
class Parameters(val id: Option[String], val meta: Option[Meta], val language: Option[LANGUAGES], val implicitRules: Option[UriStr], val parameter: LitSeq[Parameter], val primitiveAttributes: TreeMap[FHIRComponentFieldMeta[_], PrimitiveElementInfo]) extends Resource

This resource is a non-persisted resource used to pass information into and back from an operation. It has no other use, and there is no RESTful endpoint associated with it.

Subclass of core.model.Resource (This is the base resource type for everything.)

Value parameters:
  • The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes.
  • A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along with other profiles etc.
  • The base language in which the resource is written.
  • The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content might not always be associated with version changes to the resource.
  • A parameter passed to or received from the operation.

Introduces the fields parameter.

class Resource
class FHIRObject
trait FHIRComponent
trait Utils
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

object extensions
Inherited from:
object ids
Inherited from:

Inherited types

type FieldToElementLookup = TreeMap[FHIRComponentFieldMeta[_], PrimitiveElementInfo]
Inherited from:

Value members

Inherited methods

final def >>[T](fn: T => T)(implicit tt: LTag[T]): Parameters

Slower than nodalMap, but should work with subtypes (e.g. PositiveInt). If you must use it, then:

Slower than nodalMap, but should work with subtypes (e.g. PositiveInt). If you must use it, then:

  • T should not be a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_] or an Option[_]
  • It may require a type parameter sometimes (e.g. sampleResource >>[BUNDLE_TYPE] { (_: BUNDLE_TYPE) => BUNDLE_TYPE.SEARCHSET } )
Inherited from:
final def >>=[T, F[_] : Monad](fn: T => F[T])(implicit evidence$7: Monad[F], tt: LTag[T]): F[Parameters]
Inherited from:
final def ^^[From, To](fn: From => To)(implicit tt: LTag[From]): LitSeq[To]

Extract values of type From, and map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To. Unlike >>, this is safe even if From is a Choice[], a LitSeq[] or an Option[_] Quite slow, slower than nodalExtract

Extract values of type From, and map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To. Unlike >>, this is safe even if From is a Choice[], a LitSeq[] or an Option[_] Quite slow, slower than nodalExtract

Inherited from:
final def ^^^[T](implicit tt: LTag[T]): LitSeq[T]
Inherited from:
def companionClassName[T](tag: LTag[T]): String
Inherited from:
def companionOf[T <: FHIRObject : ClassTag](implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T], tag: LTag[T]): CompanionFor[T]
Inherited from:
def constructor: Constructor[_]
Inherited from:
def decodeMethodFor[T <: FHIRObject : ClassTag](implicit evidence$2: ClassTag[T], tag: LTag[T], params: DecoderParams): HCursor => Try[T]
Inherited from:
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
FHIRObject -> Any
Inherited from:
def fields: Seq[FHIRComponentField[_]]
Inherited from:
def getFieldByClass[T](name: String, clazz: Class[T]): LitSeq[T]
Inherited from:
def getFieldByType[T : LTag](name: String): LitSeq[T]
Inherited from:
def getIdentifier: Option[String]
Inherited from:
def getMostSpecificIdentifier: Option[String]
Inherited from:
def getVersionedIdentifier: Option[String]
Inherited from:
override def hashCode(): Int
Definition Classes
FHIRObject -> Any
Inherited from:
def modifyField[T : LTag, Up >: Parameters <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, modify: T => T)(implicit evidence$5: LTag[T], ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
def modifyFieldUnsafe[T, Up >: Parameters <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, modify: T => T)(implicit ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
final def nodalExtract[From, To](klass: Class[From], fn: From => To): LitSeq[To]

Convenience alias for nodalGetByClass andThen map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To.

Convenience alias for nodalGetByClass andThen map to LitSeq[To] using fn: From => To.

Inherited from:
final def nodalGetByClass[Target](klass: Class[Target]): LitSeq[Target]

Extract values of type From Unlike nodalMap, this is safe even if From is a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_] or an Option[_], however there remains a caveat with 'subtyped' types (eg PositiveInt), in that we can't differentiate them from the parent class Quite slow but faster than ^^

Extract values of type From Unlike nodalMap, this is safe even if From is a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_] or an Option[_], however there remains a caveat with 'subtyped' types (eg PositiveInt), in that we can't differentiate them from the parent class Quite slow but faster than ^^

Inherited from:
final def nodalMap[T](klass: Class[T], fn: T => T): Parameters

Bit faster than >>, but still much slower than using update$foo when possible. If you must use it, then:

Bit faster than >>, but still much slower than using update$foo when possible. If you must use it, then:

  • T should not be a Choice[_], a LitSeq[_], an Option[_], or any 'subtyped' type (eg PositiveInt). You should ensure, if T is a supertype of multiple valid choice values (e.g. T =:= Object), that the return value of fn retains the same type as the input value.
Inherited from:
def setFromField[T, UpType >: Parameters <: FHIRObject : LTag](field: FHIRComponentFieldMeta[T])(newVal: T): UpType
Inherited from:
def thisClassName: String
Inherited from:
def toClass[T](klass: Class[T]): Option[T]
Inherited from:
override def toString: String
Definition Classes
FHIRObject -> Any
Inherited from:
def toType[T](implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Option[T]
Inherited from:
def updateFromField[T, UpType >: Parameters <: FHIRObject : LTag](field: FHIRComponentFieldMeta[T])(fn: T => T): UpType
Inherited from:
def updatePrimitiveAttributes(fn: FieldToElementLookup => FieldToElementLookup): Parameters
Inherited from:
def withField[T : LTag, Up >: Parameters <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, value: T)(implicit evidence$6: LTag[T], ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
def withFieldUnsafe[T, Up >: Parameters <: FHIRObject](fieldName: String, value: T)(implicit ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
def withFields[Up >: Parameters <: FHIRObject](replacementFields: (String, Any)*)(implicit ct: ClassTag[Up], tt: LTag[Up]): Up
Inherited from:
def withPrimitiveAttributes(a: FieldToElementLookup): Parameters
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

override val id: Option[String]
override val implicitRules: Option[UriStr]
override val language: Option[LANGUAGES]
override val meta: Option[Meta]
val parameter: LitSeq[Parameter]
override val primitiveAttributes: TreeMap[FHIRComponentFieldMeta[_], PrimitiveElementInfo]
override val thisTypeName: String

Inherited fields

val companion: CompanionFor[Parameters]
Inherited from: