All Classes and Interfaces

A model class to hold checkpoint data.
An interface that defines the operations for storing and retrieving partition ownership information and checkpoint details for each partition.
This class contains information about a partition for which this EventProcessorClient stopped processing.
Enumeration of all possible reasons a PartitionProcessor may be closed.
The set of options that can be specified when creating an EventDataBatch.
This class contains information about an error that occurred while processing events.
A class that contains a batch of EventData and the partition information the event batch belongs to.
A class that contains EventData and the partition information the event belongs to.
The data structure encapsulating the event being sent-to and received-from Event Hubs.
A class for aggregating EventData into a single, size-limited, batch.
A client responsible for publishing instances of EventData to a specific Event Hub.
A client responsible for publishing instances of EventData to a specific Event Hub.
This class provides a fluent builder API to aid the instantiation of EventHubProducerAsyncClient, EventHubProducerClient, EventHubConsumerAsyncClient, and EventHubConsumerClient.
A utility class that parses a connection string into sections.
An asynchronous consumer responsible for reading EventData from either a specific Event Hub partition or all partitions in the context of a specific consumer group.
A synchronous consumer responsible for reading EventData from an Event Hub partition in the context of a specific consumer group.
An asynchronous producer responsible for transmitting EventData to a specific Event Hub, grouped together in batches.
A synchronous producer responsible for transmitting EventData to a specific Event Hub, grouped together in batches.
Holds information about an Event Hub which can come handy while performing operations like receiving events from a specific partition.
Defines a position of an EventData in the Event Hub partition stream.
EventProcessorClient provides a convenient mechanism to consume events from all partitions of an Event Hub in the context of a consumer group.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the EventProcessorClient.
The initialization context that is supplied to EventProcessorClientBuilder.processPartitionInitialization(Consumer) before the EventProcessorClient instance begins processing events from a partition.
A set of information about the enqueued state of a partition, as observed by the consumer.
The strategy used by event processor for load balancing the partition ownership to distribute the event processing work with other processor instances.
I18n messages loaded from the file located within the same package.
A model class to contain partition information of an Event Hub.
A container for EventData along with the partition information for this event data.
A model class to hold partition ownership information.
A set of information for a single partition of an Event Hub.
Set of options that can be specified when receiving events from an EventHubConsumerAsyncClient or EventHubConsumerClient.
Contains information about a batch that was unable to be published, as well as the exception that occurred and the partition that the batch was being published to.
Contains information about a batch that was published and the partition that it was published to.
The set of options that can be specified when sending a set of events to influence the way in which events are sent to the Event Hubs service.