Class AmqpRetryPolicy

    • Method Detail

      • getRetryOptions

        public AmqpRetryOptions getRetryOptions()
        Gets the set of options used to configure this retry policy.
        The set of options used to configure this retry policy.
      • getMaxRetries

        public int getMaxRetries()
        Gets the maximum number of retry attempts.
        The maximum number of retry attempts.
      • calculateRetryDelay

        public Duration calculateRetryDelay​(Throwable lastException,
                                            int retryCount)
        Calculates the amount of time to delay before the next retry attempt.
        lastException - The last exception that was observed for the operation to be retried.
        retryCount - The number of attempts that have been made, including the initial attempt before any retries.
        The amount of time to delay before retrying the associated operation; if null, then the operation is no longer eligible to be retried.
      • calculateRetryDelay

        protected abstract Duration calculateRetryDelay​(int retryCount,
                                                        Duration baseDelay,
                                                        Duration baseJitter,
                                                        ThreadLocalRandom random)
        Calculates the amount of time to delay before the next retry attempt based on the retryCount, baseDelay, and baseJitter.
        retryCount - The number of attempts that have been made, including the initial attempt before any retries.
        baseDelay - The base delay for a retry attempt.
        baseJitter - The base jitter delay.
        random - The random number generator. Can be utilised to calculate a random jitter value for the retry.
        The amount of time to delay before retrying to associated operation; or null if the it cannot be retried.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object