All Classes and Interfaces

This represents amqp address information.
The representation of message as defined by AMQP protocol.
General configuration options for AMQP clients.
Represents a TCP connection between the client and a service that uses the AMQP protocol.
Represents a state for a connection, session, or link.
Contains constants common to the AMQP protocol and constants shared by Azure services.
Provides context for an AmqpException that occurs in an AmqpConnection, AmqpSession, or AmqpLink.
General exception for AMQP related failures.
Represents a unidirectional AMQP link.
An AMQP endpoint that allows users to perform management and metadata operations on it.
This class encapsulates the body of a message.
Represents all valid AmqpMessageBodyType for an AMQP Message.
Reserved well-known constants from AMQP protocol.
The representation of message header as defined by AMQP protocol.
This represents Message id.
The representation of message properties as defined by AMQP protocol.
Error response codes returned from AMQP.
The type of approach to apply when calculating the delay between retry attempts.
A set of options that can be specified to influence how retry attempts are made.
An abstract representation of a policy to govern retrying of messaging operations.
An AMQP session representing bidirectional communication that supports multiple AMQP links.
Represents a signal that caused the AMQP connection to shutdown.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for configuration of AMQP-specific settings.
Represents transaction in message broker.
Provides an API to manage AMQP transaction on the message broker.
All TransportType switches available for AMQP protocol.
An enumeration of supported authorization methods with the ClaimsBasedSecurityNode.
Claims-based security (CBS) node that authorizes connections with AMQP services.
Outcomes accepted by the AMQP protocol layer.
States for a message delivery.
A policy to govern retrying of messaging operations in which the delay between retries will grow in an exponential manner, allowing more time to recover as the number of retries increases.
A policy to govern retrying of messaging operations in which the base delay between retries remains the same.
Represents the context for an AMQP link when an AmqpException occurs.
The modified outcome.
This exception is thrown when the underlying AMQP layer encounters an abnormal link abort or the connection is disconnected in an unexpected fashion.
Supported methods of proxy authentication.
Properties for configuring proxies with Event Hubs.
Represents a partial message that was received.
The rejected delivery outcome.
Context for an error that occurs in an AMQP session when an AmqpException occurs.
A transaction delivery outcome.