All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an immutable access token with a token string and an expiration time.
The pipeline policy that adds a "Date" header in RFC 1123 format when sending an HTTP request.
The pipeline policy that override or add HttpHeaders in HttpRequest by reading values from Context with key 'azure-http-headers-key'.
The pipeline policy that adds a particular set of headers to HTTP requests.
Implementing classes are automatically added as policies after the retry policy.
Interface for close operations that are asynchronous.
A key which is used to asynchronously encrypt, or wrap, another key.
An object capable of asynchronously retrieving key encryption keys from a provided key identifier.
AsyncPollResponse represents an event emitted by the PollerFlux that asynchronously polls a long-running operation (LRO).
This class handles Basic and Digest authorization challenges, complying to RFC 2617 and RFC 7616.
The base Azure exception.
Represents a credential that uses a key to authenticate to an Azure Service.
Pipeline policy that uses an AzureKeyCredential to set the authorization key for a request.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting AzureKeyCredential.
Represents a credential bag containing the key and the name of the key.
Represents a credential with a key name and the key and uses the key to authenticate to an Azure Service.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting AzureNamedKeyCredential.
Represents a credential that uses a shared access signature to authenticate to an Azure Service.
Pipeline policy that uses an AzureSasCredential to set the shared access signature for a request.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting AzureSasCredential.
Encodes and decodes using Base64 URL encoding.
Utility type exposing Base64 encoding and decoding methods.
Basic Auth credentials for use with a REST Service Client.
The pipeline policy that applies a token credential to an HTTP request with "Bearer" scheme.
Implementing classes are automatically added as policies before the retry policy.
BinaryData is a convenient data interchange class for use throughout the Azure SDK for Java.
Annotation to annotate a parameter to send to a REST endpoint as HTTP Request content.
A polling strategy that chains multiple polling strategies, finds the first strategy that can poll the current long-running operation, and polls with that strategy.
The exception thrown when failed to authenticate the client request with status code of 4XX, typically 401 unauthorized.
This class contains utility methods useful for client builders.
This is a fluent logger helper class that wraps a pluggable Logger.
General configuration options for clients.
Represents the CloudEvent conforming to the 1.0 schema defined by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Representation of the data format for a CloudEvent.
Swagger collection format to use for joining List parameters in paths, queries, and headers.
Contains configuration information that is used during construction of client libraries.
Builds Configuration with external source.
Represents configuration property.
Builds configuration property.
Configuration property source which provides configuration values from a specific place.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting Configuration.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting connection strings.
The different values that commonly used for Content-Type header.
Context offers a means of passing arbitrary data (key-value pairs) to pipeline policies.
A utility type that can be used to add and retrieve instances commonly used in Context.
Represents a page returned, this page may contain a reference to additional pages known as a continuation token.
This class is a Flux implementation that provides the ability to operate on pages of type ContinuablePage and individual items in such pages.
The default implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux.
This class provides utility to iterate over ContinuablePage using Stream Iterable interfaces.
The pipeline policy that which stores cookies based on the response "Set-Cookie" header and adds cookies to requests.
This class contains utility methods useful for building client libraries.
Wrapper over java.time.OffsetDateTime used for specifying RFC1123 format during serialization and deserialization.
Error raised during response deserialization.
The default polling strategy to use with Azure data plane services.
A default implementation of RedirectStrategy that uses the provided maximum retry attempts, header name to look up redirect url value for, http methods and a known set of redirect status response codes (301, 302, 307, 308) to determine if request should be redirected.
HTTP DELETE method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource deletion.
A histogram instrument that records long values.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting service endpoints.
This class represents an HTTP ETag.
Base implementation for expandable, single string enums.
Annotation to annotate list of HTTP status codes that are expected in response from a REST endpoint.
A truncated exponential backoff implementation of RetryStrategy that has a delay duration that exponentially increases with each retry attempt until an upper bound is reached after which every retry attempt is delayed by the provided max delay duration.
The configuration for exponential backoff that has a delay duration that exponentially increases with each retry attempt until an upper bound is reached after which every retry attempt is delayed by the provided max delay duration.
A fixed-delay implementation of RetryStrategy that has a fixed delay duration between each retry attempt.
The configuration for a fixed-delay retry that has a fixed delay duration between each retry attempt.
Annotation given to all classes that are expected to provide a fluent API to end users.
Utility type exposing methods to deal with Flux.
Annotation for form parameters to be sent to a REST API Request URI.
Annotation given to all methods that are generated by AutoRest.
Represents a geometric bounding box.
Represents a heterogeneous collection of GeoObjects.
Represents a linear ring that is part of a GeoPolygon.
Represents a geometric line.
Represents a collection of GeoLines.
An abstract geo object.
Represents the type of GeoJSON object.
Represents a geometric point.
Represents a collection of GeoPoints.
Represents a geometric polygon.
Represents a collection of GeoPolygons.
Represents a geo position.
HTTP GET method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource retrieval.
HTTP HEAD method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint.
Represents a single header to be set on a request.
Annotation on a deserialized header type that indicates that the property should be treated as a header collection with the provided prefix.
Replaces the header with the value of its target.
Annotation to annotate list of static headers sent to a REST endpoint.
Annotation for parameterized host name targeting a REST service.
Annotation to annotate replacement of parameterized segments in a dynamic Host.
The pipeline policy that adds the given host to each HttpRequest.
Represents the value of an HTTP Authorization header.
A generic interface for sending HTTP requests and getting responses.
General configuration options for HttpClients.
An interface to be implemented by any azure-core plugin that wishes to provide an alternate HttpClient implementation.
A single header within an HTTP request or response.
Represents HTTP header names for multiple versions of HTTP.
A collection of headers on an HTTP request or response.
The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
The pipeline policy that handles logging of HTTP requests and responses.
The log configurations for HTTP messages.
The HTTP request methods.
The HTTP pipeline that HTTP requests and responses will flow through.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the HttpPipeline, calling build constructs an instance of the pipeline.
Represents the information used to make a single HTTP request.
A type that invokes next policy in the pipeline.
A type that invokes next policy in the pipeline.
A policy within the HttpPipeline.
Indicates the position in an HttpPipeline to place an HttpPipelinePolicy.
Represents a HttpPipelinePolicy that doesn't do any asynchronous or synchronously blocking operations.
Implementing classes automatically provide policies.
This class handles adding SPI plug-able policies to a pipeline automatically.
Represents a range of bytes within an HTTP resource.
The outgoing Http request.
The exception when an HTTP request fails.
Manages logging HTTP requests in HttpLoggingPolicy.
Options class containing information available during HTTP request logging.
The response of an HttpRequest.
The exception thrown when an unsuccessful response is received with http status code (e.g.
Manages logging HTTP responses in HttpLoggingPolicy.
Options class containing information available during HTTP response logging.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for configuration of HTTP-specific settings.
Annotation given to all immutable classes.
Utilities related to IO operations that involve channels, streams, byte transfers.
This class provides utility to iterate over values using standard 'for-each' style loops or to convert them into a Stream and operate in that fashion.
Implementation of SerializerAdapter for Jackson.
Annotation used for flattening properties separated by '.'.
Represents a JSON Patch document.
Generic interface covering basic JSON serialization and deserialization methods.
Interface to be implemented by an azure-core plugin that wishes to provide a JsonSerializer implementation.
This class is a proxy for using a JsonSerializerProvider loaded from the classpath.
Represents a credential that uses a key to authenticate.
Pipeline policy that uses an KeyCredential to set the authorization key for a request.
A key which is used to synchronously encrypt, or wrap, another key.
An object capable of synchronously retrieving key encryption keys from a provided key identifier.
Implements a Location polling strategy.
This class provides fluent API to write logs using ClientLogger and enrich them with additional context.
Enum which represent logging levels used in Azure SDKs.
A counter instrument that records long values.
A counter instrument that records long values.
An enum to represent all possible states that a long-running operation may find itself in.
Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests.
Generic interface that attempts to retrieve the JSON serialized property name from Member.
Interface to be implemented by an azure-core plugin that wishes to provide a MemberNameConverter implementation.
This class is a proxy for using a MemberNameConverterProvider loaded from the classpath.
An abstraction for a message containing a content type along with its data.
Meter is generally associated with Azure Service Client instance and allows creating instruments that represent individual metrics such as number of active connections or HTTP call latency.
Resolves and provides Meter implementation.
Metrics configuration options for clients.
Generic interface covering serializing and deserialization objects.
Implements an operation resource polling strategy, typically from Operation-Location.
HTTP OPTIONS method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for retrieving options.
Represents a paginated REST response from the service.
PagedFlux is a Flux that provides the ability to operate on paginated REST responses of type PagedResponse and individual items in such pages.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
This class provides utility to iterate over responses that extend PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
Response of a REST API that returns page.
Represents an HTTP response that contains a list of items deserialized into a Page.
This class handles retrieving pages.
This class handles retrieving page synchronously.
HTTP PATCH method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource update.
Annotation to annotate replacement for a named path segment in REST endpoint URL.
A Flux that simplifies the task of executing long running operations against an Azure service.
A key/value store that is propagated between various poll related operations associated with PollerFlux and SyncPoller poller.
Represents a known strategy for polling a long-running operation in Azure.
Options to configure polling strategy.
PollResponse represents a single response from a service for a long-running polling operation.
The pipeline policy that adds a given port to each HttpRequest.
HTTP POST method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for an action.
A ProgressListener is an interface that can be used to listen to the progress of the I/O transfers.
ProgressReporter offers a convenient way to add progress tracking to I/O operations.
The pipeline policy that adds a given protocol to each HttpRequest.
This represents proxy configuration to be used in http clients..
The type of the proxy.
HTTP PUT method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource creation or update.
Annotation for query parameters to be appended to a REST API Request URI.
A HttpPipelinePolicy that redirects a HttpRequest when an HTTP Redirect is received as response.
The interface for determining the redirect strategy used in RedirectPolicy.
This interface represents managing references to Objects and providing the ability to run a cleaning operation once the object is no longer able to be reference.
Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests based on modification time.
The pipeline policy that puts a UUID in the request header.
This class contains the options to customize an HTTP request.
The exception thrown when HTTP request tried to create an already existing resource with status code of 4XX, typically 412 conflict.
The exception thrown for invalid resource modification with status code of 4XX, typically 409 Conflict.
An error response, typically triggered by a 412 response (for update) or 404 (for get/post)
REST response with a strongly-typed content specified.
The response of a REST request.
This class represents the error details of an HTTP response.
Type to create a proxy implementation for an interface describing REST API methods.
This interface is no longer used, or respected, in code.
The configuration for retries.
A pipeline policy that retries when a recoverable HTTP error or exception occurs.
The interface for determining the retry strategy used in RetryPolicy.
Enumeration of return types used with ServiceMethod annotation to indicate if a method is expected to return a single item or a collection
Annotation for the type that will be used to deserialize the return value of a REST API response.
An interface defining the behaviors of a serializer.
Supported serialization encoding formats.
Annotation given to all service client classes.
Annotation given to all service client builder classes.
Enumeration of protocols available for setting the protocol property of ServiceClientBuilder annotation.
Annotation to give the service interfaces a name that correlates to the service that is usable in a programmatic way.
Annotation given to all service client methods that perform network operations.
A runtime exception indicating service response failure caused by one of the following scenarios: The request was sent, but the client failed to understand the response.
A generic interface for sending HTTP requests using the provided service version.
REST response with a strongly-typed content specified.
A token cache that supports caching a token and refreshing it.
Represents the tracing span type.
Represents span options that are available before span starts and describe it.
Fallback polling strategy that doesn't poll but exits successfully if no other polling strategies are detected and status code is 2xx.
REST response with a streaming content.
A synchronous polling strategy that chains multiple synchronous polling strategies, finds the first strategy that can poll the current long-running operation, and polls with that strategy.
The default synchronous polling strategy to use with Azure data plane services.
Implements a synchronous Location polling strategy.
Implements a synchronous operation resource polling strategy, typically from Operation-Location.
A type that offers API that simplifies the task of executing long-running operations against an Azure service.
Represents a known strategy for polling a long-running operation in Azure.
Fallback polling strategy that doesn't poll but exits successfully if no other polling strategies are detected and status code is 2xx.
Generic attribute collection applicable to metrics, tracing and logging implementations.
Consider configuring timeouts with HttpClientOptions.
The interface for credentials that can provide a token.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting TokenCredential.
Contains details of a request to get a token.
This exception is thrown when an HTTP request has reached the maximum number of redirect attempts with HTTP status code of 3XX.
Contract that all tracers must implement to be pluggable into the SDK.
Resolves and provides Tracer implementation.
Represents tracing link that connects one trace to another.
Tracing configuration options for clients.
This class represents a generic Java type, retaining information about generics.
This exception class represents an error when the specified input length doesn't match the data length.
The exception type that is thrown or returned when one of the status codes is returned from a REST API.
The Repeatable container annotation for UnexpectedResponseExceptionType.
A builder class that is used to create URLs.
Pipeline policy that adds "User-Agent" header to a request.
Class to hold the properties used in user agent strings.
Utility for building user agent string for Azure client libraries as specified in the design guidelines.