All Classes and Interfaces

An instance of this class provides additional information about a ManagementError.
The pipeline policy that applies a token credential to an HTTP request with "Bearer" scheme in ARM challenge based authentication scenarios.
An instance of this class describes an environment in Azure.
The enum representing available endpoints in an environment.
Azure profile for client.
The DelayProvider to help thread sleep.
The IdentifierProvider to help generate distinct values.
An instance of this class provides additional information about an http error response.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with custom error information.
Factory to create PollerFlux for Azure resource manager (ARM) long-running-operation (LRO).
Type representing result (succeeded or failed result) of a long-running-poll operation.
Type represents the error that poll-operation received from the service.
The Proxy Resource model.
Enumeration of the Azure datacenter regions.
The Resource model.
Defines values for identity type of resource author.
Factory to create SerializerAdapter for Azure resource manager (ARM).
The SubResource model.
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.