Class Stage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    InputProcessor, Disposable

    public class Stage
    extends InputAdapter
    implements Disposable
    A 2D scene graph containing hierarchies of actors. Stage handles the viewport and distributes input events.

    setViewport(Viewport) controls the coordinates used within the stage and sets up the camera used to convert between stage coordinates and screen coordinates.

    A stage must receive input events so it can distribute them to actors. This is typically done by passing the stage to Gdx.input.setInputProcessor. An InputMultiplexer may be used to handle input events before or after the stage does. If an actor handles an event by returning true from the input method, then the stage's input method will also return true, causing subsequent InputProcessors to not receive the event.

    The Stage and its constituents (like Actors and Listeners) are not thread-safe and should only be updated and queried from a single thread (presumably the main render thread). Methods should be reentrant, so you can update Actors and Stages from within callbacks and handlers.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Stage

        public Stage​(Viewport viewport)
        Creates a stage with the specified viewport. The stage will use its own Batch which will be disposed when the stage is disposed.
      • Stage

        public Stage​(Viewport viewport,
                     Batch batch)
        Creates a stage with the specified viewport and batch. This can be used to specify an existing batch or to customize which batch implementation is used.
        batch - Will not be disposed if dispose() is called, handle disposal yourself.
    • Method Detail

      • draw

        public void draw()
      • act

        public void act​(float delta)
        Calls the Actor.act(float) method on each actor in the stage. Typically called each frame. This method also fires enter and exit events.
        delta - Time in seconds since the last frame.
      • touchDown

        public boolean touchDown​(int screenX,
                                 int screenY,
                                 int pointer,
                                 int button)
        Applies a touch down event to the stage and returns true if an actor in the scene handled the event.
        Specified by:
        touchDown in interface InputProcessor
        touchDown in class InputAdapter
        screenX - The x coordinate, origin is in the upper left corner
        screenY - The y coordinate, origin is in the upper left corner
        pointer - the pointer for the event.
        button - the button
        whether the input was processed
      • touchDragged

        public boolean touchDragged​(int screenX,
                                    int screenY,
                                    int pointer)
        Applies a touch moved event to the stage and returns true if an actor in the scene handled the event. Only listeners that returned true for touchDown will receive this event.
        Specified by:
        touchDragged in interface InputProcessor
        touchDragged in class InputAdapter
        pointer - the pointer for the event.
        whether the input was processed
      • touchUp

        public boolean touchUp​(int screenX,
                               int screenY,
                               int pointer,
                               int button)
        Applies a touch up event to the stage and returns true if an actor in the scene handled the event. Only listeners that returned true for touchDown will receive this event.
        Specified by:
        touchUp in interface InputProcessor
        touchUp in class InputAdapter
        pointer - the pointer for the event.
        button - the button
        whether the input was processed
      • touchCancelled

        public boolean touchCancelled​(int screenX,
                                      int screenY,
                                      int pointer,
                                      int button)
        Description copied from interface: InputProcessor
        Called when the touch gesture is cancelled. Reason may be from OS interruption to touch becoming a large surface such as the user cheek). Relevant on Android and iOS only. The button parameter will be Input.Buttons.LEFT on iOS.
        Specified by:
        touchCancelled in interface InputProcessor
        touchCancelled in class InputAdapter
        pointer - the pointer for the event.
        button - the button
        whether the input was processed
      • mouseMoved

        public boolean mouseMoved​(int screenX,
                                  int screenY)
        Applies a mouse moved event to the stage and returns true if an actor in the scene handled the event. This event only occurs on the desktop.
        Specified by:
        mouseMoved in interface InputProcessor
        mouseMoved in class InputAdapter
        whether the input was processed
      • scrolled

        public boolean scrolled​(float amountX,
                                float amountY)
        Applies a mouse scroll event to the stage and returns true if an actor in the scene handled the event. This event only occurs on the desktop.
        Specified by:
        scrolled in interface InputProcessor
        scrolled in class InputAdapter
        amountX - the horizontal scroll amount, negative or positive depending on the direction the wheel was scrolled.
        amountY - the vertical scroll amount, negative or positive depending on the direction the wheel was scrolled.
        whether the input was processed.
      • keyDown

        public boolean keyDown​(int keyCode)
        Applies a key down event to the actor that has keyboard focus, if any, and returns true if the event was handled.
        Specified by:
        keyDown in interface InputProcessor
        keyDown in class InputAdapter
        keyCode - one of the constants in Input.Keys
        whether the input was processed
      • keyUp

        public boolean keyUp​(int keyCode)
        Applies a key up event to the actor that has keyboard focus, if any, and returns true if the event was handled.
        Specified by:
        keyUp in interface InputProcessor
        keyUp in class InputAdapter
        keyCode - one of the constants in Input.Keys
        whether the input was processed
      • keyTyped

        public boolean keyTyped​(char character)
        Applies a key typed event to the actor that has keyboard focus, if any, and returns true if the event was handled.
        Specified by:
        keyTyped in interface InputProcessor
        keyTyped in class InputAdapter
        character - The character
        whether the input was processed
      • addTouchFocus

        public void addTouchFocus​(EventListener listener,
                                  Actor listenerActor,
                                  Actor target,
                                  int pointer,
                                  int button)
        Adds the listener to be notified for all touchDragged and touchUp events for the specified pointer and button. Touch focus is added automatically when true is returned from touchDown. The specified actors will be used as the listener actor and target for the touchDragged and touchUp events.
      • removeTouchFocus

        public void removeTouchFocus​(EventListener listener,
                                     Actor listenerActor,
                                     Actor target,
                                     int pointer,
                                     int button)
        Removes touch focus for the specified listener, pointer, and button. Note the listener will not receive a touchUp event when this method is used.
      • cancelTouchFocus

        public void cancelTouchFocus​(Actor listenerActor)
        Cancels touch focus for all listeners with the specified listener actor.
        See Also:
      • cancelTouchFocus

        public void cancelTouchFocus()
        Removes all touch focus listeners, sending a touchUp event to each listener. Listeners typically expect to receive a touchUp event when they have touch focus. The location of the touchUp is Integer.MIN_VALUE. Listeners can use InputEvent.isTouchFocusCancel() to ignore this event if needed.
      • actorRemoved

        protected void actorRemoved​(Actor actor)
        Called just before an actor is removed from a group.

        The default implementation fires an InputEvent.Type.exit event if a pointer had entered the actor.

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Removes the root's children, actions, and listeners.
      • unfocusAll

        public void unfocusAll()
        Removes the touch, keyboard, and scroll focused actors.
      • unfocus

        public void unfocus​(Actor actor)
        Removes the touch, keyboard, and scroll focus for the specified actor and any descendants.
      • setKeyboardFocus

        public boolean setKeyboardFocus​(@Null
                                        Actor actor)
        Sets the actor that will receive key events.
        actor - May be null.
        true if the unfocus and focus events were not cancelled by a FocusListener.
      • getKeyboardFocus

        public Actor getKeyboardFocus()
        Gets the actor that will receive key events.
        May be null.
      • setScrollFocus

        public boolean setScrollFocus​(@Null
                                      Actor actor)
        Sets the actor that will receive scroll events.
        actor - May be null.
        true if the unfocus and focus events were not cancelled by a FocusListener.
      • getScrollFocus

        public Actor getScrollFocus()
        Gets the actor that will receive scroll events.
        May be null.
      • getBatch

        public Batch getBatch()
      • getViewport

        public Viewport getViewport()
      • setViewport

        public void setViewport​(Viewport viewport)
      • getWidth

        public float getWidth()
        The viewport's world width.
      • getHeight

        public float getHeight()
        The viewport's world height.
      • getCamera

        public Camera getCamera()
        The viewport's camera.
      • getRoot

        public Group getRoot()
        Returns the root group which holds all actors in the stage.
      • setRoot

        public void setRoot​(Group root)
        Replaces the root group. This can be useful, for example, to subclass the root group to be notified by Group.childrenChanged().
      • hit

        public Actor hit​(float stageX,
                         float stageY,
                         boolean touchable)
        Returns the Actor at the specified location in stage coordinates. Hit testing is performed in the order the actors were inserted into the stage, last inserted actors being tested first. To get stage coordinates from screen coordinates, use screenToStageCoordinates(Vector2).
        touchable - If true, the hit detection will respect the touchability.
        May be null if no actor was hit.
      • screenToStageCoordinates

        public Vector2 screenToStageCoordinates​(Vector2 screenCoords)
        Transforms the screen coordinates to stage coordinates.
        screenCoords - Input screen coordinates and output for resulting stage coordinates.
      • stageToScreenCoordinates

        public Vector2 stageToScreenCoordinates​(Vector2 stageCoords)
        Transforms the stage coordinates to screen coordinates.
        stageCoords - Input stage coordinates and output for resulting screen coordinates.
      • setActionsRequestRendering

        public void setActionsRequestRendering​(boolean actionsRequestRendering)
        If true, any actions executed during a call to act()) will result in a call to Graphics.requestRendering(). Widgets that animate or otherwise require additional rendering may check this setting before calling Graphics.requestRendering(). Default is true.
      • getActionsRequestRendering

        public boolean getActionsRequestRendering()
      • getDebugColor

        public Color getDebugColor()
        The default color that can be used by actors to draw debug lines.
      • setDebugInvisible

        public void setDebugInvisible​(boolean debugInvisible)
        If true, debug lines are shown for actors even when Actor.isVisible() is false.
      • setDebugAll

        public void setDebugAll​(boolean debugAll)
        If true, debug lines are shown for all actors.
      • isDebugAll

        public boolean isDebugAll()
      • setDebugUnderMouse

        public void setDebugUnderMouse​(boolean debugUnderMouse)
        If true, debug is enabled only for the actor under the mouse. Can be combined with setDebugAll(boolean).
      • setDebugParentUnderMouse

        public void setDebugParentUnderMouse​(boolean debugParentUnderMouse)
        If true, debug is enabled only for the parent of the actor under the mouse. Can be combined with setDebugAll(boolean).
      • setDebugTableUnderMouse

        public void setDebugTableUnderMouse​(boolean debugTableUnderMouse)
        If true, debug is enabled only for the first ascendant of the actor under the mouse that is a table. Can be combined with setDebugAll(boolean).
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Description copied from interface: Disposable
        Releases all resources of this object.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface Disposable
      • isInsideViewport

        protected boolean isInsideViewport​(int screenX,
                                           int screenY)
        Check if screen coordinates are inside the viewport's screen area.