All Classes and Interfaces

To configure cosmos with client, cosmos factory and template
Abstract Event Listener.
Abstract class for cosmos query.
Base class for generating sql query
Abstract class for reactive cosmos query.
Spring Application Event that fires for all reads after a document is loaded and before it is serialized to a domain object Ported to cosmos from spring-data-mongo
Simple value object to capture information of CosmosPersistentPropertys.
Annotation for specifying a composite index on CosmosIndexPolicy
Annotation for specifying a composite index path
General exception for illegal configuration of cosmosdb
Constants class of CosmosDB properties
Annotation for Cosmos Container
Public class extending DataAccessException, exposes innerException.
Config properties of CosmosDB
Builder class for cosmos config
A support class for cosmos configuration to scan beans and get initial entities
Class to describe cosmosDb entity
Metadata class to describe cosmos entity includes domain type and container information
To handle and throw a cosmos db exception when access the database
Factory class for CosmosDb to create client
Annotation for cosmos indexing policy.
Class to build mapping metadata and thus create instances of BasicCosmosPersistentEntity and CosmosPersistentProperty.
Base Class that all cosmos related spring application events extend Ported to cosmos from spring-data-mongo
Interface for cosmosDB operations
CosmosPageImpl implementation.
CosmosPageRequest representing page request during pagination query, field FeedResponse.getContinuationToken() response continuation token} is saved to help query next page.
A single cosmos parameter of a query method.
Interface to access method parameters.
ParametersParameterAccessor implementation and store all special parameters in a List.
Method parameters that have to be bound to query parameters or applied to the query independently.
Represents a cosmos persistent entity.
Interface for cosmos persistent property
Class for cosmos query
TODO: String based query, based on how cosmosDB provides.
Interface to execute cosmos query operations
Container operation implementation to execute a container name query
count operation implementation to execute a count query
delete operation implementation to execute a delete query
exist operation implementation to execute a exists query
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for multiple items
paginationQuery operation implementation to execute a paginationQuery query
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for a single item
sliceQuery operation implementation to execute a sliceQuery query
Inherit QueryMethod class to generate a method that is designated to execute a finder query.
Inherit RepositoryBeanDefinitionRegistrarSupport class to enable repository and get extension
Extension of PagingAndSortingRepository to provide additional methods to retrieve entities using the pagination and sorting abstraction.
Configuration extension class based on RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport provide options to set repository support.
Factory class for cosmos repository contains application context and operations information
CosmosRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,ID>,S,ID extends Serializable>
Adapter for Springs FactoryBean interface to allow easy setup of cosmos repository factories via Spring configuration.
CosmosSliceImpl implementation.
Template class for cosmos db
Represents a unique key on that enforces uniqueness constraint on items in the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Represents the unique key policy configuration for specifying uniqueness constraints on items in the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Util class to fill and process response diagnostics
Generate count query
Class of criteria
Enum of criteria type
General exception for illegal creation of cosmos db
Throughput config for database creation
Adapted from spring-data-mongodb
Interface to enable cosmos repository
Interface to enable reactive cosmos repository
Generate sql find query
Used to specify that an entities id field should generate a value
General exception for illegal collection of cosmos db
General exception for illegal query of cosmos db
Class for determining if the index policy currently applied to the container matches the index policy that is specified on an entities' @CosmosIndexingPolicy annotation
Mac address class to transfer mac address to hash mac address.
A converter class between common types and cosmosItemProperties
Memoize function computation results
Augment custom queries sourced from @Query annotations
Factory class for object mapper
Interface for type partition key
Cosmos query class with PartTree to parse a String into a tree or PartTree.OrParts consisting of simple Part instances in turn.
Reactive cosmos query class with PartTree to parse a String into a tree or PartTree.OrParts consisting of simple Part instances in turn.
Load properties from files
Annotation to declare finder queries directly on repository methods.
Interface of generating SqlQuerySpec
Metadata class to describe reactive cosmos entity includes domain type and container information
Operation class of reactive cosmos
Interface to access method parameters.
ReactiveCosmosParameterParameterAccessor implementation using a ParametersParameterAccessor instance to find special parameters.
Class for reactive cosmos query creators that create criteria based queries from a PartTree.
Interface to execute reactive cosmos query operations
Container operation implementation to execute a container name query
Count operation implementation to execute a count query
Delete operation implementation to execute a delete query
Exist operation implementation to execute a exist query
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for multiple items
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for a single item
Inherit from QueryMethod class to execute a finder query.
Inherit RepositoryBeanDefinitionRegistrarSupport class to enable repository and get extension
Repository interface with search and delete operation
Configuration extension class based on RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport provide options to set reactive repository support.
Factory class for reactive cosmos repository contains application context and operations information
ReactiveCosmosRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,K>,S,K extends Serializable>
Adapter for Springs FactoryBean interface to allow easy setup of reactive cosmos repository factories via Spring configuration.
Template class of reactive cosmos
Diagnostics class of cosmos and feed response
Generates statistics from cosmos response
Interface for processing cosmosDB response
Metadata class to describe simple cosmos entity includes domain type and cosmos entity information
Repository class for simple Cosmos operation
Metadata class to describe simple reactive cosmos entity includes domain type and cosmos entity information
Repository class for simple reactive Cosmos operation
Cosmos query class to handle the annotated queries.
Cosmos query class to handle the annotated queries.