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ABORTED - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
Enum value aborted.
AccessControlChangeCounters - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
AccessControlChangeCounters contains counts of operations that change Access Control Lists recursively.
AccessControlChangeCounters() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeCounters
AccessControlChangeFailure - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Represents an entry that failed to update Access Control List.
AccessControlChangeFailure() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeFailure
AccessControlChangeResult - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
AccessControlChangeResult contains result of operations that change Access Control Lists recursively.
AccessControlChangeResult() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeResult
AccessControlChanges - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
AccessControlChanges contains batch and cumulative counts of operations that change Access Control Lists recursively.
AccessControlChanges() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
AccessControlType - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for AccessControlType.
AccessControlType() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlType
AccessTier - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for AccessTier.
AccessTier() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
acquireLease(int) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Acquires a lease for write and delete operations.
acquireLease(int) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Acquires a lease for write and delete operations.
acquireLeaseWithResponse(int, RequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Acquires a lease for write and delete operations.
acquireLeaseWithResponse(int, RequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Acquires a lease for write and delete operations.
addPolicy(HttpPipelinePolicy) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Adds a pipeline policy to apply on each request sent.
addPolicy(HttpPipelinePolicy) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Adds a pipeline policy to apply on each request sent.
addPolicy(HttpPipelinePolicy) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Adds a pipeline policy to apply on each request sent.
append(InputStream, long, long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Appends data to the specified resource to later be flushed (written) by a call to flush
append(Flux<ByteBuffer>, long, long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Appends data to the specified resource to later be flushed (written) by a call to flush
appendWithResponse(InputStream, long, long, byte[], String, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Appends data to the specified resource to later be flushed (written) by a call to flush
appendWithResponse(Flux<ByteBuffer>, long, long, byte[], String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Appends data to the specified resource to later be flushed (written) by a call to flush
ARCHIVE - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value Archive for AccessTier.
ArchiveStatus - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for ArchiveStatus.
ArchiveStatus() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ArchiveStatus
AVAILABLE - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Enum value available.


BLOB - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PublicAccessType
Static value path for PublicAccessType.
BOOL - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Enum value bool.
BREAKING - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Enum value breaking.
breakLease() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Breaks the previously acquired lease, if it exists.
breakLease() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Breaks the previously acquired lease, if it exists.
breakLeaseWithResponse(Integer, RequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Breaks the previously acquired lease, if it exists.
breakLeaseWithResponse(Integer, RequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Breaks the previously acquired lease, if it exists.
BROKEN - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Enum value broken.
buildAsyncClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Code Samples
buildAsyncClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
buildAsyncClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Creates a DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient based on the configurations set in the builder.
buildClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Code Samples
buildClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
buildClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Creates a DataLakeLeaseClient based on the configurations set in the builder.
buildDirectoryAsyncClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Creates a DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient based on options set in the builder.
buildDirectoryClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Creates a DataLakeDirectoryClient based on options set in the builder.
buildFileAsyncClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Creates a DataLakeFileAsyncClient based on options set in the builder.
buildFileClient() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Creates a DataLakeFileClient based on options set in the builder.


changeLease(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Changes the lease ID.
changeLease(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Changes the lease ID.
changeLeaseWithResponse(String, RequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Changes the lease ID.
changeLeaseWithResponse(String, RequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Changes the lease ID.
clientOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the client options for all the requests made through the client.
clientOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the client options for all the requests made through the client.
clientOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the client options for all the requests made through the client.
com.azure.storage.file.datalake - package com.azure.storage.file.datalake
Package containing the class required for DataLakeStorageClient.
com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models - package com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Package containing classes for AzureDataLakeStorageRestAPI.
com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options - package com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Package containing options model classes used by Azure Storage File Datalake.
com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas - package com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas
Package containing sas related classes for DataLakeStorageClient.
com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized - package com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized
Package containing specialized lease clients for Azure Storage File Data Lake.
configuration(Configuration) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the configuration object used to retrieve environment configuration values during building of the client.
configuration(Configuration) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the configuration object used to retrieve environment configuration values during building of the client.
configuration(Configuration) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the configuration object used to retrieve environment configuration values during building of the client.
ConsistentReadControl - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values to indicate what strategy the SDK should use when reading from a blob to ensure the view of the data is consistent and not changed during the read.
CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PublicAccessType
Static value file system for PublicAccessType.
COOL - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value Cool for AccessTier.
CopyStatusType - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for CopyStatusType.
create() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
create() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
create() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Creates a resource.
create() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Creates a resource.
create(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Creates a resource.
create(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Creates a resource.
createDirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new directory within a file system.
createDirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new directory within a file system.
createDirectory(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new directory within a file system.
createDirectory(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new directory within a file system.
createDirectoryWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new directory within a file system.
createDirectoryWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new directory within a file system.
createFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new file within a directory.
createFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Creates a new file within a directory.
createFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new file within a file system.
createFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new file within a file system.
createFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new file within a directory.
createFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Creates a new file within a directory.
createFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new file within a file system.
createFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new file within a file system.
createFileSystem(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
createFileSystem(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
createFileSystemWithResponse(String, Map<String, String>, PublicAccessType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
createFileSystemWithResponse(String, Map<String, String>, PublicAccessType, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
createFileWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new file within a directory.
createFileWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new file within a file system.
createFileWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Creates a new file within a directory.
createFileWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new file within a file system.
createSubdirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new sub-directory within a directory.
createSubdirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Creates a new sub-directory within a directory.
createSubdirectory(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new sub-directory within a directory.
createSubdirectory(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Creates a new sub-directory within a directory.
createSubdirectoryWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new sub-directory within a directory.
createSubdirectoryWithResponse(String, String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Creates a new sub-directory within a directory.
createWithResponse(String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Creates a resource.
createWithResponse(String, String, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Creates a resource.
createWithResponse(Map<String, String>, PublicAccessType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
createWithResponse(Map<String, String>, PublicAccessType, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Creates a new file system within a storage account.
CREATION_TIME - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileExpirationOffset
Files's expiration time should be set relative to the file creation time.
credential(AzureSasCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the AzureSasCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(AzureSasCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the AzureSasCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(AzureSasCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the AzureSasCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(TokenCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(TokenCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(TokenCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(StorageSharedKeyCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the StorageSharedKeyCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(StorageSharedKeyCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the StorageSharedKeyCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
credential(StorageSharedKeyCredential) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the StorageSharedKeyCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.


DataLakeAccessPolicy - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
An Access policy.
DataLakeAccessPolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAccessPolicy
DataLakeAclChangeFailedException - Exception in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
An exception thrown when an operation is interrupted and can be continued later on.
DataLakeAclChangeFailedException(String, DataLakeStorageException, String) - Constructor for exception com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAclChangeFailedException
Initializes a new instance of DataLakeAclChangeFailedException with a specified error message, HTTP status code, error code, and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
DataLakeAclChangeFailedException(String, Exception, String) - Constructor for exception com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAclChangeFailedException
Initializes a new instance of DataLakeAclChangeFailedException with a specified error message, and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
DataLakeAnalyticsLogging - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Azure Analytics Logging settings.
DataLakeAnalyticsLogging() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
DataLakeCorsRule - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain.
DataLakeCorsRule() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a client that contains directory operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
DataLakeDirectoryClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a client that contains directory operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
DataLakeFileAsyncClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a client that contains file operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
DataLakeFileClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a client that contains file operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Extended options that may be passed when opening a blob input stream.
DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
DataLakeFileOpenInputStreamResult - Interface in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Result of opening an InputStream to a datalake file.
DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
Client to a file system.
DataLakeFileSystemClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
Client to a file system.
DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of FileSystemClients and FileSystemAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Creates a builder instance that is able to configure and construct FileSystemClients and FileSystemAsyncClients.
DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for file systems, files and directories.
DataLakeLeaseClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for file systems and files and directories.
DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of Storage Lease clients.
DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Creates a new instance of DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder.
DataLakeMetrics - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for datalake.
DataLakeMetrics() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
DataLakePathAsyncClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to any path object.
DataLakePathClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to any path object.
DataLakePathClientBuilder - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of FileClients, FileAsyncClients, DirectoryClients and DirectoryAsyncClients, call buildFileClient, buildFileAsyncClient, buildDirectoryClient and buildDirectoryAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
DataLakePathClientBuilder() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Creates a builder instance that is able to configure and construct FileClients, FileAsyncClients, DirectoryClients and DirectoryAsyncClients.
DataLakeRequestConditions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of requests to the conditions present.
DataLakeRequestConditions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRequestConditions
DataLakeRetentionPolicy - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist.
DataLakeRetentionPolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRetentionPolicy
DataLakeServiceAsyncClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
Client to a storage account.
DataLakeServiceClient - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
Client to a storage account.
DataLakeServiceClientBuilder - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of DataLakeServiceClients and DataLakeServiceAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
DataLakeServiceClientBuilder() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Creates a builder instance that is able to configure and construct DataLakeServiceClients and DataLakeServiceAsyncClients.
DataLakeServiceProperties - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Storage Service Properties.
DataLakeServiceProperties() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Data Lake Storage service.
DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Creates an object with the specified identifier.
DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues(OffsetDateTime, FileSystemSasPermission) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Creates an object with the specified expiry time and permissions
DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues(OffsetDateTime, PathSasPermission) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Creates an object with the specified expiry time and permissions
DataLakeServiceVersion - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake
The versions of Azure Storage Data Lake supported by this client library.
DataLakeSignedIdentifier - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
signed identifier.
DataLakeSignedIdentifier() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeSignedIdentifier
DataLakeStaticWebsite - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
The properties that enable an account to host a static website.
DataLakeStaticWebsite() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
DataLakeStorageException - Exception in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
A DataLakeStorageException is thrown whenever Azure Storage successfully returns an error code that is not 200-level.
DataLakeStorageException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStorageException
Constructs a DataLakeStorageException.
DECIMAL - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Enum value decimal.
delete() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Deletes a directory.
delete() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Deletes a directory.
delete() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Deletes a file.
delete() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Deletes a file.
delete() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Marks the specified file system for deletion.
delete() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Marks the specified file system for deletion.
deleteDirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Deletes the specified directory in the file system.
deleteDirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Deletes the specified directory in the file system.
deleteDirectoryWithResponse(String, boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Deletes the specified directory in the file system.
deleteDirectoryWithResponse(String, boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Deletes the specified directory in the file system.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Deletes the specified file in the file system.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Deletes the specified file in the directory.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Deletes the specified file in the file system.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Deletes the specified file in the file system.
deleteFileSystem(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Deletes the specified file system in the storage account.
deleteFileSystem(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Deletes the specified file system in the storage account.
deleteFileSystemWithResponse(String, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Deletes the specified file system in the storage account.
deleteFileSystemWithResponse(String, DataLakeRequestConditions, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Deletes the specified file system in the storage account.
deleteFileWithResponse(String, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Deletes the specified file in the directory.
deleteFileWithResponse(String, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Deletes the specified file in the file system.
deleteFileWithResponse(String, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Deletes the specified file in the directory.
deleteFileWithResponse(String, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Deletes the specified file in the file system.
deleteSubdirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Deletes the specified sub-directory in the directory.
deleteSubdirectory(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Deletes the specified sub-directory in the directory.
deleteSubdirectoryWithResponse(String, boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Deletes the specified sub-directory in the directory.
deleteSubdirectoryWithResponse(String, boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Deletes the specified sub-directory in the directory.
deleteWithResponse(boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Deletes a directory.
deleteWithResponse(boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Deletes a directory.
deleteWithResponse(DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Deletes a file.
deleteWithResponse(DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Marks the specified file system for deletion.
deleteWithResponse(DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Deletes a file.
deleteWithResponse(DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Marks the specified file system for deletion.
directoryAsyncClient(DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Configures the builder based on the passed DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient.
directoryClient(DataLakeDirectoryClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Configures the builder based on the passed DataLakeDirectoryClient.
DOUBLE - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Enum value double.
DownloadRetryOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains the configuration options used to download from the blob service using smart retries, starting from a checkpoint, rather than starting over from the beginning.
DownloadRetryOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DownloadRetryOptions


endpoint(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the service endpoint, additionally parses it for information (SAS token, file system name)
endpoint(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the service endpoint, additionally parses it for information (SAS token, file system name, path name)
endpoint(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the data lake service endpoint, additionally parses it for information (SAS token)
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
ETAG - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ConsistentReadControl
Default value.
exists() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Determines if the path this client represents exists in the cloud.
exists() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Gets if the path this client represents exists in the cloud.
existsWithResponse() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Determines if the path this client represents exists in the cloud.
existsWithResponse(Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Gets if the path this client represents exists in the cloud.
EXPIRED - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Enum value expired.


FAILED - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
Enum value failed.
fileAsyncClient(DataLakeFileAsyncClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Configures the builder based on the passed DataLakeFileAsyncClient.
fileClient(DataLakeFileClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Configures the builder based on the passed DataLakeFileClient.
FileExpirationOffset - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Enum to specify when a file's expiration time should be relative to.
FileParallelUploadOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a file in parallel.
FileParallelUploadOptions(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Constructs a new FileParallelUploadOptions.
FileParallelUploadOptions(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
length is no longer necessary; use FileParallelUploadOptions(InputStream) instead.
FileParallelUploadOptions(Flux<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Constructs a new FileParallelUploadOptions.
FileQueryArrowField - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines an arrow field for a file quick query request.
FileQueryArrowField(FileQueryArrowFieldType) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
FileQueryArrowFieldType - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for FileQueryArrowFieldType.
FileQueryArrowSerialization - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines the output arrow serialization for a file quick query request.
FileQueryArrowSerialization() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowSerialization
FileQueryAsyncResponse - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains the response information returned from the server when running a query on a file.
FileQueryAsyncResponse(HttpRequest, int, HttpHeaders, Flux<ByteBuffer>, FileQueryHeaders) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryAsyncResponse
FileQueryDelimitedSerialization - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines the input or output delimited (CSV) serialization for a blob quick query request.
FileQueryDelimitedSerialization() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
FileQueryError - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines a file query error that can be returned on parsing a file query request.
FileQueryError(boolean, String, String, long) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryError
Creates a new FileQueryError object.
FileQueryHeaders - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines headers for Read operation.
FileQueryHeaders() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
FileQueryJsonSerialization - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines the input or output JSON serialization for a file query request.
FileQueryJsonSerialization() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryJsonSerialization
FileQueryOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Optional parameters for File Query.
FileQueryOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Constructs a FileQueryOptions.
FileQueryOptions(String, OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Constructs a FileQueryOptions.
FileQueryParquetSerialization - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines the input parquet serialization for a file quick query request.
FileQueryParquetSerialization() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryParquetSerialization
FileQueryProgress - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines a file query error that can be returned on parsing a file query request.
FileQueryProgress(long, long) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryProgress
Creates a new FileQueryProgress object.
FileQueryResponse - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains the response information return from the server when querying a file.
FileQueryResponse(FileQueryAsyncResponse) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryResponse
Constructs a FileQueryResponse.
FileQuerySerialization - Interface in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines the input and output serialization for a file quick query request.
FileRange - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This is a representation of a range of bytes on a file, typically used during a download operation.
FileRange(long) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileRange
Specifies the download operation to start from the offset position (zero-based) and download the rest of the entire file to the end.
FileRange(long, Long) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileRange
Specifies the download operation to start from the offset position (zero-based) and download the count number of bytes.
FileReadAsyncResponse - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains the response information returned from the server when reading a file.
FileReadAsyncResponse(HttpRequest, int, HttpHeaders, Flux<ByteBuffer>, FileReadHeaders) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadAsyncResponse
Constructs a FileReadAsyncResponse.
FileReadHeaders - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines headers for Read operation.
FileReadHeaders() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
FileReadResponse - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains the response information return from the server when reading a file.
FileReadResponse(FileReadAsyncResponse) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadResponse
Constructs a FileReadResponse.
FileScheduleDeletionOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Parameters for Schedule Deletion.
FileScheduleDeletionOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileScheduleDeletionOptions
FileScheduleDeletionOptions(Duration, FileExpirationOffset) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileScheduleDeletionOptions
Sets time when the file will be deleted, relative to the file creation time or the current time.
FileScheduleDeletionOptions(OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileScheduleDeletionOptions
Sets the OffsetDateTime when the file will be deleted.
FileSystemAccessPolicies - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains values which correlate to the access polices set on a specific file system.
FileSystemAccessPolicies(PublicAccessType, List<DataLakeSignedIdentifier>) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemAccessPolicies
fileSystemAsyncClient(DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Configures the builder based on the passed DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient.
fileSystemClient(DataLakeFileSystemClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Configures the builder based on the passed DataLakeFileSystemClient.
FileSystemItem - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
An Azure Storage file system.
FileSystemItem() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
FileSystemItemProperties - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Properties of a file system.
FileSystemItemProperties() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
FileSystemListDetails - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This type allows users to specify additional information the service should return with each file system when listing file systems in an account (via a DataLakeServiceAsyncClient object).
FileSystemListDetails() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemListDetails
Creates a new instance of FileSystemListDetails.
fileSystemName(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the name of the file system.
fileSystemName(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the name of the file system that contains the path.
FileSystemProperties - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Properties of a file system.
FileSystemProperties(Map<String, String>, String, OffsetDateTime, LeaseDurationType, LeaseStateType, LeaseStatusType, PublicAccessType, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
Constructs a FileSystemProperties.
FileSystemSasPermission - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a file system.
FileSystemSasPermission() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Initializes an FileSystemSasPermission object with all fields set to false.
FileSystemUndeleteOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Extended options that may be passed when restoring a file system.
FileSystemUndeleteOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileSystemUndeleteOptions
FIXED - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseDurationType
Enum value fixed.
flush(long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Flushes (writes) data previously appended to the file through a call to append.
flush(long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Flushes (writes) data previously appended to the file through a call to append.
flush(long, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Flushes (writes) data previously appended to the file through a call to append.
flush(long, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Flushes (writes) data previously appended to the file through a call to append.
flushWithResponse(long, boolean, boolean, PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Flushes (writes) data previously appended to the file through a call to append.
flushWithResponse(long, boolean, boolean, PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Flushes (writes) data previously appended to the file through a call to append.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlType
Creates or finds a ArchiveStatus from its string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Creates or finds a AccessTier from its string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ArchiveStatus
Creates or finds a ArchiveStatus from its string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
Parses a serialized value to a CopyStatusType instance.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Parses a serialized value to a FileQueryArrowFieldType instance.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseDurationType
Parses a serialized value to a LeaseDurationType instance.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Parses a serialized value to a LeaseStateType instance.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStatusType
Parses a serialized value to a LeaseStatusType instance.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsIncludeType
Parses a serialized value to a ListFileSystemsIncludeType instance.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PublicAccessType
Creates or finds a PublicAccessType from its string representation.


generateAccountSas(AccountSasSignatureValues) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Generates an account SAS for the Azure Storage account using the specified AccountSasSignatureValues.
generateAccountSas(AccountSasSignatureValues) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Generates an account SAS for the Azure Storage account using the specified AccountSasSignatureValues.
generateAccountSas(AccountSasSignatureValues, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Generates an account SAS for the Azure Storage account using the specified AccountSasSignatureValues.
generateAccountSas(AccountSasSignatureValues, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Generates an account SAS for the Azure Storage account using the specified AccountSasSignatureValues.
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Generates a service SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Generates a service SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Generates a service SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Generates a service SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Generates a service SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Generates a service SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Generates a service SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Generates a service SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey, String, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey, String, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the file system using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey, String, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
generateUserDelegationSas(DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues, UserDelegationKey, String, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Generates a user delegation SAS for the path using the specified DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues.
getAcceptRanges() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the acceptRanges property: Indicates that the service supports requests for partial file content.
getAcceptRanges() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the acceptRanges property: Indicates that the service supports requests for partial file content.
getAccessControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Returns the access control for a resource.
getAccessControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Returns the access control for a resource.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControl
Get the accessControlList property: The accessControlList property.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns the POSIX access control list for the file or directory.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns the POSIX access control list for the file or directory.
getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns the POSIX access control list for the file or directory.
getAccessControlType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Returns the AccessControlType for this entry.
getAccessControlType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Specifies which role this entry targets.
getAccessControlWithResponse(boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Returns the access control for a resource.
getAccessControlWithResponse(boolean, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Returns the access control for a resource.
getAccessPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns the file system's permissions.
getAccessPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns the file system's permissions.
getAccessPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeSignedIdentifier
Get the accessPolicy property: The accessPolicy property.
getAccessPolicyWithResponse(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns the file system's permissions.
getAccessPolicyWithResponse(String, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns the file system's permissions.
getAccessTier() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getAccessTierChangeTime() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Get associated account name.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Get associated account name.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Gets the associated account name.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Gets the associated account name.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Get associated account name.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Get associated account name.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Get associated account name.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Get associated account name.
getAccountUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Get the url of the storage account.
getAccountUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Get the url of the storage account.
getAccountUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Gets the URL of the storage account represented by this client.
getAccountUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Gets the URL of the storage account represented by this client.
getAgentObjectId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getAggregateCounters() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Returns an AccessControlChangeCounters that contains counts of paths changed from start of the operation.
getAllowedHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Get the allowedHeaders property: the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request.
getAllowedMethods() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Get the allowedMethods property: The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request.
getAllowedOrigins() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Get the allowedOrigins property: The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS.
getArchiveStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getBatchCounters() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Returns an AccessControlChangeCounters that contains counts of paths changed within a single batch.
getBatchFailures() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeResult
Optional the first set of batch failures.
getBatchFailures() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Returns a list of path entries that failed to update Access Control List within a single batch.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets the batch size.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets the batch size.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets the batch size.
getBlockSize() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
getBytesScanned() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryProgress
getCacheControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the cacheControl property: This header is returned if it was previously specified for the file.
getCacheControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the cacheControl property: This header is returned if it was previously specified for the file.
getCacheControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Get the cacheControl property: Optional.
getCacheControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getCacheControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getChangedDirectoriesCount() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeCounters
The number of directories where Access Control List has been updated successfully.
getChangedFilesCount() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeCounters
Returns the number of files where Access Control List has been updated successfully.
getClientRequestId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the clientRequestId property: If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the response with the same value.
getClientRequestId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the clientRequestId property: If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the response with the same value.
getColumnSeparator() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Gets the column separator.
getConsistentReadControl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
getContentCrc64() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentCrc64 property: If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than or equal to 4 MB.
getContentCrc64() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentCrc64 property: If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than or equal to 4 MB.
getContentDisposition() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentDisposition property: This header returns the value that was specified for the 'x-ms-blob-content-disposition' header.
getContentDisposition() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentDisposition property: This header returns the value that was specified for the 'x-ms-blob-content-disposition' header.
getContentDisposition() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Get the contentDisposition property: Optional.
getContentDisposition() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getContentDisposition() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentEncoding property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Encoding request header.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentEncoding property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Encoding request header.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Get the contentEncoding property: Optional.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getContentLanguage() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentLanguage property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Language request header.
getContentLanguage() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentLanguage property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Language request header.
getContentLanguage() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Get the contentLanguage property: Optional.
getContentLanguage() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getContentLanguage() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getContentLength() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentLength property: The number of bytes present in the response body.
getContentLength() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentLength property: The number of bytes present in the response body.
getContentLength() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the contentLength property: The contentLength property.
getContentMd5() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentMd5 property: If the file has an MD5 hash and this operation is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that the client can check for message content integrity.
getContentMd5() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentMd5 property: If the file has an MD5 hash and this operation is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that the client can check for message content integrity.
getContentMd5() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Get the contentMd5 property: Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service.
getContentMd5() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getContentRange() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentRange property: Indicates the range of bytes returned in the event that the client requested a subset of the file by setting the 'Range' request header.
getContentRange() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentRange property: Indicates the range of bytes returned in the event that the client requested a subset of the file by setting the 'Range' request header.
getContentType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the contentType property: The media type of the body of the response.
getContentType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the contentType property: The media type of the body of the response.
getContentType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Get the contentType property: Optional.
getContentType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getContentType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getContinuationToken() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeResult
Optional continuation token.
getContinuationToken() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Returns the continuation token.
getContinuationToken() - Method in exception com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAclChangeFailedException
getContinuationToken() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns a token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.
getContinuationToken() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns a token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.
getContinuationToken() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns a token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.
getCopyCompletionTime() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the copyCompletionTime property: Conclusion time of the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
getCopyCompletionTime() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the copyCompletionTime property: Conclusion time of the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
getCopyCompletionTime() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getCopyId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the copyId property: String identifier for this copy operation.
getCopyId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the copyId property: String identifier for this copy operation.
getCopyId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getCopyProgress() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the copyProgress property: Contains the number of bytes copied and the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
getCopyProgress() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the copyProgress property: Contains the number of bytes copied and the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
getCopyProgress() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getCopySource() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the copySource property: URL up to 2 KB in length that specifies the source file or file used in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
getCopySource() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the copySource property: URL up to 2 KB in length that specifies the source file or file used in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
getCopySource() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getCopyStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the copyStatus property: State of the copy operation identified by x-ms-copy-id.
getCopyStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the copyStatus property: State of the copy operation identified by x-ms-copy-id.
getCopyStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getCopyStatusDescription() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the copyStatusDescription property: Only appears when x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending.
getCopyStatusDescription() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the copyStatusDescription property: Only appears when x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending.
getCopyStatusDescription() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getCorrelationId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getCors() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Get the cors property: The set of CORS rules.
getCount() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileRange
How many bytes to include in the range.
getCounters() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeResult
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getDataFlux() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the data source.
getDataLakeAccessType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemAccessPolicies
getDataLakePublicAccess() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
getDataStream() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the data source.
getDateProperty() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the dateProperty property: UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated.
getDateProperty() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the dateProperty property: UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated.
getDays() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRetentionPolicy
Get the days property: Indicates the number of days that metrics or logging or soft-deleted data should be retained.
getDefaultHttpLogOptions() - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Gets the default Storage allowlist log headers and query parameters.
getDefaultHttpLogOptions() - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Gets the default Storage allowlist log headers and query parameters.
getDefaultHttpLogOptions() - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Gets the default Storage allowlist log headers and query parameters.
getDefaultIndexDocumentPath() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Get the defaultIndexDocumentPath property: Absolute path of the default index page.
getDefaultServiceVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Get the defaultServiceVersion property: The default version to use for requests to the DataLake service if an incoming request's version is not specified.
getDeletedFileSystemName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileSystemUndeleteOptions
Gets the deleted file system name.
getDeletedFileSystemVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileSystemUndeleteOptions
Gets the deleted file system version.
getDeletedOn() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathDeletedItem
Gets when the path was deleted.
getDeleteRetentionPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Get the deleteRetentionPolicy property: The deleteRetentionPolicy property.
getDeletionId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathDeletedItem
Gets the deletion id associated with the deleted path to uniquely identify it from other items deleted at this path.
getDescription() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryError
getDestinationFileSystemName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileSystemUndeleteOptions
Destination file system name must match deleted file system name
getDetails() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsOptions
getDirectoryAsyncClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Initializes a new DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient object by concatenating directoryName to the end of DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient's URL.
getDirectoryClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Initializes a new DataLakeDirectoryClient object by concatenating directoryName to the end of DataLakeFileSystemClient's URL.
getDirectoryName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Gets the name of this directory, not including its full path.
getDirectoryName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Gets the name of this directory, not including its full path.
getDirectoryPath() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Gets the path of this directory, not including the name of the resource itself.
getDirectoryPath() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Gets the path of this directory, not including the name of the resource itself.
getDirectoryUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Gets the URL of the directory represented by this client on the Data Lake service.
getDirectoryUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Gets the URL of the directory represented by this client on the Data Lake service.
getEncryptionKeySha256() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the encryptionKeySha256 property: The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the file.
getEncryptionKeySha256() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the encryptionKeySha256 property: The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the file.
getEncryptionKeySha256() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getEntityId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
The Azure AAD Object ID or User Principal Name that is associated with this entry.
getEntityId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Specifies the entity for which this entry applies.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStorageException
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the errorCode property: The errorCode property.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the errorCode property: The errorCode property.
getErrorConsumer() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Gets the error consumer.
getErrorDocument404Path() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Get the errorDocument404Path property: The absolute path of the custom 404 page.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeFailure
Returns error message that is the reason why entry failed to update.
getEscapeChar() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Gets the escape character.
getETag() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the eTag property: The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally.
getETag() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the eTag property: The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally.
getETag() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the eTag property: The eTag property.
getETag() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
getETag() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathInfo
Get the eTag property: The eTag property.
getETag() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the eTag property: The eTag property.
getETag() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getExpiresOn() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAccessPolicy
Get the expiresOn property: the date-time the policy expires.
getExpiresOn() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getExpiresOn() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileScheduleDeletionOptions
getExpiryRelativeTo() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileScheduleDeletionOptions
getExpiryTime() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getExposedHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Get the exposedHeaders property: The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer.
getExpression() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Gets the query expression.
getFailedChangesCount() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeCounters
Returns the number of paths where Access Control List update has failed.
getFieldQuote() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Gets the field quote.
getFileAsyncClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new DataLakeFileAsyncClient object by concatenating fileName to the end of DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient's URL.
getFileAsyncClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Initializes a new DataLakeFileAsyncClient object by concatenating fileName to the end of DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient's URL.
getFileClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Initializes a new DataLakeFileClient object by concatenating fileName to the end of DataLakeDirectoryClient's URL.
getFileClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Initializes a new DataLakeFileClient object by concatenating fileName to the end of DataLakeFileSystemClient's URL.
getFileContentMd5() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the fileContentMD5 property: If the file has a MD5 hash, and if request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header is returned with the value of the whole file's MD5 value.
getFileContentMd5() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the fileContentMD5 property: If the file has a MD5 hash, and if request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header is returned with the value of the whole file's MD5 value.
getFileName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Gets the name of this file, not including its full path.
getFileName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Gets the name of this file, not including its full path.
getFilePath() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Gets the path of this file, not including the name of the resource itself.
getFilePath() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Gets the path of this file, not including the name of the resource itself.
getFileSize() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getFileSystemAsyncClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Initializes a DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient object pointing to the specified file system.
getFileSystemClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Initializes a DataLakeFileSystemClient object pointing to the specified file system.
getFileSystemName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Get the file system name.
getFileSystemName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Get the file system name.
getFileSystemName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Gets the name of the File System in which this object lives.
getFileSystemName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Gets the name of the File System in which this object lives.
getFileSystemUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Gets the URL of the file system represented by this client.
getFileSystemUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Gets the URL of the file system represented by this client.
getFileUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Gets the URL of the file represented by this client on the Data Lake service.
getFileUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Gets the URL of the file represented by this client on the Data Lake service.
getGroup() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControl
Get the group property: The group property.
getGroup() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the group property: The group property.
getGroup() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Returns the RolePermissions for the owning group of the resource.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the PathHttpHeaders.
getHourMetrics() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Get the hourMetrics property: The hourMetrics property.
getHttpPipeline() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
getHttpPipeline() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
getHttpPipeline() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
getHttpPipeline() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
getHttpPipeline() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
getHttpPipeline() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
getId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeSignedIdentifier
Get the id property: a unique id.
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getIdentifiers() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemAccessPolicies
getIndexDocument() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Get the indexDocument property: The default name of the index page under each directory.
getInputSerialization() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Gets the input serialization.
getInputStream() - Method in interface com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeFileOpenInputStreamResult
getLastModified() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the lastModified property: Returns the date and time the container was last modified.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the lastModified property: Returns the date and time the container was last modified.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the lastModified property: The lastModified property.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
getLastModified() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathInfo
Get the last modified property: The last modified property.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the lastModified property: The lastModified property.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getLatest() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
Gets the latest service version supported by this client library
getLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the leaseDuration property: When a file is leased, specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration.
getLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the leaseDuration property: When a file is leased, specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration.
getLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the leaseDuration property: Possible values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'.
getLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
getLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getLeaseId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRequestConditions
Gets the lease ID that blobs and containers must match.
getLeaseId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Get the lease ID for this lease.
getLeaseId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Get the lease ID for this lease.
getLeaseState() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the leaseState property: Lease state of the file.
getLeaseState() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the leaseState property: Lease state of the file.
getLeaseState() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the leaseState property: Possible values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'.
getLeaseState() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
getLeaseState() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getLeaseStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the leaseStatus property: The current lease status of the file.
getLeaseStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the leaseStatus property: The current lease status of the file.
getLeaseStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the leaseStatus property: Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'.
getLeaseStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
getLeaseStatus() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getLength() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
use FileParallelUploadOptions.getOptionalLength() to have safe access to a length that will not always exist.
getLogging() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Get the logging property: The logging property.
getMaxAgeInSeconds() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Get the maxAgeInSeconds property: The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request.
getMaxBatches() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets the maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute.
getMaxBatches() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets the maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute.
getMaxBatches() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets the maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute.
getMaxResults() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Specifies the maximum number of blobs to return per page, including all BlobPrefix elements.
getMaxResultsPerPage() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsOptions
Specifies the maximum number of paths to return, including all PathPrefix elements.
getMaxRetryRequests() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DownloadRetryOptions
Specifies the maximum number of additional HTTP Get requests that will be made while reading the data from a response body.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the metadata property: The metadata property.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the metadata property: The metadata property.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Get the metadata property: The metadata property.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
getMetadata() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
getMetadata() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the metadata.
getMinuteMetrics() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Get the minuteMetrics property: The minuteMetrics property.
getName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeFailure
Returns the name of an entry.
getName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
getName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryError
getName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Get the name property: The name property.
getName() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the name property: The name property.
getOffset() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileRange
The start of the range.
getOptionalLength() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the length of the data.
getOther() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Returns the RolePermissions for the other users.
getOutputSerialization() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Gets the output serialization.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Gets the outputStream where the downloaded data will be written.
getOwner() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControl
Get the owner property: The owner property.
getOwner() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the owner property: The owner property.
getOwner() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Returns the RolePermissions for the owner of the resource.
getParallelTransferOptions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the ParallelTransferOptions.
getPath() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Specifies the path to filter the results to.
getPath() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathDeletedItem
Gets the name of the path.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAccessPolicy
Get the permissions property: the permissions for the acl policy.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControl
Get the permissions property: The permissions property.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Returns the symbolic form of the permissions for this entry.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the permissions property: The permissions property.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the permissions.
getPermissions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getPosition() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryError
getPreauthorizedAgentObjectId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getPrecision() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
getPrefix() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsOptions
Filters the results to return only paths whose names begin with the specified prefix.
getProgressConsumer() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Gets the progress consumer.
getProgressHandler() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets a callback where caller can track progress of the operation as well as collect paths that failed to change Access Control.
getProgressHandler() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets a callback where caller can track progress of the operation as well as collect paths that failed to change Access Control.
getProgressHandler() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Gets a callback where caller can track progress of the operation as well as collect paths that failed to change Access Control.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns the file system's metadata and system properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns the file system's metadata and system properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Returns the resources's metadata and properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Returns the resources's metadata and properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Gets the properties of a storage account’s DataLake service.
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Returns the resources's metadata and properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeFileOpenInputStreamResult
getProperties() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Get the properties property: The properties property.
getPropertiesWithResponse() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Gets the properties of a storage account’s DataLake service.
getPropertiesWithResponse(DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Returns the resource's metadata and properties.
getPropertiesWithResponse(DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Returns the resource's metadata and properties.
getPropertiesWithResponse(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns the file system's metadata and system properties.
getPropertiesWithResponse(String, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns the file system's metadata and system properties.
getPropertiesWithResponse(Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Returns the resource's metadata and properties.
getProtocol() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getPublicAccess() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the publicAccess property: Possible values include: 'container', 'blob'.
getRange() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
getRecordSeparator() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Gets the record separator.
getRecordSeparator() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryJsonSerialization
Gets the record separator.
getRemainingRetentionDays() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathDeletedItem
Gets the number of days left before the soft deleted path will be permanently deleted.
getRequestConditions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
getRequestConditions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
getRequestConditions() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Gets the request conditions.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the requestId property: This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the requestId property: This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.
getResourceUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Gets the URL of the lease client.
getResourceUrl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Gets the URL of the lease client.
getRetentionPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Get the retentionPolicy property: The retentionPolicy property.
getRetentionPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Get the retentionPolicy property: The retentionPolicy property.
getRetrieveDeleted() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemListDetails
Whether deleted file systems should be returned.
getRetrieveMetadata() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemListDetails
Whether metadata should be returned.
getSasIpRange() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getScale() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
getSchema() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowSerialization
Gets the arrow fields.
getServiceMessage() - Method in exception com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStorageException
getServiceVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Gets the service version the client is using.
getServiceVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Gets the service version the client is using.
getServiceVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Gets the service version the client is using.
getServiceVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Gets the service version the client is using.
getServiceVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Gets the service version the client is using.
getServiceVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Gets the service version the client is using.
getSignedExpiry() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Get the signedExpiry property: The date-time the key expires.
getSignedObjectId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Get the signedObjectId property: The Azure Active Directory object ID in GUID format.
getSignedService() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Get the signedService property: Abbreviation of the Azure Storage service that accepts the key.
getSignedStart() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Get the signedStart property: The date-time the key is active.
getSignedTenantId() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Get the signedTenantId property: The Azure Active Directory tenant ID in GUID format.
getSignedVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Get the signedVersion property: The service version that created the key.
getStartsOn() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAccessPolicy
Get the startsOn property: the date-time the policy is active.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
getStaticWebsite() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Get the staticWebsite property: The properties that enable an account to host a static website.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStorageException
getSubdirectoryAsyncClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Creates a new DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient object by concatenating subdirectoryName to the end of DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient's URL.
getSubdirectoryClient(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Initializes a new DataLakeDirectoryClient object by concatenating directoryName to the end of DataLakeDirectoryClient's URL.
getTimeToExpire() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileScheduleDeletionOptions
getTotalBytes() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryProgress
getTransactionalContentHash() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Get the transactionalContentHash property: Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service.
getType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
getUmask() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Gets the umask.
getUserDelegationKey(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Gets a user delegation key for use with this account's data lake storage.
getUserDelegationKey(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Gets a user delegation key for use with this account's data lake storage.
getUserDelegationKeyWithResponse(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Gets a user delegation key for use with this account's data lake storage.
getUserDelegationKeyWithResponse(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Gets a user delegation key for use with this account's data lake storage.
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Get the value property: The key as a base64 string.
getVersion() - Method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
getVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Get the version property: The version of Storage Analytics to configure.
getVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Get the version property: The version of Storage Analytics to configure.
getVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the version property: Indicates the version of the Blob service used to execute the request.
getVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the version property: Indicates the version of the Blob service used to execute the request.
getVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Get the version property: The version property.
getVersion() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
GROUP - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlType
Static value group for AccessControlType.


hasAddPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasAddPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasCreatePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasCreatePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasDeletePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasDeletePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasExecutePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
hasExecutePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasExecutePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
hasImmutabilityPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the hasImmutabilityPolicy property: The hasImmutabilityPolicy property.
hasImmutabilityPolicy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
hasLegalHold() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Get the hasLegalHold property: The hasLegalHold property.
hasLegalHold() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemProperties
hasListPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasListPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasManageAccessControlPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasManageAccessControlPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasManageOwnershipPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasManageOwnershipPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasMovePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasMovePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasReadPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
hasReadPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasReadPermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
hasWritePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
hasWritePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
hasWritePermission() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
HOT - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value Hot for AccessTier.
httpClient(HttpClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the HttpClient to use for sending a receiving requests to and from the service.
httpClient(HttpClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the HttpClient to use for sending a receiving requests to and from the service.
httpClient(HttpClient) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the HttpClient to use for sending a receiving requests to and from the service.
httpLogOptions(HttpLogOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the HttpLogOptions for service requests.
httpLogOptions(HttpLogOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the HttpLogOptions for service requests.
httpLogOptions(HttpLogOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the HttpLogOptions for service requests.


INFINITE - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseDurationType
Enum value infinite.
INT64 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Enum value int64.
isContinueOnFailure() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns if the operation should continue on user failure.
isContinueOnFailure() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns if the operation should continue on user failure.
isContinueOnFailure() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Returns if the operation should continue on user failure.
isDefaultScope() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Indicates whether this is the default entry for the ACL.
isDelete() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Get the delete property: Indicates whether all delete requests should be logged.
isDeleted() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Get the deleted property: The deleted property.
isDirectory() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeFailure
Returns whether entry is a directory.
isDirectory() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Get the isDirectory property: The isDirectory property.
isDirectory() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
isEnabled() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Get the enabled property: Indicates whether metrics are enabled for the DataLake service.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRetentionPolicy
Get the enabled property: Indicates whether a retention policy is enabled for the storage service.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Get the enabled property: Indicates whether this account is hosting a static website.
isExtendedInfoInAcl() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Returns whether or not there is more permissions information in the ACLs.
isFatal() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryError
Whether or not the error is fatal.
isHeadersPresent() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Gets whether or not headers are present.
isIncludeApis() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Get the includeApis property: Indicates whether metrics should generate summary statistics for called API operations.
isIncrementalCopy() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
isInDefaultScope() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Returns whether this ACE is in the default scope.
isPrefix() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathDeletedItem
Gets whether the item is a prefix.
isRead() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Get the read property: Indicates whether all read requests should be logged.
isRecursive() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Specifies if the call to listContainersSegment should recursively include all paths.
isServerEncrypted() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Get the isServerEncrypted property: The value of this header is set to true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm.
isServerEncrypted() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Get the isServerEncrypted property: The value of this header is set to true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm.
isServerEncrypted() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
isStickyBitSet() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Returns whether or not the sticky bit has been set.
isUserPrincipalNameReturned() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Valid only when Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account.
isWrite() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Get the write property: Indicates whether all write requests should be logged.


LEASED - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Enum value leased.
LeaseDurationType - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for LeaseDurationType.
leaseId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClientBuilder
Sets the identifier for the lease.
LeaseStateType - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for LeaseStateType.
LeaseStatusType - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for LeaseStatusType.
listDeletedPaths() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the files/directories in this filesystem that have been recently soft deleted lazily as needed.
listDeletedPaths() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of files/directories recently soft deleted in this file system.
listDeletedPaths(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the files/directories in this account lazily as needed.
listDeletedPaths(String, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of files/directories recently soft deleted in this account.
listFileSystems() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the file systems in this account lazily as needed.
listFileSystems() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of file systems in this account.
listFileSystems(ListFileSystemsOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the file systems in this account lazily as needed.
listFileSystems(ListFileSystemsOptions, Duration) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of file systems in this account.
ListFileSystemsIncludeType - Enum in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for ListFileSystemsIncludeType.
ListFileSystemsOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines options available to configure the behavior of a call to listFileSystemsSegment on a DataLakeServiceAsyncClient object.
ListFileSystemsOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsOptions
Constructs an unpopulated ListFileSystemsOptions.
listPaths() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the files/directories in this directory lazily as needed.
listPaths() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of files/directories in this directory.
listPaths() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the files/directories in this account lazily as needed.
listPaths() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of files/directories in this account.
listPaths(boolean, boolean, Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the files/directories in this directory lazily as needed.
listPaths(boolean, boolean, Integer, Duration) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of files/directories in this directory.
listPaths(ListPathsOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Returns a reactive Publisher emitting all the files/directories in this account lazily as needed.
listPaths(ListPathsOptions, Duration) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Returns a lazy loaded list of files/directories in this account.
ListPathsOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines options available to configure the behavior of a call to listContainersSegment on a DataLakeFileSystemClient or a DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient object.
ListPathsOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Constructs an unpopulated ListPathsOptions.
LOCKED - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStatusType
Enum value locked.


MASK - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlType
Static value mask for AccessControlType.
METADATA - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsIncludeType
Enum value metadata.


NONE - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ConsistentReadControl
No consistent read control.
NOW - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileExpirationOffset
Files's expiration time should be set relative to the current time.


openInputStream() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Opens a file input stream to download the file.
openInputStream(DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Opens a file input stream to download the specified range of the file.
openQueryInputStream(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Opens an input stream to query the file.
openQueryInputStreamWithResponse(FileQueryOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Opens an input stream to query the file.
OTHER - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlType
Static value other for AccessControlType.


P10 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P10 for AccessTier.
P15 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P15 for AccessTier.
P20 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P20 for AccessTier.
P30 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P30 for AccessTier.
P4 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P4 for AccessTier.
P40 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P40 for AccessTier.
P50 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P50 for AccessTier.
P6 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P6 for AccessTier.
P60 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P60 for AccessTier.
P70 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P70 for AccessTier.
P80 - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
Static value P80 for AccessTier.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Parses the provided string into a List&lt{@link PathAccessControlEntry}&gt.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Parses the provided string into a PathAccessControlEntry.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Creates an FileSystemSasPermission from the specified permissions string.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Creates a PathSasPermission from the specified permissions string.
parseList(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Deserializes an ACL to the format "user::rwx,user:john.doe@contoso:rwx,group::r--,other::---,mask=rwx"
parseList(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Deserializes an ACL to the format "user::rwx,user:john.doe@contoso:rwx,group::r--,other::---,mask=rwx"
parseOctal(int) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Convert an octal representation of permissions for a given role into an RolePermissions instance.
parseOctal(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Converts an octal string into a PathPermissions object.
parseSymbolic(String) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Converts a symbolic representation of the permissions into a PathPermissions object.
parseSymbolic(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Convert a symbolic representation of permissions for a given role into an RolePermissions instance.
PathAccessControl - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains properties that are gettable and settable for path access control.
PathAccessControl(List<PathAccessControlEntry>, PathPermissions, String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControl
Constructs a new PathAccessControl.
PathAccessControlEntry - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
POSIX access control rights on files and directories.
PathAccessControlEntry() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Initializes an empty instance of PathAccessControlEntry.
PathDeletedItem - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
A path that has been soft deleted.
PathDeletedItem(String, boolean, String, OffsetDateTime, Integer) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathDeletedItem
Constructs a PathDeletedItem.
PathHttpHeaders - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Parameter group.
PathHttpHeaders() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
PathInfo - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
PathInfo contains basic information about a path that is returned by the service after certain operations.
PathInfo(String, OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathInfo
Constructs a PathInfo
PathItem - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
PathItem contains basic information about a path item that is returned by the service after certain operations.
PathItem(String, OffsetDateTime, long, String, boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathItem
Constructs a PathItem
pathName(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the name of the file/directory.
PathPermissions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Represents POSIX-style permissions on a given resource.
PathPermissions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Initializes a new instance of PathPermissions by setting each member to a new instance of RolePermissions.
PathProperties - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
This class contains the response information returned from the service when getting path properties.
PathProperties(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime, String, long, String, byte[], String, String, String, String, LeaseStatusType, LeaseStateType, LeaseDurationType, String, CopyStatusType, String, String, OffsetDateTime, String, Boolean, Boolean, AccessTier, ArchiveStatus, String, OffsetDateTime, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
Constructs a PathProperties.
PathProperties(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime, String, long, String, byte[], String, String, String, String, LeaseStatusType, LeaseStateType, LeaseDurationType, String, CopyStatusType, String, String, OffsetDateTime, String, Boolean, Boolean, AccessTier, ArchiveStatus, String, OffsetDateTime, Map<String, String>, OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathProperties
Constructs a PathProperties.
PathRemoveAccessControlEntry - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Represents an access control in a file access control list for removal.
PathRemoveAccessControlEntry() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Initializes an empty instance of PathRemoveAccessControlEntry.
PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Optional parameters for Remove Access Control Recursive.
PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions(List<PathRemoveAccessControlEntry>) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Constructs a new options object.
PathSasPermission - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a path.
PathSasPermission() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Initializes a PathSasPermission object with all fields set to false.
PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Optional parameters for Set Access Control Recursive.
PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions(List<PathAccessControlEntry>) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Constructs a new options object.
PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options
Optional parameters for Update Access Control Recursive.
PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions(List<PathAccessControlEntry>) - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Constructs a new options object.
PENDING - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
Enum value pending.
pipeline(HttpPipeline) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the HttpPipeline to use for the service client.
pipeline(HttpPipeline) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the HttpPipeline to use for the service client.
pipeline(HttpPipeline) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the HttpPipeline to use for the service client.
PublicAccessType - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Defines values for PublicAccessType.
PublicAccessType() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PublicAccessType


query(OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Queries an entire file into an output stream.
query(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Queries the entire file.
queryWithResponse(FileQueryOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Queries the entire file.
queryWithResponse(FileQueryOptions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Queries an entire file into an output stream.


read() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Reads the entire file.
read(OutputStream) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Reads the entire file into an output stream.
readToFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Reads the entire file into a file specified by the path.
readToFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Reads the entire file into a file specified by the path.
readToFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Reads the entire file into a file specified by the path.
readToFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Reads the entire file into a file specified by the path.
readToFileWithResponse(String, FileRange, ParallelTransferOptions, DownloadRetryOptions, DataLakeRequestConditions, boolean, Set<OpenOption>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Reads the entire file into a file specified by the path.
readToFileWithResponse(String, FileRange, ParallelTransferOptions, DownloadRetryOptions, DataLakeRequestConditions, boolean, Set<OpenOption>, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Reads the entire file into a file specified by the path.
readWithResponse(FileRange, DownloadRetryOptions, DataLakeRequestConditions, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Reads a range of bytes from a file.
readWithResponse(OutputStream, FileRange, DownloadRetryOptions, DataLakeRequestConditions, boolean, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Reads a range of bytes from a file into an output stream.
REHYDRATE_PENDING_TO_COOL - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ArchiveStatus
Static value rehydrate-pending-to-cool for ArchiveStatus.
REHYDRATE_PENDING_TO_HOT - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ArchiveStatus
Static value rehydrate-pending-to-hot for ArchiveStatus.
releaseLease() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Releases the previously acquired lease.
releaseLease() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Releases the previously acquired lease.
releaseLeaseWithResponse(RequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Releases the previously acquired lease.
releaseLeaseWithResponse(RequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Releases the previously acquired lease.
removeAccessControlRecursive(List<PathRemoveAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Recursively removes the access control on a path and all subpaths.
removeAccessControlRecursive(List<PathRemoveAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Recursively removes the access control on a path and all subpaths.
removeAccessControlRecursiveWithResponse(PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Recursively removes the access control on a path and all subpaths.
removeAccessControlRecursiveWithResponse(PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Recursively removes the access control on a path and all subpaths.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Moves the directory to another location within the file system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Moves the directory to another location within the file system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Moves the file to another location within the file system.
rename(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Moves the file to another location within the file system.
renameWithResponse(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryAsyncClient
Moves the directory to another location within the file system.
renameWithResponse(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Moves the file to another location within the file system.
renameWithResponse(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeDirectoryClient
Moves the directory to another location within the file system.
renameWithResponse(String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Moves the file to another location within the file system.
renewLease() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Renews the previously acquired lease.
renewLease() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Renews the previously acquired lease.
renewLeaseWithResponse(RequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseAsyncClient
Renews the previously acquired lease.
renewLeaseWithResponse(RequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.specialized.DataLakeLeaseClient
Renews the previously-acquired lease.
retryOptions(RequestRetryOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the request retry options for all the requests made through the client.
retryOptions(RequestRetryOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the request retry options for all the requests made through the client.
retryOptions(RequestRetryOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the request retry options for all the requests made through the client.
RolePermissions - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
Represents the POSIX-style permissions on given resource for an arbitrary role.
RolePermissions() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Initializes an instance of RolePermissions with all values set to false.
ROOT_FILESYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
ROOT_FILESYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient


sasToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the SAS token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
sasToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the SAS token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
sasToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the SAS token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
scheduleDeletion(FileScheduleDeletionOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Schedules the file for deletion.
scheduleDeletion(FileScheduleDeletionOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Schedules the file for deletion.
scheduleDeletionWithResponse(FileScheduleDeletionOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Schedules the file for deletion.
scheduleDeletionWithResponse(FileScheduleDeletionOptions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Schedules the file for deletion.
serializeList(List<PathAccessControlEntry>) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Converts the Access Control List to a String.
serializeList(List<PathRemoveAccessControlEntry>) - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Converts the Access Control List to a String.
serviceVersion(DataLakeServiceVersion) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Sets the DataLakeServiceVersion that is used when making API requests.
serviceVersion(DataLakeServiceVersion) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Sets the DataLakeServiceVersion that is used when making API requests.
serviceVersion(DataLakeServiceVersion) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClientBuilder
Sets the DataLakeServiceVersion that is used when making API requests.
setAcceptRanges(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the acceptRanges property: Indicates that the service supports requests for partial file content.
setAcceptRanges(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the acceptRanges property: Indicates that the service supports requests for partial file content.
setAccessControlList(List<PathAccessControlEntry>, String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes the access control list, group and/or owner for a resource.
setAccessControlList(List<PathAccessControlEntry>, String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes the access control list, group and/or owner for a resource.
setAccessControlListWithResponse(List<PathAccessControlEntry>, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes the access control list, group and/or owner for a resource.
setAccessControlListWithResponse(List<PathAccessControlEntry>, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes the access control list, group and/or owner for a resource.
setAccessControlRecursive(List<PathAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Recursively sets the access control on a path and all subpaths.
setAccessControlRecursive(List<PathAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Recursively sets the access control on a path and all subpaths.
setAccessControlRecursiveWithResponse(PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Recursively sets the access control on a path and all subpaths.
setAccessControlRecursiveWithResponse(PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Recursively sets the access control on a path and all subpaths.
setAccessControlType(AccessControlType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Sets the AccessControlType for this entry.
setAccessControlType(AccessControlType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Specifies which role this entry targets.
setAccessPolicy(DataLakeAccessPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeSignedIdentifier
Set the accessPolicy property: The accessPolicy property.
setAccessPolicy(PublicAccessType, List<DataLakeSignedIdentifier>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Sets the file system's permissions.
setAccessPolicy(PublicAccessType, List<DataLakeSignedIdentifier>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Sets the file system's permissions.
setAccessPolicyWithResponse(PublicAccessType, List<DataLakeSignedIdentifier>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Sets the file system's permissions.
setAccessPolicyWithResponse(PublicAccessType, List<DataLakeSignedIdentifier>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Sets the file system's permissions.
setAddPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the add permission status.
setAddPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the add permission status.
setAgentObjectId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the AAD object ID of a user assumed to be unauthorized by the owner of the user delegation key to perform the action granted by the SAS token.
setAggregateCounters(AccessControlChangeCounters) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Sets an AccessControlChangeCounters that contains counts of paths changed from start of the operation.
setAllowedHeaders(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Set the allowedHeaders property: the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request.
setAllowedMethods(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Set the allowedMethods property: The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request.
setAllowedOrigins(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Set the allowedOrigins property: The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the storage service via CORS.
setAnonymousAccess() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClientBuilder
Clears the credential used to authorize the request.
setAnonymousAccess() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClientBuilder
Clears the credential used to authorize the request.
setBatchCounters(AccessControlChangeCounters) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Sets an AccessControlChangeCounters that contains counts of paths changed within a single batch.
setBatchFailures(List<AccessControlChangeFailure>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeResult
Sets the first set of batch failures.
setBatchFailures(List<AccessControlChangeFailure>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Sets a list of path entries that failed to update Access Control List within a single batch.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets the batch size.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets the batch size.
setBatchSize(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets the batch size.
setBlockSize(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
setCacheControl(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the cacheControl property: This header is returned if it was previously specified for the file.
setCacheControl(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the cacheControl property: This header is returned if it was previously specified for the file.
setCacheControl(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Set the cacheControl property: Optional.
setCacheControl(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the cache-control header for the SAS.
setChangedDirectoriesCount(long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeCounters
Sets the number of directories where Access Control List has been updated successfully.
setChangedFilesCount(long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeCounters
Sets number of files where Access Control List has been updated successfully.
setClientRequestId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the clientRequestId property: If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the response with the same value.
setClientRequestId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the clientRequestId property: If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the response with the same value.
setColumnSeparator(char) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Sets the column separator.
setConsistentReadControl(ConsistentReadControl) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
setContentCrc64(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentCrc64 property: If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than or equal to 4 MB.
setContentCrc64(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentCrc64 property: If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than or equal to 4 MB.
setContentDisposition(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentDisposition property: This header returns the value that was specified for the 'x-ms-blob-content-disposition' header.
setContentDisposition(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentDisposition property: This header returns the value that was specified for the 'x-ms-blob-content-disposition' header.
setContentDisposition(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Set the contentDisposition property: Optional.
setContentDisposition(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the content-disposition header for the SAS.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentEncoding property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Encoding request header.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentEncoding property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Encoding request header.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Set the contentEncoding property: Optional.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the content-encoding header for the SAS.
setContentLanguage(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentLanguage property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Language request header.
setContentLanguage(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentLanguage property: This header returns the value that was specified for the Content-Language request header.
setContentLanguage(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Set the contentLanguage property: Optional.
setContentLanguage(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the content-language header for the SAS.
setContentLength(Long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentLength property: The number of bytes present in the response body.
setContentLength(Long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentLength property: The number of bytes present in the response body.
setContentMd5(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentMd5 property: If the file has an MD5 hash and this operation is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that the client can check for message content integrity.
setContentMd5(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentMd5 property: If the file has an MD5 hash and this operation is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that the client can check for message content integrity.
setContentMd5(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Set the contentMd5 property: Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service.
setContentRange(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentRange property: Indicates the range of bytes returned in the event that the client requested a subset of the file by setting the 'Range' request header.
setContentRange(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentRange property: Indicates the range of bytes returned in the event that the client requested a subset of the file by setting the 'Range' request header.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the contentType property: The media type of the body of the response.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the contentType property: The media type of the body of the response.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Set the contentType property: Optional.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the content-type header for the SAS.
setContinuationToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeResult
Sets the continuation token.
setContinuationToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChanges
Sets the continuation token.
setContinuationToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets a token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.
setContinuationToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets a token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.
setContinuationToken(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets a token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.
setContinueOnFailure(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets if the operation should continue on user failure.
setContinueOnFailure(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets if the operation should continue on user failure.
setContinueOnFailure(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets if the operation should continue on user failure.
setCopyCompletionTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the copyCompletionTime property: Conclusion time of the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
setCopyCompletionTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the copyCompletionTime property: Conclusion time of the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
setCopyId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the copyId property: String identifier for this copy operation.
setCopyId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the copyId property: String identifier for this copy operation.
setCopyProgress(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the copyProgress property: Contains the number of bytes copied and the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
setCopyProgress(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the copyProgress property: Contains the number of bytes copied and the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
setCopySource(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the copySource property: URL up to 2 KB in length that specifies the source file or file used in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
setCopySource(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the copySource property: URL up to 2 KB in length that specifies the source file or file used in the last attempted Copy Blob operation where this file was the destination file.
setCopyStatus(CopyStatusType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the copyStatus property: State of the copy operation identified by x-ms-copy-id.
setCopyStatus(CopyStatusType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the copyStatus property: State of the copy operation identified by x-ms-copy-id.
setCopyStatusDescription(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the copyStatusDescription property: Only appears when x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending.
setCopyStatusDescription(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the copyStatusDescription property: Only appears when x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending.
setCorrelationId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the correlation id value for the SAS.
setCors(List<DataLakeCorsRule>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Set the cors property: The set of CORS rules.
setCounters(AccessControlChangeCounters) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeResult
setCreatePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the create permission status.
setCreatePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the create permission status.
setDateProperty(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the dateProperty property: UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated.
setDateProperty(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the dateProperty property: UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated.
setDays(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRetentionPolicy
Set the days property: Indicates the number of days that metrics or logging or soft-deleted data should be retained.
setDefaultIndexDocumentPath(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Set the defaultIndexDocumentPath property: Absolute path of the default index page.
setDefaultScope(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Sets whether or not this entry is the default for a directory.
setDefaultScope(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Sets whether this is the default entry for the ACL.
setDefaultServiceVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Set the defaultServiceVersion property: The default version to use for requests to the DataLake service if an incoming request's version is not specified.
setDelete(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Set the delete property: Indicates whether all delete requests should be logged.
setDeleted(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Set the deleted property: The deleted property.
setDeletePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the delete permission status.
setDeletePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the delete permission status.
setDeleteRetentionPolicy(DataLakeRetentionPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Set the deleteRetentionPolicy property: The deleteRetentionPolicy property.
setDestinationFileSystemName(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileSystemUndeleteOptions
Destination file system name must match deleted file system name
setDetails(FileSystemListDetails) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsOptions
setDirectory(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeFailure
Sets whether entry is a directory.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Set the enabled property: Indicates whether metrics are enabled for the DataLake service.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRetentionPolicy
Set the enabled property: Indicates whether a retention policy is enabled for the storage service.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Set the enabled property: Indicates whether this account is hosting a static website.
setEncryptionKeySha256(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the encryptionKeySha256 property: The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the file.
setEncryptionKeySha256(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the encryptionKeySha256 property: The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the file.
setEntityId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Sets the entity ID to which this entry will apply.
setEntityId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
Specifies the entity for which this entry applies.
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the errorCode property: The errorCode property.
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the errorCode property: The errorCode property.
setErrorConsumer(Consumer<FileQueryError>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Sets the error consumer.
setErrorDocument404Path(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Set the errorDocument404Path property: The absolute path of the custom 404 page.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeFailure
Sets the error message that is the reason why entry failed to update.
setEscapeChar(char) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Sets the escape character.
setETag(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the eTag property: The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally.
setETag(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the eTag property: The ETag contains a value that you can use to perform operations conditionally.
setETag(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the eTag property: The eTag property.
setExecutePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Sets the execute permission status.
setExecutePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the execute permission status.
setExecutePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the execute permission status.
setExpiresOn(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAccessPolicy
Set the expiresOn property: the date-time the policy expires.
setExpiryTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the time after which the SAS will no longer work.
setExposedHeaders(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Set the exposedHeaders property: The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer.
setFailedChangesCount(long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeCounters
Sets the number of paths where Access Control List update has failed.
setFieldQuote(char) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Sets the field quote.
setFileContentMd5(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the fileContentMD5 property: If the file has a MD5 hash, and if request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header is returned with the value of the whole file's MD5 value.
setFileContentMd5(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the fileContentMD5 property: If the file has a MD5 hash, and if request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header is returned with the value of the whole file's MD5 value.
setGroup(RolePermissions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Sets the permissions for the owning group of the resource.
setHasImmutabilityPolicy(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the hasImmutabilityPolicy property: The hasImmutabilityPolicy property.
setHasLegalHold(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the hasLegalHold property: The hasLegalHold property.
setHeaders(PathHttpHeaders) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Sets the PathHttpHeaders.
setHeadersPresent(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Sets whether or not headers are present.
setHourMetrics(DataLakeMetrics) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Set the hourMetrics property: The hourMetrics property.
setHttpHeaders(PathHttpHeaders) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes a resource's HTTP header properties.
setHttpHeaders(PathHttpHeaders) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes a resources's HTTP header properties.
setHttpHeadersWithResponse(PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes a resources's HTTP header properties.
setHttpHeadersWithResponse(PathHttpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes a resources's HTTP header properties.
setId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeSignedIdentifier
Set the id property: a unique id.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the name of the access policy on the file system this SAS references if any.
setIfMatch(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that match the passed ETag.
setIfModifiedSince(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that have only been modified since the passed datetime.
setIfNoneMatch(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that do not match the passed ETag.
setIfUnmodifiedSince(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that have remained unmodified since the passed datetime.
setIncludeApis(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Set the includeApis property: Indicates whether metrics should generate summary statistics for called API operations.
setIndexDocument(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeStaticWebsite
Set the indexDocument property: The default name of the index page under each directory.
setInputSerialization(FileQuerySerialization) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Sets the input serialization.
setLastModified(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the lastModified property: Returns the date and time the container was last modified.
setLastModified(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the lastModified property: Returns the date and time the container was last modified.
setLastModified(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the lastModified property: The lastModified property.
setLeaseDuration(LeaseDurationType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the leaseDuration property: When a file is leased, specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration.
setLeaseDuration(LeaseDurationType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the leaseDuration property: When a file is leased, specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration.
setLeaseDuration(LeaseDurationType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the leaseDuration property: Possible values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'.
setLeaseId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeRequestConditions
Optionally limits requests to blobs and containers that match the lease ID.
setLeaseState(LeaseStateType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the leaseState property: Lease state of the file.
setLeaseState(LeaseStateType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the leaseState property: Lease state of the file.
setLeaseState(LeaseStateType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the leaseState property: Possible values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'.
setLeaseStatus(LeaseStatusType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the leaseStatus property: The current lease status of the file.
setLeaseStatus(LeaseStatusType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the leaseStatus property: The current lease status of the file.
setLeaseStatus(LeaseStatusType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the leaseStatus property: Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'.
setListPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the list permission status.
setListPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the list permission status.
setLogging(DataLakeAnalyticsLogging) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Set the logging property: The logging property.
setManageAccessControlPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the manage access control permission status.
setManageAccessControlPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the manage access control permission status.
setManageOwnershipPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the manage ownership permission status.
setManageOwnershipPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the manage ownership permission status.
setMaxAgeInSeconds(int) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeCorsRule
Set the maxAgeInSeconds property: The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request.
setMaxBatches(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets the maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute.
setMaxBatches(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets the maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute.
setMaxBatches(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets the maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute.
setMaxResults(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Specifies the maximum number of blobs to return, including all BlobPrefix elements.
setMaxResultsPerPage(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsOptions
Specifies the maximum number of paths to return, including all PathPrefix elements.
setMaxRetryRequests(int) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DownloadRetryOptions
Specifies the maximum number of additional HTTP Get requests that will be made while reading the data from a response body.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Sets the file system's metadata.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Sets the file system's metadata.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes a resource's metadata.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes a resource's metadata.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the metadata property: The metadata property.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the metadata property: The metadata property.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Set the metadata property: The metadata property.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Sets the metadata.
setMetadataWithResponse(Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Sets the file systems's metadata.
setMetadataWithResponse(Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes a resource's metadata.
setMetadataWithResponse(Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Sets the file system's metadata.
setMetadataWithResponse(Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes a resource's metadata.
setMinuteMetrics(DataLakeMetrics) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Set the minuteMetrics property: The minuteMetrics property.
setMovePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the move permission status.
setMovePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the move permission status.
setName(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlChangeFailure
Sets the name of an entry.
setName(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
setName(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Set the name property: The name property.
setOther(RolePermissions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Sets the permissions for the other users of the resource.
setOutputSerialization(FileQuerySerialization) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Sets the output serialization.
setOwner(RolePermissions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Sets the permissions for the owner of the resource.
setParallelTransferOptions(ParallelTransferOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Sets the ParallelTransferOptions.
setPath(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Specifies the path to filter the results to.
setPermissions(PathPermissions, String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes the permissions, group and/or owner for a resource.
setPermissions(PathPermissions, String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes the permissions, group and/or owner for a resource.
setPermissions(RolePermissions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
Sets the permissions for this entry.
setPermissions(FileSystemSasPermission) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the File System permissions allowed by the SAS.
setPermissions(PathSasPermission) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the Path permissions allowed by the SAS.
setPermissions(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAccessPolicy
Set the permissions property: the permissions for the acl policy.
setPermissions(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Sets the permissions.
setPermissionsWithResponse(PathPermissions, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Changes the permissions, group and/or owner for a resource.
setPermissionsWithResponse(PathPermissions, String, String, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Changes the permissions, group and/or owner for a resource.
setPreauthorizedAgentObjectId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the AAD object ID of a user assumed to be authorized by the owner of the user delegation key to perform the action granted by the SAS token.
setPrecision(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsOptions
Filters the results to return only paths whose names begin with the specified prefix.
setProgressConsumer(Consumer<FileQueryProgress>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Sets the progress consumer.
setProgressHandler(Consumer<Response<AccessControlChanges>>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathRemoveAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets a callback where caller can track progress of the operation as well as collect paths that failed to change Access Control.
setProgressHandler(Consumer<Response<AccessControlChanges>>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathSetAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets a callback where caller can track progress of the operation as well as collect paths that failed to change Access Control.
setProgressHandler(Consumer<Response<AccessControlChanges>>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions
Sets a callback where caller can track progress of the operation as well as collect paths that failed to change Access Control.
setProperties(DataLakeServiceProperties) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Sets properties for a storage account's DataLake service endpoint.
setProperties(DataLakeServiceProperties) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Sets properties for a storage account's DataLake service endpoint.
setProperties(FileSystemItemProperties) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Set the properties property: The properties property.
setPropertiesWithResponse(DataLakeServiceProperties) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Sets properties for a storage account's DataLake service endpoint.
setPropertiesWithResponse(DataLakeServiceProperties, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Sets properties for a storage account's DataLake service endpoint.
setProtocol(SasProtocol) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the SasProtocol which determines the protocols allowed by the SAS.
setPublicAccess(PublicAccessType) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItemProperties
Set the publicAccess property: Possible values include: 'container', 'blob'.
setRange(FileRange) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
setRead(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Set the read property: Indicates whether all read requests should be logged.
setReadPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Sets the read permission status.
setReadPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the read permission status.
setReadPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the read permission status.
setRecordSeparator(char) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryDelimitedSerialization
Sets the record separator.
setRecordSeparator(char) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryJsonSerialization
Sets the record separator.
setRecursive(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Specifies if the call to listContainersSegment should recursively include all paths.
setRequestConditions(DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.DataLakeFileInputStreamOptions
setRequestConditions(DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
setRequestConditions(DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileQueryOptions
Sets the request conditions.
setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the requestId property: This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.
setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the requestId property: This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.
setRetentionPolicy(DataLakeRetentionPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Set the retentionPolicy property: The retentionPolicy property.
setRetentionPolicy(DataLakeRetentionPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Set the retentionPolicy property: The retentionPolicy property.
setRetrieveDeleted(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemListDetails
Whether deleted file systems should be returned.
setRetrieveMetadata(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemListDetails
Whether metadata should be returned.
setSasIpRange(SasIpRange) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets the SasIpRange which determines the IP ranges that are allowed to use the SAS.
setScale(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowField
setSchema(List<FileQueryArrowField>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowSerialization
Sets the arrow fields.
setServerEncrypted(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the isServerEncrypted property: The value of this header is set to true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm.
setServerEncrypted(Boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the isServerEncrypted property: The value of this header is set to true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm.
setSignedExpiry(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Set the signedExpiry property: The date-time the key expires.
setSignedObjectId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Set the signedObjectId property: The Azure Active Directory object ID in GUID format.
setSignedService(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Set the signedService property: Abbreviation of the Azure Storage service that accepts the key.
setSignedStart(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Set the signedStart property: The date-time the key is active.
setSignedTenantId(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Set the signedTenantId property: The Azure Active Directory tenant ID in GUID format.
setSignedVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Set the signedVersion property: The service version that created the key.
setStartsOn(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAccessPolicy
Set the startsOn property: the date-time the policy is active.
setStartTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
Sets when the SAS will take effect.
setStaticWebsite(DataLakeStaticWebsite) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeServiceProperties
Set the staticWebsite property: The properties that enable an account to host a static website.
setStickyBit(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Sets the value of the sticky bit.
setTransactionalContentHash(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathHttpHeaders
Set the transactionalContentHash property: Specify the transactional md5 for the body, to be validated by the service.
setUmask(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.options.FileParallelUploadOptions
Sets the umask.
setUserPrincipalNameReturned(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListPathsOptions
Valid only when Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey
Set the value property: The key as a base64 string.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Set the version property: The version of Storage Analytics to configure.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeMetrics
Set the version property: The version of Storage Analytics to configure.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryHeaders
Set the version property: Indicates the version of the Blob service used to execute the request.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileReadHeaders
Set the version property: Indicates the version of the Blob service used to execute the request.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemItem
Set the version property: The version property.
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.DataLakeServiceSasSignatureValues
The version is set to the latest version of sas. Users should stop calling this API as it is now treated as a no-op.
setWrite(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.DataLakeAnalyticsLogging
Set the write property: Indicates whether all write requests should be logged.
setWritePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Sets the write permission status.
setWritePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Sets the write permission status.
setWritePermission(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Sets the write permission status.
STRING - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Enum value string.
SUCCESS - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
Enum value success.


TIMESTAMP - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Enum value timestamp[ms].
toHeaderValue() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileRange
toIncludeType() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileSystemListDetails
toOctal() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Converts the RolePermissions instance into its octal representation.
toString() - Method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
toString() - Method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
toString() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryError
toString() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileRange
toString() - Method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseDurationType
toString() - Method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
toString() - Method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStatusType
toString() - Method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsIncludeType
toString() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathAccessControlEntry
toString() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathPermissions
Converts this object into its octal representation.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PathRemoveAccessControlEntry
toString() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.FileSystemSasPermission
Converts the given permissions to a String.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.sas.PathSasPermission
Converts the given permissions to a String.
toSymbolic() - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.RolePermissions
Converts the RolePermissions instance into its symbolic representation.


undeleteFileSystem(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Restores a previously deleted file system.
undeleteFileSystem(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Restores a previously deleted file system.
undeleteFileSystemWithResponse(FileSystemUndeleteOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceAsyncClient
Restores a previously deleted file system.
undeleteFileSystemWithResponse(FileSystemUndeleteOptions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceClient
Restores a previously deleted file system.
undeletePath(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Restores a soft deleted path in the file system.
undeletePath(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Restores a soft deleted path in the file system.
undeletePathWithResponse(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient
Restores a soft deleted path in the file system.
undeletePathWithResponse(String, String, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileSystemClient
Restores a soft deleted path in the file system.
UNLOCKED - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStatusType
Enum value unlocked.
updateAccessControlRecursive(List<PathAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Recursively updates the access control on a path and all subpaths.
updateAccessControlRecursive(List<PathAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Recursively updates the access control on a path and all subpaths.
updateAccessControlRecursiveWithResponse(PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathAsyncClient
Recursively updates the access control on a path and all subpaths.
updateAccessControlRecursiveWithResponse(PathUpdateAccessControlRecursiveOptions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakePathClient
Recursively updates the access control on a path and all subpaths.
upload(InputStream, long) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Creates a new file.
upload(InputStream, long, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Creates a new file, or updates the content of an existing file.
upload(Flux<ByteBuffer>, ParallelTransferOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Creates a new file and uploads content.
upload(Flux<ByteBuffer>, ParallelTransferOptions, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Creates a new file and uploads content.
uploadFromFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Creates a new file, with the content of the specified file.
uploadFromFile(String) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Creates a file, with the content of the specified file.
uploadFromFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Creates a new file, with the content of the specified file.
uploadFromFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Creates a file, with the content of the specified file.
uploadFromFile(String, ParallelTransferOptions, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Creates a new file, with the content of the specified file.
uploadFromFile(String, ParallelTransferOptions, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions, Duration) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Creates a file, with the content of the specified file.
uploadWithResponse(FileParallelUploadOptions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Creates a new file.
uploadWithResponse(FileParallelUploadOptions, Duration, Context) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileClient
Creates a new file.
uploadWithResponse(Flux<ByteBuffer>, ParallelTransferOptions, PathHttpHeaders, Map<String, String>, DataLakeRequestConditions) - Method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeFileAsyncClient
Creates a new file.
USER - Static variable in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlType
Static value user for AccessControlType.
UserDelegationKey - Class in com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models
A user delegation key.
UserDelegationKey() - Constructor for class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.UserDelegationKey


V2019_02_02 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
V2019_07_07 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
V2019_12_12 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
V2020_02_10 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
V2020_04_08 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
V2020_06_12 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
V2020_08_04 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
V2020_10_02 - com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ConsistentReadControl
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileExpirationOffset
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseDurationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsIncludeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.DataLakeServiceVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessControlType
values() - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.AccessTier
values() - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ArchiveStatus
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ConsistentReadControl
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.CopyStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileExpirationOffset
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.FileQueryArrowFieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseDurationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.LeaseStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.ListFileSystemsIncludeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class com.azure.storage.file.datalake.models.PublicAccessType
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