

package resample

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. resample
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class AggregateResample extends Resample

  2. sealed trait AggregateResampleMethod extends ResampleMethod

  3. class ArrayResampleAssign[T] extends ResampleAssign

  4. class AverageResample extends AggregateResample

    Takes the average value for all cells within the index boundaries provided by inheritance from AggregateResample

  5. class BicubicConvolutionResample extends BicubicResample

    Uses the following implementation: http://www.

  6. abstract class BicubicResample extends CubicResample

    All classes inheriting from this class uses the resample as follows: First the 4 rows each containing 4 points are resampled, then each result is stored and together resampled.

  7. class BicubicSplineResample extends BicubicResample

    Uses the Akima cubic spline resample.

  8. class BilinearResample extends Resample

  9. final class BitResampleAssign extends ResampleAssign

  10. class ByteBufferResampleAssign extends ResampleAssign

  11. class CubicConvolutionResample extends AnyRef

  12. abstract class CubicResample extends BilinearResample

    This abstract class serves as a base class for the family of cubic resample algorithms implemented.

  13. class CubicSplineResample extends AnyRef

  14. class DoubleBufferResampleAssign extends ResampleAssign

  15. class FloatBufferResampleAssign extends ResampleAssign

  16. class IntBufferResampleAssign extends ResampleAssign

  17. class LanczosResample extends CubicResample

    Implemented exactly as in: http://en.

  18. class LanczosResampler extends AnyRef

  19. class MaxResample extends AggregateResample

    Takes the average value for all cells within the index boundaries provided by inheritance from AggregateResample

  20. class MedianResample extends AggregateResample

    Takes the ordinally-middlemost value in a region and resamples to that.

  21. class MinResample extends AggregateResample

    Takes the average value for all cells within the index boundaries provided by inheritance from AggregateResample

  22. class ModeResample extends AggregateResample

    Takes the most common value in a region and resamples to that.

  23. trait MultibandRasterResampleMethods extends RasterResampleMethods[MultibandRaster]

  24. trait MultibandTileResampleMethods extends TileResampleMethods[MultibandTile]

  25. class NearestNeighborResample extends Resample

  26. sealed trait PointResampleMethod extends ResampleMethod

  27. trait RasterResampleMethods[+T <: Raster[_]] extends MethodExtensions[T]

  28. abstract class Resample extends AnyRef

  29. trait ResampleAssign extends AnyRef

  30. sealed trait ResampleMethod extends AnyRef

  31. trait ResampleMethods[T <: CellGrid] extends MethodExtensions[T]

  32. class ShortBufferResampleAssign extends ResampleAssign

  33. trait SinglebandRasterResampleMethods extends RasterResampleMethods[SinglebandRaster]

  34. trait SinglebandTileResampleMethods extends TileResampleMethods[Tile]

  35. trait TileResampleMethods[T <: CellGrid] extends MethodExtensions[T]

Value Members

  1. object Average extends AggregateResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  2. object Bilinear extends PointResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  3. object CubicConvolution extends PointResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  4. object CubicSpline extends PointResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  5. object Lanczos extends PointResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  6. object Max extends AggregateResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  7. object Median extends AggregateResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  8. object Min extends AggregateResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  9. object Mode extends AggregateResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  10. object NearestNeighbor extends PointResampleMethod with Product with Serializable

  11. object Resample

  12. object ResampleAssign

  13. object ResampleMethod

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
