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ABSOLUTE_EXPIRY_TIME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
An absolute time when this message is considered to be expired.
ACCEPTED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
ACCEPTED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
Indicates successful processing at the receiver.
ACTIVE - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpEndpointState
The endpoint is active.
AMBIGUOUS - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
AMQP - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransportType
AMQP over TCP.
AMQP_WEB_SOCKETS - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransportType
AMQP over Web Sockets.
AmqpAddress - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
This represents amqp address information.
AmqpAddress(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAddress
Creates the AmqpAddress with given address.
AmqpAnnotatedMessage - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
The representation of message as defined by AMQP protocol.
AmqpAnnotatedMessage(AmqpMessageBody) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Creates instance of AmqpAnnotatedMessage with given AmqpMessageBody.
AmqpConnection - Interface in com.azure.core.amqp
Represents a TCP connection between the client and a service that uses the AMQP protocol.
AmqpEndpointState - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp
Represents a state for a connection, session, or link.
AmqpErrorCondition - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp.exception
Contains constants common to the AMQP protocol and constants shared by Azure services.
AmqpErrorContext - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.exception
Provides context for an AmqpException that occurs in an AmqpConnection, AmqpSession, or AmqpLink.
AmqpErrorContext(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorContext
Creates a new instance with the provided namespace.
AmqpErrorContext(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorContext
Creates a new instance with the provided namespace.
AmqpException - Exception in com.azure.core.amqp.exception
General exception for AMQP related failures.
AmqpException(boolean, AmqpErrorCondition, String, AmqpErrorContext) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
AmqpException(boolean, AmqpErrorCondition, String, Throwable, AmqpErrorContext) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
AmqpException(boolean, AmqpErrorCondition, Throwable, AmqpErrorContext) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
AmqpException(boolean, String, AmqpErrorContext) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
AmqpException(boolean, String, Throwable, AmqpErrorContext) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
AmqpLink - Interface in com.azure.core.amqp
Represents a unidirectional AMQP link.
AmqpManagementNode - Interface in com.azure.core.amqp
An AMQP endpoint that allows users to perform management and metadata operations on it.
AmqpMessageBody - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
This class encapsulates the body of a message.
AmqpMessageBodyType - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp.models
Represents all valid AmqpMessageBodyType for an AMQP Message.
AmqpMessageConstant - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp
Reserved well-known constants from AMQP protocol.
AmqpMessageHeader - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
The representation of message header as defined by AMQP protocol.
AmqpMessageId - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
This represents Message id.
AmqpMessageId(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageId
Creates the AmqpMessageId with given messageId.
AmqpMessageProperties - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
The representation of message properties as defined by AMQP protocol.
AmqpResponseCode - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp.exception
Error response codes returned from AMQP.
AmqpRetryMode - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp
The type of approach to apply when calculating the delay between retry attempts.
AmqpRetryOptions - Class in com.azure.core.amqp
A set of options that can be specified to influence how retry attempts are made.
AmqpRetryOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Creates an instance with the default retry options set.
AmqpRetryOptions(AmqpRetryOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Creates an instance configured with retryOptions.
AmqpRetryPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.amqp
An abstract representation of a policy to govern retrying of messaging operations.
AmqpRetryPolicy(AmqpRetryOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy
Creates an instance with the given retry options.
AmqpSession - Interface in com.azure.core.amqp
An AMQP session representing bidirectional communication that supports multiple AMQP links.
AmqpShutdownSignal - Class in com.azure.core.amqp
Represents a signal that caused the AMQP connection to shutdown.
AmqpShutdownSignal(boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpShutdownSignal
Creates a new instance of the AmqpShutdownSignal.
AmqpTrait<T extends AmqpTrait<T>> - Interface in com.azure.core.amqp.client.traits
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for configuration of AMQP-specific settings.
AmqpTransaction - Class in com.azure.core.amqp
Represents transaction in message broker.
AmqpTransaction(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransaction
Creates AmqpTransaction given transactionId.
AmqpTransactionCoordinator - Interface in com.azure.core.amqp
Provides an API to manage AMQP transaction on the message broker.
AmqpTransportType - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp
All TransportType switches available for AMQP protocol.
ARGUMENT_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
One or more arguments supplied to the method are invalid.
ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
One or more arguments supplied to the method are invalid.
authorize(String, String) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.ClaimsBasedSecurityNode
Authorizes the caller with the CBS node to access resources for the audience.


BAD_GATEWAY - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
BAD_REQUEST - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
BASIC - com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyAuthenticationType
Authenticates against proxy with basic authentication scheme.


calculateRetryDelay(int, Duration, Duration, ThreadLocalRandom) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy
Calculates the amount of time to delay before the next retry attempt based on the retryCount, baseDelay, and baseJitter.
calculateRetryDelay(int, Duration, Duration, ThreadLocalRandom) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ExponentialAmqpRetryPolicy
Calculates the retry delay using exponential backoff.
calculateRetryDelay(int, Duration, Duration, ThreadLocalRandom) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.FixedAmqpRetryPolicy
Calculates the delay for a fixed backoff.
calculateRetryDelay(Throwable, int) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy
Calculates the amount of time to delay before the next retry attempt.
CbsAuthorizationType - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
An enumeration of supported authorization methods with the ClaimsBasedSecurityNode.
CbsAuthorizationType() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.CbsAuthorizationType
ClaimsBasedSecurityNode - Interface in com.azure.core.amqp
Claims-based security (CBS) node that authorizes connections with AMQP services.
clientOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.client.traits.AmqpTrait
Allows for setting common properties such as application ID, headers, etc.
close() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.ClaimsBasedSecurityNode
Closes session to the claims-based security node.
close() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Disposes of the configuration along with potential credentials.
closeAsync() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Disposes of the AMQP connection.
closeAsync() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpLink
Disposes of the AMQP link.
closeAsync() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
closeAsync() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.ClaimsBasedSecurityNode
CLOSED - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpEndpointState
The endpoint is closed.
com.azure.core.amqp - package com.azure.core.amqp
Package containing classes common to AMQP protocol.
com.azure.core.amqp.client.traits - package com.azure.core.amqp.client.traits
This package contains interfaces that represent common cross-cutting (and AMQP-related) aspects of functionality offered by libraries in the Azure SDK for Java.
com.azure.core.amqp.exception - package com.azure.core.amqp.exception
Package containing classes related to AMQP exceptions.
com.azure.core.amqp.models - package com.azure.core.amqp.models
Package containing classes related to AMQP models classes.
commitTransaction(AmqpTransaction) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Commit the transaction on the message broker.
CONFLICT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
CONNECTION_FORCED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
An operator intervened to close the connection for some reason.
CONNECTION_FRAMING_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
A connection error occurred.
CONNECTION_REDIRECT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The container is no longer available on the current connection.
CONTENT_ENCODING - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The content-encoding property is used as a modifier to the content-type.
CONTENT_TYPE - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The RFC-2046 MIME type for the message's application-data section (body).
CONTINUE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
CORRELATION_ID - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
This is a client-specific id that can be used to mark or identify messages between clients.
createConsumer(String, String, Duration, AmqpRetryPolicy) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Creates a new AMQP link that consumes events from the message broker.
CREATED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
createProducer(String, String, Duration, AmqpRetryPolicy) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Creates a new AMQP link that publishes events to the message broker.
createSession(String) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Creates a new session with the given session name.
createTransaction() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Creates the transaction on the message broker.
CREATION_TIME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
An absolute time when this message was created.


DATA - com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBodyType
Message content is byte array, equivalent to AMQP Data.
DEAD_LETTER_DESCRIPTION_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The identifier for deadletter description.
DEAD_LETTER_REASON_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The identifier for deadletter reason.
DEAD_LETTER_SOURCE_KEY_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The identifier for deadletter source.
declare() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransactionCoordinator
This creates the transaction on the message broker.
DeliveryOutcome - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
Outcomes accepted by the AMQP protocol layer.
DeliveryOutcome(DeliveryState) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryOutcome
Creates an instance of the delivery outcome with its state.
DeliveryState - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
States for a message delivery.
DeliveryState() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
DIGEST - com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyAuthenticationType
Authenticates against proxy with digest access authentication.
discharge(AmqpTransaction, boolean) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransactionCoordinator
This completes the transaction on the message broker.


ENQUEUED_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The name representing enqueue sequence number.
ENQUEUED_TIME_UTC_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The date and time, in UTC, that a message was enqueued.
ENTITY_ALREADY_EXISTS - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Error condition when a subscription client tries to create a rule with the name of an already existing rule.
ENTITY_DISABLED_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Request for a runtime operation on a disabled entity.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ExponentialAmqpRetryPolicy
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.FixedAmqpRetryPolicy
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageId
EXPECTATION_FAILED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
EXPONENTIAL - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryMode
Retry attempts will delay based on a backoff strategy, where each attempt will increase the duration that it waits before retrying.
ExponentialAmqpRetryPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.amqp
A policy to govern retrying of messaging operations in which the delay between retries will grow in an exponential manner, allowing more time to recover as the number of retries increases.
ExponentialAmqpRetryPolicy(AmqpRetryOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.ExponentialAmqpRetryPolicy
Creates a new instance with a minimum and maximum retry period in addition to maximum number of retry attempts.


FIXED - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryMode
Retry attempts happen at fixed intervals; each delay is a consistent duration.
FixedAmqpRetryPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.amqp
A policy to govern retrying of messaging operations in which the base delay between retries remains the same.
FixedAmqpRetryPolicy(AmqpRetryOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.FixedAmqpRetryPolicy
Creates an instance with the given retry options.
FORBIDDEN - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
FOUND - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
fromData(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Creates instance of AmqpMessageBody with given byte array.
fromSequence(List<Object>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Creates an instance of AmqpMessageBody with the given sequence.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
Parses an header value to its message constant.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransportType
Creates an TransportType from its display value.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Parses a serialized value to an ErrorCondition instance.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
Gets the corresponding delivery state from its string representation.
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
Creates an AmqpResponseCode for the provided integer value.
fromValue(Object) - Static method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Creates an instance of AmqpMessageBody with the given value.


GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
getAbsoluteExpiryTime() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets absoluteExpiryTime from amqp message properties.
getApplicationProperties() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Gets the Map of application properties.
getAuthentication() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Gets the proxy authentication type.
getBody() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Gets the AmqpMessageBody of an amqp message.
getBodyType() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Gets the AmqpMessageBodyType of the message.
getClaimsBasedSecurityNode() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets the claims-based security (CBS) node that authorizes access to resources.
getConnectionProperties() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets the connection properties.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets AbsoluteExpiryTime from amqp message properties.
getContentType() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets contentType from amqp message properties.
getContext() - Method in exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
Gets the context for this exception.
getCorrelationId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets correlationId from amqp message properties.
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets creationTime from amqp message properties.
getCredential() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Gets the credentials user provided for authentication of proxy server.
getData() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Gets an IterableStream of byte array containing only first byte array set on this AmqpMessageBody.
getDelay() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Gets the delay between retry attempts for a fixed approach or the delay on which to base calculations for a backoff-approach.
getDeliveryAnnotations() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Gets the Map representation of delivery annotations defined on an amqp message.
getDeliveryCount() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Gets the delivery count from amqp message header.
getDeliveryState() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryOutcome
Gets the delivery state.
getEndpointStates() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets the endpoint states for the AMQP connection.
getEndpointStates() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpLink
Gets the endpoint states for the AMQP link.
getEndpointStates() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Gets the endpoint states for the AMQP session.
getEntityPath() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpLink
The remote endpoint path this link is connected to.
getEntityPath() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.SessionErrorContext
Gets the remote path this AMQP entity was connected to when the error occurred.
getErrorCondition() - Method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Gets the AMQP header value for this error condition.
getErrorCondition() - Method in exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
Gets the AmqpErrorCondition for this exception.
getErrorCondition() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.RejectedDeliveryOutcome
Diagnostic information about the cause of the message rejection.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.RejectedDeliveryOutcome
Gets the error description.
getErrorInfo() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorContext
Gets the map carrying information about the error condition.
getErrorInfo() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.RejectedDeliveryOutcome
Gets a map of additional error information.
getFirstData() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Gets first byte array set on this AmqpMessageBody.
getFooter() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Gets the Map representation of footer defined on an amqp message.
getFullyQualifiedNamespace() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets the fully qualified namespace for the AMQP connection.
getGroupId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets groupId from amqp message properties.
getGroupSequence() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets groupSequence from amqp message properties.
getHeader() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Gets the AmqpMessageHeader defined on an amqp message.
getHostname() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpLink
The host name of the message broker that this link that is connected to.
getId() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets the connection identifier.
getLinkCredit() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.LinkErrorContext
Gets the number of credits on the link when the error occurred.
getLinkName() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpLink
Gets the name of the link.
getManagementNode(String) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets or creates the management node.
getMaxDelay() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Gets the maximum permissible delay between retry attempts.
getMaxFrameSize() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets the maximum frame size for the connection.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
The maximum number of retry attempts before considering the associated operation to have failed.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy
Gets the maximum number of retry attempts.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
getMessageAnnotations() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Gets the Map representation of message annotations defined on an amqp message.
getMessageAnnotations() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ModifiedDeliveryOutcome
Gets a map containing attributes to combine with the existing message-annotations held in the message's header section.
getMessageId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets messageId from amqp message properties.
getMode() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Gets the approach to use for calculating retry delays.
getNamespace() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorContext
Gets the namespace for this error.
getOperationTimeout() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Gets the operation timeout for starting the AMQP session.
getOrCreateTransactionCoordinator() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Gets an existing or newly created AmqpTransactionCoordinator on the AmqpSession which maintains one instance of the AmqpTransactionCoordinator object.
getOutcome() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.TransactionalDeliveryOutcome
Gets the delivery outcome associated with this transaction.
getPriority() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Gets the priority on amqpMessage from amqp message header.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAnnotatedMessage
Gets the AmqpMessageProperties defined on an amqp message.
getProxyAddress() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Gets the proxy address.
getReplyTo() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets replyTo from amqp message properties.
getReplyToGroupId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets replyToGroupId from amqp message properties.
getRetryOptions() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy
Gets the set of options used to configure this retry policy.
getSectionNumber() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ReceivedDeliveryOutcome
Gets the section number.
getSectionOffset() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ReceivedDeliveryOutcome
Gets the section offset.
getSequence() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Gets the unmodifiable AMQP Sequence set on this AmqpMessageBody.
getSessionName() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Gets the name for this AMQP session.
getShutdownSignals() - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Gets any shutdown signals that occur in the AMQP endpoint.
getSubject() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets subject from amqp message properties.
getTimeToLive() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Gets timeToLive from amqp message header.
getTo() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets to from amqp message properties.
getTrackingId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.LinkErrorContext
Gets the unique tracking identifier for this error.
getTransactionId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransaction
Gets the id for this transaction.
getTransactionId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.TransactionalDeliveryOutcome
Gets the transaction id associated with this delivery outcome.
getTryTimeout() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Gets the maximum duration to wait for completion of a single attempt, whether the initial attempt or a retry.
getUserId() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Gets userId from amqp message properties.
getValue() - Method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
Gets the AMQP messaging header value.
getValue() - Method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
Gets the integer value of the AmqpResponseCode
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBody
Gets the AMQP value set on this AmqpMessageBody instance.
GONE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
GROUP_ID - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
Identifies the group the message belongs to.
GROUP_SEQUENCE - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The relative position of this message within its group.


hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ExponentialAmqpRetryPolicy
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.FixedAmqpRetryPolicy
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAddress
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageId
hasUserDefinedCredentials() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Gets whether the user has defined credentials.
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode


ILLEGAL_STATE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The peer sent a frame that is not permitted in the current state.
INTERNAL_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
An internal error occurred.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
isDeliveryFailed() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ModifiedDeliveryOutcome
Gets whether or not to count the transfer as an unsuccessful delivery attempt.
isDurable() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Gets durable boolean flag from amqp message header.
isFirstAcquirer() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Gets boolean flag for firstAcquirer from amqp message header.
isInitiatedByClient() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpShutdownSignal
Gets whether or not this shutdown signal was initiated by the client.
isProxyAddressConfigured() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Gets whether the proxy address has been configured.
isTransient() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpShutdownSignal
Gets whether or not this shutdown signal is transient or if it can be restarted.
isTransient() - Method in exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException
A boolean indicating if the exception is a transient error or not.
isUndeliverableHere() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ModifiedDeliveryOutcome
Gets whether or not the message is undeliverable here.


JSON_WEB_TOKEN - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.CbsAuthorizationType
Authorize with CBS using a JSON web token.


LENGTH_REQUIRED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
LINK_DETACH_FORCED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
An operator intervened to detach for some reason.
LINK_PAYLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The peer sent a larger message than is supported on the link.
LINK_REDIRECT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The address provided cannot be resolved to a terminus at the current container.
LINK_STOLEN - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The link has been attached elsewhere, causing the existing attachment to be forcibly closed.
LinkErrorContext - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.exception
Represents the context for an AMQP link when an AmqpException occurs.
LinkErrorContext(String, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.LinkErrorContext
Creates a new instance with the AMQP link's namespace and entityPath information.
LOCKED_UNTIL_KEY_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The identifier for locked until.


MESSAGE_ID - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
Message-id, if set, uniquely identifies a message within the message system.
MESSAGE_LOCK_LOST - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Error condition when receiver attempts complete, abandon, renewLock, deadLetter, or defer on a peek-locked message whose lock had already expired.
MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Error condition when a receiver attempts to receive a message with sequence number and the message with that sequence number is not available in the queue or subscription.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
MODIFIED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
indicates that the message was modified, but not processed.
ModifiedDeliveryOutcome - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
The modified outcome.
ModifiedDeliveryOutcome() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ModifiedDeliveryOutcome
Creates an instance with the delivery state modified set.
MOVED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
MULTIPLE_CHOICES - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode


NO_CONTENT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
NONE - com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyAuthenticationType
Proxy requires no authentication.
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
NOT_ALLOWED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The peer tried to use a frame in a manner that is inconsistent with the semantics defined in the specification.
NOT_FOUND - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
A peer attempted to work with a remote entity that does not exist.
NOT_FOUND - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The peer tried to use functionality that is not implemented in its partner.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
NOT_MODIFIED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode


OFFSET_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The offset of a message within a given partition.
OK - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
OPERATION_CANCELLED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The operation was cancelled.
OperationCancelledException - Exception in com.azure.core.amqp.exception
This exception is thrown when the underlying AMQP layer encounters an abnormal link abort or the connection is disconnected in an unexpected fashion.
OperationCancelledException(String, AmqpErrorContext) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.OperationCancelledException
Creates an instance of this exception with provided message.
OperationCancelledException(String, Throwable, AmqpErrorContext) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.amqp.exception.OperationCancelledException
Creates an instance of this exception with provided message and underlying cause.


PARTIAL_CONTENT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
PARTITION_KEY_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The identifier associated with a given partition.
PARTITION_NOT_OWNED_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Partition is not owned.
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
PRECONDITION_FAILED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
PROTON_IO - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
IO exceptions that occur in proton-j library.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
PROXY_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
The configuration key for containing the password for the username who authenticates with the proxy.
PROXY_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
The configuration key for containing the username who authenticates with the proxy.
ProxyAuthenticationType - Enum in com.azure.core.amqp
Supported methods of proxy authentication.
proxyOptions(ProxyOptions) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.client.traits.AmqpTrait
Sets the proxy configuration to use.
ProxyOptions - Class in com.azure.core.amqp
Properties for configuring proxies with Event Hubs.
ProxyOptions(ProxyAuthenticationType, Proxy, String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Creates a proxy configuration that uses the proxyAddress and authenticates with provided username, password and authentication.
PUBLISHER_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The name of the entity that published a message.
PUBLISHER_REVOKED_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The TokenProvider object could not acquire a token, the token is invalid, or the token does not contain the claims required to perform the operation.


RECEIVED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
indicates partial message data seen by the receiver as well as the starting point for a resumed transfer.
ReceivedDeliveryOutcome - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
Represents a partial message that was received.
ReceivedDeliveryOutcome(int, long) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ReceivedDeliveryOutcome
Creates an instance of the delivery outcome with its state.
REDIRECT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
REDIRECT_KEEP_VERB - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
REDIRECT_METHOD - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
REJECTED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
Indicates an invalid and unprocessable message.
RejectedDeliveryOutcome - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
The rejected delivery outcome.
RejectedDeliveryOutcome(AmqpErrorCondition) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.RejectedDeliveryOutcome
Creates an instance with the given error condition.
RELEASED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
Indicates that the message was not (and will not be) processed.
removeLink(String) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Removes an AmqpLink with the given linkName.
removeSession(String) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpConnection
Removes a session with the sessionName from the AMQP connection.
REPLY_TO - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The address of the node to send replies to.
REPLY_TO_GROUP_ID - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
This is a client-specific id that is used so that client can send replies to this message to a specific group.
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
RESET_CONTENT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
RESOURCE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
A peer exceeded its resource allocation.
retryOptions(AmqpRetryOptions) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.client.traits.AmqpTrait
Sets the retry policy.
rollbackTransaction(AmqpTransaction) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpSession
Rollback the transaction on the message broker.


SCHEDULED_ENQUEUE_UTC_TIME_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The name representing scheduled enqueue time.
SEE_OTHER - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
send(AmqpAnnotatedMessage) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpManagementNode
Sends a message to the management node.
send(AmqpAnnotatedMessage, DeliveryOutcome) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpManagementNode
Sends a message to the management node and associates the deliveryOutcome with that message.
SEQUENCE - com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBodyType
Message content is a list of objects, equivalent to AMQP Sequence.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The sequence number assigned to a message.
SERVER_BUSY_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The server is busy.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
SESSION_CANNOT_BE_LOCKED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Error condition when a client attempts to accept a session that is already locked by another client.
SESSION_LOCK_LOST - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Error condition when a session receiver performs an operation on a session after its lock is expired.
SESSION_NOT_FOUND - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Error condition when a receiver attempts to receive from a session that does not exist.
SessionErrorContext - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.exception
Context for an error that occurs in an AMQP session when an AmqpException occurs.
SessionErrorContext(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.SessionErrorContext
Creates a new instance with the namespace and entityPath.
setAbsoluteExpiryTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given absoluteExpiryTime value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given contentEncoding value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given contentType value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setCorrelationId(AmqpMessageId) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given correlationId value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setCreationTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given creationTime value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setDelay(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Gets the delay between retry attempts for a fixed approach or the delay on which to base calculations for a backoff-approach.
setDeliveryCount(Long) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Sets the given deliveryCount value on AmqpMessageHeader object.
setDeliveryFailed(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ModifiedDeliveryOutcome
Sets whether or not to count the transfer as an unsuccessful delivery attempt.
setDurable(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Sets the given durable value on AmqpMessageHeader object.
setErrorInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.RejectedDeliveryOutcome
Sets a map with additional error information.
setFirstAcquirer(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Sets the given firstAcquirer value on AmqpMessageHeader object.
setGroupId(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given groupId value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setGroupSequence(Long) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given groupSequence value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setMaxDelay(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Sets the maximum permissible delay between retry attempts.
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Sets the maximum number of retry attempts before considering the associated operation to have failed.
setMessageAnnotations(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ModifiedDeliveryOutcome
Sets the message annotations to add to the message.
setMessageId(AmqpMessageId) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given messageId value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setMode(AmqpRetryMode) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Sets the approach to use for calculating retry delays.
setOutcome(DeliveryOutcome) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.TransactionalDeliveryOutcome
Sets the outcome associated with this delivery state.
setPriority(Short) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Sets the given priority value on AmqpMessageHeader object.
setReplyTo(AmqpAddress) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given replyTo value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setReplyToGroupId(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given replyToGroupId value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given subject value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setTimeToLive(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageHeader
Sets the given timeToLive value on AmqpMessageHeader object.
setTo(AmqpAddress) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given to value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
setTryTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions
Sets the maximum duration to wait for completion of a single attempt, whether the initial attempt or a retry.
setUndeliverableHere(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.ModifiedDeliveryOutcome
Sets whether or not the message is undeliverable here.
setUserId(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageProperties
Sets the given userId value on AmqpMessageProperties object.
SHARED_ACCESS_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.CbsAuthorizationType
Authorize with CBS through a shared access signature.
STORE_LOCK_LOST_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Lock token associated with the message or session has expired, or the lock token is not found.
SUBJECT - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
A common field for summary information about the message content and purpose.
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
SYSTEM_DEFAULTS - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyOptions
Gets the system defaults for proxy configuration and authentication.


TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
TIMEOUT_ERROR - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The server did not respond to the requested operation within the specified time.
TO - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The to field identifies the node that is the intended destination of the message.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpShutdownSignal
Returns String representing the message of this AmqpShutdownSignal signal.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransaction
String representation of the transaction id.
toString() - Method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransportType
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorContext
Creates a string representation of this ErrorContext.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.LinkErrorContext
Creates a string representation of this ErrorContext.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.exception.SessionErrorContext
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpAddress
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageId
TRACKING_ID_PROPERTY - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Tracking Id for an exception.
TRANSACTIONAL - Static variable in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
Indicates that this delivery is part of a transaction.
TransactionalDeliveryOutcome - Class in com.azure.core.amqp.models
A transaction delivery outcome.
TransactionalDeliveryOutcome(AmqpTransaction) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.amqp.models.TransactionalDeliveryOutcome
Creates an outcome with the given transaction.
TRANSFER_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
The peer sent more message transfers than currently allowed on the link.
transportType(AmqpTransportType) - Method in interface com.azure.core.amqp.client.traits.AmqpTrait
Sets the transport type by which all the communication with Azure service occurs.


UNAUTHORIZED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
A peer attempted to work with a remote entity to which it has no access due to security settings.
UNINITIALIZED - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpEndpointState
The endpoint has not been initialized.
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
UNUSED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
UPGRADE_REQUIRED - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
USE_PROXY - com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
USER_ID - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The identity of the user responsible for producing the message.


VALUE - com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBodyType
Message content is a single object, equivalent to AMQP Value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpEndpointState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransportType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBodyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyAuthenticationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpEndpointState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpTransportType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpResponseCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.models.AmqpMessageBodyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class com.azure.core.amqp.models.DeliveryState
Gets all the current delivery states.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.amqp.ProxyAuthenticationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VIA_PARTITION_KEY_ANNOTATION_NAME - com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpMessageConstant
The identifier associated with a given via-partition.
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