Class AmqpException

    • Constructor Detail

      • AmqpException

        public AmqpException​(boolean isTransient,
                             String message,
                             AmqpErrorContext errorContext)
        Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
        isTransient - A boolean indicating if the exception is a transient error or not. If true, then the request can be retried; otherwise not.
        message - Text containing any supplementary details of the exception.
        errorContext - The context that caused this AMQP error.
      • AmqpException

        public AmqpException​(boolean isTransient,
                             AmqpErrorCondition errorCondition,
                             String message,
                             AmqpErrorContext errorContext)
        Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
        isTransient - A boolean indicating if the exception is a transient error or not. If true, then the request can be retried; otherwise not.
        errorCondition - The symbolic value indicating the error condition.
        message - Text containing any supplementary details not indicated by the condition field. This text can be logged as an aid to resolving issues.
        errorContext - The context that caused this AMQP error.
      • AmqpException

        public AmqpException​(boolean isTransient,
                             AmqpErrorCondition errorCondition,
                             String message,
                             Throwable cause,
                             AmqpErrorContext errorContext)
        Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
        isTransient - A boolean indicating if the exception is a transient error or not. If true, then the request can be retried; otherwise not.
        errorCondition - The symbolic value indicating the error condition.
        message - Text containing any supplementary details not indicated by the condition field. This text can be logged as an aid to resolving issues.
        cause - The Throwable which caused the creation of this AmqpException.
        errorContext - The context that caused this AMQP error.
      • AmqpException

        public AmqpException​(boolean isTransient,
                             AmqpErrorCondition errorCondition,
                             Throwable cause,
                             AmqpErrorContext errorContext)
        Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
        isTransient - A boolean indicating if the exception is a transient error or not. If true, then the request can be retried; otherwise not.
        errorCondition - The symbolic value indicating the error condition.
        cause - The Throwable which caused the creation of this AmqpException.
        errorContext - The context that caused this AMQP error.
      • AmqpException

        public AmqpException​(boolean isTransient,
                             String message,
                             Throwable cause,
                             AmqpErrorContext errorContext)
        Initializes a new instance of the AmqpException class.
        isTransient - A boolean indicating if the exception is a transient error or not. If true, then the request can be retried; otherwise not.
        message - Text containing any supplementary details not indicated by the condition field. This text can be logged as an aid to resolving issues.
        cause - The Throwable which caused the creation of this AmqpException.
        errorContext - The context that caused this AMQP error.
    • Method Detail

      • isTransient

        public boolean isTransient()
        A boolean indicating if the exception is a transient error or not.
        returns true when user can retry the operation that generated the exception without additional intervention.
      • getContext

        public AmqpErrorContext getContext()
        Gets the context for this exception.
        The context for this exception.