Uses of Class

Packages that use Cell

Uses of Cell in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui that return Cell
 Cell Table.add()
          Adds a cell without a widget.
 Cell Table.add(Actor actor)
          Adds a new cell to the table with the specified actor.
 Cell Table.add(String text)
          Adds a new cell with a label.
 Cell Table.add(String text, String labelStyleName)
          Adds a new cell with a label.
 Cell Table.add(String text, String fontName, Color color)
          Adds a new cell with a label.
 Cell Table.add(String text, String fontName, String colorName)
          Adds a new cell with a label.
 Cell Table.columnDefaults(int column)
          Gets the cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells in the specified column.
 Cell Table.defaults()
          The cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells.
 Cell Table.getCell(Actor actor)
          Returns the cell for the specified widget in this table, or null.
 Cell ImageTextButton.getImageCell()
 Cell ImageButton.getImageCell()
 Cell TextButton.getLabelCell()
 Cell ImageTextButton.getLabelCell()
 Cell TableToolkit.obtainCell(com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TableLayout layout)
 Cell Table.row()
          Indicates that subsequent cells should be added to a new row and returns the cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells in the new row.
 Cell Table.stack(Actor... actors)
          Adds a new cell to the table with the specified actors in a Stack.

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui that return types with arguments of type Cell
 List<Cell> Table.getCells()
          Returns the cells for this table.

Methods in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui with parameters of type Cell
 void TableToolkit.freeCell(Cell cell)

Uses of Cell in com.esotericsoftware.tablelayout

Methods in com.esotericsoftware.tablelayout that return Cell
 Cell<C> BaseTableLayout.add(C widget)
          Adds a new cell to the table with the specified widget.
 Cell Cell.align(Integer align)
          Sets the alignment of the widget within the cell.
 Cell Cell.bottom()
          Adds #BOTTOM and clears #TOP for the alignment of the widget within the cell.
          Sets the alignment of the widget within the cell to #CENTER.
 Cell Cell.colspan(Integer colspan)
 Cell BaseTableLayout.columnDefaults(int column)
          Gets the cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells in the specified column.
 Cell BaseTableLayout.defaults()
          The cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells.
 Cell Cell.expand()
          Sets expandX and expandY to 1.
 Cell Cell.expand(boolean x, boolean y)
          Sets expandX and expandY to 1 if true, 0 if false.
 Cell Cell.expand(Integer x, Integer y)
 Cell Cell.expandX()
          Sets expandX to 1.
 Cell Cell.expandY()
          Sets expandY to 1.
 Cell Cell.fill()
          Sets fillX and fillY to 1.
 Cell Cell.fill(boolean fill)
          Sets fillX and fillY to 1 if true, 0 if false.
 Cell Cell.fill(boolean x, boolean y)
          Sets fillX and fillY to 1 if true, 0 if false.
 Cell Cell.fill(Float x, Float y)
 Cell Cell.fillX()
          Sets fillX to 1.
 Cell Cell.fillY()
          Sets fillY to 1.
 Cell BaseTableLayout.getCell(C widget)
          Returns the cell for the specified widget in this table, or null.
 Cell Cell.height(float height)
          Sets the minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.height(Value height)
          Sets the minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.ignore()
          Sets ignore to true.
 Cell Cell.ignore(Boolean ignore)
 Cell Cell.left()
          Adds #LEFT and clears #RIGHT for the alignment of the widget within the cell.
 Cell Cell.maxHeight(float maxHeight)
 Cell Cell.maxHeight(Value maxHeight)
 Cell Cell.maxSize(float size)
          Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.maxSize(float width, float height)
          Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified values.
 Cell Cell.maxSize(Value size)
          Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.maxSize(Value width, Value height)
          Sets the maxWidth and maxHeight to the specified values.
 Cell Cell.maxWidth(float maxWidth)
 Cell Cell.maxWidth(Value maxWidth)
 Cell Cell.minHeight(float minHeight)
 Cell Cell.minHeight(Value minHeight)
 Cell Cell.minSize(float size)
          Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.minSize(float width, float height)
          Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified values.
 Cell Cell.minSize(Value size)
          Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.minSize(Value width, Value height)
          Sets the minWidth and minHeight to the specified values.
 Cell Cell.minWidth(float minWidth)
 Cell Cell.minWidth(Value minWidth)
abstract  Cell Toolkit.obtainCell(L layout)
 Cell Cell.pad(float pad)
          Sets the padTop, padLeft, padBottom, and padRight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.pad(float top, float left, float bottom, float right)
 Cell Cell.pad(Value pad)
          Sets the padTop, padLeft, padBottom, and padRight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.pad(Value top, Value left, Value bottom, Value right)
 Cell Cell.padBottom(float padBottom)
 Cell Cell.padBottom(Value padBottom)
 Cell Cell.padLeft(float padLeft)
 Cell Cell.padLeft(Value padLeft)
 Cell Cell.padRight(float padRight)
 Cell Cell.padRight(Value padRight)
 Cell Cell.padTop(float padTop)
 Cell Cell.padTop(Value padTop)
 Cell Cell.prefHeight(float prefHeight)
 Cell Cell.prefHeight(Value prefHeight)
 Cell Cell.prefSize(float size)
          Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified values.
 Cell Cell.prefSize(float width, float height)
          Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.prefSize(Value size)
          Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.prefSize(Value width, Value height)
          Sets the prefWidth and prefHeight to the specified values.
 Cell Cell.prefWidth(float prefWidth)
 Cell Cell.prefWidth(Value prefWidth)
 Cell Cell.right()
          Adds #RIGHT and clears #LEFT for the alignment of the widget within the cell.
 Cell Cell.row()
 Cell BaseTableLayout.row()
          Indicates that subsequent cells should be added to a new row and returns the cell values that will be used as the defaults for all cells in the new row.
 Cell Cell.setWidget(C widget)
          Sets the widget in this cell and adds the widget to the cell's table.
 Cell Cell.size(float size)
          Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.size(float width, float height)
          Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified values.
 Cell Cell.size(Value size)
          Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.size(Value width, Value height)
          Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, prefHeight, and maxHeight to the specified values.
 Cell space)
          Sets the spaceTop, spaceLeft, spaceBottom, and spaceRight to the specified value.
 Cell top, float left, float bottom, float right)
 Cell space)
          Sets the spaceTop, spaceLeft, spaceBottom, and spaceRight to the specified value.
 Cell top, Value left, Value bottom, Value right)
 Cell Cell.spaceBottom(float spaceBottom)
 Cell Cell.spaceBottom(Value spaceBottom)
 Cell Cell.spaceLeft(float spaceLeft)
 Cell Cell.spaceLeft(Value spaceLeft)
 Cell Cell.spaceRight(float spaceRight)
 Cell Cell.spaceRight(Value spaceRight)
 Cell Cell.spaceTop(float spaceTop)
 Cell Cell.spaceTop(Value spaceTop)
          Adds #TOP and clears #BOTTOM for the alignment of the widget within the cell.
 Cell Cell.uniform()
          Sets uniformX and uniformY to true.
 Cell Cell.uniform(Boolean x, Boolean y)
 Cell Cell.uniformX()
          Sets uniformX to true.
 Cell Cell.uniformY()
          Sets uniformY to true.
 Cell Cell.width(float width)
          Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, and maxWidth to the specified value.
 Cell Cell.width(Value width)
          Sets the minWidth, prefWidth, and maxWidth to the specified value.

Methods in com.esotericsoftware.tablelayout that return types with arguments of type Cell
 List<Cell> BaseTableLayout.getCells()
          Returns the cells for this table.

Methods in com.esotericsoftware.tablelayout with parameters of type Cell
abstract  void Toolkit.freeCell(Cell cell)
abstract  float Value.get(Cell cell)
          Returns the value in the context of the specified cell.
 float Value.TableValue.get(Cell cell)
 float Value.FixedValue.get(Cell cell)
 float Value.height(Cell cell)
          Returns the value in the context of a height for the specified cell.
 void Toolkit.setWidget(L layout, Cell cell, C widget)
 float Value.width(Cell cell)
          Returns the value in the context of a width for the specified cell.

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