Class CosmosDiagnostics

  • public final class CosmosDiagnostics
    extends Object
    This class represents response diagnostic statistics associated with a request to Azure Cosmos DB
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        Retrieves Response Diagnostic String
        toString in class Object
        Response Diagnostic String
      • getDuration

        public Duration getDuration()
        Retrieves duration related to the completion of the request. This represents end to end duration of an operation including all the retries. This is meant for point operation only, for query please use toString() to get full query diagnostics.
        request completion duration
      • getRegionsContacted

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public Set<URI> getRegionsContacted()
        Regions contacted for this request
        set of regions contacted for this request
      • getContactedRegionNames

              warningText="Preview API - subject to change in non-backwards compatible way")
        public Set<String> getContactedRegionNames()
        Regions contacted for this request
        set of regions contacted for this request