All Classes and Interfaces

Rosette API relationship accuracy mode
Class that represents an address
Request object for address-similarity.
Response data model for comparison of two addresses.
A request to a document-processing endpoint that supplies the input as partially-annotated input in a AnnotatedText object.
An AnnotatedText response from a document-processing endpoint.
Define a batch job.
One item in a batch request.
Categorization options
Simple api response data model for categorization
Exception from the Rosette API inherit from this exception.
Concepts found in a document.
Response to configuration request
Data from informational request such as version, build, and support info
Syntactic dependency
A type of disambiguator.
This class represents the common information for all document processing requests to the Rosette API.
EntityMention extraction options
Simple api response data model for extracted entities
Extracted entity
Rosette API response error data
Events options
Simple api response data model for events
Rosette API information
Keyphrases found in a document.
Sentiment Analysis and Categorization return labels.
Language detection result
Languages detection options
Language region detection result
Simple api response data model for Rli
language weight used to resolve ambiguous results
The start and end offset/index for a given mention in a string of text
A model type for morphological analysis.
Morphology options
Simple API response data model returned by MorphologyRequest
Class that represents a name.
Request object for name-deduplication.
Response data model for the deduplication of a list of names
Request object for name-similarity.
Response data model for comparison of two names.
Request for name translation.
name translation result
Response ping data
Relationship extracted by the relationship extractor
Relationship extraction options
Simple api response data model for relationship extraction
Common base class of all requests.
Base class for all responses.
Semantic Vectors options
Simple api response data model for semantic vectors
Simple api response data model for sentence determination requests
Sentences with all extracted syntactical dependencies in it
A model type for sentiment analysis.
Sentiment options.
Information returned from the sentiment endpoint.
Similar terms options
simple api response format for similar terms
Supported language/script
Supported language/script/scheme pairs
Supported language/script/scheme pairs for name-translation and name-similarity endpoints
Supported languages/scripts for a given endpoint
All syntactical dependencies extracted from the document
Text embedding options
Simple api response data model for text embedding
Simple api response data model for tokenization requests
Options for topics requests
Simple api response data model for entity extraction
Options for transliteration requests
Simple API response data model for transliteration.