  18. TileCropMethods
  19. CropMethods
  20. MethodExtensions
  21. Serializable
  22. Serializable
  23. AnyRef
  24. Any
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  1. Public
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Instance Constructors

  1. new withMultibandTileMethods(self: MultibandTile)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  7. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  8. def color(): Tile

    Turns an RGB or an RGBA multiband tile into a integer packed RGBA single band tile

    Turns an RGB or an RGBA multiband tile into a integer packed RGBA single band tile

    Definition Classes
  9. def crop(srcExtent: Extent, extent: Extent, options: Options): MultibandTile

    Given a source Extent (the extent of the present MultibandTile), a destination Extent, and a set of Options, return a new MultibandTile.

    Given a source Extent (the extent of the present MultibandTile), a destination Extent, and a set of Options, return a new MultibandTile.

    Definition Classes
  10. def crop(gb: GridBounds, options: Options): MultibandTile

    Given a GridBounds and some cropping options, crop the MultibandTile and return a new MultibandTile.

    Given a GridBounds and some cropping options, crop the MultibandTile and return a new MultibandTile.

    Definition Classes
  11. def crop(srcExtent: Extent, extent: Extent): MultibandTile

    Given a source Extent and a destination extent produce a cropped Tile.

    Given a source Extent and a destination extent produce a cropped Tile.

    Definition Classes
  12. def crop(colMin: Int, rowMin: Int, colMax: Int, rowMax: Int): MultibandTile

    Given the starting and stopping columns and rows, crop.

    Given the starting and stopping columns and rows, crop.

    Definition Classes
  13. def crop(colMin: Int, rowMin: Int, colMax: Int, rowMax: Int, options: Options): MultibandTile

    Given the starting and stopping columns and rows and some cropping options, crop.

    Given the starting and stopping columns and rows and some cropping options, crop.

    Definition Classes
  14. def crop(cols: Int, rows: Int): MultibandTile

    Given a number of columns and rows for the desired output, crop.

    Given a number of columns and rows for the desired output, crop.

    Definition Classes
  15. def crop(cols: Int, rows: Int, options: Options): MultibandTile

    Given a number of columns and rows for the desired output and some cropping options, crop.

    Given a number of columns and rows for the desired output and some cropping options, crop.

    Definition Classes
  16. def crop(gb: GridBounds): MultibandTile

    Given a GridBounds, crop.

    Given a GridBounds, crop.

    Definition Classes
  17. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  18. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  20. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  21. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  22. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  23. def localInverseMask(r: MultibandTile, readMask: Int, writeMask: Int): MultibandTile

    Generate a raster with the values from the first raster, but only include cells in which the corresponding cell in the second raster is set to the "readMask" value.

    Generate a raster with the values from the first raster, but only include cells in which the corresponding cell in the second raster is set to the "readMask" value.

    For example, if *all* cells in the second raster are set to the readMask value, the output raster will be identical to the first raster.

    Definition Classes
  24. def localMask(r: MultibandTile, readMask: Int, writeMask: Int): MultibandTile

    Generate a raster with the values from the first raster, but only include cells in which the corresponding cell in the second raster *are not* set to the "readMask" value.

    Generate a raster with the values from the first raster, but only include cells in which the corresponding cell in the second raster *are not* set to the "readMask" value.

    For example, if *all* cells in the second raster are set to the readMask value, the output raster will be empty -- all values set to NODATA.

    Definition Classes
  25. def mask(ext: Extent, geoms: Traversable[Geometry], options: Options): MultibandTile

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry.

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry.

    Definition Classes
  26. def mask(ext: Extent, geoms: Traversable[Geometry]): MultibandTile

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry.

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry. Do not include polygon exteriors.

    Definition Classes
  27. def mask(ext: Extent, geom: Geometry, options: Options): MultibandTile

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry.

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry.

    Definition Classes
  28. def mask(ext: Extent, geom: Geometry): MultibandTile

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry.

    Masks this tile by the given Geometry. Do not include polygon exteriors.

    Definition Classes
  29. def merge(extent: Extent, otherExtent: Extent, other: MultibandTile, method: ResampleMethod): MultibandTile

    Merge this MultiBandTile with the other one.

    Merge this MultiBandTile with the other one. All places in the present tile that contain NODATA and are in the intersection of the two given extents are filled-in with data from the other tile. A new MutlibandTile is returned.


    The extent of this MultiBandTile


    The extent of the other MultiBandTile


    The other MultiBandTile


    The resampling method


    A new MultiBandTile, the result of the merge

    Definition Classes
  30. def merge(other: MultibandTile): MultibandTile

    Merge the respective bands of this MultibandTile and the other one.

    Merge the respective bands of this MultibandTile and the other one.


    The other Tile


    A new Tile, the result of the merge

    Definition Classes
  31. def merge(extent: Extent, otherExtent: Extent, other: MultibandTile): MultibandTile

    Merge this Tile with the other one.

    Merge this Tile with the other one. All places in the present tile that contain NODATA and are in the intersection of the two given extents are filled-in with data from the other tile. A new Tile is returned.


    The extent of this Tile


    The extent of the other Tile


    The other Tile


    A new Tile, the result of the merge

    Definition Classes
  32. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  33. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  34. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  35. def prototype(cols: Int, rows: Int): ArrayMultibandTile

    Given numbers of columns and rows, produce a new ArrayMultibandTile of the given size and the same band count as the calling object.

    Given numbers of columns and rows, produce a new ArrayMultibandTile of the given size and the same band count as the calling object.

    Definition Classes
  36. def prototype(cellType: CellType, cols: Int, rows: Int): ArrayMultibandTile

    Given a CellType and numbers of columns and rows, produce a new ArrayMultibandTile of the given size and the same band count as the calling object.

    Given a CellType and numbers of columns and rows, produce a new ArrayMultibandTile of the given size and the same band count as the calling object.

    Definition Classes
  37. def renderJpg(): Jpg

    Generate a JPG image from a multiband raster.

    Generate a JPG image from a multiband raster.

    Use this operation when you have a multiband raster of data that you want to visualize with an image.

    To render with this method, you must first ensure that your tile is encoded with integer data whose values range from 0 to 255.

    Definition Classes
  38. def renderPng(): Png

    Generate a PNG image from a multiband raster.

    Generate a PNG image from a multiband raster.

    Use this operation when you have a multiband raster of data that you want to visualize with an image.

    To render with this method, you must first ensure that your tile is encoded with integer data whose values range from 0 to 255.

    Definition Classes
  39. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, gridBounds: GridBounds, transform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double), inverseTransform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double), options: Options): Raster[MultibandTile]

  40. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, gridBounds: GridBounds, src: CRS, dest: CRS, options: Options): Raster[MultibandTile]

  41. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, src: CRS, dest: CRS, options: Options): Raster[MultibandTile]

  42. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, targetRasterExtent: RasterExtent, transform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double), inverseTransform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double), options: Options): Raster[MultibandTile]

  43. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, gridBounds: GridBounds, transform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double), inverseTransform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double)): Raster[MultibandTile]

    Definition Classes
  44. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, gridBounds: GridBounds, src: CRS, dest: CRS): Raster[MultibandTile]

    Definition Classes
  45. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, src: CRS, dest: CRS): Raster[MultibandTile]

    Definition Classes
  46. def reproject(srcExtent: Extent, targetRasterExtent: RasterExtent, transform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double), inverseTransform: (Double, Double) ⇒ (Double, Double)): Raster[MultibandTile]

    Definition Classes
  47. def resample(extent: Extent, targetCols: Int, targetRows: Int, method: ResampleMethod): MultibandTile

  48. def resample(extent: Extent, target: RasterExtent, method: ResampleMethod): MultibandTile

  49. def resample(targetCols: Int, targetRows: Int): MultibandTile

    Definition Classes
  50. def resample(targetCols: Int, targetRows: Int, method: ResampleMethod): MultibandTile

    Definition Classes
  51. def resample(extent: Extent, targetCols: Int, targetRows: Int): MultibandTile

    Definition Classes
  52. def resample(extent: Extent, target: RasterExtent): MultibandTile

    Definition Classes
  53. val self: MultibandTile

    Definition Classes
    withMultibandTileMethods → MethodExtensions
  54. def split(tileLayout: TileLayout, options: Options): Array[MultibandTile]

    Splits this into an array of elements based on a TileLayout.

    Splits this into an array of elements based on a TileLayout. The array will be in row order form such that the top left element is first.


    TileLayout defining the tiles to be generated


    Options that control the split


    An array of T

    Definition Classes
  55. def split(tileLayout: TileLayout): Array[MultibandTile]

    Splits this into an array of elements based on a TileLayout.

    Splits this into an array of elements based on a TileLayout. The array will be in row order form such that the top left element is first.


    TileLayout defining the tiles to be generated


    An array of T

    Definition Classes
  56. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  57. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  58. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  59. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  60. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from MultibandTileSplitMethods

Inherited from SplitMethods[MultibandTile]

Inherited from MultibandPngRenderMethods

Inherited from MultibandColorMethods

Inherited from MultibandJpgRenderMethods

Inherited from MultibandTileMergeMethods

Inherited from MultibandTileMaskMethods

Inherited from TileMaskMethods[MultibandTile]

Inherited from MultibandTileCropMethods

Inherited from TileCropMethods[MultibandTile]

Inherited from CropMethods[MultibandTile]

Inherited from MethodExtensions[MultibandTile]

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
